The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 400 Chapter 401, I was taught a lesson by the transportation of the imperial capital

Chapter 400 Chapter 401, I was taught a lesson by the transportation of the imperial capital (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

After receiving Su Ye's call reply, Wang Yifei immediately started contacting Dongshanju Game Studio.

"Mr. Jiang, what we, Mr. Su, mean is to try not to change your original work habits and plans."

"When the business you are currently working on is finished, we will discuss how to start the new business."

"In principle, you Dongshanju will still exist in Qingyun Technology Company as a relatively independent individual."

The moment Jiang Hua was shocked by Wang Yifei's words.

Although Hu Yu had already mentioned his intuition before, it was still incredible for him to get such a reply.

"Mr. Wang, is what you said true? After the acquisition, our Dongshanju can still maintain relative independence."

"Of course, Qingyun Technology has always done things like this, and you will know when you join the company."

"Okay, then I agree to the acquisition, let's find a time tomorrow to meet and discuss some specific details."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

After contacting Jiang Hua, Wang Yifei also started to make some preparations.

For example, Dongshanju's quotation, whether he needs to lower the price, and there are also subordination issues.

Should Dongshanju be directly counted under Qingyun Technology's Imperial Capital branch, or should it be directly managed by the headquarters.

There are also issues such as the personnel of Dongshan Residence, which need to be taken into consideration.

However, when he negotiates with Jiang Hua tomorrow, he doesn't need to talk about every issue in detail.

Just set a general direction.

When Li Qianqian arrived at the imperial capital in the evening, Wang Yifei drove Wang Yihan and Yao Xiaoyun to pick him up at the airport.

Li Qianqian asked about the current situation as soon as she got in the car.

Wang Yihan talked about the progress of the past two days.

After Amoebaba closed down before, Ma Qingyun was decadent for a while, and now he is looking for a job.

Yesterday Wang Yihan personally called Ma Qingyun and asked him to come out for a chat, but Ma Qingyun shirked that he had something to do today and arranged the meeting in three days.

However, Ma Qingyun is also wondering at this meeting, how could someone from Qingyun Technology come to this good-looking man, even if Yao Xiaoyun introduced him, but he is a failed entrepreneur after all.

No company is willing to hire such a person.

Because people who start their own businesses will basically have some entrepreneurial plots, and they will think that starting a business is a job that can realize life value and ideals better than work.

Such people have great ambitions, and basically go to work in any company with a purpose.

Either to examine the business model, or to learn management methods, or to expand personal connections.

Why does Qingyun Technology still have such an idea when it knows that he has already started a business.

He had also heard about Su Ye from Qingyun Technology before.

Because he also uses QQ to communicate with merchants and customers in Amibaba, which feels extremely convenient.

However, Qingyun Technology already has its own online mall, so why recruit itself.

And looking at it like that, it's not just about recruiting yourself.

However, Ma Qingyun really didn't have much interest in chatting with people during this time, so he simply pushed the meeting date to three days later.

If Qingyun Technology is willing to wait, then he will meet with the other party.

"So, Mr. Ma, he has nothing to do now, but he still wants to hang out with us for three days?"

"This should be."

It was also the first time for Wang Yihan to participate in this kind of morning negotiation, and he thought he was inexperienced, and Yao Xiaoyun next to him couldn't say anything.

Ma Qingyun is his former boss, and Qingyun Technology is where she works now.

She was already a little embarrassed to introduce Ma Qingyun. After all, in Yao Xiaoyun's heart, although Ma Qingyun seemed to be able to get along with everyone, in his heart, he was a very proud person.

It would be demeaning for him to condescend to work for a company, even if he is the person in charge of the company.

"Well, Yihan, tell me about the phone number, and I'll call him."

Wang Yihan reported Ma Qingyun's phone number, and saw that Li Qianqian dialed directly on the phone.

"Mr. Li, you are not going to fight now, are you?"

Looking at the dark sky outside the car window, it is already almost 7 o'clock, so it is not convenient to call others at this time.

"Yes, call now. If possible, find a place to meet this President Ma at night."

After Li Qianqian finished speaking, she directly pressed the dial button, but Wang Yihan tactfully did not speak.

This Li Qianqian was not very old, but he acted vigorously and vigorously.

"Hey, who is it?"

The phone rang several times before it was connected, and a man's lazy voice came.

"Hello, Mr. Ma, I'm Li Qianqian from Qingyun Technology. I want to meet and chat with you about the online mall. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Qingyun Technology?"

"Didn't I say that we would meet in three days? Why are you calling again now?"

Ma Qingyun's tone was not good.

In his mind, so what if you are Qingyun Technology.

I don't eat yours, I don't take yours, is it interesting to be so aggressive?

"That's Mr. Ma."

"We have recently prepared a brand new online shopping mall, which adopts the C2C model..."

As if Li Qianqian didn't hear the impatience Ma Qingyun said, he was introducing the business model of

"Is that so?"

Ma Qingyun didn't take it seriously at first, but after listening to it, he actually listened to it.

"Mr. Li, I think your model is very good, but there will be a problem in the early development, which is the trust of those small merchants."

"They bought the goods and invested money. If they don't get the money back in a short time or see no hope, then they will definitely not continue to open a store on"

"After all, although we are now entering the Internet age, those merchants in the offline stalls must still have a large number of stable customers."

"So... blah blah."

When Ma Qingyun was seriously analyzing the feasibility of this project, Li Qianqian subconsciously smiled.

Since Ma Qingyun asked this question, it means that he listened carefully to Li Qianqian's description just now, and quickly deduced the feasibility of this plan in his mind.

When doing sales and selling things, you are not afraid of customers' opinions, but you are afraid that customers will not speak up.

The same is true for wanting to recruit Ma Qingyun, not afraid that he has no objection, but afraid that he will act like a dull gourd without saying a word.

As long as you speak, there is a breakthrough.

"Mr. Ma, we have considered the issue you mentioned, and now we have a more feasible plan. I don't know if your time is convenient tonight. Let's find a place to meet and discuss the planning plan of in detail."

"Okay, no problem, you make an appointment, and I'll take the subway there."


Ma Qingyun also realized that he promised too readily, he hesitated for a moment before asking: "President Li, I haven't decided to join Qingyun Technology yet, you just told me such a confidential matter, don't be afraid that I will take you away Do you want to start your own company with this idea?"

"Of course, the idea is what our President Su came up with. No plan is perfect. Our President Su once said that the same plan will have different effects when given to different executors."

"We rely on Mr. Ma's ability, so we know everything we can say, but if Mr. Ma is a dishonest person, or threatens Qingyun Technology in the future, we will also take up legal weapons and let Mr. Ma Regret doing such a thing.”

"Ha ha."

Ma Qingyun smiled dryly, but he knew the whole story of the two cases initiated by Qingyun Technology this month.

At the beginning of the game, he was directly against Wangnan Technology. Although in the end, Wangnan used Tai Chi techniques to turn major events into trivial matters, but we can also see the attitude of Qingyun Technology.

Now he doesn't know that this matter is not over at Su Ye's side, and the counterattack is already on the way, and he will never be late.

Things of the month, the end of the month.

Su Ye has a good temper, it's for his employees and partners, not including Internet troubles.

Another thing is that Qingyun Technology actually helped a reporter directly sue Longhan TV Station.

Ma Qingyun thinks that he is good enough to the employees, the kind that takes his heart out.

But I didn't expect that Qingyun Technology would be so caring for an employee who hadn't joined the company yet.

Longhan TV Station, when the Internet is still unable to control the overall situation, then Longhan TV Station is the unit of Tianzihao. Although you are a private enterprise, although you are a bit famous, you dare to sue Tianzihao. The bear heart and the leopard are daring.

But Ma Qingyun never expected it, and he didn't know what method Qingyun Technology used. The final result surprised the whole country.


The employee sued the unit, and it was the Tianzihao unit that sued, but the employee won.

So when Li Qianqian said that Qingyun Technology would take up legal weapons to protect itself, Ma Qingyun naturally believed it.

"Mr. Ma, let me reserve a place first, and I will send you a text message to confirm the address later."


"I'll see you then."

After Li Qianqian hung up the phone, she asked Yao Xiaoyun to choose a place.

"Mr. Yao, you are familiar with the imperial capital. Book a good restaurant directly. The standard is 2000 yuan. Confirm the address as soon as possible and send it to Mr. Ma."


Yao Xiaoyun began to think about where would be more suitable, but although she had been in the Imperial Capital for half a year, she was either working or staying at Huijinmen's house, and rarely went out to eat, drink and have fun, so she might not be as familiar with Li Qianqian after staying in the Imperial Capital for half a year. .

"President Li, let me do this."

As a reporter from the former Longhan TV station, Wang Yihan naturally knew something about these arrivals and departures.

Li Qianqian turned her head and saw Yao Xiaoyun's embarrassed face, and nodded.

Wang Yihan quickly checked the number in his address book.

"Hey, Beishan Hotel, I want to book a private room now, is there still room?"


Ma Qingyun carefully selected several sets at home and was not satisfied with them. The suits were too formal, the sportswear was too casual, and the casual wear was not enough attention...

After choosing and choosing, he finally put on a shirt and a jacket and went out.

The hotel Wang Yihan booked was not far from the place where Ma Qingyun was renting. It took him only two stops to go there by subway. When he came to Beishan Hotel, a waiter came up to ask if it was Mr. Qianqian bid farewell to the box she had booked and left.

After pushing the door and entering, Ma Qingyun saw...

Ma Qingyun saw nothing, except for a big round table, chairs and sofa hangers, there was no one in the room.

"anyone there?"

"I'm going, why are there so many people in the imperial capital?"

In the car, Li Qianqian couldn't help frowning as she looked at the invisible car in front of her.

We made an appointment to meet at Beishan Hotel at 8:7 p.m., but it was already 45:20 p.m., and they were stuck in traffic for [-] minutes.

And looking at this driving, don't even think about arriving at the location before 8 o'clock.

Li Qianqian was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

"Yao Xiaoyun, forget it, I'll do it."

Li Qianqian told Ma Qingyun that she was stuck on the road and could only arrive later, please be considerate of Ma.

Ma Qingyun chuckled and said no problem.

Now he suddenly felt that his move to sell the car in advance was correct, otherwise, according to his previous personality, he would definitely have to drive from home to dinner.

"Mr. Li, don't worry. You haven't been to the imperial capital much before, and you don't know the road conditions here. I just want to have some tea by myself first."

After hanging up the phone, Ma Qingyun couldn't help laughing.

Who would have thought that Li Qianqian, who had just spoken neatly on the first phone call, was thrown into a temper by the traffic conditions in the imperial capital.

Through the glass window of Beishan Hotel, Ma Qingyun felt that life was wonderful with a cup of tea.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Ma."

At 8:[-] in the evening, Li Qianqian and other talents came to Beishan Hotel. In the private room, Ma Qingyun had already drunk two pots of tea.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's understandable that Mr. Li has never experienced the rush hour of commuting in the imperial capital before regarding the traffic problem."

"President Ma, please take a seat first, the waiter will take the dishes."

Wang Yihan ordered to sit under Li Qianqian's hands.

"President Ma, let me introduce our colleagues to you first."

"This is Wang Yihan. She is my deputy now. She used to be a reporter and host of Longhan TV Station."

"This is Yao Xiaoyun, you are familiar with it, so I will not speak."

"This is Wang Yifei, the person in charge of the company's game department. This time, he came to the emperor for the Qingyun Technology branch."

After introducing Ma Qingyun, Li Qianqian asked.

"Mr. Ma, I don't know what you think of the e-commerce industry."

"Well, although I did it relatively early, I have been groping for myself, and I haven't studied any theory systematically."

"In front of you, Mr. Li, who personally created the myth of 22 billion sales in a single day, what I said is a bit out of line."

Ma Qingyun said modestly.

He has always believed that his grasp and sensitivity to the e-commerce industry is not only the first in China, but at least the top three.

But after Qingyun Mall went online, he never said that again.

He felt that if he really had the level of the top three in the country, then the previous Amoebaba would not go bankrupt.

"President Ma, you're welcome. Since we're sitting together today, it means that both of us are sincere in cooperation. If that's the case, then let's stop talking about getting rid of each other. Let's talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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