The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 401 Chapter 402, Ma Qingyun joins the occupation

Chapter 401 Chapter 402, Ma Qingyun joins the occupation (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
Ma Qingyun smiled and did not answer.

I still don't understand the Chinese words, it's not appropriate.

"Well, let me give Mr. Ma a brief introduction to our project."

" is a brand new and independent e-commerce project of Qingyun Technology after its launch in Qingyun Mall. It does not rely on any resources of the existing Qingyun Mall. It builds its own platform, formulates rules, recruits merchants, and achieves sales tasks..."

Li Qianqian kept talking.

To Ma Qingyun, this newly launched is a brand new and independent project, but why Qingyun Technology continues to build such a platform after having Qingyun Mall, he can't understand.

"Now, there are only me and Wang Yihan on the project. Mr. Yao said at the company meeting a few days ago that the company she worked for was with Mr. Ma, and we also learned that Mr. Ma had recruited There are many elite talents in the e-commerce field.”

"So the purpose of meeting Mr. Ma this time is also very simple. I want to invite Mr. Ma and your previous team to join us at Qingyun Technology, and we will work together to create a better tomorrow for"

After Li Qianqian finished speaking, she looked at Ma Qingyun's expression on the opposite side.

For this invitation, Ma Qingyun had already expected it.

As far as he knows, Yao Xiaoyun flew from the imperial capital to Jiangcheng on Monday, and he joined the job that day, and started to work the next day. Wang Yihan and Yao Xiaoyun returned to the imperial capital that afternoon. Today is Wednesday, and Li Qianqian from Qingyun Technology came Sit at the table with yourself and eat and chat.

Not to mention other things, for such a large company as Qingyun Technology, Ma Qingyun admires it from the bottom of his heart for its high efficiency.

Having worked in a business, he certainly knows that when the company is not large, the founder and the employees should get along with each other, and the relationship with each other should be the same as that of relatives and friends.

And when the scale of the enterprise grows, the founder cannot have so many relatives and friends, so if he wants to manage more employees, he needs a sound management system.

The more you understand this, the more you know how efficient Qingyun Technology can make this decision within three days.

In fact, he didn't know that on Tuesday, there was a meeting in the morning, it was agreed at noon, and Wang Yihan rushed over in the afternoon.

Although Qingyun Technology has its own management rules and treats employees very humanely, not every department can decide its future work direction so happily.

The reason why Wang Yihan can do it is because the project of is a brand new project, and Li Qianqian is Su Ye’s girlfriend. There are reasonable reasons and personal reasons, so that now looks very free.

"Mr. Li, you really deserve to be a young genius. As far as I know, you haven't graduated from college yet, right?"

"Compared to yours, I feel like I've lived like a dog at my age. It was so hard to start a company, but it ended up being in my own hands."

Ma Qingyun did not reply to Li Qianqian's question immediately, but praised her first.

However, Li Qianqian has long been accustomed to this kind of praise.

Besides, what Ma Qingyun said now is just out of feeling.

Li Qianqian just smiled and said nothing more.

"For e-commerce, I also have my own views, but there is something wrong with my character."

"Although I usually get along well with my colleagues, sometimes I insist on myself very much. You can ask Yao Xiaoyun about this."

"I have a great affection for Qingyun Technology in my heart, and I can also feel your sincerity since you came all the way from Jiangcheng, Mr. Li."

"In principle, I am willing to cooperate with Qingyun Technology."

"It's just that I have a personality problem. I don't know if it's okay on your side or Mr. Su's side, it's okay..."

Ma Qingyun did it several times, but he didn't say anything.

Li Qianqian understood what he meant.

Ma Qingyun means that he is a very assertive person, and he likes to use his own way to deal with problems when encountering problems.

Oppose others to point fingers, even if you point fingers, it will have no effect on him, and he will still stick to his own opinion.

This kind of person insists on self at best, but at worst is a bit stubborn.

However, with so many employees in Qingyun Technology, none of them has any shortcomings.

Wang Yifei, for example, is always not upright, procrastinating in doing things, and a little lazy. He is obviously a capable person, but he is unwilling to use his ability.

And Luo Sen, when he first joined the company, he still contradicted Su Ye in front of everyone, isn't he doing well now?

There is also Chen Nanfeng, who usually does not say a word, and does not let everyone know what he is doing every day, but he is very busy every day.

There is also Sun Xiaolei, a person who was released from prison and other companies refused to accept him. He actually became the person in charge of the QQ payment department in Qingyun Technology, and now his business is also doing well.

Therefore, Qingyun Technology, or Su Ye is a very inclusive person.

As long as you don't make any principled mistakes, and you don't endanger the company, your colleagues, or the empire, then Su Ye will continue to magnify your strengths and allow you to use your talents in suitable fields.

For a person like Ma Qingyun who has his own opinions and ideas, if he can join Qingyun Technology, Su Ye will be happy and it's too late, how could he refuse.

If you have something to do every day, you can handle it by yourself, and if you don't have anything to do, you won't bother Su Ye.

This talent is simply tailor-made for

"Mr. Ma, don't worry about this. People are not sages, who can have no shortcomings. This Mr. Wang present here, you can see that he is doing well now, but in fact..."


Wang Yifei was eating with his head down, when he suddenly heard Li Qianqian say that he subconsciously turned his head to look.

There is still half a piece of sauced beef in his mouth.

"You eat yours, leave us alone."

Before Li Qianqian could speak, Wang Yihan pressed Wang Yifei's head down and continued eating.

Li Qianqian smiled and continued: "This Mr. Wang has always been unwilling to be the head of the department, but Mr. Su has always believed in him and promoted him. Now the QQ game department is like a fish in water under Mr. Wang, whether it is the game hall or The hot-blooded legend capital is flourishing, and now Mr. Wang is not only in charge of the daily work of the QQ game department, he is also responsible for the establishment of a branch in the imperial capital, and there is also a film and television company project in his hand to follow up."

Wang Yifei swallowed the beef in his mouth with difficulty. The beef in this shop is relatively dry, and he would feel a little choked when eating it. After drinking a glass of water, he nodded at Ma Qingyun.

"Mr. Ma, I didn't expect that I had so many projects in my hands. Mr. Su insisted on giving them to me. However, I figured out the matter of the film and television company by myself, so I can only take the blame."

"Mr. Ma should also know about the establishment of the Imperial Capital Branch, so I won't go into details."

Ma Qingyun nodded to Wang Yifei.

Only then did I know why Wang Yifei ate alone after he came in. It turned out that he was the person in charge of another department.

Ma Qingyun also put some cold dishes into his mouth. He ate a meal this morning, and he didn't eat any water or rice. The food here in Beishan Restaurant tastes pretty good. After taking a bite, Ma Qingyun almost couldn't stop.

Fortunately, he also knew what he was doing here today.

"Mr. Li, I think I understand what you mean. Qingyun Technology's policy on talents is inclusive, right?"

"Well, Mr. Ma, you also know that I am still a senior and I am about to prepare for my thesis graduation, and Mr. Wang Yihan is also the person in charge of the company's culture company. Neither of us will stay at for a long time. If possible , you will be the person in charge of from now on."

Li Qianqian had discussed this issue with Su Ye before coming here.

If Ma Qingyun can join the job, then she will start preparing her graduation thesis after seeing the project is on the right track.

From March to June, she still wanted to leave herself a wonderful campus time.

Su Ye naturally agreed.

Don't say you recruited people, even if you didn't, it doesn't matter if you want to take three months off.

Hearing this, Ma Qingyun also showed a little emotion.

He used to be the boss of a company. If he was allowed to become a supervisor or director after entering Qingyun Technology, although he could do it, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

However, Li Qianqian has already said this, which means that Qingyun Technology attaches great importance to Ma Qingyun.

Ma Qingyun has the idea and willingness to make a career.

But because a sum of investment can't be in place, he sells houses and cars in the imperial capital, and now he can't even make a living.

This is not to say that Ma Qingyun can't earn money. If he wants to, he can go out and do whatever job he likes, with a monthly salary of at least [-] yuan. This is his confidence.

However, with the restlessness in his heart and the slightest hope, Ma Qingyun spent the rest of his time at home analyzing the reasons for his failure in running the company day and night, except for looking for a job for two days at the beginning.

However, he did not expect that Qingyun Technology found him through Yao Xiaoyun.

Ma Qingyun, who had experienced a failure in starting a business, actually didn't say anything, but in his heart he already had some fears about starting a business.

It's as if you accidentally stepped on a lump when you walked to a certain park.

When you walk to this familiar scene in the future, you will subconsciously check the surrounding ground to avoid stepping on it again.

This is a self-protection mechanism deep in people's hearts, that is, once bitten by a snake for ten years, they are afraid of well ropes.

For so many days at home, Ma Qingyun didn't want to find a job, but analyzed every day what he did well or not at every node of Amibaba's development, what he did well, and how to make him better. Well, how to make him better if he didn't do well.

Ma Qingyun always believes that his amoeba has potential for development. If that investment can be credited to the account in time, maybe his future will not be weaker than the current Qingyun Technology.

But when he thought of starting a business, Ma Qingyun was a little worried.

What if it fails again this time.

All of his wealth has already been invested in the Amoeba project, and if he starts a new project, he will have no wealth to support it.

At this moment, Wang Yihan contacted him.

At this moment, Li Qianqian contacted him.

Ma Qingyun realized in his heart that if he wants to realize his entrepreneurial dream, isn't now a ready-made opportunity?
Li Qianqian is about to prepare for graduation, and Wang Yihan is also in charge of other projects. These two immediate bosses will leave, so he is not the only one in

At that time, this company will be no different from his own business except that he will not have his equity.

This is a valuable experience of starting a company from scratch, and the key is that Qingyun Technology is responsible for the support.

Even if he messes up like Amoebaba did last time, it's nothing more than resignation or transfer.

Low risk, high reward, why didn't Ma Qingyun do such a thing.

"Okay, I promise."

Ma Qingyun spoke directly.

A smile appeared on Li Qianqian's face.

Yao Xiaoyun was also very happy.

Finally able to work with Mr. Ma again.

"President Ma is welcome to join. You will appear in the company as the person in charge of an independent department in the future. Therefore, after arriving in Jiangcheng, there is another arrangement to chat with Su Ye."

"Okay, no problem, understandable."

Of course, it is understandable that no matter how high Li Qianqian is in Qingyun Technology, she is still Su Ye's subordinate.

If Ma Qingyun agrees to enter Qingyun Technology, she will be rated with her.

How could Li Qianqian have the authority to recruit someone who was rated with him, and in the end Su Ye had to make the decision.

Ma Qingyun didn't know the relationship between Su Ye and Li Qianqian, otherwise, would the boss not listen to what the boss lady said?

"Okay, Mr. Ma, since we've settled the deal, let's have something to eat first. I came here to meet you just after getting off the plane."

Startled, Ma Qingyun held up a wine glass full of fruit juice and saluted Li Qianqian, "Mr. Li, welcome to the imperial capital."

Li Qianqian smiled slightly and had a drink with Ma Qingyun.

After drinking for three rounds (without drinking), Li Qianqian wiped her mouth with a tissue, and asked seemingly casually, "Mr. Ma, do you have any thoughts on the project?"

Ma Qingyun's heart trembled, he knew that this was the real drama.

He put down his chopsticks directly and spoke slowly.

" is a C2C platform-based e-commerce company, mainly to play the role and characteristics of the platform."

"In the initial stage of operation, or within a few years, the platform should not participate in commercial activities in person, but should act as a supervisor and regulator to formulate rules for merchants on the platform."

"But the ultimate goal is to please our customers."

", as the name suggests, focuses on the word Tao. To let customers feel the fun of Tao, and not give up shopping here because they buy too bad products, there is a degree that needs to be grasped carefully, and constantly optimization."

"When I was working as an amoebaba, I met a lot of merchants and wholesalers. The nature of merchants is to seek profit, and they will take the initiative to earn every penny of profit when possible."

"If our platform has no way to supervise merchants, then there will be fewer and fewer users on the platform in the future, and merchants will slowly leave when they find that there are no customers."

Listening to Ma Qingyun's words, Li Qianqian's heart was filled with huge waves.

As far as the few words he said at the beginning, they were similar to what Su Ye said to her in Jiangcheng.

For platform-based e-commerce companies, the most taboo thing is to operate in person.

Being both a referee and a player, no one wants to play with you.

(End of this chapter)

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