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Chapter 405 Chapter 406, Li Qianqian revealed her stuff

Chapter 405 Chapter 406, Li Qianqian revealed her stuff (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)

On the way in from the gate, Yao Xiaoyun had been happily chatting with everyone in the team.

It's only been a while since she officially started working.

In the previous internship experience in the beautiful country, because she was surrounded by foreigners, it was difficult for her to have any sense of belonging there.

Amoeba is different.

This is an entrepreneurial company, and the founder Ma Qingyun is also an entrepreneur with a strong personal charm.

Working in Amoeba is very hard, but also very happy.

Yao Xiaoyun and every former colleague happily greeted each other and asked about each other's current situation.

It's only been a week or less than ten days since we separated, but it seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time.

Seeing Yao Xiaoyun's appearance, Wang Yihan knew that Su Ye's decision was correct.

With Yao Xiaoyun's current personality, he is not suitable to be the leader of a company or a department.

In contrast, there would be no problem making her a member of Su Ye's personal team.

As a reporter and host in the "Business Watch" column, Wang Yihan has interviewed too many business leaders.

Those big bosses certainly have various advantages, but there are also many people around them serving them.

From the most basic standard secretary, driver, to strategic planning, group business analysis, financial analysis, industry analysis, elites from various industries will form a team around the boss.

This team is the brain of the entire company.

But with Su Ye for so long, apart from knowing that he has a very strong bodyguard, Hu Yidao, Yao Xiaoyun should be his second team member.

Even, Qingyun Technology has developed to such a large scale that Su Ye doesn't even have a secretary by his side.

What surprised Wang Yihan even more was that even though Su Ye managed the company so loosely, the various business departments of Qingyun Technology could still cooperate from time to time without Su Ye needing to worry too much. As long as Su Ye encountered some major problems, Su Ye It will be resolved through a meeting.

Of course, Wang Yihan didn't know because he didn't join Qingyun Technology for a long time.

Since the establishment of Qingyun Technology, Su Ye has only been responsible for guiding some general directions, and has never been in charge of any specific affairs.

Even if they do, it's all about Su Ye's interest.

For such a large company to be safe and sound under Su Ye's operation and even make great strides in the Internet market, it might be a miracle in the Internet industry.

The last time Wang Yihan wanted to interview Su Ye when he was recording a show, but Su Ye refused.

Thinking of this now, Wang Yihan's instinct broke out, and he wished he could immediately prepare an interview draft and give Su Ye an exclusive interview when he returned to Jiangcheng.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Cai, and Mr. Li are already waiting for everyone."

Seeing Wang Yihan's mind wandering, Yao Xiaoyun took the initiative to undertake the task of introduction in front of these former colleagues.

Bringing the team in front of Li Qianqian, Yao Xiaoyun introduced to Li Qianqian one by one: "Mr. Li, this is the former vice president of Amoeba, Cai Xin, who is mainly responsible for financial work. This is Sun Yue. This This is Peng Ling..."

Li Qianqian keenly discovered that among the group brought by Ma Qingyun, there were quite a few women.

It seems that Ma Qingyun, like Su Ye, does not have any prejudice against women at work, but treats them as equals to men.

From this point of view, Li Qianqian felt that Ma Qingyun had passed the test of character, at least not in character.

Although it was confirmed yesterday that Ma Qingyun was invited to join Qingyun Technology, as long as the other party does not join, everything is possible.

Especially if the company values ​​of the other party and Qingyun Technology are different, it is absolutely not allowed to enter Qingyun Technology as a senior manager.

Values, this kind of thing sounds illusory, but it is very important in the communication between people.

As small as getting along with friends, dating as a couple, people with different values, no matter how enthusiastic and passionate they are at the beginning, there will be countless differences after a long time.

Achievement has a huge impact on a company, a school and even a country.

If Ma Qingyun doesn't agree with Su Ye's values, if he becomes the president of, he will definitely have a different opinion from Su Ye on almost everything, and no one will be able to convince anyone.

If such a person was recruited, wouldn't it be a crime for Su Ye?

After roughly counting the people in front of him, Li Qianqian said to Ma Qingyun: "Mr. Ma, this number should be less..."

When Ma Qingyun told Li Qianqian yesterday, there were 12 people in Amibaba. Now including Yao Xiaoyun and Ma Qingyun, two people Li Qianqian knew, there were only [-] people.

Ma Qingyun smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry Mr. Li, because the time is too short, and there are some other reasons, after I contacted yesterday, only ten people are willing to go to Jiangcheng with me."

"Among the other six people, there are more or less difficulties and they are unable to follow them for the time being."

"That's right, Mr. Li, Brother Zhan and Sister Tongtong have already married in the imperial capital. It's really a little inconvenient for there to be seniors and juniors."

Yao Xiaoyun thought that Li Qianqian was dissatisfied with the fact that Ma Qingyun only brought so few people, so he quickly helped Ma Qingyun explain.

"Well, it's okay. This person has his own ambition and can't force it. I just feel a little pity. Mr. Ma brought so many colleagues to run Amibaba before, but now he has to separate."

"I heard Mr. Yao said that she was very happy working in Amibaba before, and Amibaba's team is also a very good team. If possible, I also hope that your former colleagues can have the opportunity to work together one class."

Li Qianqian said with a smile, but no one knows what she thinks in her heart.

Now that the project of is in the critical period of starting, if a mature and well-coordinated team can come in, it will greatly relieve the pressure on Li Qianqian.

After all, besides managing the company's affairs, she also had to prepare her graduation thesis.

If all of Amibaba's team can be recruited, then Li Qianqian may have the opportunity to directly hand over all the business of to them, and she can be as easy as Su Ye.

"That's how it is, Mr. Li."

Ma Qingyun thought for a while and said: "I will visit those people's homes one by one in the afternoon. After all, if you can join Qingyun Technology, it will be a good opportunity for everyone."

"it is good."

Li Qianqian agreed with a smile, walked into the conference room of the hotel side by side with Ma Qingyun, and ordered the waiter to prepare tea, drinks and some snacks.

At this moment, Wang Yihan's cell phone buzzed suddenly.

Because he was going to receive Ma Qingyun and his party today, Wang Yihan immediately put his phone on silent when he got up in the morning, but unexpectedly a call came at this time.

"Hey, Wang Yifei, what's the matter?"

"I'm done here, how about you?"

Wang Yifei's smug tone came, and Wang Yihan felt amused.

This guy is about to turn 30, and he's still as naive as a child.

I can't hide anything in my heart, but I can't help but tell myself any good things.

However, this is also what Wang Yihan likes about him.

A man doesn't need to be rich or successful, but at least he can be honest when facing his lover.

"Oh, you've already met Mr. Jiang from Dongshanju, and successfully negotiated with them?"

Wang Yihan asked in surprise.

When she said this, she couldn't help raising her volume, so that Li Qianqian and Ma Qingyun who had just walked into the conference room could hear his conversation.

"Well, how about it, you are a good man."

Wang Yifei still wanted to say a few words, but Wang Yihan praised you for being awesome. I am receiving Mr. Ma and his party now, so I will call you later, and Wang Yihan hung up the phone after speaking.

Li Qianqian, who had just taken her seat, saw Wang Yihan's appearance and asked, "Yihan, is it Wang Yifei's phone number?"


Wang Yihan agreed, but didn't want to say more.

Who knows that Li Qianqian is not forgiving, she smiled at Ma Qingyun and said: "Mr. Ma, you also met at the restaurant yesterday. Wang Yifei, the head of our Qingyun Technology Game Department, Mr. Wang, today met with the famous domestic Dongshan Ju Game Studio is discussing the acquisition, and I think the reason for calling here is to share the results."

"Yihan, what does Mr. Wang say?"

Li Qianqian asked with a smile, Wang Yihan hesitated for a moment and understood what Li Qianqian meant.

The reason why those who originally followed Ma Qingyun were willing to come to the appointment this morning was because Qingyun Technology is indeed a first-class Internet company in China, and there was another reason, and that was because of Ma Qingyun's face.

At this time, Li Qianqian asked her to directly tell the results of Wang Yifei's side, obviously to give reassurance to those who have not expressed their attitude yet.

Wang Yihan only hated that he didn't ask Wang Yifei carefully about the specific details of the negotiation just now, and could only make up his mind from some information revealed by Wang Yifei's mouth.

Anyway, those former Amoeba employees didn't know what was going on.

"No problem, Mr. Li."

"Mr. Ma, and future colleagues, just now Mr. Wang Yifei reached an acquisition agreement with Dongshanju, the largest domestic game studio in China, in our Imperial Capital branch of Qingyun Technology."

"Dongshanju currently has more than 150 employees. It is the first Internet game studio in China to advocate and launch the Longhan style. It has become the leading single-player game company in China within a few years of its establishment."

"We have finally reached an agreement after difficult communication with the founding team of Dongshanju. In a few days, Qingyun Technology will acquire Dongshanju game studio with full ownership. In the future, everyone's computer will also install the genuine game of Dongshanju. To relax the mind."

Wang Yihan is worthy of being a reporter, and in just a few seconds, he has already uttered a whole set of rhetoric.

Hearing what Wang Yihan said, Ma Qingyun applauded lightly.

The Amoeba employees around him also applauded in unison.

Those who knew Dongshanju were amazed at Qingyun Technology's handiwork.

There have been rumors of various acquisitions since the second year of Dongshanju's establishment, but after so many years, they haven't found a suitable home.

This time, Qingyun Technology was able to acquire it without anyone noticing. This method is too strong.

Those who don't know Dongshanju also have a certain understanding of Dongshanju from Wang Yihan's words.

As a reporter, Wang Yihan knows one thing.

When you want to compliment someone, don't do it directly.

Why are you so good, you are so good.

Such words must never be allowed. You must tell what is so good about this person, what is so good about him.

It's like, just now, she wanted everyone to feel that Qingyun Technology is awesome, so she didn't directly say, my friends, how Qingyun Technology is.

Instead, he directly said that Dongshanju is the largest game studio in China and an original stand-alone game manufacturer that adheres to the Long Han style.

Even people who don't understand, after listening to Wang Yihan's introduction, they will think of Dongshanju as an awesome company.

And if Qingyun Technology can acquire such an awesome company, wouldn't it be even more awesome.

"Congratulations to Mr. Li, Qingyun Technology has added a helping hand."

Ma Qingyun sincerely congratulated.

"Thank you Mr. Ma, but as the saying goes, good things come in pairs."

"Mr. Ma just agreed to join Qingyun Technology yesterday. Mr. Wang's successful negotiation today is also due to Mr. Ma's luck."

Everyone exchanged pleasantries, and a few minutes later, Li Qianqian coughed and began to cut to the chase.

"Mr. Ma, and everyone, what is in front of everyone is a non-disclosure agreement. After today's meeting is over, everyone is not allowed to tell others about the project content until the project is launched."

"Otherwise the company will pursue its legal responsibility according to law."

"Now, let's get to the point. Qingyun Technology is preparing a secret project, which is related to e-commerce."

"It's just different from the B2B business that everyone did before, this time we are doing C2C business."

"Everyone is an elite in the industry. Today I will briefly introduce the business model and operating philosophy of"

"The specific work will be divided into details when we arrive in Jiangcheng."

As Li Qianqian said, she kept looking at the people around Ma Qingyun.

The ten people who saw the scene all had serious faces.

Listening carefully to Li Qianqian's content, some people even took out notebooks from their bags and started to record.

During the meeting, Li Qianqian continued to introduce Su Ye's plan for

During the period, many newcomers expressed their views on what Li Qianqian said.

The entire meeting lasted for three hours before it ended.

Looking at the newcomers and colleagues in front of him, Li Qianqian couldn't help feeling that Wang Yihan's decision to come to the capital was really right.

Starting from Ma Qingyun, every member of Amibaba's subordinates is a talent with professionalism and professionalism.

Even Li Qianqian's temporary person in charge couldn't answer some of the questions they asked.

And the key is that everyone is very efficient, and the general division of labor has been completed in just a three-hour meeting.

A few people specifically asked some technical questions, some specifically asked about logical algorithms, and some asked about treating merchants, improving website traffic... and other related issues.

Su Ye knew these problems in his heart, but he felt that Li Qianqian would not be involved in these problems during the project preparation, so he didn't explain them to her one by one.

I didn't expect Li Qianqian to slip up in front of everyone now.

"Okay, now that the work is done, let me tell you about the company's benefits."

"After all, if you want everyone to go to work in Jiangcheng, then Qingyun Technology must do the logistics for everyone."

"First, salary..."

(End of this chapter)

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