The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 406 Chapter 407, Li Qianqian is desperate

Chapter 406 Chapter 407, Li Qianqian is desperate (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

"First of all, the issue of salary, everyone can rest assured that if you know something about Qingyun Technology before, you will know that Qingyun Technology treats colleagues very well."

When Li Qianqian was speaking, he deliberately said the word "our" in order to make those people have enough sense of belonging.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be rushed, it must be done step by step.

Someone in the crowd heard the meaning of Li Qianqian's words and smiled slightly and didn't mind.

Those who didn't hear it felt that Li Qianqian, the boss of Qingyun Technology, was particularly friendly.

"Leaving aside Mr. Ma, starting from Mr. Cai, Qingyun Technology will at least provide Mr. Cai with an annual salary not less than this amount."

As Li Qianqian said, she slapped her right hand open for people to see clearly.

This five is naturally not fifty thousand a year for Cai Xin.

but 50.

Seeing Li Qianqian's gesture, Cai Xin who was grabbed by Ma Qingyun couldn't help but suffocate.

What a joke, when he was at Amibaba before, with the addition of a series of equity options and other benefits given by Ma Qingyun, the annual income of 20 was enough, how could it reach 50.

This is doubled directly and has a turn.

The others were also stunned by Li Qianqian's words.

Even though they know that it is impossible for them to get so much money, they have great expectations for their income after entering Qingyun Technology.

After talking about the salary, Li Qianqian talked about some related welfare policies.

Five insurances and one housing fund are naturally available, and overtime subsidies are also reimbursed.

Of course, Qingyun Technology does not encourage overtime work. If there is nothing to do, it is best for everyone to go home after work to accompany their children and family members.

In Qingyun Technology Company, you deserve praise for doing a good job. If you can take care of your home after work, that will be an extra reward.

Qingyun Technology selects excellent families within the department every month, and they come to the company to participate in activities on weekends.

There are many gifts of all kinds, and the key is that employees working in Qingyun Technology have additional bonuses.

In addition to these, Qingyun Technology will also give the department a certain team building fee every month, allowing everyone to freely choose how to spend.

This team building fee is not hundreds or thousands of other companies, at least a hundred thousand as a base.

Some departments use the group building expenses saved for two or three months to travel abroad, or everyone directly divides the funds equally.

There are also some snacks and drinks in the company, these are free, according to demand.

Last year's year-end bonus, as we all know, Qingyun Technology couldn't help paying a few months more salary as the year-end bonus, and every working colleague was rewarded with a newly manufactured SUV from Hi-Lai Company.

From a comprehensive point of view, although the salary of Qingyun Technology is not low, the company's benefits are better than the salary.

The last one is the issue of professional development.

After many enterprising people join a company, what they care most about is not the benefits or the nine-to-five job, but whether the company's future development can match the improvement of personal capabilities.

If the company is growing slowly, the person will leave soon after joining the company.

It has only been five months since Qingyun Technology was established in September last year.

In such a short period of time, the company has developed multiple businesses such as QQ, games, space, music, film and television, computers, group buying, mobile phones, payment, e-commerce, and media, as well as cultural company projects that are currently under preparation.

"As long as everyone has this ability, the company will have plenty of jobs."

"If you have outstanding ability, you can also contact Mr. Su with your own project to start a business within the company."

"In particular, Mr. Su has always supported employees' entrepreneurship. Regardless of whether everyone will work and cooperate within the Qingyun Technology system in the future, he is very supportive."

Su Ye had said this to Li Qianqian many times before.

In his previous life, he often heard news that some large companies encouraged employees to start internal businesses, and he was envious of the real-name system.

With the company as a support, as long as you pay some corresponding shares, that person's ideal can be easily realized.

Perhaps the ideal is rather empty.

If you start a business within the company and have a stake in the company, you will definitely receive strong support from the company.

The previous Pinxixi was invested by the Penguin Group, and it was able to promote and attract people on WeChat and WeChat. From an e-commerce company that seemed to be mediocre, Ahri and Jindong had to go out in the end. corresponding strategies.

On the eve of Su Ye's crossing, Pinxixi's market value has infinitely approached the two giants in the e-commerce industry.

In addition, according to the statistics in March 2021, Pinxixi's monthly activity in the previous year has surpassed that of

After Li Qianqian finished speaking, those who followed Ma Qingyun to the meeting room couldn't help but get excited.

I can't wait to fly from the imperial capital to Jiangcheng to start work immediately.

In terms of professionalism and dedication, they believe that they are definitely not inferior to any employee of Qingyun Technology.

Li Qianqian left enough time for everyone, and agreed that after a week, everyone can go directly to the airport of the imperial capital to take a plane to Jiangcheng with their ID cards.

In addition, taking advantage of this time, Li Qianqian also wanted to make arrangements for these people's life after they went to Jiangcheng.

Before the Chinese New Year, Zhao Xiaojing from the administration department told Li Qianqian that the current housing in Tianyue City was not sufficient, and if a large number of employees came to work at the headquarters, they might face the embarrassing situation of having no place to live.

Li Qianqian had no choice but to talk to Su Ye, and Su Ye said that he should handle it. At that time, Li Qianqian knew that Su Ye must spend money to buy a house again.

However, apart from Tianyue City near the Youth Innovation Park, there are no other real estate projects.

There are some villages not far away, but it is somewhat inconvenient for the company's colleagues to live in the villages.

Li Qianqian shook her head and gave up on this question. Let's talk about all this when I return to Jiangcheng.

After sending all the employees of Amibaba away, Li Qianqian pulled Ma Qingyun's clothes and told him to call him later.

Ma Qingyun nodded to express acceptance.

After sending off all the employees and leaving, Ma Qingyun did not leave but followed Li Qianqian back to the conference room again.

"Mr. Li, why are you looking for me?"

"That's Mr. Ma."

Li Qianqian picked up a glass of water and drank a couple of sips before putting it down. She didn't bother to drink water after communicating with those colleagues for a long time, and now her mouth is very dry.

"Through today's exchange meeting, I have to admire Mr. Ma for inviting so many outstanding talents to join Amibaba."

"Mr. Li has won the award, and we at Qingyun Technology are full of talents."

Ma Qingyun said modestly, wondering what kind of medicine Li Qianqian was selling in this gourd.

"Mr. Ma, didn't you just say that there are a few former employees who didn't come for various reasons? That's what I think."

"I'll call these people one by one later, and then sincerely invite them. If they really don't want to, then I can't force them."

"But if someone is tempted, I still hope to bring these people into Qingyun Technology together."

Ma Qingyun fell into deep thought after hearing Li Qianqian's words.

Mr. Li is really tenacious.

There were eighteen people in total before Amibaba, but now there are twelve people here, and she is still not satisfied, does it have to be done all at once?

However, he has already joined Qingyun Technology. At this time, if his team is stronger, Ma Qingyun will be more confident when he is working on this project.

"Okay, then according to Mr. Li's intention, I will call them one by one later, and then I will trouble Mr. Li."

"no problem."

Li Qianqian made an OK gesture.

After dinner, Li Qianqian sat next to Ma Qingyun and talked on the phone with him.

After calling until six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Qianqian finally settled the four of them.

After taking a sip of water, Li Qianqian felt that she had said more in one day than she had in the previous month.

However, such a pay is also worth it.

Four more talents joined Qingyun Technology.

After returning to Jiangcheng, Su Ye must ask Su Ye to raise his salary.

Li Qianqian thought viciously.

"Mr. Li, I really admire your ability to convince four people to come over this afternoon."

Ma Qingyun said sincerely.

If Li Qianqian hadn't chatted with those people repeatedly, Ma Qingyun would have given up.

Whoever imagined it was actually pulled over by Li Qianqian abruptly.

This lip service is really powerful.

Of course, the word-of-mouth of Qingyun Technology cannot be questioned.

If it weren't for Qingyun Technology, Li Qianqian would dare to say that as long as the other party comes over, all the needs of the other party can be solved.

Li Qianqian waved his hands and did not speak.

Now her throat is about to smoke, and she can't speak at all.

Wang Yihan who was sitting next to him quickly gave a golden voice.

She also really admired Li Qianqian.

This girl, who obviously hasn't graduated from college, actually just said that, and directly attracted four people.

The results may not be very rich, but this spirit is really not possessed by ordinary people.

No wonder Li Qianqian can still be reused in Qingyun Technology, a fast-growing company.

This has nothing to do with Li Qianqian being Su Ye's girlfriend, it's all due to hard work and hard work.

"President Ma, aren't there two more people now?"

"The brother Zhan and sister Tongtong that Mr. Yao mentioned before."

Li Qianqian said in a hoarse voice.

Yao Xiaoyun felt extremely uncomfortable seeing Li Qianqian like this.

But I admire Li Qianqian even more.

"Mr. Li, let me tell you this. Brother Zhan and Sister Tongtong are a couple. They live here in the imperial capital. There are old and young, and it's really inconvenient to leave. Why don't we just forget about it."

"It's okay, Mr. Ma."

"Well, Mr. Li, tell me."

"Mr. Ma, call those two and say that I invite them to dinner for a chat."


Ma Qingyun pointed to Li Qianqian's voice, "Mr. Li, your voice is already like this. If you don't rest for two days, don't you still have time?"

"If it doesn't work, I will personally go to their home to persuade them that your health is still important."

Ma Qingyun couldn't help being moved too.

It's no wonder that Qingyun Technology can develop and grow. With such employees and helpers, it's strange that Qingyun Technology can't do well.

"It's okay, it's all done in one battle."

"let's hit."

Li Qianqian also knew that she couldn't talk much at this time, so she took two throat lozenges with Wang Yihan and asked Ma Qingyun to start calling.

Ma Qingyun knew that he couldn't persuade Li Qianqian now, so he could only pick up his mobile phone.

But at this moment, his cell phone was out of battery and turned off.

He hurriedly got up and picked up the battery of his mobile phone from the socket in the meeting room, replaced it and turned it on.

During this afternoon, Li Qianqian drained all three batteries.

Every time the battery ran out, Li Qianqian asked the hotel waiter to go out to help buy batteries.

As a result, Ma Qingyun now has three extra batteries in his mobile phone.

"Hey, Lao Zhan, have you eaten tonight?"

"Oh, I'm near your house now, come out and have a meal together, remember to bring Xiaotong with you."

"Okay, okay, then at the hot pot restaurant downstairs..."

When Ma Qingyun said this, he subconsciously glanced at Li Qianqian, and hurriedly stopped talking.

"Old Zhan, I've been a little bit angry these past two days, why don't we stop eating hot pot and eat something lighter."

"Okay, okay, then order two stir-fried dishes."

"Okay, see you later."

After hanging up the phone, Ma Qingyun told Li Qianqian that there was no problem.

The location of their hotel is not far from the homes of Zhan Tiannan and Ren Xiaotong, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk there.

Now that the weather is warmer, it's not bad to walk on the road.

Li Qianqian readily agreed.

She is talking as little as possible now, after all, she will have to persuade Zhan Tiannan and Ren Xiaotong to join Qingyun Technology later.


At this time, Wang Yifei also ended his work.

When I called Su Ye that day, Su Ye told him.

Since Dongshanju can be acquired, why can't other companies and studios be acquired.

Anyway, Qingyun Technology is rich and powerful now, so it's fine if I didn't think of this idea before, but now I think of it, it will naturally increase the results of the battle.

When other domestic colleagues who are interested in the game industry have not reacted, it is best to catch all the talents in the domestic game industry.

During this day, Wang Yifei did not do other work, but kept looking for various game companies and studios on the Internet that might sell.

Not to mention, this trick really made him find some.

Although Wang Yifei was the person in charge of the QQ game department before, his eyes were mainly on some big companies, and he did not pay enough attention to some small companies and studios.

I really don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.

Now Longhan's Internet has just started its infancy, but there are no less than 700 companies and studios working in the game industry, and the relevant employees have exceeded [-].

With so many people, even if he could only recruit one-tenth of them this time, that would still be 1000 people.

Of course, the number of 1000 people can only be achieved under ideal circumstances.

Wang Yifei set a goal for himself.

At least 100 people are recruited. If it can exceed this number, of course, the more the better.

After sorting out the relevant documents, Wang Yifei turned off the computer, took out his mobile phone and called Wang Yihan.

He hasn't settled for dinner yet.

The same is true for Wang Yihan, who doesn't have the consciousness to be a girlfriend at all, and has nothing to do all afternoon and doesn't know how to call.

Wang Yifei cursed in his heart, and got through to Wang Yihan.

At this time, Wang Yihan and Li Qianqian Ma Qingyun had just walked into a restaurant.

Food fashion!

(End of this chapter)

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