Chapter 410 Chapter 412

Wang Yifei answered the phone.

After listening to Liu Fei talk about what happened to him, Wang Yifei didn't know how to make a decision.

He told Liu Fei that this matter had to be reported to President Su, and that Liu Fei could just wait for the news quietly.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Fei did not leave, and continued to light a cigarette at the window and wait for Wang Yifei's reply.

What Ding Sanshi said to him this time, he didn't believe that Ding Sanshi said it casually.

If he really insists on joining Qingyun Technology, then the other party may really use the previously signed non-compete agreement to make trouble.

In fact, this dedication agreement only came out some time ago.

Around the beginning of last year, a vice president of the company suggested to Ding Sanshi that everyone should sign the new contract and sign the non-employment agreement by the way.

At that time, Liu Fei didn't take it seriously, anyway, with the affection he had followed Ding Sanshi for so many years.

Never thought about leaving either.

But this matter has changed too fast, it has only been a year, and it is really possible for him, no, it is not possible anymore.

He has already submitted his resignation letter, and Ding Sanshi has approved it.

At this time, no matter when he will go to Qingyun Technology, he is already destined to leave from NetEase.

Things changed so quickly, Liu Fei must have never thought of it before.

He still remembered that when the company signed the non-competition agreement, the contract was valid for three years.

If you resign during these three years, it will start according to the time of resignation.

The competition protection period is five years.

At least five years can not be engaged in related occupations or related work.

Of course, if Liu Fei changes cities and goes to a small company to do operations or plan something, it shouldn't be a big problem.

This competition agreement is aimed at those giant companies in the same industry.

Now, Qingyun Technology is definitely considered a giant in Longhan's Internet industry.

The more Liu Fei thought about it, the worse his mood became.

If he can't join Qingyun Technology at this time, then he may really have to go to some basic work.

Let's hope it doesn't.


After Wang Yifei hung up the phone, he was about to call Su Ye immediately, but was stopped by Wang Yihan.

"Why, Yihan, this matter is still very important, I must report to President Su immediately."

"What are you in a hurry for? Report now. President Su is not in the imperial capital, and he doesn't know the specific situation on our side."

"I don't understand the fate of the emperor who will be abroad."

Seeing Wang Yifei's bewildered expression, Wang Yihan was furious.

Isn't this guy usually very smart?

Why does he look so stupid at this time.

"Yihan, it's not President Su who gives me the order now, but I want to report the situation to him, so why would I not accept the order of the foreign king?"

"You are stupid."

Dissatisfied, Wang Yihan poked Wang Yifei's forehead with his index finger, and then explained to him.

Wang Yifei reported to Su Ye at this time. Su Ye could only hear part of his information, and he was not sure whether it was true or not.

When Liu Fei called just now, Liu Fei himself said that he had indeed signed a non-competition agreement at that time, but he didn't remember what the content of the agreement was.

If Wang Yifei called Su Ye recklessly at this time, Su Ye would not be able to make any decisions.

And if some suggestions are really given, it will certainly not be able to perfectly solve the current situation.

"So, Yihan, then I can't just wait here."

"Liu Fei is still there, if the agreement really prohibits Liu Fei from joining Qingyun Technology, then..."

Wang Yifei said regretfully.

At the beginning, he followed Su Ye's instructions to contact Liu Fei. At that time, his only thought was to get acquainted with Liu Fei and get all the people in their department to Qingyun Technology.

But after a long time, Wang Yifei also admired Liu Fei very much.

If Liu Fei was caught in a dilemma because of Qingyun Technology, then Wang Yifei couldn't bear it.

In, not in Qingyun Technology.

Retreat, and it is impossible to return to Wangnan.

Wang Yifei must feel ashamed for putting such a good brother into such an embarrassing situation.

"I'm not telling you to wait. We are not professional about this non-compete agreement, but don't Qingyun Technology have professionals?"

Wang Yihan said as if pointing.

"Are there professionals in Qingyun Technology?"

Wang Yihan's matter has just been concluded, and the barrister Tang Zhirou who sued NetEase Technology before is still arguing with the other party's lawyer team.

This lawyer Tang is a real professional.

"You mean Lawyer Tang?"

"Nonsense, let such an elite talent go unused, you have to think about it yourself, maybe in the eyes of others, that non-compete agreement is full of loopholes."

"Even if NetEase really sues Liu Fei, it will be embarrassing."

Wang Yihan was still talking, but Wang Yifei stood up directly.

"Why are you going?"

"I'll go to Lawyer Tang, and then we'll go to Liu Fei's house to see how the non-compete agreement is."

"Wait for me."


On the way, Wang Yifei called Liu Fei and agreed to go to his place to see the content of the non-compete agreement first.

If it is really like what Wang Yihan said, the online disaster is just a sign of his own employees, then maybe when the other party goes to court to sue, it will be a big joke.

After listening to Wang Yifei's content, Liu Fei also quickly extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, and went directly to the underground garage to drive back.

He has resigned now, as long as the non-compete agreement is resolved, he will leave as soon as possible.

Wang Yihan called Li Qianqian and asked her for Tang Zhirou's number.

After some communication, Tang Zhirou also made a decision to join them in Liu Fei's community as soon as possible.

How did Liu Fei know that Ding Sanshi told him this just to frighten him.

Of course, if this opportunity can be used to damage the reputation of Qingyun Technology, then Ding Sanshi certainly won't mind.

After half an hour.

Everyone gathered in the Jinghu community where Liu Fei lived.

"Everyone, come on, my house lives on the second floor."

After Liu Fei guided the few people to park the car, he took everyone to his home directly.

Liu Fei's house lives on the second floor, and the upstairs is the home of Zhan Tiannan and Ren Xiaotong.

Just when Ren Xiaotong was about to go downstairs to throw out the trash, he was puzzled when he saw so many people coming up together.

I heard that there was something wrong with Wang Yifei, so he immediately followed after throwing away the trash.

Women, it is their nature to like to inquire about gossip, and it has nothing to do with the environment they live in.

Of course, there are also some men who would like to inquire about these things.

As soon as they entered Liu Fei's house, everyone was stunned.

It's not how messy the room is, but the smell, it really makes people want to die.

The smell of instant noodles, smelly socks, and some miscellaneous smells.

Embarrassed on Liu Fei's face, he rushed in and opened the window without even bothering to change his shoes.

There is heating in the imperial capital in winter, and everyone usually takes the time to open the windows for ventilation.

But Liu Fei is a bachelor, so how could he care about this.

After a while, the smell dissipated a little.

"Sit down, everyone, I have to look for the non-compete agreement."

Liu Fei's head was constantly sweating.

He looked at the quilt on the coffee table, and the one he used was a little cleaner. The other cups were almost antiques, covered with a layer of dark substance.

Therefore, he was too embarrassed to ask everyone to drink water or something.

That is to say, Wang Yifei promised that everyone else either went to the window to take a breath, or they just stood at the door and didn't come in.

On the other hand, Tang Zhirou, a woman who looked like an elite at first glance, walked in without any abnormalities in a black professional attire.

As soon as she walked in, the other women were embarrassed to stand at the door, and they followed in.

"Lawyer Tang, you are really good, and you can come in without changing your face."

Ren Xiaotong praised in a low voice.

"It's nothing." Tang Zhirou smiled slightly. "When I was in the beautiful country, I entered a scene because of a case. The smell is exciting even thinking about it."

Tang Zhirou was tall, she looked about the same as Wang Yifei.

Standing beside Ren Xiaotong, she looked a head taller than others.

Seeing her unbearable look, Ren Xiaotong secretly admired her, and didn't dare to ask more questions.

What kind of scene a lawyer can enter is still interesting, and Ren Xiaotong is not stupid.

Liu Fei rummaged through the room for a long time, but couldn't find the agreement he had signed before.

"Mr. Liu, I think your agreement may be placed in this cabinet."

Suddenly, Tang Zhirou reminded her.

"The cabinet?"

Liu Fei glanced at it, then shook his head and said, "No, I haven't used that cabinet for a long time."

"I put some of my own contracts and materials in the drawer here. I must have been too anxious to find them just now. Wait a moment, I will find them right away."

As Liu Fei said, he lowered his head and continued to search.

"Mr. Liu, if it's convenient, can I open this cabinet and have a look?"

Even though Liu Fei had made it clear that there was no way there could be anything in this cabinet, Tang Zhirou still insisted.

"No problem, let's see."

That cabinet is where Liu Fei usually puts some miscellaneous things, including some unused keys and some useless papers, because he usually spends his time at home taking a break and working overtime in the company most of the time.

So he hasn't moved that cabinet for a long time.

Anyway, there is nothing, just look around.

Tang Zhirou got permission and directly opened the cabinet door.

There are some sundries and some papers in the cabinet door.

And the medicine that Liu Fei had taken before is also put in this.

Tang Zhirou picked up the seemingly useless stack of papers, casually looked at her eyes and said, "I found it."

"found it?"

"found it?"

Liu Fei was stunned.

Wang Yifei, Wang Yihan and Ren Xiaotong were also taken aback for a moment.

If Tang Zhirou hadn't entered the door with them, everyone would have thought that Tang Zhirou had lived here for a long time.

Even Liu Fei, the master, couldn't find something, but she, a first-time visitor, found it directly.

Isn't she a lawyer's, how could she find Liu Fei's things directly.

This is probably not a criminal investigation expert.


Tang Zhirou agreed, ignoring other people's questions, and carefully looked at some clauses in the agreement.

Liu Fei stuffed his things into the drawer he was looking for and walked over.

He kept saying, "How is it possible, some of my company-related materials are placed over there."

When he came over and saw the agreement in Tang Zhirou's hand, he was sure.

That's what he signed last year.

That's right.

This lawyer Tang seems to be a bit of a bully.

"It's unreasonable here, and the number of years here has exceeded."

"And signing the non-compete agreement requires certain compensation to the signatory, which is not mentioned here either."

"And this also specifies several specific companies, which is also not allowed."

"Here, here, I found at least a dozen mistakes or illogicalities."

"Mr. Liu, congratulations. It's the same as if you didn't sign this non-compete agreement."

"Either the terms here are completely against the law, or the logic is illogical. If NetEase really wants to use this non-compete agreement to sue you, then you will make a lot of money."

Tang Zhirou's eyes burst into light.

Was this non-compete agreement really drafted by colleagues in the domestic legal field? Every point, every sentence, feels like it was done by a complete layman.

There are only constraints on employees and no compensation.

This is just a unilateral hegemony agreement, if nothing happens, forget it.

If NetEase really dares to sue Liu Fei for this thing, how many problems will arise.

Some domestic legal professionals will definitely be shocked by such a ridiculous agreement.

The law is such a sacred thing, how come it feels like it can make rules when it comes to NetEase.

"You mean, I don't have to be afraid of this thing?"

Liu Fei said hesitantly.

If what Tang Zhirou said was true, not only would he not have to be afraid, but even those colleagues in the game department would not have to worry.

Although Liu Fei was worried about his own situation before, he was more worried about other people.

Now many colleagues in the game department have submitted their resignation letters. If Liu Fei and him cannot work in NetEase, nor can Qingyun Technology, then he will really be a sinner.

"Don't be afraid, if NetEase dares to make this agreement public, you will definitely not be the one who will be unlucky in the end."


The corner of Tang Zhirou's mouth curled up and said, "I'm looking forward to it. When the other party really uses such a non-compete agreement to sue, I must call some colleagues in the legal field and some reporters to come over."

Wang Yihan was a reporter before. Although she was not a news outlet, she knew the nature of her colleagues too well.

Don't say that Tang Zhirou will take the initiative to notify, even if he doesn't notify, many reporters will rush to report this Internet disaster lawsuit.

After all, this is NetEase's counterattack against Qingyun Technology.

In the press, the most fearful thing is that the world is a pool of stagnant water, hello, hello, hello everyone.

It would be even better if Qingyun Technology and Wangnan can fight with real swords and guns in the future. By then, there will be absolutely no worries about the sales of newspapers, and there will be no shortage of ratings for TV stations.

Then, at this time, the issue of the NetEase agreement suddenly broke out, and it was a complete scandal.

In the future, it will be difficult for the Internet to turn around again.

"Then my matter is settled?"

"Well, but Mr. Liu had better find out the contract you re-signed at that time and show me it."

"Currently, the labor department on the empire's side has not unified labor contracts across the country. It will be more troublesome if NetEasy tampers with the contracts."

"This shouldn't be."

Liu Fei muttered, turned around and went to the room to get the contract.

At that time, he and Wangnan were still in the honeymoon period, and he didn't believe that he and Ding Sanshi would part ways. At that time, Ding Sanshi didn't need to target himself so long in advance.

However, since Tang Zhirou is at home now, it's good to show her, so that nothing will happen in the future.

Thinking about it, Liu Fei gave Tang Zhirou the contract that he re-signed last year in the drawer.

In the end, Tang Zhirou didn't talk about the contract, and slowly looked at it.

But the more she looked, the more she frowned.

"There is something wrong with this contract..."

(End of this chapter)

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