Chapter 411 413 , Madness, discovery (seeking subscription for monthly pass)
As soon as Tang Zhirou said this, everyone became nervous.

Could it be that NetEase has done something to restrict Liu Fei?

However, now that Liu Fei's resignation approval has been passed, if NetEase still makes an issue of this, it will be a slap in the face.

"Lawyer Tang, what's the problem?"

Liu Fei was a little nervous.

He never expected that there would be so many problems with the previously signed contract and non-compete agreement.

Longhan's Internet industry has just begun to develop. At this stage, the majority of practitioners basically don't care too much about the content of the contract.

There are even people like Liu Fei, because the employees who started the company with Ding Sanshi are 100% assured of the company.

Unexpectedly, things are happening frequently now.

Perhaps, at that time, Ding Sanshi had already prepared it so that everyone who wanted to leave would have to be controlled by him.

Just to see if he wants to do it.

Now on Liu Fei's side, Ding Sanshi feels that he has lost face, so he will definitely use this method to counter it.

"The company you signed this contract with is not NetEasy Technology at all, but a company called Medul, and the person in charge of this company is not Ding Sanshi, but another..."

Tang Zhirou directly showed Liu Fei the last page of the contract.

The first moment he saw that name, Liu Fei was startled. "So it was him."

"is her?"

"who is she."

Wang Yifei asked a little nervously.

At this moment, he was really afraid that something might be wrong.

Liu Fei relaxed a bit.

"This person is Ding Sanshi's cousin, Ding Sanyue. When NetEase was first established, Ding Sanyue had already left the company to open an outsourced personnel service company. Everyone in our company signed contracts with Signed directly with this company."

"I heard that this is beneficial for companies to avoid taxes."

Liu Feiyue said that his voice was getting lower and lower, and he couldn't lift his head at this moment.

"You're stupid, brother."

Wang Yifei slapped Liu Fei directly on the body.

He didn't even understand this matter, so he didn't know what to say about him.

Wang Yifei had been in the workplace for so many years.

If you are not strong enough to enter a large company, then it doesn’t matter if you sign a contract with a third-party outsourcing company, just accumulate experience and improve technology, and it doesn’t matter if you spend less money.

But even though you are an upper-level leader in a company, you still have to sign such an agreement. It's like being sold out and paying for it.

Tang Zhirou on the other side was willing to say more, and Liu Fei signed the contract entirely on trust.

If it doesn't happen, it's fine, but if it does, don't expect the people who make these contracts to be kind to you.

It's completely self-inflicted.

"However, I have already submitted an application for resignation. Although I suffer a bit, they won't do anything to us."

"That's not the case. If the other party wants to threaten you with this non-compete agreement, then they will definitely be prepared to bleed."

"Now the working class in Longhan has a very poor awareness of self-protection when signing contracts. Some people even go to work in the company without signing a contract."

"In this way, if there is a problem, the consequences can only be borne by yourself."

Tang Zhirou sighed. She has been abroad for so many years. People from developed countries will carefully check the employment contracts when they go out to work. The rights and obligations in it must be clearly stated.

There is also the most important part of salary and benefits, which must be written in black and white on the contract. There will never be any yin and yang contracts introduced. Some people even know a little about the law and find some loopholes in the contract by themselves.

However, compared with these developed countries, the general legal awareness of the Longhan Empire is still relatively weak.

However, how long has it been since Longhan developed, and how long have those countries developed, and they will catch up slowly.

However, time is ticking.

Tang Zhirou opened her own legal consulting studio in the imperial capital, and faced many problems.

Sometimes, she really wanted to help those who came to him for help, but she really couldn't.

Some people have been working for several years without signing any contract with the employer.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how good he is in the legal industry, he can't argue with others without evidence.

Before, a host of Imperial TV Station called to invite her to come to the TV station to give some lectures on the popularization of legal knowledge. Tang Zhirou was still hesitating, but now, she has made a decision.

Since I am in the legal profession, I have the obligation to help more people know the law, understand the law, let everyone get out of the blind spot, and learn to use the weapon of law to protect themselves.

What happened to Liu Fei turned out to be a false alarm in the end. Tang Zhirou even said that if NetEase really wanted to sue Liu Fei, she would volunteer to help fight the lawsuit.

Of course, Qingyun Technology needs to help contact some media reporters.

She did this not only for her own fame, but also for more people in Longhan to know the law and learn how to use it.

After expressing this idea, Wang Yihan immediately agreed.

She also had her own little thoughts in her heart.

This time she came to the imperial capital to recruit Ma Qingyun's Amoeba company team, and she also had a realization.

That is, if I want some talents in the future, I don't need to spend time and effort recruiting them one by one, I just need to recruit them.

A few years later, when Wang Yihan became the president of the largest Internet online culture group in China, those colleagues gave her the name of nothing else, but the four words "digging maniac".

Now that he has a relationship with Tang Zhirou, maybe he can bring Tang Zhirou, a barrister, into the company in the future.

Since Su Ye, Qingyun Technology has always attached great importance to legal work.

However, this is not enough. Now that Qingyun Technology has become a large global company, there will only be more legal problems in the future, and there will definitely be no fewer.

It’s okay here in China. After all, everyone doesn’t understand the law. Fighting them is a blow to reduce dimensionality. It is enough to have some ordinary lawyers or legal consultants come forward.

But if it involves foreign matters, then an experienced barrister is needed.

Wang Yihan is a reporter, and a reporter in the business field.

Over the years, she knew too well how much the Longhan Empire had suffered in foreign trade because they did not understand the law.

In particular, the government in some areas directly ended the situation in person, and it was always about anti-monopoly, or involving dumping, or seizure of materials, and so on.

Compared with ordinary people, she knows and sees more.

Now that Qingyun Technology's business abroad has just started, it's okay, and it can be done later.

Some things, it is better to plan ahead.

After solving the matter here, Wang Yifei and Wang Yihan called Su Ye to report the situation here on the way back.

At the same time, Wang Yihan also told Su Ye some of his thoughts.

Su Ye burst into a cold sweat when he heard this.

It happened so perfectly.

Before, the company encountered a defamation in Meiliguo, and the other party even sued Qingyun Technology for monopolizing its business.

However, it was just a small fight of a small company, and Su Ye sent many legal consultants to solve it in the end.

However, this is just a small company, what if there is a big company in the future.

If there are big companies that are jealous of Qingyun Technology's business, their users, and their traffic and want to get a piece of the pie, then will Qingyun Technology still have to respond passively?
"Mr. Wang, on your side, keep in touch with lawyer Tang Zhirou, and you can recruit him to our company if necessary."

Su Ye had no choice but to give this order.

Tang Zhirou is the only capable lawyer he has come into contact with now, who can be pulled if he doesn't pull her over.

Wang Yihan also had this intention, and immediately agreed.

After this matter is settled, Wang Yifei will start busy again.

And Wang Yihan wanted to return to Jiangcheng as soon as possible.

After chatting with Li Qianqian, Ma Qingyun and others last night, this trip has perfectly achieved her goal.

If the people from Amoebaba's original company are packaged together, then the project of should be launched soon.

As for the remaining grassroots personnel, they can just be seconded to other departments for the time being.

Slowly, they can be transformed into members of their project team.

As for Su Ye's previous promise to let her be the person in charge of the cultural group, Wang Yihan naturally believed it.

But now that she has just joined the company, she must have some achievements.

The acquisition of several large companies is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two.

It's not every time you come across a company like Dongshanju, not to mention that Dongshanju is not a company that can only be regarded as a relatively well-developed studio.


Not to mention Wang Yihan, next Wang Yifei was really busy and dizzy.

In the imperial capital, he not only had to follow up on the establishment of the branch, but also completed the plan with Dongshanju.

During his busy days, Qingyun Technology and Dongshanju have signed a formal acquisition agreement, and the company has transferred all the corresponding funds.

Now the two sides cooperate closely and are gradually advancing the plan.

On the other hand, Liu Fei left NetEase Technology directly after finishing the contract issue.

With his departure, there were more than 40 people from the NetEase game department, and some people who did not want to continue working in NetEase, or who were optimistic about the development of Qingyun Technology in the imperial capital.

Affected by this, NetEase Technology lost about a hundred people.

I heard that on the day Liu Fei took people away, Ding Sanshi was so angry that he smashed a lot of things in the office.

However, how much of Ding Sanshi's venting is true and how much is false, no one else knows.

Now that Liu Fei has brought ordinary people to join Qingyun Technology, Wang Yifei finally has someone to help.

In fact, he came to the imperial capital at the beginning to open the game branch of Qingyun Technology, not the branch of Qingyun Technology.

But at the beginning, he bragged to others about opening a branch company, but later he did not expect that he actually recruited many people to join him. In this way, he really created a branch company in the imperial capital by accident.

Here, there are not only people from the game department, but also people from the previous and later waves, as well as some newly recruited talents in various positions. In addition, people from Qingyun Real Estate have also mixed into the team.

Wang Yifei was very puzzled that this real estate company also worked with them.

A group of us are all doing online, so why are you doing offline?

However, the real estate company had no relationship with Wang Yifei's side, and he didn't need him to manage further or anything, so Wang Yifei quickly threw them aside.

At this time, Wang Yifei was sitting in the studio of Dongshanju, playing games under the watchful eyes of several technicians.

Dongshanju is naturally full of confidence in its products.

But after all, Wang Yifei is the person in charge of the game department of Qingyun Technology, the big brother who independently planned the blood legend.

At this time, let Wang Yifei try to play the game, maybe at this time, he can give some constructive suggestions to the people in Dongshanju.

Although, everyone really didn't think Wang Yifei could put forward any opinions.

They have spent a year and a half on this game, whether it is the rendering of the screen, the design of the plot, the setting of task skills, and the balance of values, they have all reached an almost perfect level.

At this time, if Wang Yifei can still put forward opinions, it will really slap everyone in the face.

This is indeed the case. From morning to night, many people in Dongshanju got off work, and Wang Yifei, who was playing games there, didn't make any suggestions.

"Mr. Wang, let's go. You've been experiencing this for a day, aren't you tired? Let's go eat something tonight."

Jiang Hua also came out of the office, and when he saw Wang Yifei was still playing, he invited him to get off work together.

"No, you'll bring me something to eat later, I'm going to stay up all night tonight."


Jiang Hua was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that it was just a game that made Wang Yifei so addicted.

It seems that Wang Yifei said before that he is a die-hard fan of Dongshanju, that is absolutely true.

"Mr. Wang, how about I make a copy for you, and you go back to the hotel for Liwan?"

"We don't have a very good environment here."

"You're tired and you don't have a place to rest."

"It's okay, you can just get me some food and drink and come back later. It's hard for me to go on a business trip, so of course I have to be willful."

Wang Yifei said pointedly.

When he was in Jiangcheng, Su Ye had to drive people away if he wanted to work overtime.

Now in the imperial capital, Su Ye is also far away from the emperor, so he can't control him at all.

Wang Yifei is the legendary internet-addicted teenager. He just happened to be busy with work recently, and he hasn't stayed up all night for a long time. This time he happened to have a good time.

Jiang Hua shook his head at Wang Yifei, but there was nothing he could do.

Now Dongshanju also belongs to Qingyun Technology, and Wang Yifei is still his own leader. What can he say, he can only agree.

After a while, Jiang Hua brought Wang Yifei some food, drinks, snacks, etc., said a word to Wang Yifei and left directly.

Wang Yifei didn't even know that Jiang Hua had come and gone, he was obsessed with the game.

Later, I was so hungry that I saw the food in my hand, picked it up and ate it.

However, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he didn't look like someone who was staying up all night cultivating immortals, but instead he looked radiant.

He already had a feeling in his heart.

The game "Swordsman Love" looks very good. The graphics, missions, actions, and plots are all well done. It seems that it has reached an extreme of domestic stand-alone games.

But after Wang Yifei experienced this day, he always felt almost meaningless.

He couldn't say for a while what the specific difference was. He could only say that this was a qualified game.

Some breakthroughs must be made to make this game a classic.

The games produced by Qingyun Technology's game department must either not be made, or they must be better, or even the best.

If it's just a qualified game, no matter how excellent the graphics, missions, character design, etc. are, it can only be described as mediocre.

But what is this crucial missing thing?

Wang Yifei thought hard, but couldn't figure it out.

When many people in Dongshanju went to work the next day, they found that the door of the company was unlocked.

Could it be a thief?

When the first person opened the door and looked into the office area, he saw a man laughing loudly.

"I know, I know..."

(End of this chapter)

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