The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 412 Chapter 414, The Birth of the Classic

Chapter 412 Chapter 414, The Birth of the Classic
"Mr. Wang, you are so happy to find something."

While talking, Jiang Hua walked to Wang Yifei's side.

"I know what's wrong with this game, I'm so good."


Jiang Hua glanced at Wang Yifei, who was in a state of madness, and was taken aback for a moment.

Just kidding, if he heard correctly, what Wang Yifei said just now is that he found a problem with this game.

"Swordsman Love" is a game developed by Dongshanju Studio in the past one and a half years.

However, this does not mean that the game only took a year and a half.

A long time ago, Jianghua, Hu Yu and Liu Ye liked to read martial arts novels written by some writers in Longhan.

Wuxia is hailed as a fairy tale for adults, and its influence is really too great.

When they were young, the family would turn on the radio and listen to a section every day at noon.

What are the Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses and the Peng Gong Case are all familiar to us.

This kind of experience also laid a solid foundation for the three of them to love Longhan's martial arts culture since childhood.

Ever since they entered the game industry, they have thought that one day they can realize their dreams.

It wasn't until a year and a half ago, after they released their last game, that they officially expressed their thoughts.

Regardless of the fact that Hu Yu, Liu Ye and Jiang Hua are the heads of the studio, everyone has their own work to do.

But when planning and developing this game, all three of them gave a lot of suggestions.

Even when the finished game came out, the three of them tried it out for the first time.


Here's what they said about the game.

Each of the three people has their own preferences and hobbies, but they are all extremely satisfied with the newly developed game "Swordsman Love".

This game is simply what they can only achieve if their dreams break into reality.

However, now Wang Yifei actually said that he found a problem with this game.

What an international joke.

If there is a problem, will the owners of Dongshanju still set a release date for this game?
As I said before, many of the current staff of Dongshanju do not plan how much money they can earn from their work, and how their careers will develop.

Many of them are players of Dongshanju games, and they are also people who like Longhan style games.

After being successfully verified by so many people, it was concluded that there is no second evaluation of the game other than perfection, but Wang Yifei found out the problem.

You, Wang Yifei, are also an old man in the game industry. What is your intention to belittle the game that the entire staff of Dongshanju spent a year and a half developing.

Suppress Dongshanju?
Still have a problem with the game.

Jiang Hua thought for a while, and felt that Wang Yifei was not suppressed.

If you really want to suppress it, then just make these issues clear at the time of acquisition.

Now that all the issues have been discussed and the contract signed, you are looking for problems on the game we have worked so hard to develop?

Jiang Hua almost laughed out of anger.

Okay, aren't you a bull, Wang Yifei?

If you don't say one, two, three out of the ordinary today, then don't blame me, Jiang Hua, for getting mad.

Jiang Hua calmed down and said slowly: "Mr. Wang, it's the first time that Dongshanju has developed this kind of large-scale stand-alone RPG game. If you have any suggestions, feel free to speak up, and we will change them right away."

Hearing Jiang Hua's words, Wang Yifei nodded and was about to speak.

But I heard some people from Dongshanju who had already come to the company talk about it.

"Mr. Jiang, is there still a problem with our game?"

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, now Swordsman Love is the most peak game in our Dongshanju. Does this Mr. Wang understand games?"

Listening to the discussion around him, Wang Yifei also stopped talking.

He looked at Jiang Hua.

Wang Yifei is not stupid, these people are naturally very confident when they say this in front of him and Jiang Hua.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I am full of confidence.

If the game is truly perfect, then so be it.

The point is that Wang Yifei really found some problems through a day and a night of experience.

Of course, if Jiang Hua doesn't let him speak, then Wang Yifei is fine.

Although there are some problems with Swordsman Love, in China, no, not only in China, even if it is placed abroad, it will not be inferior to the games produced by some large stand-alone game manufacturers.

However, Wang Yifei was still unwilling.

Now Qingyun Technology has just acquired Dongshanju, and it has also been stated in the contract that it will try its best to give Dongshanju the independence and autonomy.

As a result, it wasn't long before Wang Yifei directly intervened in their internal work.

To be honest, it's also kind of unethical.

Wang Yifei heard it, and Jiang Hua naturally heard these words too.

He pondered for a moment, thinking that it was still necessary to talk to Wang Yifei.

Just now he directly asked Wang Yifei to make a suggestion in front of the public.

Although there is no problem with the tone and attitude, now that Wang Yifei heard what these employees said, he might think that it was Jiang Hua who arranged for Wang Yifei to give Qingyun Technology a dismount.

If Wang Yifei really had something to say about this kind of thing, everyone said in private that Jiang Hua would definitely accept it with an open mind.

Of course, if Wang Yifei did it to show his authority, then only Jiang Hua knew it.

It is not necessary to stir up emotions among employee groups.

"How about it, Mr. Wang, why don't we go to my office for a while, seeing you like this, you probably haven't slept all night."

Jiang Hua was about to pull Wang Yifei's arm as he spoke.

With this pull, Wang Yifei became stubborn instead.

You think I'm in vain, don't you?

You think I'm here to show authority, don't you?

You think the games you make are impeccable, don't you?

Do you think...

Now, I, Wang Yifei, don't care what you think, what you think.

Under the witness of so many people, I will show you that Qingyun Technology, whether it is an employee or an executive, will not have a false name.

"It's okay, Mr. Jiang, anyway, it's just a few sentences."

Wang Yifei said indifferently, and then glanced at the Dongshanju colleagues who had gathered around him more and more.

""Swordsman Love" is indeed a very good game. Whether it is graphics, sound, plot, characters, or map settings, it has reached the pinnacle of the domestic game industry, especially the stand-alone game industry."

After saying this, Wang Yifei saw the employees of Dongshanju puffed up their chests one by one, proudly.

They must be thinking in their hearts at this time, it is natural.

Dongshanju said that he is the second player in the domestic stand-alone game industry in Longhan, who dares to say that he is the first.

"However, everything is perfect, and everything is perfect."

When Wang Yifei said this, many people were stunned.

Isn't it perfect?
It is not good to achieve the current domestic acme in every point, isn't it?

Isn't it good to let the majority of players play a perfect game?
Why does the word "feel perfect" become a derogatory term when you put it in Wang Yifei's mouth.

Everyone was silent, and everyone wanted to see what warning words Wang Yifei could say.

Jiang Hua also frowned.

If Wang Yifei hadn't said this, he wouldn't think there is nothing wrong with perfection.

But as soon as Wang Yifei said it, Jiang Hua felt a flash of light in his mind.

But the aura flashed too fast, and Jiang Hua didn't catch it.

"We know that the human instinct is to tend to perfection, and everyone likes to see perfect things."

"But when a perfect thing is placed in front of you, its shortcomings will be infinitely magnified."

"Don't say it's perfect, why are there still shortcomings? In the eyes of caring people, it is absolutely impossible to have perfect things in the world. Even if there are, they can find the shortcomings for you."

"As the saying goes, there are a thousand original cookies in the eyes of a thousand people. Everyone, because of their different life experiences, different levels of education, and different outlooks on life and the world, may be perfect in your eyes. It will be very imperfect in the eyes of the eyes."

"In any case, I will find some problems for you. Do you agree with this truth?"

Wang Yifei didn't directly say where the problem of the game "Swordsman Love" is, but gave a big explanation about perfection.

As soon as these words were said, many people showed contemplative expressions on their faces.

Indeed, they have made something that they think is perfect, is it really perfect?

The people who come to Dongshanju to work are basically people who like games and some cultural elements of the Longhan style.

The world is big and wonderful.

Some like this style, and some like that style.

You like red, I like blue, and some people like GHS.

What you like can only represent your own thoughts, you cannot represent all mankind by yourself.

Seeing that everyone was thinking about what he just said, Wang Yifei felt a little swollen in his heart.

However, he also knew the truth of striking while the iron was hot, so he continued to express his thoughts without delay.

"There is no perfect thing in this world, or in other words, there is no absolutely perfect thing."

"Like Venus with broken arms, her arms are broken, but such a work of art is the most beautiful in our eyes."

"Going back to the question I just said, the game of Swordsman Love, because it is so perfect, it will appear a bit mediocre."

"We have to find a shortcoming for this game, or create a shortcoming."

"In my opinion, it's better to think of a way in terms of plot."

"In this plot, the male lead has three intimate women. In the finale, all three of these women become the male lead's wives."

"This is not good, very bad."

Wang Yifei shook his head and said, "We should let two of them, or at least one of them, leave in the middle of the game."


"President Wang, what does this mean?"

Jiang Hua asked in a daze.

"Leave means literally, separate from the protagonist, and never have any contact again."

"To put it simply, let her die."



Jiang Hua's eyes widened at this moment, and he subconsciously said, "Then Ling'er must not be allowed to die."

"That can't make Luna die."

"No, I can't let Ah Shui die."

As soon as Jiang Hua said something, the employees next to him started fighting.

Wang Yifei watched this scene with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth.

Look, look.

That's the reaction he got when he made a slight change.

Even the people who made these games reacted so strongly, what about when players play in the future.

Let's fight, let's fight.

As long as there is a topic, this game will have a reputation, so that more people can pay attention to this game.

When he signed the acquisition contract with Jiang Hua and others, he made a series of plans.

But now, the biggest problem is actually the game.

"I can't let Ling'er die. If Ling'er dies, this game will lack a soul."

"That can't let Moon God die, such a cold woman, if she dies, I will die of pain."

"No, then our family, Ah Shui, can't die. If such a lovely girl dies, then this game doesn't matter."

All the employees surrounded the city and kept arguing, Jiang Hua, Hu Yu and Liu Ye even joined in.

Hu Yu said in one sentence, he was determined not to let Ah Shui die.

He himself is an extremely calm person. When making games, he fell in love with Ah Shui, an exotic girl who dared to love and hate.

On the other hand, Liu Ye firmly insisted that Luna should not die.

Luna's appearance and temperament are now a proper high-cold goddess, and 90.00% of them hit Liu Ye's point.

But Jiang Hua didn't speak.

He already knew now that the words he said subconsciously just now had caused a riot.

Looking at the crowd around him, Jiang Hua couldn't help shouting: "Everyone be quiet, we are discussing the content of the game now, please stay calm and don't be impatient."

"I will discuss with Mr. Liu, Mr. Hu and Mr. Wang as soon as possible, whether it is necessary to modify this game."

Jiang Hua roared, making the chaotic office area quiet for a moment.

"Mr. Jiang, please, give me Luna a way to survive, such a cold woman, she can't die."

"Mr. Jiang, you must not let Ah Shui die. If Ah Shui dies, then I will die too."

"Is there no one who will not let Ling'er die? Linger is the heroine. Linger must not die."

"Go away, Luna is the heroine."

"No, since the game can be changed, let us, Ah Shui, be the heroine."

Jiang Hua gave Wang Yifei a hand, and walked into the office amidst the commotion.

Seeing Jiang Hua and others go in, the colleagues in the company also looked at each other.

Some of them had a good relationship, and when they saw that the other party did not choose the same heroine as themselves, they immediately turned around and left with a cold snort.

Those who were not close to each other before saw that everyone liked a heroine, and they were as happy as good brothers who had been separated for many years.

Not only that, everyone is a person who messes with the Internet. At this time, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Wang and others must see their determination to wait for others.

Now that the game production is finished, most of the employees have entered a temporary state of being fine, except for the colleagues at the propaganda office who have to cooperate with Qingyun Technology to carry out some work.

If the game is going to change, that's when everyone really starts working.

However, everyone is also an adult, knowing that although Wang Yifei's suggestion is a bit damaged, it is still a good suggestion.

Just like Venus with a broken arm, only the broken one is truly perfect.

If the game reaches the finale and forms a perfect ending, then this game can only be said to be good, not a classic.

An unforgettable classic.

So at this time, the support group of the three female characters began to be established inside Dongshanju.

【Linger support group】

【Luna Support Group】

【A Water Support Group】

For a while, there was no sound in the office area of ​​Dongshanju, only the sound of clattering keyboards could be heard.

 Double monthly pass, please

(End of this chapter)

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