Chapter 417 Chapter 419, Crisis (please subscribe for monthly pass)

"Mr. Yao, what kind of golf do you come out to play every day in the cold?"

"One by one wrapped up like a big bear."

Su Ye said casually, not far away, Yao Xichuan was wearing a thick black down jacket, swinging the golf ball in a chic posture.

"There must be something to bring you here. Don't be in a hurry. Wait a minute. You'll know when someone comes."

"To tell you the truth, this time, I'm only able to meet these people because of you."

"Huh?" Su Ye was puzzled.

What does it mean to be in my light to meet these people.

Don't these people have a lot of face?

Yao Xichuan is the eldest son of the Yao family, the first family in Xichuan. Although he is not the only heir, his vision should not be low.

So what is the identity of the person who came this time...

"Okay, don't guess, you will know when the person arrives."

Yao Xichuan spoke slowly, and then handed Su Ye a cue to let him practice.

Otherwise, watching Su Ye's actions just now is really too worrying.

Su Ye had no choice but to practice slowly under Yao Xichuan's guidance.

After almost half an hour, Su Ye saw an old man walking towards the gate.

The old man is hale and hearty, and he looks 70 years old even if he is not [-] years old.

However, the old man was well maintained, with a rosy face and a meticulously combed white hair.

There are also a few men who look like bodyguards or something.

Someone helped carry the bag, someone cleared the way, but no one helped the old man.

"Old Feng, you are here."

Yao Xichuan saw the old man coming and hurried over to greet him.

The person known as Feng Lao saw Yao Xichuan coming and smiled kindly at him: "Xiao Yao, let's stop doing this."

"Wait for Gordon, Solandi, let's come over and have a chat."

As he said that, Elder Feng turned his head to look at Su Ye who was turning to look at him, "This is Mr. Su, he really is young and promising."

When Su Ye saw this old Feng ordered his life, he also bowed slightly, "I've seen old Feng."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Old Feng agreed, and then said: "You guys play first, and we will talk about it later when Gordon and the others come over."

As he said that, without waiting for Su Ye and Yao Xichuan to respond, he found a place to sit down, and the bodyguards and others around him hurriedly served by his side.

Su Ye was even more puzzled now.

He looked at Yao Xichuan's questioning gaze.

At this time, Yao Xichuan also knew that he could no longer hide from Su Ye. He walked up to Su Ye and said, "Su Ye, this is Mr. Feng, Feng Zhenting, the founder of Longhan Zhenting Medicine, but he has been absent in recent years. manage the business of the company."

"There are also Gordon and Solandi that Mr. Feng mentioned just now, they are all old antiques of some large foreign enterprises or families."

"When they talk to you later, you should be careful. These old men have experienced too many things in their lives. Don't be accidentally led into the ditch by them."

Although he explained Elder Feng's identity to Su Ye, Su Ye still felt that Yao Xichuan's words were vague and he didn't tell him the key issues.

However, Su Ye could tell that the people who came here or were about to come here were people of a certain status, but he hadn't heard any news recently that a big person was coming to Jiangcheng.

With so many of them coming to Jiangcheng, they probably all came looking for him.

However, seeing Yao Xichuan's hesitant expression on his face, Su Ye didn't want to ask any more questions.

Anyway, when these people come, just see what they are doing.

After Feng Zhenting greeted Su Ye, he sat there by himself, basking in the sun with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, Su Ye saw many people walking in again.

However, none of those people greeted Su Ye, and they were all foreigners, so Su Ye would not go up to him to say anything to him.

Yao Xichuan beside him was helping him introduce.

"The white-haired foreigner in a dark blue suit is Gordon. Their family has always been the number one family in Europa. Their industries involve aircraft manufacturing, hotel management, tourism, and the wine industry."

"There is also the old man in the long black trench coat, the honorary viscount of England, but he is actually from the beautiful country, this is Solandi, in the capital world of the beautiful country, that is also the existence of calling the wind and rain."

After finishing speaking, Yao Xichuan struggled for a while, and said again, "This person is very powerful, not only in the capital world, but also has a very large influence on the parliament of the beautiful country."

"The family business under their family involves energy companies, arms companies, as well as the gaming industry, sports industry, etc. This old man is very dangerous. Our Yao family suffered a loss in his hands last time."

Yao Xichuan didn't dare to introduce too much, so he could only explain a few words to Su Ye as appropriate.

These big figures, even if they come to Longhan, it is not Yao Xichuan's turn to receive and introduce them. They are always received by some important officials from the government.

However, they came to Longhan this time with their personal identities, and it was up to him to invite Su Ye, so everyone let him participate, otherwise, let alone Yao Xichuan, he would be the head of the Yao family Here, too, it doesn't qualify.

Su Ye nodded silently.

When he only saw old Feng at first, he didn't feel much.

The feeling the other party gave, that kind of kindness is only on the surface, and I don't know what it is inside.

As for the other foreigners, they were even more unkind to Su Ye, and some even had some dislikes.

After waiting for a while, when the last person with a long white scarf wrapped around his head arrived, Yao Xichuan counted the heads and knew that all the people who came this time had arrived.

"Xiao Yao, everyone is here, let's get ready for a meeting."

In the crowd, Feng Lao said.

"Okay, Mr. Feng, the conference room is ready."

Yao Xichuan took the lead and was about to lead everyone away.

"Isn't it good to be here? The weather in Longhan is just right now, and it happens that us old guys can also bask in the sun."

Just when Feng Laogang was about to sit up and leave with Yao Xichuan, Solandi suddenly spoke in the crowd.

"Solandi, it's still winter in Longhan, you young man is fine here, I can't take it anymore, old man."

"Old Feng, don't be like this. I came to Longhan this time in private. If you murdered me, wouldn't I have nowhere to cry?"

Solandi speaks fluent Longhan dialect, which is no worse than that of Longhan people.


"Solandi, everyone knows the purpose of your visit this time, so don't play with these things, and you can talk outside if you want, I will accompany you."

An angry look flashed across Mr. Feng's face, and he returned to his calmness just now.

"Sorlandi, don't say a few words, we need to talk this time when we come here, it's not appropriate for you to be so aggressive."

In the crowd, another foreigner also spoke, and it was Gordon.

Su Ye was confused, but his own English was not bad.

However, now a group of foreigners come to Longhan and don't speak foreign languages ​​anymore. Longhan speaks Chinese more fluently than him, and even this Gordon can use idioms, which is really excellent.

"Boss Su, come here."

After Gordon finished speaking, Feng Zhenting seemed to lose his temper. He waved at Su Ye who was watching a few people.

"President Su, you are the protagonist today, we are here to look for you, come and sit down."

As soon as Feng Zhenting finished speaking, bodyguards brought chairs and tables to Su Ye.

Su Ye walked over to sit down, and looked around. He saw the dozen or so big men with different skin colors and ages, who came from all over the world, and was suddenly shocked.

This scene seems to have the feeling of three trials.

Although Su Ye knew that he was sitting in the main seat, the atmosphere of this scene was not quite right.

"President Su, don't be nervous."

Feng Zhenting comforted Su Ye, then turned his head and asked all the bodyguards to retreat, and there were only these big shots and Yao Xichuan left in the field.

"Xiao Yao, you should go down first."

"Okay, old Feng."

Yao Xichuan lowered his head in response, then secretly gave Su Ye a look of self-care, and then retreated.

To be honest, he also received a notice from the family, asking him to invite Su Ye to come over for a chat today, and introduce a few people by the way.

Among these people, the people Yao Xichuan knew were Feng Zhenting, Solandi, and Gordon. He didn't know the identities of the others.

However, seeing that those people are on an equal footing with Feng Zhenting and others at this time, it is obvious that even if their status and strength are slightly lower, they will not be much lower.

I just don't know what these people are looking for Su Ye for.

Except for a dozen people in the arena, the nearest bodyguards are all 30 meters away, and this is outdoors, even if they talk, no one else can hear them.

Feng Zhenting looked around, and then he said with a smile: "President Su, we have been famous for your name for a long time. After half a year of starting your business, you have led the company to this point. You can be called a business genius. Too much."

"I don't know, but there are people behind President Su who support him."

Su Ye was shocked.

It seems that the matter of owning the system can be concealed from some people, but it still cannot be hidden from others.

Since he founded Qingyun Technology, he has been spending money lavishly, treating employees, purchasing office equipment, distributing benefits, and launching multiple businesses.

These are naturally not a problem for these big guys who stand at the top of the world.

However, most of these bigwigs focus on one industry or several related industries. No one will constantly cross industries like Su Ye.

It first started from the Internet, and it only took a short time to become a leading company in the industry. After that, it made mobile phones and acquired them.

It seems that the funds in Su Ye's hands have never been cut off.

These people in front of them are all real business elites.

If Su Ye's company was small, they might not have cared about it, but Su Ye's company has grown so large that it has become a multinational company in less than half a year after its establishment. The strength behind it is too terrifying.

It’s fine if someone supports it, but if no one supports it…

Su Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he kept scolding Yao Xichuan in his heart.

This Yao Xichuan himself helped him anyway, but now he directly put himself in such a situation, it's really outrageous.

"Old Feng, what if someone supports you, but what if no one supports you?"

Su Ye said lightly, looking confident.

Since these people can directly ask Yao Xichuan to invite him today, they must have some understanding of his basic situation.

Su Ye's father opened a plush toy factory, and his mother also worked as a treasurer in the factory.

Although it is considered a well-off family compared to ordinary people, it is not enough in front of these people.

It seems that Su Ye still needs to find a way to find a source for his own source of funds.

But Su Ye had already planned for this matter.

If others don't know about his problem, how can he not know about it himself?

So much money has been invested in Qingyun Technology, but anyone who cares can see it.

Su Ye also planned to be discovered very early.

It's just that he didn't expect that it's good that he wasn't discovered, but now that he was discovered, there would be so many big figures directly blocking the door.

Looking around, Su Ye still doesn't know what these smiling business leaders are thinking in their hearts.

"If someone supports it, then Mr. Su just needs to tell us who the person behind you is, and we will talk to the person behind you when the time comes."

"However, if there is no support, then we will have a good talk today."

Feng Zhenting said, his eyes flashed.

Su Ye was shocked. He thought that these foreigners came here with bad intentions, but he didn't expect it.

Even Feng Zhenting of the Longhan Empire had thoughts about him.

"Someone supports it."

After Su Ye said something, his heart kept turning.

This time Feng Zhenting and the others found him suddenly to give him a surprise attack.

He hadn't been given any hints or preparation time before, and even Yao Xichuan, who was in charge of inviting Su Ye, didn't know their purpose.

This is also to prevent Su Ye from preparing or planning in advance after knowing their purpose.

"Anyone support?"

Hearing Su Ye's answer, everyone present couldn't help being shocked.

Although they already had this expectation, they didn't expect Su Ye to admit it.

Although they knew that Su Ye must be supported by someone behind him, they still held the idea that maybe Su Ye had no one to support him.

Then they can unscrupulously embezzle Su Ye's business.

In China, Feng Zhenting can win Su Ye's offline business.

Abroad, both Gordon and Solandi also have some ideas about Su Ye's overseas branch.

Especially Solandi, the beautiful country is his area of ​​strength, and Lin Shang registered ET company in the beautiful country.

It's fine if you didn't pay attention to Su Ye before, but Suo Landi knew that Su Ye had contacted that Lin Shang before.

As a result, it didn't take long for Lin Shang to open the company directly.

Although the legal person of the company is Lin Shang himself, although Lin Shang's family is barely considered a well-off family in the beautiful country, it is impossible to spend so much money.

Moreover, the business scope and model of ET Company have too many similarities with Dianping of Longhan Empire.

It is not an exaggeration to say that ET is the foreign branch of Dianping.

(End of this chapter)

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