The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 418 420, The style of painting has changed

Chapter 418 420, The style of painting has changed (seeking subscription for monthly ticket)

Chapter 420

Seeing everyone's expressions change, Feng Zhenting was also surprised.

This Su Ye, sure enough.

He knew that the Longhan Empire was in the midst of a waste of time, with many opportunities and great opportunities.

But even so, it is impossible for people to grow from an ordinary person to a company founder with a market value of tens of billions in just a few months.

That's right, the capital market now values ​​Qingyun Technology at about US$400 billion.

Not Longhan coins.

Feng Zhenting hadn't received any definite news before, and there was support behind Su Ye, but there were also speculations.

But now, after Su Ye said this, he also understood in his heart.

"President Su, if that's the case, why don't you call the person behind you to talk to us."

Feng Zhenting said after deliberation.

If the supporters behind Su Ye are not strong, then it is not a big problem.

They can even eat not only Qingyun Technology, but also the property of the man behind Su Ye.

In such a short period of time, more than 30 billion to 40 billion funds have been given to Su Ye. It seems that this person's property is not too small.

Of course, if that person is powerful, Feng Zhenting and the people present are not worried about anything.

With so many top consortiums in the world, even if the other party is powerful, they still have to be cautious.

"This one……"

Su Ye almost couldn't make it up anymore.

Whether there is anyone behind him to support him, he, Su Ye, knows best.

Someone with a fart.

If there were real people, then Su Ye wouldn't mind shouting out to wrestle with the people in front of him.

But he didn't.

However, Su Ye had an idea.

There is no one behind him, but there is someone behind Li Qianqian.

Li Wanli is the leader.

That power must be huge, if Su Ye didn't tell them about Li Wanli's identity today, and then he used Li Wanli's hand to make a little movement, then these people would know about it.

"Old Feng, you know the man behind me."

Nonsense, as the leader of Li Wanli, ordinary people in the Longhan Empire may not know about it, but how can they not know about Feng Zhenting's business level.

Feng Zhenting was a little stunned when he heard what Su Ye said.

Know yourself?

For a moment, Feng Zhenting sat on the chair, his body was no longer the same as before, but he was leaning on the chair instead.

The people I know, and those who are in the Longhan Empire, the range is a bit large.

However, even if it is big, it will not be too big.

Feng Zhenting used his own level as a measure.

The annual sales of the pharmaceutical company under him are tens of billions, but the profit is only about 20-30 billion.

And medicine is still a research and development-oriented enterprise, and a large part of this gross profit has to be put into research and development projects.

In the end, the net profit for the last year will probably be more than one billion.

But at Feng Zhenting's level, the money will not be put in the bank to buy wealth management to generate interest.

That's just too slow.

Doing business may look good now, but who knows what will suddenly fail one day.

Being prepared for danger in times of peace is the traditional virtue of Longhan people.

Feng Zhenting is no exception.

In addition to investing in pharmaceutical companies every year, he also has his eyes on the current energy field, and has invested tens of billions of funds in it over the years.

It's just that the report on energy has not yet seen a little bit.

If it wasn't for this incident, Feng Zhenting would not have led a group of foreigners to threaten Su Ye.

I invested in energy before, but after entering it, I realized that I could no longer withdraw.

But the continuous investment also left Feng Zhenting with little money left.

This year's global financial crisis has caused him to lose a lot of energy investment.

But unexpectedly, at this time, Su Ye's Qingyun Technology has suddenly emerged, becoming one of the few companies in the world that can maintain rapid development.

the Internet.

Only then did Feng Zhenting set his sights on this new field and industry.

But now Su Ye admitted that there was someone behind him who supported him, and he even knew this person himself.

Feng Zhenting knew some of Su Ye's experience, and he basically had no experience of going abroad in these years. The only time he left the Longhan Empire was to take his staff to his own island for vacation.

But at that time, Su Ye's Qingyun technology had developed quite well.Naturally, it was impossible to accept foreign investment at that time.

Then, the range becomes much smaller.

The person behind Su Ye should be the boss of the Longhan Empire.

In Longhan's country, he was able to spend so much money and his status was still very high. Feng Zhenting was shocked.

Here, the only people behind Su Ye are the several hidden families of the Longhan Empire.

During the Chinese New Year last year, Feng Zhenting also met the children of the hidden family.

The young man is less than 30 years old and has a net worth of tens of billions.

Feng Zhenting doesn't know what the other party's industry is. Children of such a big family, even if they are optimistic about a certain industry, will not participate in it personally. At most, they will propose a general direction and let their subordinates operate it.

The most important thing is that this son of a hermit family who is less than 30 years old is humble and polite, treats people with words, and has no problem with dressing.

There is no such arrogance and domineering as Feng Zhenting imagined before.

At that moment, Feng Zhenting knew that the strength of these hermit families was a hundred times stronger than those who showed their faces to the outside world, in every aspect.

Then Su Ye might be the spokesperson launched by a certain big family.

The Su family in Haicheng?

Feng Zhenting had heard of the name of this family, but although Su Ye's surname was Su, it wasn't necessarily the Su family who quit.

Xishan Wang Family.

Dongshan Cui's house.

The Li family in Qin.

Jiangnan Fengjia.

Coastal Forest Home.


The country of Longhan is so big and has such a large population, one country can surpass the population and territory of the entire continent of Europe.

There are many aristocrats, royal families, and hermit families in Europa, but there is no reason why the Longhan Empire does not.

Yes, and only more.

Feng Zhenting's status in Longhan was not low, but he didn't dare to provoke those real hidden families.

"Su Ye, which family is behind you?"

Feng Zhenting was scared.

He muttered in a low voice, but it happened to be heard by Su Ye.

Su Ye smiled inscrutablely and did not respond to him.

"Old Feng, what do you mean by that?"

"Could it be that you want to back down?"

Gordon asked in a low voice.

He was sitting next to Feng Zhenting, seeing the old guy's attitude, he could probably guess what he was thinking.

"Back off?"

"The old man may really want to back down."

Feng Zhenting subconsciously glanced at Su Ye who was sitting there with the old god. If he didn't have any confidence, how could Su Ye be so stable here.

There is not only one hidden family in Longhan.

Feng Zhenting suspected that Su Ye might be favored by several families at the same time.

From the beginning, when Su Ye founded Qingyun Technology, he didn't have much money at that time, and Feng Zhenting already knew this.

But after a while, Su Ye suddenly became faster and more aggressive when spending money.

In particular, Feng Zhenting also learned some inside information.

For example, when acquiring Houlang, Qingyun Technology did not spend a lot of money.

That was one of the three major Internet companies in Longhan, and it was acquired for only about [-] million yuan, and the acquisition time was less than half a month.

There are too many intriguing places in this.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Although Qingyun Technology was already good at that time, it was much worse than Houlang in terms of scale and reputation.

After the acquisition, many media said that this acquisition of Qingyun Technology can be called a snake swallowing an elephant.

But can a snake swallow a giant elephant?

Among them, there must be some unknown things.

Feng Zhenting regretted it a little. If he had known earlier, he would not have threatened Su Ye in such a hurry.

Feng Zhenting shook his head at Gordon and Solandi, then slowly closed his eyes.

He, Old Feng, is not involved in this matter.

Gordon and Solandi looked at each other, but their hearts were ruthless.

Lao Feng, a local snake, is scared, but they won't.

Flying from a place as far away as the beautiful country and Germany, the two of them also arrived yesterday, and the jet lag is not good yet.

If he left in such a disheartened manner, he would definitely regret it in the future.

Gordon, especially, would not be reconciled.

He was already entangled with several nobles in Germany. At this time, if he really left, he would be reprimanded after returning.

"Su Ye, I'm Gordon from Germany. It's a pleasure to come to Longhan to meet you."

"My company is mainly engaged in aircraft manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and other subsidiary industries. We can chat more later when we have time."

"In addition, I also have a great impression of Long Han. I came here this time not only to meet you, but also to inspect the business environment of Long Han. If it is suitable, I will There will be some investment."

Gordon said with a smile on his face.

He looked polite, but he was also a little guilty.

On Long Han's side, try not to offend Su Ye, but you can't get nothing, or you will be reprimanded when you go back.

So he deliberately made his purpose smaller and focused on investment.

"Now the Qindi Automobile Company of the Longhan Empire is cooperating with my Robert Automobile Company. Mr. Su, if you are interested, we can talk about it at that time."


Hearing Gordon's non-emphasis words, Su Ye's eyes lit up.

His cooperation with Biati to build cars is only known to the core management of the two companies, and the employees below are not aware of it at all.

This Gordon frequently leads the topic to car manufacturers, does he know something?
Su Ye gave Gordon a heavy look, "Mr. Gordon, welcome to Longhan. Longhan is a peace-loving nation who respects mutual benefit and reciprocity. I believe you will definitely gain something when you come."

"I'm really interested in the automobile manufacturing industry. It's getting late today. Why don't I arrange a place for us to chat in the evening."

"Oh, that would be a great honor."

Gordon suddenly burst into laughter. Rumor has it that people in Germany have a stereotyped image, but in Su Ye's view, they are also divided.

"There's a saying, you want what you want, don't dare, right, Mr. Su."


Su Ye almost laughed out loud.

It's no problem to have what you want.

But what do you mean if you don't invite me? Do you dare not invite me?

"Yes, Mr. Gordon still has a deep study of my Longhan culture, so let's talk at night."

Su Ye said something, and looked at the dozen or so people in front of him again.

Yao Xichuan told him just now that all the people who came this time were led by Solandi and Gordon.

If Feng Zhenting hadn't been a local snake, he probably wouldn't have been able to participate in such a thing.

Now that Gordon and Feng Zhenting have died down, the next one is Solandi.

As long as Solandi doesn't cause trouble for Su Ye today, then Su Ye will pass smoothly today.

It will take some time to retaliate afterwards.

"Mr. Solandi, I don't know what to teach you."

At this moment, Su Ye took the initiative to attack.

Solandi has white curly hair and deep creases on his face.

Su Ye seriously suspected that this Solandi was the most intelligent and business-savvy race in the world according to legend.

Too much oil.

"Hahaha, President Su is indeed a young hero."

"Yes, wisdom and courage are the best choices."

Solandi directly praised Su Ye, but Su Ye felt that it was a bit awkward.

If these words came from the mouth of an old Long Han, he would also admit it.

But it's really embarrassing to say it from a foreigner.

"President Su, don't be embarrassed. I'm also a half-Dragon Han. I was born in Long Han during the war decades ago. My father is an English navy, and my mother is just an ordinary man from Henan Province. Farm women."

"You don't know if you can hear it, but my accent has a strong Henan flavor."

"Is it right?"

At the end of the talk, Solandi also came up with a classic Yu province dialect.

At this moment, not only Su Ye, but even Feng Zhenting opened his eyes.

This last sentence is not right, and it is definitely not something that ordinary foreigners can learn.

Without hundreds of times of practice, and without the influence of day and night, it is impossible to say this sentence so clearly.

Because, he, Old Feng, is also from Yu Province.

The funny thing is, I didn't expect to be half a fellow with Solandi.

Su Ye was also a little stunned.

This Gordon and Solandi are a bit out of line.

If you come up like Feng Zhenting and ask me some key information, that's no problem, when the time comes, everyone will directly do it, and whoever kills him will be the best.

But first of all, Gordon came to make friends with me, asking if we want to cooperate to open a car factory.

One is even more shameless, at least six, seven, and ten years old, and still has a relationship with me.

Why, you want to be my fellow townsman just because you speak the dialect of Henan Province?

Then I, Su Ye, is now a fellow with 30 billion people, am I the best in the world?

I don't understand.

"Mr. Solandi's dialect is really standard, but since we are sitting here today, let's talk about your thoughts."

Solandi didn't expect that Su Ye would be the one asking the question at this moment.

He also knew that since old Feng Zhenting gave up right here, the person behind Su Ye must be much stronger than Feng Zhenting.

But how strong it is, Solandi can't guess.

However, since Su Ye is not the kind of soft persimmon they expected, naturally they have to find a way to let the current difficulties pass.

After all, this is Long Han's territory.

Don't look at Long Han who has been silent all these years, but people who have reached Solandi's level know that at this time, you are acting arrogant and domineering, and you are not really arrogant and domineering.

The low-key and restrained performance of you does not necessarily mean that you are low-key and restrained.

Everyone is a masked person, and whoever wears few masks may be easily caught and killed directly.

"Ahem, this is Mr. Su."

Solandi thought quickly, but kept saying yes.

"President Su, I really want to ask you for advice when I come to Longhan."

"My company's business involves the energy industry, the hotel industry, the gaming industry, and the automobile industry."

"But now is the Internet age, and I also want my industry to be upgraded."

"In the Internet industry around the world, I think Mr. Su also knows about this situation."

"The first time I heard about Qingyun Technology in the beautiful country, I knew that Mr. Su was definitely not someone in the pool. Since I have the opportunity to meet this time, I also hope that Mr. Su can help me with ideas. Is there any industry that can catch up with the Internet?"

After Solandi finished speaking, he stared at Su Ye with piercing eyes.

As for Gordon who kept rolling his eyes next to him, he pretended not to see it.

You Gordon can put down your body and get close to a young man, why don't you allow me, Solandi, to be shameless?

(End of this chapter)

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