Chapter 424 Chapter 426
After sending Gordon, Solandi and others away, Su Ye let out a sigh of relief at the airport.

This time, it took him almost ten days.

However, it finally turned the corner.

Su Ye stood in the terminal building, silently recalling the whole story of this time.

First, Yao Xichuan recruited Solandi, Gordon, Feng Zhenting and others, and wanted Su Ye to call out the control of Qingyun Technology.

Then during the negotiation, someone asked Su Ye if there was someone behind him.

As a result, after knowing that there was support behind Su Ye, he immediately changed his mind and wanted to cooperate with Su Ye.

Although this cooperation is somewhat coercive, in general, Su Ye still made a lot of money.

He received an 8% stake in Facebook Inc.

Now it seems that the value of so many shares may only be around tens of millions of dollars.

However, Solandi and Gordon personally promised that no matter how many rounds of financing the company will raise in the future, it will not dilute Su Ye's shares too much.

At the very least, the Facebook shares held by Su Ye will not be less than 5%.

They are not very good people, they only want to give benefits to Su Ye.

Instead, after the project description meeting that day, Gordon and Solandi took Su Ye to learn about some of Facebook's follow-up development plans.

Naturally, Su Ye couldn't tell everything.

As I said before, this matter needs to be revealed bit by bit.

These people are all cannibals, even if they are not jealous of Qingyun Technology now.

But Facebook is not able to see the future in a day or two.

If during this process, these people once again moved their minds about Qingyun Technology, Su Ye really had no choice.

After all, there is really no backer behind him.

The ability to develop step by step to the current level is all due to the efforts of Su Ye and everyone in Qingyun Technology.

After Su Ye rejected their request, Solandi and Gordon didn't say anything.

After signing a series of agreements, Su Ye sent them all away.

"Su Ye, let's do something next."

Li Qianqian, who was standing beside Su Ye, asked.

What happened this time was dangerous, but Li Qianqian still had some doubts.

Su Ye has nothing to hide from her.

Li Qianqian also knew about the situation at the golf course.

Su Ye only said that someone was behind the scenes, and Gordon, Solandi and others immediately believed it.

No matter how you look at it, it feels unreliable.

Also, so many people on the other side have always trusted Su Ye.

After all, what Su Ye contributed this time was just a Facebook project idea.

Those people are the masters who don't see the rabbit and don't cast the eagle. Why is it so on Su Ye's side.

Not at all consistent with common sense.

However, Li Qianqian kept all these matters in his heart and did not ask them.

She felt that Su Ye might still be hiding something from herself.

Of course, Li Qianqian thought that Su Ye's concealment of himself was not because she didn't work together with her, but because she was worried that Li Qianqian would be more confused or angry because she knew too much.

Therefore, although Li Qianqian had doubts in her heart, she did not tell Su Ye.

"Next, our focus will be on Groupon and smartphone projects."

"Now it's March, and Tang Lili told me that day that she had already contacted Zhao Fei, who was quite supportive of her idea of ​​starting a business."

"She wants to leave Qingyun Technology before March 3, so we should find a qualified person to take over Groupon as soon as possible."

"Take over the group buying network?"

Li Qianqian really didn't understand Su Ye's layout in the group buying field.

"Dianping was founded in December, and last month you met with Zhang Xing in Haicheng and founded Tiantiantuan. Su Ye, is the market for this group buying business really that big?"

"Of course, Qianqian, look, what kind of work is mainly done in our group buying market now, and it is basically inseparable from catering."

"In the future, the tentacles of group will penetrate into every corner of people's lives, entertainment and leisure, travel education, hotel travel, and of course the most basic catering business."

"This is a battleground for military strategists in the future, and we must not give up."

Su Ye said so.

He was even thinking in his heart that in the future, the field of group buying would slowly decline, but takeaway would be a brand new field.

With the development of science and technology, human life is becoming more and more convenient, but people's hearts are becoming more and more lazy.

If you can eat delicious real food while sitting at home, you definitely don't want to go outside.

In Su Ye's previous life, he had seen that the takeaway business of many stores exceeded the sales of dine-in food.

There are even shops that specialize in takeaway.

Like fried chicken, Chinese food, desserts, and milk tea, in many cases in these industries, the share of takeaway exceeds that of dine-in.

But in order to achieve such a goal, the foundation must be laid now.

Let merchants get used to operating their own stores on the Internet, and let users get used to buying things and consuming online.

Now, Su Ye's layout in the field of e-commerce is Qingyun Mall and, and the layout of group buying is Dianping and Tiantiantuan.

When the market matures, these websites under Qingyun Technology will become the leading companies in the industry, and when users choose, they will not escape Qingyun Technology's business scope.

Even Su Ye thought that the final direction of the two big group buying websites in the previous life was to merge.

But in the case of the Longhan Empire now, he can completely avoid the merger.

"Okay, that's up to you."

Li Qianqian shook her head, "Su Ye, help you do these things well, I'm going back to school, and I may not be able to help you in the future."

"It's okay." Su Ye hugged Li Qianqian's shoulders to comfort her, "You just went back to school, and you didn't go abroad or anything. We can still meet anytime in the future."

"Besides, a mere graduation thesis is not trivial to you."

"It sounds nice."

Li Qianqian muttered something, but she was very happy in her heart.

Su Ye's concern for her was the root cause of Li Qianqian's peace of mind.


Qingyun Technology.

As soon as Su Ye returned to the office, he received a call from Wang Yifei.

"President Su, my side is ready."

"Oh, so soon?"

Su Ye subconsciously glanced at the date on the computer. At the end of last month, Wang Yifei told him about it.

The acquisition of Dongshanju did not notify in advance, but was going to take advantage of the popularity when the new game of Dongshanju was launched.

At that time, the two events will affect each other, which will definitely increase the influence by a level.

Dongshanju is well-known in the minds of some domestic stand-alone players.

Qingyun Technology has already succeeded in getting out of the circle, and many industries have a certain understanding of Qingyun Technology.

This time's publicity, to be honest, Dongshanju borrowed the momentum of Qingyun Technology.

But this matter is no problem for Su Ye at all.

Dongshanju is now under the company's banner, so let's take advantage of the situation.

These are all trivial matters, and it was Wang Yifei who really surprised Su Ye.

Su Ye arranged for Wang Yifei to go to the imperial capital before, just to dig a corner that is difficult to network. As for those other game studios or companies, there is no big problem.

Anyway, in Su Ye's heart, those small companies will not affect the overall situation.

But he never expected that Wang Yifei would directly acquire Dongshanju.

Even Su Ye had heard of this game studio.

"Then you still release the game according to the previous time?"

Su Ye was not curious, why Wang Yifei could handle the matter over there in such a short time.

When Wang Yifei called before, he told Su Ye that he had found a bug in the game.

It may take a while for the game to be released smoothly.

But it's only been a while, and it's all done.

Su Ye didn't know that Wang Yifei had directly contacted the IT department of Qingyun Technology Headquarters, and some of the revisions were directly sent to Chen Nanfeng for help.

That's why the progress is so fast.

"Well, the time is not going to change, but I discussed it with Mr. Jiang from Dongshanju. During this half month, I will go around some large and medium-sized cities across the country and do an offline promotion."

"Offline promotion?"

"Is there enough time?"

Su Ye couldn't help frowning. The matter Wang Yifei said was either big or small.

If the ground push is only carried out in one or two cities, then it's not a big problem, just send someone from the headquarters to provide temporary assistance.

But if Wang Yifei and the others want to push more cities, then the support from the headquarters is not enough.

After all, there are so many people in the company, and everyone has their own jobs.

"Yes, offline promotion, but we will not go to too many cities. We have discussed it. Before the release of the game, we only promoted it in the cities of Imperial Capital, Haicheng, Guangcheng, Jiangcheng, and Wuhan. Some players will be invited to participate in advance.”

"The rest of the cities will be promoted after the game is released. In terms of time, it should be enough to travel to five cities in half a month."

"Just in terms of cost, it may be necessary..."

Speaking of this, Wang Yifei was a little stuck.

He has not been here for a long time, and he has spent a lot of money. Although he also bought a Dongshan residence, it is not the time yet, and the acquisition has not been revealed yet.

In such a short period of time, Su Ye had already called him hundreds of millions, but in the end he didn't get a name, and Li didn't even see him.

Wang Yifei was worried that Su Ye would feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about the cost."

"However, instead of going to every city for ground promotion, you might as well make a big one."

Su Ye thought for a while and said directly.

"Do something big?"

Wang Yifei didn't expect Su Ye to tell himself that.

He originally planned this promotional event, and the cost of each city was about 5000 million. If he visited the five cities, a total of [-] million would be enough, and he might be richer by then.

But this Su Ye actually said directly that he wanted to make a big deal.

Wang Yifei knew that Su Ye's vision was high, not ordinary high, and what he said was a big deal, and the final effect might exceed their plan at the beginning.

"Su, President Su, what are you planning to do?"

"Establish a national game exhibition."

Su Ye remembered that he had heard of China joy, a large domestic game exhibition, before.

The show girls at the exhibition... Um, no, some high-quality games and new games from all over the world were exhibited at the exhibition, but many players drooled and called it so white.

Now, Su Ye suddenly felt that he had the possibility and ability to carry out such activities.

In China, Qingyun Technology is the leading brother in the Internet industry.

Many companies and organizations in the game industry have more or less connections with Qingyun Technology's game department.

In addition, during this period of time, he also asked Zhou Yuanyuan to communicate with Dashuxia and Qixiaodian, two literary websites that Su Ye was optimistic about.

At the same time, Wang Yifei has a little contact with Zheng Zidan of Hong Kong City, and maybe he can attract a group of stars or crews from the film and television industry to participate in the exhibition.

Looking at it this way, the worst thing in the country is that people from the animation industry have joined.

However, the domestic animation industry in Longhan still has a very traditional style of painting. Most of them are watched by children. The older ones, especially high school students and college students, basically no one will watch their own cartoons.

In Su Ye's previous life, influenced by foreign animation, the domestic animation industry was also developing rapidly, which really attracted many people who like animation to join.

But for now, don't be in a hurry.

This is still the domestic situation. If you add foreign countries, then this time Chinajoy may really succeed.

Su Ye just gave the Facebook project to Solandi and Gordon.

These people can at least provide some assistance to Su Ye's activities.

Some foreign superhero movies, as well as the famous rainstorm game company in the beautiful country.

Thinking of this, Su Ye felt more and more that this event might be successful.

Wang Yifei waited for Su Ye on the phone for a long time before he heard Su Ye's voice.

"Yifei, I will give you a plan for this matter tomorrow at the latest, and then you can follow the plan."

"During this time, I can contact some companies or studios in the industry first. In addition, I can also contact some contacts in Hong Kong City."

"Boss Su, are you preparing to..."

For a moment, Wang Yifei didn't understand what kind of exhibition Su Ye wanted to do.

Isn't this game industry enough?
Plus the film and television industry.

However, since Su Ye wanted to make matters worse, the benefits for Wang Yifei's plan must outweigh the disadvantages.

"Okay, President Su, then I understand."

After Su Ye hung up the phone, he called Zhou Yuanyuan directly. After making arrangements with her, Su Ye who hung up the phone asked Zhuang Yiming to come to his office.

Now that the film and television industry has already participated, is it possible for the audio-visual product industry to also join in?

When Zhuang Yiming was in the imperial capital, he had contacts and contacts with the heads of many audiovisual companies.

This time, Qingyun Technology may really be able to create an exhibition that spans the entire industry.

It is estimated that no one knows, but at the beginning, Wang Yifei's idea was to promote a game.

(End of this chapter)

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