Chapter 425 Chapter 427, Preparations (seeking subscription for monthly ticket)

After Wang Yifei hung up the phone, he directly expressed Su Ye's thoughts to Jiang Hua and the three next to him.

Jiang Hua, Hu Yu and Liu Ye were shocked when they knew that the original local promotion event turned into an exhibition of the game industry and even joined some other industries.

"Mr. Wang, our Mr. Su is too generous."

Liu Ye stuttered a little.

Those two things are not comparable at all.

The offline promotion has already exceeded the original plan of several people.

At the beginning, they were just planning to promote it in some groups, but Wang Yifei said that the money spent on such promotion was too little, and the impact it caused was not enough.

It's better to gather these funds and do one big thing.

Pushing the ground is a major event that Wang Yifei is preparing for.

Each city spends 1000 million yuan on promotion, and when the time comes to do some online promotion, the difference from the acquisition of Dongshanju will also consume most of it.

In the end, if you don't spend all of it, it's better to give everyone benefits.

But I didn't expect Su Ye to prepare a big one just in case.

Seeing Liu Ye's shocked expression, Wang Yifei was also speechless.

You are shocked, and I am even more shocked.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Hu, now is not the time to think about these things. Mr. Su just gave us a few tasks."

"Leave the game industry to you. Dongshanju and Qingyun Technology should have a good reputation in the game industry. This time, the three of you will be in charge of Dongshanju. I will call the people at the headquarters in Jiangcheng to start connect."

"We still have about half a month left. It doesn't look short, but the number of people must be enough."

"As for me, I'm still in charge of the entertainment industry."

Wang Yifei said helplessly, and couldn't help but patted his forehead heavily.

This day, I was in charge of the game department, so I already had a lot of work.

As a result, Su Ye now wants him to make this matter bigger, even bringing in people from the entertainment industry.

"And the entertainment industry?"

Now Jiang Hua couldn't bear it anymore.

This game industry holds an exhibition, do you still want those stars to come?

When the time comes, will it be a game exhibition, a concert or a fan meeting?

"Well, there is the entertainment circle, and some other circles should also join in, but we don't have to worry about that."

Wang Yifei obviously saw what Jiang Hua was thinking.

"President Su must have a lot of people. This exhibition is to promote our new game "Swordsman Love", and we won't let other people take the lead."


Jiang Hua reluctantly agreed, and left the office with Hu Yu and Liu Ye.

Dongshanju Game Studio has been established for so long, and it must have accumulated a lot of contacts in the industry.

Usually there is no need for everyone to contact, and now that President Su of Qingyun Technology has this need, Dongshanju will also make a move, just to see his own influence.

Wang Yifei ignored them and directly called Zheng Zidan from Hong Kong City.

Wang Yifei and others in the imperial capital got busy.

On the other side of Haicheng, Zhou Yuanyuan also sighed after hanging up Su Ye's call.

Mr. Su, the current creativity really emerges endlessly.

It's so good that there is a game show going to be held.

Although the domestic game industry is developing well, there are only a few companies doing well.

The online games are Qingyun Technology and Jiufeng Games.

The stand-alone game here is Dongshanju and a game studio called Thor.

Casual games are also Qingyun Technology's QQ game hall and a game website called 3366.

Some other types, although some people do it, are not as familiar as these three aspects in terms of the overall industry scale.

But, Su Ye, if you hold a game exhibition, you just need to prepare for the game industry.

Why contact the two websites Dashuxia and Qixiaodian.

During this time, Zhou Yuanyuan has been in contact with these two literature websites.

But the result is not so satisfying.

It's a little bit better here.

As soon as Zhou Yuanyuan called, she directly found Lin Mu, the founder of Qixiaodian.

The founder of Xiaodian is also worrying recently.

When Lin Mu first founded Xiaodian, it was purely out of interest, to bring together some like-minded friends to chat here, and to create stories in his heart without any restraint.

Don't stick to the form of expression, don't stick to the words and sentences, and don't care about the profound meaning.

Purely for storytelling.

What you want is unconstrained style.

But at this time, Qixiaodian has been in operation for almost three or four years.

From the very beginning, only a dozen people participated in the registration, commenting and encouraging each other, and now there are more than one million registered users, and the number of website authors has reached a thousand.

The growth of the scale made Lin Shu happy, but also felt a little uncomfortable.

So many authors have joined Qixiaodian, and everyone's purpose is not exactly the same.

Some people are purely for the purpose of sharing their own stories, some people are starting to create a good story here to attract the attention of people in the publishing industry, and some people just want to try it out because they see that other people's writing is not good .

However, no matter what the purpose of these authors is, in short, they are creating works with heart, and want more people to see their content.

However, Lin Mu fell into a bit of confusion during the rapid development of the website.

What did he start the small dot for.

Lin Mu founded Xiaodian at the beginning to have a website and platform that allows him to create unscrupulously.

But now, his main experience can only be spent on website operation, answering every author's question every day, and helping novice readers to understand a little bit.

He spent all his time on this, but his dream of creating has been put on hold.

Lin Mu even remembered that the last update time of his "Apostle of the Universe" was around the Chinese New Year last year.

In addition to failing to achieve his own creative desire, Lin Mu also learned about some of the author's ideas.

Everyone works here day and night.

Those who go to school, use the time after school to fall in love with others and go out to play to conceive the plot.

Those who go to work, use their off-duty time to think about character design and how to dig holes for readers.

Fortunately, the time is short, and most people can persevere with their own enthusiasm.

But it's been a long time.

In the past few years of Xiaodian's operation, Lin Mu has encountered many authors like this.

Because there is no financial source, I have no choice but to give up the update, and wait for a few months after I go out to work, and then come back to continue the update.

There are even some young authors who secretly update their novels in Internet cafes behind their parents' backs.

Although he didn't want to admit it or face it in his heart, Lin Mu knew that it was too difficult for him to keep the author going with his love.

Commercialization is inevitable.

It's just, how to commercialize a website that publishes novels on the Internet.

Lin Mu himself is just an ordinary person, and he founded Xiaodian because of his hobby.

Commercialization, he really doesn't know how to operate it.

At this moment, Zhou Yuanyuan's phone call came.

As soon as he came, Zhou Yuanyuan directly reported his family name as the investment department of Qingyun Technology.

This statement made Lin Mu stunned for a long time.

Of course, he knew Qingyun Technology.

The Internet company that developed QQ, some time ago, Qingyun Mall was launched and achieved more than 20 billion sales in one day.

Lin Mu didn't pay much attention to those news since he started doing small things.

But he still learned a little about these two things about Qingyun Technology in the QQ group.

But what does it mean for such a huge company to call itself?
investment sector?

Shouldn't it be a small investment in yourself?

Zhou Yuanyuan didn't have to make any detours, so she just said what she thought.

Seeing Xiaodian's operating model and some concepts, they all think it is more in line with Qingyun Technology's development strategy.

Now give trees two options.

The first one is Qingyun Technology's direct acquisition of Xiaodian at a price of 2000 million yuan, a wholly-owned acquisition.

The second is that Qingyun Technology invests in Xiaodian and occupies some shares of Xiaodian.

Lin Mu never heard what Zhou Yuanyuan said about the second option.

A string of numbers popped up in his head in an instant.

2000 million.

How many zeros are there.

In the past few years, Lin Mu must have invested in starting small.

It cost 120 yuan to buy a domain name at the beginning, and the website development and design cost almost more than 3000 yuan.

At the beginning, Qixiaodian didn't have a rental server, and used an old computer at Lin Mu's house. The rental server took about a year and cost about 20000 points.

These are all direct expenses of the trees. In addition, he has been living on the rent for the past few years. If he spends his spare time, the labor cost will be about 30.

Of course, Lin Mu gave himself a higher salary.

After he founded Xiaodian, he quickly learned some simple web design, frame structure construction and modification from a person who didn't know much about computers before.

Art design, decision making, text proofreading, customer service, business cooperation contact.

In the past few years, Lin Mu has really been a father and a mother at the same time, he can be called an all-round little boss.

But even if these expenses are added together, the funds spent do not exceed 40.

But now, Mr. Zhou from the investment department of Qingyun Technology even directly offered 2000 million yuan.

50 times.

50 times.


Lin Mu himself is not a poor person. For some reason, his family has a lot of assets.

It has been almost ten years since he graduated from university, Lin Mu has never attended a day's shift, and he basically lives by collecting rent.

After receiving the rent for 22 houses for the first time, Lin Mu was very excited.

After receiving the rent for 22 houses for the second time, Lin Mu was a little tired.

But now, there are more than 50 houses under his name. If Qingyun Technology has not opened the QQ payment that can be transferred directly through the Internet, it would be exhausting to count on him to collect money from family to family.

He now has 50 houses under his name. If the house is set at 30, he would have assets of 1500 million.

But assets and funds give people a completely different feeling.

It's like you live in a house worth 1000 million yuan, and you live in a house directly made of 1000 million cash. Those are two completely different feelings.

Lin Mu had never seen what 2000 million in cash looked like in his life.

He swallowed subconsciously, and before Zhou Yuanyuan finished speaking, he blurted out, "I choose 2000 million."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yuanyuan's mouth on the other end of the phone.

"However, I have conditions."

Lin Mu spoke.

After he finished talking about his choice, it was like the time of the sage who arrived after the outbreak, his thinking was clear and his words were articulate.

"Mr. Zhou, Qixiaodian is my painstaking effort. I can sell him to Qingyun Technology, but I want to continue working in Qixiaodian. I need to have the right to make suggestions and options for the future development plan of Qixiaodian. "

"Although Qi Xiaodian's website is mine, it is also the home of countless Internet authors who have dreams in their hearts. I can't just sell the website and leave it alone, otherwise I will be stabbed in the back by the author brothers."

"After the acquisition of Qingyun Technology, I don't need to hold any management position in Qixiaodian, but I just have one request. I need to know the company's future development plan for the website, and when the company's policies are not good for authors and readers. When friendly, I have the right to stop."


"It's not impossible, but I can't promise you directly."

"Your request is not too high, but I still need to report to the leader before I can answer you."

Zhou Yuanyuan knew that when Wang Yifei bought Dongshanju some time ago, he directly reserved certain independent rights for Dongshanju.

Lin Mu's request is not too much to be honest.

Although Zhou Yuanyuan is confident that Qingyun Technology with Su Ye will not do anything harsh to authors and readers, but the cultural company will be managed by Wang Yihan in the future, and Zhou Yuanyuan can't guarantee that Wang Yihan will definitely do this or not.

Since Qi Xiaodian's project started from her own side, of course she also wanted to give Lin Mu and Qi Xiaodian a good future.

However, when Zhou Yuanyuan carefully reported this request to Su Ye, Su Ye unexpectedly agreed.

Not only did he agree, Su Ye also invited Lin Mu to directly join the headquarters of Qingyun Technology, to check the operation of the small point in real time, and to give Su Ye his opinion directly.

Su Ye even planned to set up a section similar to user information research, and let Lin Mu be in charge.

Now that Qingyun Technology has more and more businesses, Su Ye is also worried that when Qingyun Technology grows bigger and bigger in the future, it will gradually deviate from the needs of users.

At that time, the products produced will not be able to meet the needs of users, which will run counter to Su Ye's idea.

Lin Mu was also very excited after receiving Zhou Yuanyuan's reply, and was preparing to come to Haicheng Qingyun Investment to sign a purchase agreement with Zhou Yuanyuan.

Unexpectedly, before they left, they received a call from Zhou Yuanyuan.

What do you mean? On April 4st, there will be a game exhibition held in Haicheng, and Lin Mu is invited to participate with some excellent authors from Xiaodian.

But, but...

Lin Mu thought in a daze, what does this game exhibition have to do with his own starting point.

(End of this chapter)

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