The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 427 Chapter 429, After a long time, I didn't invite the audience

Chapter 427 Chapter 429, After a long time, I didn't invite the audience (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
Su Ye received a call from Zhou Yuanyuan and was very satisfied with her efficiency.

It didn't take long before Zhou Yuanyuan was ordered to do things, and both of them were settled.

"Sister Zhou, tell me what's going on between the small point and the big tree now."

Su Ye was also rarely interested.

Before that, he was very busy with various things around him. Although Zhou Yuanyuan told him about the two websites a few times, Su Ye didn't take it too seriously.

I only know that from now on, there is some hope for the small point, but the progress under the big tree is not going well.

Now in such a short period of time, Zhou Yuanyuan has actually settled the matter of participating in the two exhibitions. It seems that the situation is now a little clearer.

Zhou Yuanyuan sighed helplessly, and briefly told Su Ye the current situation of the two families.

"Then what do you mean, from now on, there is no problem here at Xiaodian, just waiting for the signing of the agreement, but the side under the big tree is not OK for the time being?"

"It's not impossible, it's just that Chen Haishan is a stubborn person. If we meet in Haicheng this time, maybe I can convince him."

"Then you don't have to."

"We at Qingyun Technology only need friends with the same philosophy as us to join. Since Mr. Chen is not willing, then you don't have to follow up later."

After listening to Zhou Yuanyuan's narration, Su Ye was also a little bit less interested.

The reason why he asked Zhou Yuanyuan to focus on these two websites was also because of Su Ye's personal reasons.

Now that Chen Haishan doesn't want to sell Dashuxia, it doesn't matter.

Twisted melons are not sweet.

Su Ye would not beg for nothing to buy someone else.

However, at least a little bit is still available.

Lin Mu mentioned by Zhou Yuanyuan is quite an interesting person, even Su Ye has heard of the authors of small websites, and they are all playful and troublesome.

After Xiaodian is merged into Qingyun Technology in the future, the company's atmosphere will definitely be more joyful.

Now everyone still plays games and listens to music during working hours, maybe there will be a new option in the future, reading novels during working hours.

"Okay, then I won't pay attention to the place under the big tree in the future. It's the end of the new year recently, and many entrepreneurs have also known the name of our Qingyun investment. I still have a few plans here. Wait Will take a look."

"President Su, if it's okay, I'll hang up."

"Wait, something is up."

Su Ye said hastily.

Zhou Yuanyuan on the other end of the phone couldn't help rolling her eyes.

I hung up when I said it was all right, the focus was on "I'm going to hang up" instead of asking Su Ye "Do you have anything else to arrange".

Su Ye actually told her to stop directly.

"Sister Zhou, although this game exhibition has little to do with you, it is also an opportunity."

"During this period of time, Qingyun Investment has been not well-known in the capital circle because of its new establishment. I am also very anxious about this matter, and Sister Zhou, who is at the helm of the investment company, must be even more anxious. I know all about it."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Yuanyuan was too lazy to interrupt Su Ye's self-fantasy.

I'm still burning with anxiety?
How do you know it.

I eat well and sleep soundly in Haicheng, don't live too freely every day, there is no such thing as burning with anxiety.

"Sister Zhou, the holding of this game exhibition is also a good opportunity for Qingyun Investment."

"I think you can take the initiative to take some responsibility, and then start the name of Qingyun Investment."

"This way, you can..."

"I can give you a [-]/[-] job day and night, right?"

Zhou Yuanyuan said angrily.

It wasn't that she didn't really want to work, though.

If she really doesn't want to work, then she can stop looking for a job after Gundam Capital leaves.

With the money she has earned over the years, if she casually goes out to speculate in stocks or invest in some real estate, her future life will not be bad.

Su Ye was indeed right, Zhou Yuanyuan really couldn't sit still with Qingyun Investment.

Some of the business planning plans she has now are for her to find some colleagues or subordinates, so that everyone can take the initiative to find opportunities. After such a long time, there are only a few bad plans.

It has been several months since she joined Qingyun Technology, and Zhou Yuanyuan hasn't made any great achievements yet.

Don't look at it now that she basically bought Qixiaodian, but the task Su Ye gave at that time was Qixiaodian and Dashuxia.

Zhou Yuanyuan was even thinking.

If it was Li Qianqian or Wang Yifei who took over this task, maybe they could really find a way to complete the acquisition.

She is a master who has been in the investment circle for many years, but she is even compared to a group of laymen.

How can this work.

Su Ye and other people in the company must see how awesome she is Zhou Yuanyuan.

She, Zhou Yuanyuan, had previously relied on a little family relationship to help settle the matter in Haicheng. At the same time, she also established Qingyun Real Estate, which is also a big force in the real estate industry in Haicheng.

But this is not what Zhou Yuanyuan wants.

What she really wanted was to be known as Qingyun Investment in the investment industry.

Now that Su Ye said these words, she also knew that Su Ye must be trying to trick her into working.

But if it is possible, Zhou Yuanyuan is naturally willing to give it a try.

"Okay, Su Ye, just tell me, what's the matter."

Zhou Yuanyuan spoke with some reluctance, but there was some expectation in her heart.


"Prepare for this game exhibition."

"From venue, personnel, business arrangement, accommodation, publicity, promotion, interaction, association, including but not limited to these things."

"This time, I want to hand over this game exhibition to you."

"pass it to me?"

Zhou Yuanyuan didn't care about the division of labor that Su Ye said at the beginning. Anyway, for her, she should do what she can handle as soon as possible, and ask Su Ye for help if she can't do it herself.

However, now Su Ye actually said that she would hand over the game exhibition this time.

Could Zhou Yuanyuan not be surprised?

From Su Ye's series of layouts, it can be seen that although Su Ye suddenly informed about the game exhibition, this matter must have a large proportion for the company's future development in the cultural entertainment game industry.

The purpose of this game exhibition is not to make money at all, but to enhance the popularity of Qingyun Technology and the company's status in these industries.

Even, Zhou Yuanyuan speculated that this might have something to do with the alliance that Su Ye mentioned before.

If the game show is really good, will those exhibitors look forward to the next one again.

It doesn't even need Su Ye to take the initiative to say that these people may be Qingyun Technology's natural allies.

However, now Su Ye actually said that he would hand over the exhibition to himself.

This is too, too... unbelievable.

This matter is related to the next series of layout of Qingyun Technology, so it is so simple to hand over to yourself?
"Yes, I'll leave it to you, but you don't have to worry about it."

"This time at the game show, Sun Xiaolei, Wang Yifei, Wang Yihan, and Zhuang Yiming will all be there."

"If you have time, Qianqian and I will go and have a look."

"You can start a group now and bring these people in to discuss and discuss together. After all, you will be more familiar with Haicheng, and the network resources are also reliable."

"Sister Zhou, I'll leave this matter to you. As for those business plans, you don't have to worry, just go back and look for them slowly."

"Okay, I'll hang up first, call me if you need anything."

Su Ye hung up the phone after talking for a while.

He was planning to do this by himself at the beginning, but now that Tang Lili is leaving, he has to go to Dianping for a short period of time.

It just so happens that Zhou Yuanyuan is free now, and she is still in Haicheng, so it is perfectly appropriate to hand it over to her.

Now some of the company's management has been gradually tempered, and the management level of those who were not good enough before is rapidly improving.

Those with a good level before are increasingly recognizing Qingyun Technology's business philosophy.

Su Ye believes that even if he is no longer in the company, it is possible for everyone to continue to operate the company intact.


Zhou Yuanyuan's affairs are settled.

The peers in the game industry that Wang Yifei contacted are similar.

Wang Yihan is also making use of his previous personal connections and inviting some journalists and media.

Zheng Zidan in Hong Kong City also kept in touch with some friends.

Zhuang Yiming kept on calling every day, talking with the bosses of some audiovisual companies.

Su Ye also kept in touch with Solandi and Gordon.

Muhammad, who didn't even know where he got the news, sent a message to ask Su Ye if he wanted to help. They also have a famous dance troupe in Babs Kingdom. If Su Ye needs it, they can be transferred at any time.

For a while, although the fact that Qingyun Technology will hold an exhibition has not been made public, many people already know about it.

Zhou Yuanyuan is so busy every day that she keeps her feet on the ground, relying on some of her family connections, and also communicating with some real estate developers who have cooperated with her before.

At the beginning of the exhibition, there is a lot of demand for food, drink, housing and transportation in all aspects.

She had to determine these basic things beforehand.

In addition, she also contacted three advertising companies, and one of them came up with a plan, which was mainly aimed at traditional publicity and promotion channels.

On the one hand, the public relations and publicity department of Qingyun Technology also worked hard with her to plan an online promotion plan.

Even Li Qianqian, who had been in school for a while, came to the company and asked Su Ye if he needed help.

In the end, after seeing Li Qianqian, Su Ye really had a whim.

A great idea came to mind.

What is Li Qianqian's status now?

College students.

Su Ye had analyzed it with Solandi Gordon and the others before. In this world, college students are the most suitable for the Internet industry.

Same young, same inexperienced.

Before that, Su Ye had always entered a blind spot created by himself.

He is just constantly looking for merchants to settle in the exhibition, and forgets the audience's questions.

Think about it, on April 4st, when hundreds of companies at home and abroad, celebrities from all walks of life gathered together, it turned out that Su Ye didn't even prepare the audience, and asked everyone to come to Haicheng to sing a one-man show. Will believe Su Ye.

This Li Qianqian came just in time.

Solved Su Ye's urgent need.

"Qianqian, whether you're busy or not, forget it, whether you're busy or not, just do me a favor."

"Let's talk, there's something else that our President Su can't handle."

Li Qianqian said jokingly.

Before, this guy Su Ye said that she should let her enjoy her time at school with peace of mind and spend more time with her classmates so as not to regret after graduating.

But in just a few days, Li Qianqian returned to the company from school for the first time, and Su Ye arranged a job for her.

"Okay, let's get down to business now. The game exhibition I prepared, I expected everything, but I forgot one thing, the most important point."



"Su Ye," Li Qianqian walked up to Su Ye and touched his forehead with his hand and said, "Su Ye, you are not stupid, are you?"

"After so many days of preparation, you didn't think about the audience?"

Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye with a look on her face.

Su Ye could not wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

He still blushed bluntly and said, "Have you never heard that a wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it?"

"I'm also human, how can I remember everything."

"Okay, please help me figure out a way, how to attract some audience to participate in the exhibition."

"Isn't that simple?"

"The method of throwing coins."

Li Qianqian said with a face of course.

Su Ye has always been in the public mind's impression that wealth is powerful, people are stupid and have a lot of money.

At this time, if you want to quickly attract a group of viewers, just give money.

As long as Su Ye is willing to pay, the price doesn't have to be high. It costs 100 yuan a day for one person to attend. Li Qianqian feels that the venue of the game exhibition may be overcrowded by then.

"The big method of throwing coins, I'm throwing a hair."

Su Ye looked at Li Qianqian with black lines all over her head, couldn't this girl pay some serious attention?

"What I want is not those people who fill in the heads, I need people who are really interested in the game industry, the online literature industry, and the entertainment industry to participate."

"Hey, forget it, let me just say it, what I want is a group of college students to participate."

"Isn't it easier this way?"

"Just let Zhou Yuanyuan go to various universities in Haicheng to recruit people."


"Or what?"

"Or you can combine the two methods, the method of throwing coins and the method of pulling people, and the combination of the two will definitely be full of people attending the meeting."

Seeing that Su Ye still didn't understand, Li Qianqian immediately became angry.

Su Ye has always seemed to be smart and forward-looking.

Why are you so stupid now?

"Come on, let me draw for you."

"Our idea is this. The purpose is to let a group of potential audiences come to our exhibition."

"And the method is to let the other party know and be interested. At the same time, because of the atmosphere of Qingyun Technology, this time we will reimburse the transportation and accommodation expenses for everyone who is invited."

"Isn't the target group you want to be a college student group? Then if you come down like this, things will be easy to handle."

Li Qianqian said confidently, looking at Su Ye again, looking at her with admiration, immediately made Li Qianqian excited.

Little Su Ye, you will worship me one day.

Li Qianqian's final idea is to communicate directly with some universities that are connected, give them a certain number of places, let the school bring people to participate in the exhibition, and all the people who come at the same time will pay for board, lodging and transportation.

These are some cooperative universities, and other schools, or those who are interested in the exhibition, need to register online.

Qingyun Technology also provides accommodation and bus fare for these people, but the premise is that they need to subvert this part of the cost first, and after they arrive in Haicheng, they can reimburse these expenses one by one.

Why not buy tickets for these coming people in advance? This is a small idea of ​​​​Li Qianqian.

She felt that if Qingyun Technology really bought tickets for everyone in advance and solved the accommodation problem, those people would think that all these things are free, free things, and no one will cherish them.

And if those who intend to participate in the exhibition are allowed to buy their own tickets and accommodation, Qingyun Technology will reimburse them after they come to Haicheng. This will not only prevent some people from thinking that free things are not precious and willfully wasted.

At the same time, it can also screen out some people who really love games, music, and reading online articles.

This move is completely killing two birds with one stone.

Su Ye couldn't help nodding after hearing this.

Li Qianqian's idea is simply wonderful.

Su Ye is not afraid of spending money, nor is he afraid of taking detours, but he is unwilling to waste money.

It is worthwhile to spend money, and it is much better to let people with needs and ideas to receive this benefit from Qingyun Technology than to be wasted by others.

In fact, if Li Qianqian hadn't said this idea just now, Su Ye would have planned to start a new company directly to do ticketing.

At that time, maybe, one more thing will happen.

Fortunately, Li Qianqian solved this problem for him.

"However, Su Ye, there is still a problem with my method."

"Oh, you said."

"That is, if people on the Internet want to buy tickets, how do they buy them? Can we embed a program that can buy tickets in QQ for everyone's convenience."


Su Ye was stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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