Chapter 428 430, Group buying plus ticketing (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
Su Ye was stunned.

I didn't expect to go back and forth, but it turned out to be back to this question.

As Li Qianqian said, this problem really needs to be solved.

No matter how good the previous idea is, it will eventually come back here. If so many people want to participate in the exhibition, does it need a platform to buy tickets?

No matter how good the plan is, it needs to be implemented.

It seems that it is imperative to prepare a ticketing platform.


As soon as Su Ye opened his mouth, he realized something was wrong.

He had said before that he would allow Li Qianqian to study at school and prepare for his graduation thesis in the next few months.

As a result, when things came to an end, he wanted to pull her young man again.

It's punching yourself in the face.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Su Ye stopped talking halfway, Li Qianqian was anxious.

She could guess what Su Ye wanted to say in her heart.

It's nothing more than a ticketing platform.

At this time, everyone in the company is busy, and she is considered to be an idler.

If Su Ye wanted to advance his plan smoothly, he would definitely need Li Qianqian's help.

You can't let Su Ye, the boss of a company, go to battle in person.

"You're telling me, when did you learn the trick of hesitating?"

"It's okay, how is your thesis preparation recently?"

Su Ye changed the subject and asked.

"That's it."

Li Qianqian saw that he didn't want to say anything, so he just perfunctory.

She also thought that Su Ye might be reserved now, and she would let herself take the initiative to bring up the matter of the ticketing platform.

But Li Qianqian was also stubborn, if you don't say it, then I won't mention it.

Let's see who can spend who.

There is really no one idler in the company now, even that guy Wang Yifei is busy every day.

Although Li Qianqian has returned to school, she is still in the senior executive group of Qingyun Technology. Recently, Wang Yifei would come to the group every night to complain, saying that she was extremely busy.

You know, Wang Yifei used to say in the group every day that he was fine today, and he wasted another day to mess with Boss Su's salary for a day.

When did you say you were too busy?

However, at this point, Su Ye could still hold back.

After flirting with Su Ye absent-mindedly, Li Qianqian said she had something to do and went back.


After sending Li Qianqian away, Su Ye couldn't help sighing.

He really planned to let Li Qianqian use his spare time to come over to help him prepare this ticketing platform.

But I thought that I said I would give Li Qianqian a period of time a few days ago, and now I have turned back in less than a week. It is a trivial matter to lose face, and it made Li Qianqian miss the once-in-a-lifetime graduation season, and so did Su Ye. I can't bear it.

Seeing Li Qianqian's playful look later, Su Ye subconsciously didn't speak.

Li Qianqian let her enjoy her last college time.

As for myself, such a big person, can't find a suitable way?
However, now there are group buying websites and ticketing platforms, these two things weigh on Su Ye, and Su Ye is also a little stressed.

No, wait.

Su Ye quickly sorted out his thoughts, group buying website and ticketing platform, these are two things.

But he suddenly remembered that in his previous life, he could also buy movie tickets or various tickets on group buying websites.


Why can't I simplify the complexity and combine these two platforms into one platform.

This can not only perfectly solve the immediate problem, but also find a new way out for Dianping.

During this time, Su Ye has been paying attention to the domestic group buying market.

Before that, some group buying platforms appeared in the imperial capital, Haicheng, Wuhan and other places.

It's only been about a month now, but Su Ye usually has the obvious feeling when walking outside that group buying has really started to rise.

Walking on the road, several signs of group buying websites were pasted at the entrance of a small restaurant.

Our store supports Dianping, supports Jiajiatuan, supports Tiantiantuan, supports Togethertuan, supports Lashoutuan...

The offline market was full of turmoil and chaos for a while.

These sites range from local to national.

But no matter how the competition is, the biggest companies in the group buying market are Dianping, Jiajiatuan, Tiantiantuan, and a website called

Among them, Dianping and Jiajiatuan are the earliest websites established in Jiangcheng.

The second is and One of these two websites is in Haicheng and the other is in Imperial Capital. Both of them have become large-scale group buying websites in a short period of time.

The daily group is better, Su Ye naturally knows that this is a website prepared by Zhang Xing.

But for another, he was a little confused about some of the information behind this website.

Zhou Yuanyuan had asked Zhou Yuanyuan to help with the investigation before, but Zhou Yuanyuan could only find out some inaccurate information, saying that there are more than a dozen venture capital institutions standing behind this just to fight against Dianping.

At the same time, Zhang Xing from Tiantian Group also told Zhou Yuanyuan several times that recently his office has become a gathering place for investment institutions.

The current group buying market is developing rapidly, and the public is curious about this new business model. With the help of the group buying network, merchants can also reap greater profits and more passenger flow.

This is a win-win model and a mature business model.

The people behind many investment institutions love and hate Su Ye.

I love it because Su Ye had a mature business model as soon as he launched Dianping.

I hate it because Su Ye's current layout is one step ahead of everyone.

Fortunately, the gap in this step is not too big.

Relying on the support of strong capital and connections, is also rapidly attacking the city.

In just one month, the opponent has developed from the imperial capital to Jiangcheng.

Maybe after a while, will be able to deploy nationwide.

For this step, Dianping took more than three months.

In addition to, Jiajiatuan is also making great strides with the support of Gundam Capital.

This month is a fast-growing opportunity for the new website, and it is also true for Jiajiatuan.

Having obtained a large amount of funds, Zhou Zihang also began to move forward drastically.

At this time, Du Shaofei also keenly saw the prospect of the group buying market.

After discussing with Zhou Zihang, Du Shaofei also invested a lot of money from his family.

After all, Jiajiatuan was Du Shaofei's first investment, even if Zhou Zihang wanted to sell him later, he didn't dare to go too far.

Gundam Capital also looks forward to having more partners to invest in Jiajiatuan together.

Don't look at the current confusion in the group buying market, but who knows how long this popularity will last.

When they invested in the instant messaging website back then, the instant messaging business was also developing rapidly, and the income was not low.

But, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

You Xin'er, who originally invested, eventually took back all his shares due to various reasons.

Now Youxin'er's monthly income is not much, but it is still at the level of less than 100 million.

After deducting various expenses, Zhou Ying, as the only investor, can get at least 10,000+ net profit per month.

This is also related to Zhou Ying not wanting to continue to expand, otherwise this little money is enough for what to do.

In the past few years, Gundam Capital has invested in many Internet companies from the beautiful country to the Longhan Empire. Generally speaking, there are gains and losses, but after careful calculation, they still lost a lot in the end.

Although people all over the world now know that the Internet is a trend, it will definitely become an indispensable part of human life in the future.

But that is the future. Who can guarantee that they can avoid all losses in the process and make profits until the end.

For Du Shaofei, or for the entry of Du's family in Jiangsu Province, the head of Longhan of Gundam Capital is also happy to see it.

Living well now doesn't mean anything, the important thing is to live long enough to be successful until the day you can see the future.

With such support, Jiajiatuan has surpassed Dianping in terms of scale in the national market in just one month.

There are reasons for the family reunion, and there are reasons for Tang Lili.

Tang Lili is now focused on going back to revitalize her small restaurant. For the work of the company, she only seeks to have no faults and not meritorious service.

Su Ye didn't care too much about Tang Lili's current performance.

Coincidentally, now that Su Ye intends to embed the ticketing platform into Dianping, he will do it himself, which will also allow Tang Lili to leave smoothly.

Gathering some chores in hand, Su Ye happily walked to the office area of ​​Dianping.

He went straight to Tang Lili's office.

Tang Lili was looking for information on the Internet, and when she saw Su Ye coming in, she smiled and asked, "Su Ye, why are you here when you have time?"

"I can't do it if I don't come, you guys picked me up halfway, and I can't find anyone who can take over during this period of time."

"Tell me, did you trick me?"

"I don't want this either."

Tang Lili was a little embarrassed. She was usually eloquent and didn't know how to answer Su Ye's words at this time.

"Okay, I'm just kidding, look at you, we have been old classmates for many years."

"I came here today to tell you about this."

Su Ye sat on the opposite side of Tang Lili, seeing Tang Lili stood up, and waved her to sit down.

"Tang Lili, we have a relationship, so I'll tell you straight."

", I couldn't find a suitable person to take over in a short time, and I think you are really anxious now."

"So, let me take over your work for the time being."

Su Ye saw a relieved smile on Tang Lili's face, and knew in her heart that it must not be easy for Tang Lili to sit in this position.

She herself came from Xu Cheng, and her education and knowledge are a bit worse than other executives in the company.

Not to mention other things, even the most grassroots Wang Yifei is better than Tang Lili.

Wang Yifei is from Jiangcheng. After the demolition of his family, he still has a lot of cash on him. He has also studied in college and has no problem with his academic qualifications. It is because of his personality that he has always been unwilling to make progress.

Now that Wang Yifei was beaten by Su Ye once, and under the nourishment of love, he has changed completely differently from before.

On the contrary, it was Tang Lili, despite her chubby appearance, she always had a smiling face when she met everyone.

But Su Ye knew that his old classmate was also a strong person.

When she was in junior high school, Tang Lili was the most serious and hardworking one in the dance class.

Later, when she was working in Xucheng Hospital, she also became a regular right after graduation, because she was proficient in business.

Tang Lili once told Su Ye in private that in order to practice acupuncture, nursing, bandages and dressings, she often contacted her at home alone.

In addition, she also studied some psychology by herself, hoping to provide timely counseling when patients encounter problems.

A girl who worked so hard managed to become a regular at the Xucheng Second Hospital within a few months of graduating from the medical school.

After coming to Jiangcheng with Su Ye, due to the epidemic, Tang Lili couldn't even leave the house for a month. She checked information and made plans in Tianyue City every day, just to be able to do a good job as the person in charge of Dianping.

After the epidemic ended, Tang Lili even went out to the market in person to chat with merchants.

One night, Tang Lili finally signed a contract with a barbecue restaurant and let them stay in the new Dianping.

Bit by bit, Tang Lili did the best she could.

However, she really couldn't do it in Qingyun Technology.

Internet, don't understand.

Marketing, I don't know.

Team management, I don't understand.

I don't understand this or that, Su Ye gave Tang Lili enough time to learn and grow, but the appearance of Jiajiatuan made Tang Lili fully understand herself.

She is really just an ordinary person.

I don't have much knowledge and ability, and the only thing worthy of praise is hard work.

But, you Tang Lili worked hard, don't the rest of the family work hard?
Zhou Zihang, who returned from studying abroad, is knowledgeable, capable, well-connected, has ideas and execution, and works very hard.

In this world, the scariest thing is people who are better than you, they work harder than you.

Tang Lili has struggled, hesitated, excited, and worked hard.

When all this failed to make Dianping far surpass Jiajiatuan, Tang Lili gave up.

She felt that she was too ambitious.

So unrealistic.

She is obviously an ordinary person, but she fantasizes about becoming a master one day.

But is Master Ren so easy to be?
give up.

Even though she felt sorry for Su Ye in her heart, she gave up decisively.

He even made up a reason to go home and develop his own restaurant.

She even made it so that her colleagues below her could see her being passive and sabotaging her work, so that people could see her not doing her job properly and doing nothing.

Originally thinking that when he left, Su Ye would definitely be able to find someone to replace him.

Unexpectedly, this month is almost over, and Su Ye has not found anyone.

Not to mention that no one was found, he had to personally take charge of Dianping.

Tang Lili couldn't bear it all at once.

Su Ye founded such a large company as Qingyun Technology, and its business has a lot of sincerity.

Now she wants to take over the mess she left behind. Seeing Su Ye's indifferent expression, Tang Lili said, "Su Ye, why don't I leave now, and help you for a while."

"During this time, I also saw in the group that the company is going to hold an exhibition in Haicheng. You must be busy then, or..."

"no need."

Seeing that Tang Lili was still thinking about herself, Su Ye was unwilling to expose her.

This girl was pretty good when she was a child, and she was loyal.

But now, it's really... People change, and Tang Lili has become what she is now, and Su Ye has nothing to do.

Just let her go on like this.

"Tang Lili, you can hand over the work to me today, and tell me what's going on in our Dianping now."

"There is also the personnel structure, the area covered, and so on."

"it is good."

Tang Lili looked at Su Ye who spoke decisively, and felt quite uncomfortable.

"Now Dianping has covered more than 90% of the cities in the Longhan Empire, including some second-tier cities."

"In Imperial Capital, Haicheng, and Guangcheng, the three largest cities in the country, we implement a regional responsibility system."

"That is to say, the person in charge of each district is at the same level as the city leaders in other regions."

"Now we have a total of more than 500 city managers or regional managers, and each manager has a team of no less than 8 people."

"Dianping is currently divided into three departments, the field office, that is, the city manager is in charge of Manager Yao Gang, the internal staff training and business support are in charge of Wan Shui Manager, and there is also a market analysis and planning department. For the time being I brought it myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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