The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 430 Chapter 432, Open up new ideas for peers

Chapter 430 Chapter 432, Open up new ideas for peers (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
Soon, Chen Nanfeng and others came to Su Ye's office.

Seeing that Wan Shui from Dianping also came over, Chen Nanfeng was a little surprised and then figured it out.

Tang Lili resigned today. Although it seemed that Tang Lili had resigned quietly, he still knew about it.

Now that Su Ye has called him and Wan Shui over, there must be some new actions on the Dianping side.

However, when Zhao Xiaojing also came over, Chen Nanfeng couldn't figure it out.

Why are you calling Zhao Xiaojing here so politely?

Seeing a few people coming, Su Ye motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Mr. Wan, you and Brother Chen will wait for a while, and I will first understand the recruitment situation of Dianping."

"Director Zhao."

Su Ye looked at Zhao Xiaojing and said, "Tang Lili has left the company today. When will our administration department find a suitable person in charge for me?"

"President Su, we have been working hard."

Ms. Zhao can't say that your requirements are too high, and no one has applied for the job after sending out the recruitment information for so long.

During this period of time, many people came to submit their resumes.

But Zhao Xiaojing had also seen it, and those people either didn't have the qualifications in the industry, or they simply came to fish in troubled waters.

It is true that Qingyun Technology is rich and rich, and people have a lot of money, but that is also to give better benefits to suitable talents.

For those who really want to dawdle, Zhao Xiaojing will definitely not let them into the company.

"Work hard, it's been a month, and the administration department still hasn't made any achievements."

"After I heard the news that Tang Lili was leaving, I told you and Mr. Zhuang Yiming about it. Now that Mr. Zhuang recruited Wan Shui Xiaoyun into the company, Mr. Li also went there personally. Emperor Du brought the team from here."

"These two non-personnel professionals have done their best. On the contrary, our professional personnel department has not made any achievements for almost a month."

"Tell me, what should I do."

Su Ye said it plainly, but Zhao Xiaojing was terrified.

Since the establishment of Qingyun Technology, Su Ye has always greeted people with a smile. Whether it is the company's executives or ordinary employees, the impression of Su Ye is that he is amiable and has no airs.

This was the first time she had seen Su Ye get so angry.

"President Su, I'm sorry, please give me a little more time."

"One month... um, no, half a month, if I haven't recruited a suitable person in charge within half a month, then I will leave."

Zhao Xiaojing lowered her head, not daring to meet Su Ye's eyes.


Su Ye obviously didn't expect Zhao Xiaojing to be so stubborn, and said directly that he could not find anyone and resigned.

"Impossible, Director Zhao, I won't let you leave easily."

"The company didn't recruit a suitable person in charge of the group buying network. As a result, you, the person in charge of the administrative department, have to leave. Are you solving problems for me or posing problems for me?"

"Don't say this again in the future, just do your best."

Speaking of this, Su Ye's attitude eased a little. He originally wanted to make Zhao Xiaojing hurry up and improve work efficiency just like he beat Wang Yifei before.

But he didn't want to let her go.

As Su Ye himself said, the person in charge of the group buying network is not in place now, although Wang Yihan's side is empty.

But Zhou Yuanyuan has basically completed the acquisition of the small spot, and after a while, the small spot can be handed over to Wang Yihan to be responsible for the operation.

It would be inappropriate for Wang Yihan to be in charge of the group buying website at this time.

It's impossible for someone to be transferred away just after getting acquainted with the group buying business.

After hearing Su Ye's words, Zhao Xiaojing also applied for embarrassment.

She has always been in charge of the administration department and has been conscientious, not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

He is a veritable butler in the company.

But now that Su Ye criticized her so suddenly, although Zhao Xiaojing knew that she was not good enough, she felt a little wronged.

"President Su, then I won't mention resignation."

"I will do a good job of recruiting as soon as possible. If I can't recruit suitable candidates within half a month, then I, then I..."

Zhao Xiaojing hesitated for a long time before suddenly raising her head to look at Su Ye: "Then I will go to Dianping to work in person."

Su Ye was almost amused by her statement.

But thinking of the seriousness of the atmosphere now, he held back abruptly.

"Okay, I called you here just to remind you, don't give yourself such a tight schedule, and I also know that the recruitment of a project leader like this does not happen overnight."

"I called you here today to talk about something. Mr. Wan and Brother Chen should also listen to this matter."

Su Ye turned to look at Chen Nanfeng and Wan Shui, the writers beside him, and said.

"There are so many chaos in the group buying network market, at this time, even I have no way to integrate."

"However, I have a plan, which is to expand the current chaos."

"Do you want to expand?"

Wan Shui was stunned.

Su Ye and Tang Lili just heard about the current situation in the group buying market. As the person in charge of personnel training and management, he has a personal experience of the current situation.

The current group buying industry can no longer be said to be chaotic.

What a mess.

It was a mess.

As a result, Su Ye actually called him over and told him that the market needs to be more chaotic.

Isn't this a joke?
"Yes, Mr. Wan, don't be surprised."

"The current chaos in the group buying industry is only partial. Only the catering industry is relatively chaotic, and other industries have not been affected at all."

"Next, I will come up with a new plan. We will make the water in the group buying market completely turbid."

"I plan to expand the group buying business to the entertainment industry."

Wan Shui looked at Su Ye incredulously, this time he did not ask any questions.

But he also murmured in his heart.

How to enter the entertainment industry through group buying.

The entertainment industry, whether it's KTV or bars, or movie theaters and parks, can't provide food.

They are Dianping here, and everyone has nothing to comment on. Doesn’t this group buying website lose its core connotation?
If it is other websites, such as Tiantiantuan or Jiajiatuan, it would be better.

After all, they have no restrictions.

"Yes, I also came up with the idea based on this game exhibition."

Naturally, Su Ye can't say that he had this plan long ago. Now that he plans this project through the game exhibition, everyone will have traces to follow, and they won't think that Su Ye is a genius who is several steps ahead of the times. figure.

Now Su Ye has been consciously lowering his image in front of the public, just because he is worried about being found out.

After all, every project he has worked on has been successful, which is simply incredible.

No one in the world dares to say that their life or work can be smooth sailing.

People live a lifetime, who does not encounter some setbacks.

Why do you, Su Ye, have everything going well.

"Aren't we going to sell tickets for this exhibition? I just thought of an idea to sell tickets online."

"And this idea is just right for our group buying network. I can make the ticket sales platform a functional entrance and embed it in the Dianping website page."

"Tang Lili told me before that we have been commenting here for several months, and there is no revenue at all. Everyone in the company is anxious."

Wan Shui couldn't help but nodded in approval when he heard this.

Tang Lili was right. Dianping has been established for almost three months and still has no revenue at all.

And the company is still expanding its scale, recruiting city managers and business teams.

Every day, just looking at where the company has set up a branch, where it has rented an office, and how much it has been reimbursed for business trips, Wan Shui, the big housekeeper of Dianping, sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.

It's just that Tang Lili has always been only responsible for execution, and doesn't have too many ideas of her own.

Wan Shui had no choice.

He and Yao Gang, who was out in the field, were the first batch of veterans to join Dianping, and they were also very helpless about the company's current situation.

Three months may not be a long time if placed on other companies.

But they are now in Qingyun Technology.

A company that has only been established for half a year.

Three months took up half of the company's establishment time.

As a result, Dianping only has scale and personnel, but no revenue at all.

Where is the road ahead?

Seeing Wan Shui nodding in agreement, Su Ye was not surprised at all, but continued: "The company has some understanding of this situation, but with the online ticketing platform, this situation will be greatly alleviated."

"The core of this online ticketing platform is that buyers buy tickets online and then exchange them for physical objects offline."

"For example, if we want to go to the movies, we must go to the theater to buy tickets, right?"

"However, you may go early and the movie you want to watch will not start until two hours later, or you may go late and the movie has already started."

"The audience doesn't know much about the time of the movie and other information, so they can only go to the movie by luck."

"And our ticketing platform can perfectly solve this problem. Our backstage can be directly connected to the theater's ticketing system. It is clear at a glance what movies are available in a few days and at what time."

"The function of online ticket reservation can also be added. People who book tickets in advance can choose their favorite seats in advance."

"For theaters, this is also a convenient way to adjust their business strategies. They now know when there are many people every day, but they don't know how many people are. They don't know the specific data. "

"So, our ticketing platform is an important measure that can help merchants and users solve their own difficulties, and at the same time increase the turnover rate of sales."

"However, how should I get the ticket?"

Wan Shui asked a curious question.

The model Su Ye mentioned is indeed good, but one thing that must be realized is the issue of ticket collection.

"It's very simple."

"Brother Chen, I worked with Sun Xiaolei to build a bank's queuing machine, you know that."


"Now all branches of Longhan Imperial Bank in Jiangcheng have used this machine."

"They can see the daily passenger flow at any time, and they can also see the number of customers received by each bank counter staff, which greatly facilitates their scheduling and improves efficiency."

"It's just that Ma Weixian, the head of the Longhan Imperial Bank, can only apply the machine to Jiangcheng. It's a pilot project. He has submitted a report on the expansion of the scope for a long time, but it hasn't been approved yet."

Su Ye nodded.

After all, the Longhan Imperial Bank is a large institution, a bank directly under the Empire, and every decision it makes cannot be too hasty, and must be carefully verified.

Not only the Longhan Imperial Bank, but other industrial and agricultural banks, commercial banks, and various public or private banks are watching the actions of the Longhan Imperial Bank.

If the Longhan Imperial Bank has access to this machine, they will soon follow suit.

However, this matter cannot be rushed.

Good things take time.

"Brother Chen, Mr. Wan, my idea is to set up a ticket collection machine like this at the entrance of theaters or other institutions that need to collect tickets."

"As long as a network cable, a printer, and a display screen are needed, this idea can be realized."

"At that time, we don't need any manual work at all, just put the machine over there, and we can complete our ideas."

"This is not a big problem to implement."

Chen Nanfeng was still amazed by Su Ye's imagination.

This President Su can always think of these unexpected methods, but after thinking about it carefully, there is one that is the best method.

"President Su, how do we share the bill with the theater?"

"If some movies are not very popular, even if they are released in theaters, the attendance rate will not be too high. If our group buying network has introduced a large number of customers to Temo, then should we share more of this money. "

"This is not necessary."

Su Ye seized the ticketing platform, in fact, there is another purpose, that is, in the future, film and television dramas will be released, and comments can be done.

"For this ticketing platform, we waived their service fee for one year at the beginning."

"In this year, we will do word-of-mouth and let everyone use our products for free."

"After a year, you will know whether we are begging the theater or the theater is begging us."

"As for the issue of account sharing that you just mentioned, I also want to say something here."

"In the future, our Dianping will have two main profit models, one is the deduction point after the transaction is made by the merchant, and the other is the advertising fee."

"You don't have to worry, I have already thought about the future development of Dianping, now just follow what I said."

Wan Shui nodded, he didn't have any problems anymore.

Since Su Ye has already made up his mind, then just follow Su Ye's idea and execute it.

"Brother Chen, you still need to work hard on your side, and make the ticketing platform as soon as possible. My requirements for the ticketing platform are roughly as follows."

"The function is perfect. Whether it is a ballot or a seat reservation, there must be a corresponding data module. This must be updated in real time. In addition, there is a rule that 15 minutes before the movie starts, or the day before the show, stop online. Ticket sales."

"Secondly, there must be a certain amount of interaction. We are Dianping itself, and we also need to give users the opportunity to review movies, not just movies, but also the service of the movie theater, the price of food, whether the location is easy to find, and whether there are many people. , How about the audio equipment, these must be filled with corresponding content.”

"There is also the preview. Movies have trailers, concerts or some exhibitions, and some information will be released in advance. Otherwise, everyone will not know what you are doing, and who would be willing to buy tickets."

"Finally there is..."

Su Yelin always said a lot of things, all of which were to make Chen Nanfeng join the ticketing platform.

Because he has seen the finished product before, he also has an image in his mind.

Chen Nanfeng and Wan Shui on the side became more and more surprised as they listened.

Su Ye said just now that he thought of it casually, but judging from the current situation, Su Ye has almost fully described the product.

From now on, Chen Nanfeng just needs to work hard according to what Su Ye said.

At most, after the completion, test the stability and whether there are any bugs before delivering it online.

"In addition, Mr. Wan, please tell Mr. Yao about this as soon as possible. Don't give up our existing catering business, but the main goal for the future is on this."

"This time, let's prepare in advance, and it is best to occupy a large amount of the market before other websites discover our actions, then..."

So if other group buying websites want to surpass Dianping in terms of entertainment and ticketing, the possibility is already very small.

And they will definitely not sit still.

Although Su Ye's action made them one step behind, it also opened up a new way of thinking for them.

Group buying can be used for catering, entertainment and leisure.

Is there anything else that can be done.

And when the ticketing business can no longer catch up with Dianping, will they find another way to find new business growth points?

In this case, Su Ye's goal has been achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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