Chapter 431 Chapter 433

"On April [-]st, Qingyun Technology will take you into the first Dragon Han Empire Game Exhibition."


The Internet industry, which has been quiet for a long time, has news again.

This time, it was Qingyun Technology that took the limelight.

Countless fellow netizens were shocked inexplicably.

How long did it take for Qingyun Technology to stop, maybe a month.

How come there is another game exhibition.

Compared with the shock of the same industry, domestic players are all excited.

According to the known list, Dongshanju has been confirmed to participate.

Rainstorm games in the beautiful country will also participate.

There will also be live performances by a renowned dance troupe from the Kingdom of Babs.

In addition, Qingyun Technology also invited Zheng Zidan, Zhou Farun, Zhong Tili, Rong Erzu and other stars from Hong Kong City.

In addition to these stars, Yao Xiaoming, a basketball star who has just joined the Beautiful Country NBA, will come to the scene.

For a while, not only domestic gamers, fans, and sports fans all knew the news.

This time at the game exhibition, Qingyun Technology still followed the usual rich and powerful.

Spend tens of millions of funds and invite all game-loving friends at home and abroad to come to Haicheng.

Reimbursement of all travel expenses, ticket fees, and even Qingyun Technology thoughtfully prepared accommodation for the audience participating in the exhibition.

It can be described as a nanny-style invitation, full of sincerity.

Anyone who is not interested in the game show itself is ready to move, let alone those loyal players.

In order to cooperate with this game exhibition, Qingyun Technology cooperates with Dianping. All those who want to participate in this exhibition can book tickets on

Companies and investors in the group buying industry couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

It turns out that you are waiting here.

It was said that it was a game exhibition, but the result was to stimulate group buying business.

During this period, the business managers of Dianping also made frequent attacks, and in just a few days, they have captured several well-known theater chains across the country.

Zhou Zihang from Jiajiatuan, Zhang Xing from Tiantiantuan, and Lin Zhigang from all sighed.

This wave of Dianping operations is simply too coquettish.

And the action is so fast, it can be seen that it has been premeditated.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to the first domestic group buying website, and were surprised to find that Tang Lili, the former person in charge of Dianping, had resigned.

Now in charge of Dianping is the founder of Qingyun Technology, Su Ye.

The person in charge of a group of group buying websites called him a good guy.

In the past, the competition between everyone and Dianping was relatively restrained. Everyone was trying to make money in the group buying market.

Moreover, Tang Lili's level is indeed lacking. With the rapid development of everyone, they have actually subconsciously ignored this company.

But now, it turns out that Su Ye is personally in charge of Dianping.

Su Ye, that is a legendary business operator.

It has only been half a year since the start of the business, and it has turned a small company built by a grassroots team into a leading Internet company.

Now that he is personally in charge of Dianping, everyone feels that the group buying market will not be easy in the future.

When Su Ye came in, it was a wolf.

"Mr. Zhou, is there any way for our Jiajiatuan to deal with Su Ye's personal handling of Dianping?"

Li Qianqian, the person in charge of Jiangcheng of Gundam Investment, came to the headquarters of Jiajiatuan in a hurry after learning the news that Su Ye had left the game in person.

Now Jiajiatuan's development is advancing all the way, which makes Li Shanshan's status in Gundam Investment also rises.

If all goes well, Li Shanshan may directly enter the management of Gundam Investment with this investment.

The real management, not the current head of the Jiangcheng branch.

It can be said that Li Shanshan's current wealth and future development will fall on the Jiajiatuan.

But this time, Li Shanshan was a little panicked.

In the investment industry, Su Ye has already deified him.

Everyone can succeed in doing things.

Investing can always be unexpected.

Layout awareness is second to none.

This time, Su Ye personally controls Dianping. Will the group buying market be quickly integrated by Dianping like the instant messaging market before?

"Mr. Li, this matter, to be honest, is indeed a bit tricky."

Zhou Zihang spoke carefully.

After all, he has "manpower" in Dianping. Li Ming has kept in touch with Zhou Zihang after obtaining Su Ye's consent.

Before Dianping's new business was launched, Li Ming had already told Zhou Zihang that Su Ye was in charge of Dianping personally, and that the new official took over as the third fire, directly launching a new business.

However, because Su Ye is now worried about the company's awareness of secrecy, he doesn't know about this brand new project.

But just for Li Ming's few words, Zhou Zihang directly paid [-] yuan in consulting fees.

However, Zhou Zihang obviously did not expect that Su Ye would think of expanding the ticketing platform.

Now for more than a month, everyone has been fighting to the death in the catering field, but when you Su Ye came, you told us that you were playing too low-end.

Then he pulled out a business.

Group buying + ticketing.

For a moment, Zhou Zihang felt that he had opened up a new way of thinking.

Although he is a competitor with Qingyun Technology, he has always regarded Su Ye as an imaginary enemy.

But Zhou Zihang also had to admit that Su Ye's manipulation of the antelope's horns was really wonderful.

However, since Qingyun Technology can cooperate with theaters to sell tickets, can I cooperate with other industries?

When Zhou Zihang was hanging out with Du Shaofei in Haicheng, he often went to bars and some entertainment places.

Movie theaters are relatively common, and Du Shaofei rarely goes to see any movies.

But riding horses, drag racing, playing golf, shooting and fishing at resorts, and enjoying the fun of farmhouses.

Or simply go hiking outdoors with a few friends and girls, and then watch the stars together in the tent and listen to the sound of frogs.

This kind of life is out of reach of many people nowadays.

We are all ordinary people, busy with three meals a day, children's education, and parents' medical expenses.

Such leisure activities are simply impossible to come into contact with.

Now that Su Ye can cooperate with movie theaters, zoos, and concerts, why can't Zhou Zihang learn from Su Ye and expand his business to more aspects.

"Mr. Zhou, why are you not in a hurry at all?"

Seeing Zhou Zihang's slow manner, Li Shanshan felt anxious to death.

The family reunion is too important to her.

This is the first time she is in charge of a project independently. This project has been successful and the benefits are too great.

But if this project fails, her fate will definitely be much worse than Zhou Yuanyuan's.

Zhou Yuanyuan did not pay attention to the development of Qingyun Technology at that time, and although she resigned from the company in the end, the company did not hold her accountable.

Even Li Shanshan heard that Zhou Yuanyuan was doing well in the investment department of Qingyun Technology.

But Li Shanshan doesn't have the qualifications and capital like Zhou Yuanyuan.

Zhou Yuanyuan has a background. If Gundam Capital really wants to hold Zhou Yuanyuan accountable, then Zhou Yuanyuan's family will definitely not sit idly by.

But she, Li Shanshan, really has no background and no foundation.

If this project is messed up, then Gundam Capital will definitely smash her into a round and flat.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou, hurry up and think of a way. If it doesn't work, we will also compete head-on with Dianping."

"Now those theaters they contact, we can also send people to grab his business."

"Just like the current catering industry, isn't there business support from several group buying networks in one store?"

"No way."

Zhou Zihang shook his head.

He looked at Li Shanshan who was in a mess in front of him and sighed in his heart.

When Dianping was suppressed by Tuanjiajiatuan and before, they had never heard of how Qingyun Technology had punished Tang Lili.

Su Ye gave Tang Lili the greatest trust and support. As long as Tang Lili is in this position for a day, Tang Lili has the final say on Dianping.

But now...

Jiajiatuan has received 5000 million funds from Gundam Capital before and after, and Li Shanshan has also helped her fight for rights and interests with Gundam again and again.

Zhou Zihang knew that Li Shanshan must have her own ideas in doing so.

However, Zhou Zihang didn't care.

No matter you are Li Shanshan or Du Shaofei, no matter what kind of thoughts you have to invest in Jiajiatuan.

As long as Zhou Zihang can see the real money in the account, he can support the continuous and accelerated development of Jiajiatuan.


Qingyun Technology is the first, and these group buying networks that were established later always have the feeling of picking up people's teeth.

This time, Zhou Zihang will not easily admit defeat with Su Ye.

"President Li, don't worry, I already have a perfect plan."

"However, this time I may have to introduce some other investment institutions."

"Dianping is so fierce that Su Ye will leave in person. It is foreseeable that the competition in the group buying market will become more intense in the future."

"It is impossible to support such consumption and competition only by relying on Gundam Capital."

"Even if it can last, the risk is too great."

Zhou Zihang spoke slowly, but Li Shanshan was dumbfounded.

She seemed to vaguely understand what Zhou Zihang meant.

If it is correct, Zhou Zihang is dissatisfied that now only Gundam Capital and his family support him.

He needs more funds and more support from people.

Just like the in the imperial capital, it pulls as many investment institutions as possible into Jiajiatuan's chariot.

Li Shanshan is not stupid.

And also very shrewd.

After seeing Zhou Zihang's attitude, he immediately understood.

Zhou Zihang probably didn't do it on a whim, but planned it long ago.

Although Gundam Capital has invested a lot in Jiajiatuan during this period, it has been ruthless every time. Now 35% of Jiajiatuan's shares are in the hands of Gundam Investment.

If nothing else, Jiajiatuan will need at least hundreds of millions of funds to develop in the future.

But they got so much money, and the price they paid was huge.


Regardless of whether Gundam Capital sells the shares after changing hands or holds them, the proportion of shares in its hands will become larger and larger.

At that time, who will know who Jiajiatuan, a company that Zhou Zihang has put his heart and soul into, will become.

and so……

Now that Zhou Zihang said this, he must have made plans.

This time, Zhou Zihang chose to propose this idea after Dianping released the online ticket purchase function. Part of the reason must be to use Dianping to intimidate Gundam Capital.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you mean..."

Li Shanshan didn't even pay attention, unconsciously she used honorific titles for Zhou Zihang.

"What I mean is very simple. The competition in the group buying market is increasing day by day, and Su Ye has only just taken over Dianping."

"We all know Su Ye's ability, that is, the most powerful product manager in the world. With him in Dianping, I estimate that Dianping will continue to release various new functions in a few months. to attract customers."

"However, Su Ye can accurately control the user's thoughts and needs every time. At that time, no matter how much money we invest, we will not be able to compete with Dianping. All users, the mature group buying market, will be defeated by Su Ye. Leaf Harvesting."

"It's like the things he did in the instant messaging world before."

Zhou Zihang said this not only to threaten Li Shanshan, but also to warn himself.

Su Ye has many identities, such as the best product manager in history, the best businessman from Longhan, the entrepreneur who knows the Internet best, and the company founder who is most loved by users...

No one would be surprised if any miracle happened to Su Ye.

Now that Su Ye has only been in charge of Dianping for a few days, he can think of a breakthrough.

Dianping, which has already shown a decline in the competition, has seen a steady increase in daily active users in the past few days.

Now Longhan's Internet market is limited, and there are only a few people who can afford to shop and consume online.

The total is unchanged.

If your Dianping attracts more users, it means that there will be fewer users on other platforms.

This time, Dianping only launched a new function, adding daily activities. The new function has also been recognized by users. It has also expanded the network of public entertainment venues such as movie theaters and parks. Most importantly, it has also created a news marketing.

To be honest, there are quite a few netizens who know about the game exhibition before, but everyone's enthusiasm is not so high.

Now Su Ye just made such a big impact by making a single action.

This person must be a marketing wizard.

Fortunately, Zhou Zihang still doesn't know that Su Ye invested in Zheng Zidan's movie, nor does he know that Su Ye and a group of foreigners set up Facebook, and even poached Internet trouble in the imperial capital, and bought Dongshanju game studio.

In fact, in the final analysis, this game exhibition is something that Su Ye came up with easily.

"So, Mr. Zhou, what do you mean, we need to introduce more partners now?"


Zhou Zihang also didn't want to waste too much time on Li Shanshan.

Su Ye is so powerful, Zhou Zihang still wants more time to catch up and surpass, so he doesn't bother to go around in circles with Li Shanshan.

"Mr. Li, I have talked with Mr. Xing of Bosheng Venture Capital several times before. Bosheng Venture Capital is also an investment company with strong domestic strength."

"At the same time, Mr. Xing also introduced me to three investment institutions. If you see what time is convenient, let's come out and sit down as soon as possible to talk about financing."

"It just so happens that Du Shao will come to Jiangcheng these two days, and his family will participate in the development of Jiangcheng New District..."

"Is that so?"

Li Shanshan didn't expect Zhou Zihang to be so well prepared.

Not only did they bring in other capital, but even Du Shaofei had to come here in person.

As for the new district in Jiangcheng, she had heard about it during this time, and to be honest, it was established under the leadership of Qingyun Technology.

Unexpectedly, Jiufeng of the Du family competed with Qingyun Technology in the field of games.

Now Jiajiatuan competes with Dianping in the field of group buying.

But turning around, the Du family actually participated in Jiangcheng's new city development project, cooperating with their competitors.

Li Shanshan couldn't help but want to laugh.

Capital seems to be like this. The two parties were fighting to the death a moment ago, but after having the same interests, everyone can shake hands and develop together without any grievances.

"I can't make a decision on this matter."

"I want to report to the headquarters..."

"As it should be."

Zhou Zihang confidently agreed that he was not worried that Li Shanshan would disagree in the end.

Now Gundam Capital has invested so much money in Jiajiatuan.

If they don't continue to pursue investment, the funds invested in the early stage will shrink a large part after this round of financing.

At that time, Gaoda Investment will only be a dispensable minority shareholder on Jiajiatuan's side, and will not be so hard-spoken.

Zhou Zihang believes that Li Shanshan will try her best to persuade Gundam Capital to continue to pursue investment just for her own future.

Otherwise, if Jiajiatuan is in the second round of financing, the proportion of Gaoda's shares will be reduced, and then it will only be able to drink soup.

And Gundam, who can only drink soup, naturally won't reward Li Shanshan, a "meritorious minister"...

(End of this chapter)

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