Chapter 432 Chapter 434, Hotel B&B Business

When Li Shanshan reported Zhou Zihang's matter to the Gundam headquarters, the Gundam headquarters also hurriedly held a meeting.

Whether Jiajiatuan will continue to invest.

If you continue to invest, should you maintain the leading investment position, or ensure that the proportion of shares will not decrease.

Now at this time, how to avoid the risk of investment.

Su Ye is personally in charge of Dianping, which has already spread in the industry.

All the group buying nets have a feeling of wolf coming.

Is it worthwhile to continue investing at this time.

It took three consecutive days of meetings before Gao Da gave Li Shanshan an accurate answer.

If there are less than 3 investment institutions in the investor family group, their goal is to maintain the existing shareholding ratio.

If there are more than three, Gundam Capital will continue to lead the investment.

Li Shanshan naturally knew the reason.

It's nothing more than not scatter eagles if you don't see rabbits.

There are few investment institutions, which means that everyone is not too optimistic about the future development of the group buying market. Although Gundam will still support Jiajiatuan at this time, the main purpose is to ensure the shareholding ratio.

Maybe it will soon find a next home for the shares in hand.

If there are many investment institutions, it shows that everyone has sufficient confidence in Jiajiatuan or in the group buying market.

With the development of the current situation, some business analysts of Gundam Investment can't see the future trend clearly.

The group buying industry is a new industry. No one knows how big the future development scale of this industry will be and how long it will take to develop, and there is no ready-made experience for reference.

However, judging from the fact that Su Ye is in charge of Dianping, the future of group buying will certainly not be small.

But who knows if this is Su Ye's suspicion.

Turn everyone's attention to the group buying field, and then let his other layouts go smoothly.

Li Shanshan thought, maybe Su Ye is somewhere else, launching some new project in an unobtrusive way.

She didn't know yet, she really guessed right.

In order to make a long-term deployment of Su Ye's e-commerce business, in addition to the Qingyun Mall at the headquarters, the project in Hangzhou is also advancing in an orderly manner.

Ma Qingyun basically calls Su Ye every day to report the progress of

However, people in the investment industry did not pay any attention to all of this.

After the development of Qingyun Mall, too many e-commerce platforms are being established across the country.

But with Qingyun Mall's jewels in front of them, those investment institutions look down on these hastily established e-commerce platforms.

You don't even have [-] in sales a day, and you still want to invest?
What a joke.

Do you have a mature business model?

Do you have a profit plan?
Do you have any favorable policies for attracting merchants?

You all count on the rules of Qingyun Mall, and you copy the rules.

A word Su Ye said in the company a long time ago has spread to the circle of the Internet industry.

Learn from me.

Those who resemble me die.

Su Ye's words were very clear.

After learning my method skills and seeing my successful experience, you can learn to summarize your own methodology and study your own business model like me, so that you may be successful.

But you see what I do and you do what I do, that's just picking up people's teeth, and in the end you can only learn four different things.

Just like the Westward Journey made by Wangnan before, if they were not influenced by the passionate legend developed by Qingyun Technology, then the Westward Journey would not be so perfect, but it would still have its own characteristics.

But in the end, because Ding Sanshi was jealous of the development momentum of Legend of Blood, he learned some miscellaneous things, and instead made his own Westward Journey completely different.

In the end, the feedback from the market also brought bad results to Ding Sanshi.

Therefore, none of the newly established e-commerce platforms can be seen by any investment institution.

After receiving Li Shanshan's reply, Zhou Zihang quickly met with the heads of several investment companies and quickly finalized the agreement.

This time it is Jiajiatuan’s C round of financing.

Zhou Zihang paid another 15% of the shares and obtained 1.5 million funds.

There are as many as twelve institutions participating in the investment.

This moment stunned Gundam Capital.

Of the twelve companies, except for a few who only invested a few million, Xing Zijian of Bosheng Venture Capital invested 5000 million directly and became the second largest shareholder of Jiajiatuan.

Because Gundam has to wait for their investment agreement to appear before making a decision, in order to keep the current shareholding ratio, it also continued to invest 8000 million.

Now, after the C round of financing, Jiajiatuan directly holds 2.3 million cash in its hands.

On the other hand, the Du family, who said they would come to Jiangcheng to participate in the planning of the new city, has no news this time.

But even so, Du Shaofei still holds nearly half of the shares of Jiajiatuan.

After the funds were in place, Zhou Zihang didn't take care of the Du family's affairs, and directly dispatched all the salesmen of the company.

Enter the mall, go to KTV, go to the bathing center, go to the horse riding field, go to the shooting range...

For a while, Jiajiatuan became the most popular group buying website after Dianping.

Many users take their children, family members, or classmates and friends to experience some venues that they have not been to.

Su Ye also knew the news immediately.

I was deeply moved in my heart: Zhou Zihang of this family group is indeed a talent.

It seems that it has been well prepared to be able to start its own new business so quickly after Dianping developed its ticketing business.

At this time, not to mention those second-tier group buying websites, it is the daily group created by Zhang Xing, and the in the imperial capital has not responded.

In the morning, Zhang Xing even called Su Ye and talked to Su Ye for a long time, and there was no sense of grievance in his words.

I don't know if Zhang Xing learned from that girl Zhao Feifei. It means that Dianping is a real son, and our daily group is an illegitimate child.

"Mr. Zhang, Brother Zhang, I really don't mean that."

"Getting a ticket service for Dianping is also something I suddenly thought of, how can I not take care of you."

"Dianping is mine, and Tiantiantuan is also mine. How can I treat it differently?"

"Boss Su, that was agreed before."

Zhang Xing was relentless.

He knew that there were countless good ideas in Su Ye's mind, and at this time, if he didn't take advantage of the grievances suffered by the group every day, he would talk to Su Ye, so when would he get good things.

"You have told me about the strategic significance of Tiantiantuan before, but if the website is too suppressed by Dianping, then if you want to merge in the future, it will not be a strong alliance, but an acquisition supplement."

"The escalation of the battle situation this time came too suddenly. We are still laying out the offline market, and as a result, your side directly started to upgrade."

This, what Zhang Xing said is indeed correct.

Su Ye's previous thought was to detonate the group buying market that seemed to be highly competitive now.

After all, there are only a few large group buying websites competing with each other, what a big battle.

There are no large-scale websites with more than [-] companies, so even if Dianping and Tiantian Tuan won the final victory, it would not be overwhelming.

The greatness of a hero lies in the fact that he kills the terrifying demon king.

Wouldn't it be funny if a child was hit on the way and the princess was rescued?
Dianping and Tiantiantuan must defeat enough strong and enough opponents, and then merge the two companies at their peak. That is the No. [-] group buying website that deserves its name.

"Well, Brother Zhang, I have two ideas here, you can see if it suits you."


Zhang Xing's surprise voice broke.

He originally thought it would be great if Su Ye could give him one solution, but he didn't expect it to be two.

"President Su, tell me quickly, if it is possible to carry out the two businesses at the same time."

"Brother Zhang, don't be in a hurry, don't you understand the principle that you can't chew as much as you want?"

"In my vision, group buying websites can accommodate everything in life."

"Before, our function was only catering services, which was too little. Now the ticketing platform I quit can be regarded as an aspect of entertainment, while Jiajiatuan should expand the content of entertainment. "

"After the expansion of the business margin, the benefits for the website are obvious. Didn't you see that the current Jiajiatuan has a vague tendency to become the largest group buying platform in China?"

"But there are too many things in our life. Eating, drinking, and having fun are some of the more important items in our daily life. Now that we have food and fun, is there still one drink left?"

"You can ask your business team to focus on developing some of these places, such as coffee shops, bars, and tea rooms. Of course, this can only be regarded as a supplement to the existing business, and it does not belong to the plan I gave you."

"I have two plans for you, the first one is accommodation."


Zhang Xing frowned, "Boss Su, do you have any needs for this scene?"

In Zhang Xing's understanding, accommodation means renting a house. It is really not convenient to rent a house now, but you can still find a house you like, but the process of looking at the house is tiring.

As for accommodation, once everyone finds a suitable house, they will not move for at least half a year.

There is such a demand, but it is not strong enough and not frequent enough.

Is it a commercial rental?
However, although commercial housing is changing rapidly, as long as the market access is good and there is a lot of traffic, those housings are easy to rent.

"Of course there is such a demand."

Su Ye said with certainty,

He had been on business trips to the imperial capital before, and he had also been to Hangzhou and Haicheng.

But if you need accommodation on a business trip, you always ask local friends or colleagues to help you book a hotel.

Because I couldn't put myself in the past to check the room type and size, I couldn't book a satisfactory room.

Of course, Su Ye no longer has this trouble.

Every time he goes on a business trip, he always stays in a star-rated hotel of the highest standard. He picks up and drops him off by car, and he doesn't feel any inconvenience.

But there are still too few founders of companies like him in the world. If ordinary employees are on a business trip, it is impossible to live in the highest standard room, and they can only choose their own accommodation venues based on the reimbursement standard.

In order to save a little money, some people even went to live in those cheap hotels even though the company reimbursed 200 for the accommodation standard.

"So, Brother Zhang, do you think this scene is a need for accommodation?"

"In addition to this, there are people who like to travel to other places, not the kind of tour group."

"If you can book a hotel in advance, you can enjoy the journey leisurely, and you don't have to worry about being dragged into some dark hotel."

Zhang Xing suddenly realized.

It turned out that the accommodation I thought was different from what Su Ye had imagined.

"President Su, so that's the case. I thought you were talking about renting a house. After all, the demand for renting a house is not so high and not so frequent."

"The hotel business has been won, and we are just making a fortune in silence. A layman will not know our results without a detailed investigation."

"Renting a house, renting a house is fine."

Su Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Who said that the group of executives under him did not have their own ideas.

Look at each of these, who hasn't made their own plans yet.

Wang Yifei, Li Qianqian, Wang Yihan, Zhou Yuanyuan, Zhao Feifei, Sun Xiaolei, Zhuang Yiming are all people with ideas.

Even He Zaijin, who seems to have kept a low profile for a long time, has some ideas of his own after receiving some directional guidance from Su Ye, and is now working hard to retreat.

I don't know what magical product this guy will make for Su Ye in the end.

"If you rent a house, you can also put it in the category of hotel accommodation. Some people don't like to live in hotels when they travel. They feel that hotels have no warmth and no emotional care."

"Also, if the whole family is traveling together, it's not very convenient to live in a hotel."

"You can plan some family-style housing, design and decorate it a little bit, and then attract this type of crowd."

"At the same time, Tiantiantuan can also use this project to directly enter the housing intermediary market."

"Do you still want to enter the housing agency?"

Zhang Xing's eyes were rounded.

Su Ye can come up with so many ideas just by saying it in passing.

He is a group buying person, but you arranged for him to be a real estate agent who wears a suit and calls people every day?

Of course, Zhang Xing didn't mean to look down on real estate agents, he just felt that the difference was too great.

And now the price of the house is not high, if you want to be a real estate agency, you have to wait until the price of the house rises sharply.

"Well, we'll talk about the housing agency later, but you can deal with hotel accommodation and residential accommodation as you see fit."

"Don't look at the overall economic situation in Longhan just beginning to improve, but there are many rich people."

"And rich people represent open minds and are easy to accept new things. At this time, if you do this, you can easily do it."

"You said what kind of families are now able to travel frequently for business or travel with their families."

"If you can do a good job in this area, then I will make a special area for you in QQ payment. The transportation on QQ payment has already covered airplanes and railways, and now it is only a long-distance bus."

"Think about it, those are all accurate customers. If you don't care, I'll let Dianping do it."

"I do what I do!"

Zhang Xing said hurriedly.

Now Dianping has been promoted from No.4 to No.2 in the group buying market, and it may compete with Jiajiatuan for the first place at any time.

If Dianping adds this new business, then Tiantian Tuan will stop playing.

Wouldn't it be nice to merge directly with Dianping?

"Okay, Brother Zhang, as long as you are willing to do it, if you encounter any problems in the process, just call me at any time."

"Wait, President Su."

Seeing that Su Ye was about to hang up the phone, Zhang Xing suddenly remembered something.

Su Ye said just now that he was given two new business directions, but now he only mentioned one, and the other...

(End of this chapter)

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