Chapter 433 Chapter 435, A One-Year Covenant (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)


"What's wrong."

"Mr. Su, didn't you just say that there are two plans? Didn't you just mention one?"

When Su Ye heard Zhang Xing's words, he immediately came to his senses.

Cooperating with this guy to get a hotel and homestay business is not very satisfying, and his eyes are still fixed on other things.

"Brother Zhang, there is a hotel and homestay business on your side that will be busy for a while."

"I guess you won't be able to spare time to be busy with other things for at least two months..."

"It's okay, Mr. Su. I can start with the hotel and homestay project you just mentioned, but there are not too many new projects of this kind. I'll save one for later use."


Su Ye was immediately blocked.

He really wanted to talk to Zhang Xing about two projects just now.

But after the business of the first hotel and homestay was finished, he suddenly felt that the second project was still a bit inappropriate.

too early.

His second project is about takeaway.

However, if the food delivery business wants to achieve rapid development, it must reach a certain foundation.

Make the public more familiar and accustomed to ordering food online.

Let the user's funds stay in the QQ payment, and cannot be spent or withdrawn in a short period of time.

Let the era of smartphones come and quickly occupy the market.

There is also the need to cultivate the user's mind.

The current group buying business is Su Ye's goal.

As long as everyone develops the habit of online group buying first and then offline consumption, the future takeaway business will emerge as the times require, and it will be a matter of course.

It's too early to do this now.

Apart from other things, it is a big problem just for the delivery staff to take orders.

If you can't receive orders in time, and you can't guarantee the timeliness of delivery, then no matter how good the takeaway business is, it's just a castle in the air.

So, in the end, Su Ye decided not to tell Zhang Xing about this project.

But now that Zhang Xing asked, Su Ye couldn't refuse.

"Brother Zhang, this matter is just an idea of ​​mine, and it's not perfect yet."

"If not, let me briefly talk about my thoughts, and you can see what needs to be added..."

"No problem, no problem, tell me as soon as possible."

Zhang Xing picked up the signature pen on the table, opened the notebook and prepared to start recording.

It was relatively easy for him to understand what Su Ye said about the hotel and homestay just now.

But now that Su Ye actually wants to say an idea that he himself is still preparing, Zhang Xing feels that it is necessary to make a record.

"Is such that……"

Su Ye thought about the wording and then said: "Brother Zhang, weren't you doing food delivery services for merchants before, and I also thought of it based on this point."

"Can we integrate this service into Tiantiantuan's website, so that users can buy their favorite meals online, then place an order, and the merchant will make the dishes after receiving the order, and notify the delivery staff to pick up the meals after packing."

"Of course you can."

"This is a very good idea, Mr. Su, you are so awesome. As a person who has done food delivery before, I didn't think of this. You can think of it. You really deserve to be the strongest product manager of this century. "

"This idea is fine. I think the priority should be higher than our hotel business."

Zhang Xing was excited.

He used to do catering delivery because Jiajiatuan and Dianping already existed in the group buying market, so it was a last resort.

Unexpectedly, now that he has given up the business over there, Su Ye can actually link the current group buying website with the previous catering delivery.

Zhang Xing, who started as a food delivery service, is very clear about the benefits of food delivery to merchants and consumers.

You can enjoy your favorite food and drinks without leaving home.

As for the merchants, when the expenses in all aspects have been fixed and will not change much, every additional sale is a pure profit.

The same is true for platforms.

Catering delivery is mainly aimed at the life scene that the white-collar workers of the company need to solve the problem of eating during lunch time.

Compared with the B&Bs and hotels that Su Ye mentioned before, the problem of food is the real strong demand.

Just need.

If Tiantiantuan can deploy catering delivery services across the country, it will definitely be ahead of the two websites Dianping and Jiajiatuan.

As for, Zhang Xing didn't pay attention at all. is just a spokesperson launched by the capital. Although it looks very good now, but has no foundation, no plan and no profit model. At most, it is just a spoiler in the group buying market.

In the end, the business of the group buying market falls into the hands of Dianping, Tiantiantuan, and Jiajiatuan, which are much more likely to fall into the hands of

Now, after Zhang Xing figured it out, his heart suddenly rose.

Zhang Xing knew this idea.

As the creator of this idea, Su Ye, can he not be clear?
Don't look at Su Ye as a 23-year-old young man who seems to have no social and life experience, but Zhang Xing absolutely dare not underestimate Su Ye.

There are geniuses in this world.

A genius, on the other hand, can be born aware of certain aspects.

And Su Ye is undoubtedly a genius in the business field.

Can he not know how much change his idea will bring to the group buying industry?
He could only be more aware of the meaning and impact behind this move than Zhang Xing.


As Su Ye said just now, he hasn't thought about this new project yet.

I also want Zhang Xing to help him perfect it again.

But Zhang Xing felt that this idea was very mature after hearing Su Ye's words.

Then why did Su Ye say that the design has not been completed yet.

Could it be, Su Ye is still debating whether to comment on this project or make a group every day.

Even, Zhang Xing made a bold assumption and carefully verified it.

If I hadn't called Su Ye today, how would the two ideas in Su Ye's hands be implemented in the end.

There is an old saying that those who are close to the water first get the moon.

Su Ye is in Jiangcheng.

The group is in Haicheng every day.

Dianping is in Jiangcheng.

What else is there to say?

These two ideas of Su Ye must have been prepared for public comment.

Perhaps from the very beginning, Su Ye hadn't paid much attention to the future of Tian Tian Tuan.

It's not that Su Ye doesn't pay attention, but that he doesn't care.

It's as if the emperor is going to set up a prince in the end, he already has a candidate in his heart.

But in order to increase the prestige and achievements of the prince, it is possible to create a situation of fair competition.

Choose Tiantian Tuan, who looks promising to compete for the crown prince, to put a little pressure on Dianping, the true crown prince.

In fact, all good things are destined to belong to Dianping.

To be honest, the daily group I founded is just a small role to accompany the prince to study.

Realizing this, Zhang Xing suddenly understood and woke up.

Since Su Ye had this plan, he had to pretend not to know.

Then let Su Ye see the self-motivation of himself and Tian Tiantuan.

A crying child has milk.

If Dianping can't develop, then Tiantian Tuan will definitely use the method of Li Daitao to stiffen in case the real and fake Monkey King emerges.

"President Su, we ask for this project every day."

"Don't worry, I just said that the priority of food delivery business is higher than that of hotels and homestays. In fact, I was wrong."

"I will adjust my focus and develop these two functions simultaneously while maintaining some competition with other companies in terms of catering, entertainment, and ticketing."

"However, President Su, I need funds, and I need a lot of funds."

"Within a week, I will make a complete planning plan for you, and I promise not to waste a penny of the company's money."

Hearing Zhang Xing's categorical and swearing words, Su Ye was stunned.

What's the situation? Didn't you feel fine just now? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?

According to Zhang Xing, he wants to maintain sufficient competitiveness in the three major businesses: the original catering field, the ticketing business just developed by Dianping, and the entertainment business developed by Jiajiatuan.

At the same time, do you want to start the two businesses of homestay and hotel and food delivery?

You Zhang Xing is a bull, but even if you are covered in iron, you can still drive a few nails.

To start five businesses at once, do you have so much energy and personnel and have the corresponding planning and layout capabilities?
Su Ye thought for a while, then asked directly:

"Brother Zhang, then... How much are you going to apply for?"

"Five hundred million, at least."

"It may be added to one billion at any time."

"After all, Mr. Su, you also know that there are not a few basic funds needed for hotels and homestays. In addition..."

"You don't have to explain this to me."

Listening to Zhang Xingyue's words, he became more and more emboldened, and kept looking for some reasons for spending money and plan ideas to convince Su Ye that he had a purpose, and he didn't just apply for so much money blindly.

After a period of operating the daily group, Zhang Xing also has some experience in how to spend funds.

Which project is the most urgently needed, which department needs the most money to build, and which team needs the most rewards.

In addition to the two ideas given by Su Ye today, a hotel and homestay is related to real estate, which must require a lot of funds, and there is takeaway, which should be regarded as a labor-intensive job.

He may have done food delivery before. Although the winter in Haicheng is not as good as the three provinces of Hei, Jilin and Liao, it is as summed up by sand sculpture netizens.

In winter in the north, the cold is a physical attack.

You can directly resist it if you wear a little thicker.

In winter in the south, the cold is a magic attack.

It doesn't matter whether you wear thick or not, it just keeps getting cold.

None of the delivery staff in Zhang Xing's delivery company needed to brave the cold wind and winter rain to shuttle through the streets and alleys of Haicheng.

With such hard work, can he bear to lower the salaries of the staff?
The truth is, even if you lose money, let the brothers below be able to suffer this willingly.

If you come out to work and want to make money, you must at least be willing to endure hardships.

Therefore, there will certainly be no shortage of capital investment and subsidies in this area.

"Brother Zhang, I don't need any plans from you. If you want to write these things, then go out and fool laymen. It's useless to me."

"The executives of Qingyun Technology I need are two."

"Everyone is heart-to-heart, hand in hand, and happily got things done together."

"The other thing is that in the process of doing things, everyone can earn enough salary."

"So, don't talk about these plans. Since I let you be the person in charge of the daily regiment, I believe you. Otherwise, if you really don't have the same heart as me, I can't do anything casually." Know."

"I don't need to use people, but I don't need to use people who are suspicious."

"Your first application was [-] million, right?"

"Since you are not very satisfied with the amount of this fund, and you told me that you may need to increase it later, then I won't talk nonsense with you."

"I'll give you one billion. If it's not enough, talk at any time."

"President Su, I didn't mean that..."

Zhang Xing explained again and again that he didn't make excuses for selling misery with Su Ye just to get more funds.

However, this was the first time Zhang Xing applied for funds with Su Ye.

Previously, he could decide what cost he needed with one word.

Now Tiantian Group has been established for a month, because the goal is clear, which is to focus on the group buying market in first-tier and super first-tier cities.

So the funds are still relatively sufficient.

But I didn't expect that Su Ye would be so happy after applying for funds.

Too much fun.

Even Zhang Xing didn't know if it was his own illusion.

When he raised the need for more funds to develop the business, Su Ye's tone seemed a little bit excited and... can't wait?
"Okay, Brother Zhang, I won't say anything unnecessary."

"I recognize your ability, but first of all I recognize your character."

"Come on, let's see in a year's time whether the Dianping I'm in charge of has developed better, or your daily group is better."



Zhang Xing memorized the last word in the notebook, feeling excited.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind.

You treat me like a gentleman.

I will repay it as a national scholar.

"President Su, let's make a deal and compare each other a year later to see which of the two platforms has developed better."

"However, you are a well-known product manager in China and a business genius. If you are defeated by an unknown person like me in the group buying field, then..."

"Hehe, you're awesome, you're still shaking, Lao Zhang, if you have the ability, don't use my creativity to develop the daily group."

"Um, President Su."

Zhang Xing hastily coughed twice.

"President Su, I have something to do right now. I'll go to work first. Well, the funds will arrive as soon as possible."

Without waiting for Su Ye's reply, he didn't even care about politeness and impoliteness, and hung up the phone directly.

Seeing this guy in such a hurry, Su Ye couldn't help laughing.

Really, if he wanted to take back these two ideas, he wouldn't tell Zhang Xing at all.

However, the current food delivery business still has many defects and unsolvable problems.

I don't know how Zhang Xing will solve the problem when he encounters it.

Su Ye knew it in her heart.

Although Zhang Xing is a guy who is smiling with him now, he is also a very proud person in his heart.

If not, there would not have been any difficulties other than daily work reports after the founding of Tiantiantuan.

This time, if Dianping and Jiajiatuan hadn't successively launched new businesses and expanded the business margin of the platform, this guy wouldn't have called in such a hurry.


Now that I have an agreement with Zhang Xing, I have to start working hard.

Don't be really disgraced by this guy's daily regiment after a year, it will definitely be embarrassing by then.

I just don’t know how should respond to this wave of changes in the group buying market.

Dianping, Jiajiatuan, and Tiantiantuan launched new businesses one after another.

How will Tuantuan, which has so much capital support, act?

and also……

Speaking of, Su Ye also thought of another company in the imperial capital.

Internet is difficult.

Although Wang Yifei has been busy with the game exhibition recently, but fortunately, Su Ye took the initiative to do some preparatory work and contacts with contacts in other industries or asked relevant executives to help.

Relatively speaking, Wang Yifei's work is not so much.

(Wang Yifei: Mr. Su, I will give you a chance to rearrange the language)

In fact, Wang Yifei now needs to contact his peers in the game industry and invite them to participate in the game exhibition.

It is still necessary to contact the star agency in Hong Kong City to invite some well-known Hong Kong and Taiwan stars to participate in the game exhibition. How can it be easy.

But even though he was so busy with work, Wang Yifei still took time to report to Su Ye about the digging of Wangnan.

After Liu Fei's resignation application was approved, other people in the NetEase game department also applied for resignation one after another.

This time, the NetEase game department was almost taken away by Wang Yifei.

The game department has a total of 53 employees, four of whom are in charge of odd jobs, and two interns.

As a result, 49 people submitted applications for resignation.

It is said that Ding Sanshi smashed everything that could be smashed in the office.

They even told those employees privately that they had signed a non-employment agreement before, and the agreement did not allow these people to work in the same industry or work in other competing companies within three years of resignation.

The people below panicked immediately, and reported Ding Sanshi's statement to Liu Fei.

At this time, Liu Fei had already entered the Qingyun Technology Imperial Capital Branch.

After Wang Yifei won Su Ye's consent, he directly put Liu Fei in the position of general manager of Qingyun Technology Imperial Capital Branch.

Before Liu Fei made games, he was a great contributor to the creation and development of NetEase, not just the person in charge of the game department.

His own management level is also very high.

However, after receiving the reports from those employees, Liu Fei, who has become the general manager of the branch, smiled.

Tell those brothers in the game department directly.

Liu Fei also signed this non-compete agreement. If NetEase really wanted to sue, he would be the leader first.

Moreover, Liu Fei vowed to tell everyone that Wang Nan should go ahead and sue.

Qingyun Technology has already promised.

If they are sentenced to failure after going to court, all the losses will be borne by Qingyun Technology.

This statement immediately reassured everyone.

Qingyun Technology has never taken its word for it, and everyone believes it.

So in the past few days, some employees from the original game department have started to join Qingyun Technology's Imperial City branch.

And the real reason why Liu Fei didn't tell them that Qingyun Technology and himself were not afraid of the non-competition agreement, was because he was worried that some of the network trouble colleagues who joined Qingyun Technology were in Cao Ying and their hearts were in Han.

Maybe I'm going to do something stupid.

Neither Liu Fei nor Wang Yifei thought of it.

This was obviously just an idea they had guessed, but as a precautionary measure, it actually paid off in the end.

Ding Sanshi is actually planning to send someone to join Qingyun Technology, the purpose is to gain some experience and settings of Qingyun Technology in online games...

(End of this chapter)

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