The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 451 Chapter 453, Research and Development Center

Chapter 451 Chapter 453, Research and Development Center (seeking monthly pass)
"Su Yejun, long time no see."

Familiar accent, familiar title.

It was Nami Watanabe of Gou Ri's National Three Silver Consortium.

"Yeah, it's been a long time."

Su Ye said casually.

Last time, when Su Ye was on a business trip to Hangzhou, she met Nami the transitional partner once.

However, at that time, her identity was the heir of the Yang family in Hangcheng.

It was at that time that the other party invited Su Ye to a party, and took the opportunity to ask Su Ye to help the Sanyin consortium tide over the difficulties.

Su Ye remembered that he put forward four conditions with Watanabe Nami that time.

They are the shares of the Sanyin consortium, the technical support in the automobile field, the co-cultivation of talents in the field of comics, and a large amount of funds for the development of the company.

At that time, Watanabe Nami said nicely, saying that she would communicate with the president of the Sanyin Consortium as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, more than a month has passed.

The other party just called.

Su Ye's heart moved slightly. Could it be that the incident last time had a turning point?

"Su Yejun, I have been in China recently, but I often hear news about Qingyun Technology."

"Your company really deserves to be the number one Internet company in the Longhan Empire."

"Well, thanks for the compliment."

"By the way, Su Yejun, I heard news that Jiangcheng intends to develop a high-tech industrial park."

"And you initiated this project on your own initiative. I don't know how it is going."

"Still in the design stage."


Su Ye always responded in such a neutral way.

Let Watanabe Nami on the other side of the phone not know what to say.

She went around in order to let Su Ye take the initiative to mention what the two of them said last time.

But Su Ye seemed to have forgotten.

Not a single word was said.

"Cough cough."

"It's Su Yejun like this. I heard that Su Yejun is seeking to purchase some international high-end experimental equipment recently. In this regard, our Three Silver Consortium can help you and your company a little."


Speaking of this, Su Ye will not be sleepy anymore.

He's having a headache right now.

Finding someone, relying on relationships, and spending countless efforts, but nothing changed at all.

The missing experimental equipment is still missing.

Even for this matter, he specifically called Solandi in the beautiful country and Gordon in Germany.

But they had always had a good relationship with Su Ye before.

There is no way to help when faced with this matter.

Although the two of them are large consortiums.

Those people's decisions can be influenced to a certain extent.

But on such a big event, they, including other financial groups in the world, must obey the certificate.corrupt will.

Although Solandi and Gordon need to cooperate with Su Ye to make money.

But the Facebook project, what Su Ye said was good, and the prospect was well planned.

But this project can only be regarded as icing on the cake for those families.

Their bases are still in their respective countries.

You can't give up your fundamental business and relationship for Su Ye.

Of course, if Facebook develops at this time, everyone will form a real community of interests.

It was naturally different then.

Therefore, in the face of Su Ye's inquiry, the consortium of more than a dozen companies that participated in the Facebook project before politely refused.

Now Nami Watanabe called suddenly, for Su Ye, it was timely rain.

"Miss Watanabe, please tell me how you can help me."

"Don't worry, I, Su Ye, should be clear about my personality, and I will definitely not let my friends suffer when I treat my friends."

Hearing Su Ye's speech speed accelerated a lot.

Watanabe Nami, who was at the company headquarters in Gou Ri, couldn't help showing a smug smile.

No matter how awesome you Su Ye is, at this time, you will also ask us to come to our Sanyin consortium.

However, Watanabe Nami has undergone professional psychology studies after all.

Knowing that at this time, when Su Ye needed help the most, she would absolutely not do anything to threaten her.

Otherwise, Su Ye would pinch his nose and admit it this time.

The days to come are still long.

At this time, the Sanyin consortium still has something to ask for from Su Ye.

Offending Su Ye now is really not worth the candle.

"Su Yejun, in addition to research in the automotive field, our Sanyin consortium has also prepared a laboratory for mobile phones."

"Recently, our laboratory will process a batch of second-hand equipment. If you need it, you can contact our company's business department."

"However, let's make it clear in advance that our feelings belong to feelings, and the fees you need to pay here are indispensable."

Watanabe Nami made a joke that she thought was good.

Then he waited for Su Ye's response.

Hearing Nami Watanabe's approach, Su Ye stood up from the chair directly.

This method is really great.

Buying under the guise of used equipment doesn't touch some people's sensitive nerves.

In the world, the most powerful country in scientific research is the beautiful country, but Gou Ri's country is not bad in some high-tech fields.

In particular, the research on electronics, electrical communication, etc. is also at the forefront of the world.

The equipment that Su Ye could not ask for was solved with just one phone call.

Even if Su Ye knew that Watanabe Nami and the Sanyin consortium had something for her, she couldn't help being excited.

"Miss Watanabe was joking, don't worry, we Qingyun Technology is an absolutely honest enterprise."

"I will arrange someone to connect with colleagues in the business department of your group as soon as possible."

Su Ye smiled cooperatively, and then said: "Miss Watanabe, I am very grateful to you and the Sanyin Consortium for giving me such help at this time, but I will not be rewarded for nothing."

"If you need anything here, please feel free to contact me."

Hearing what Su Ye said, Nami Watanabe smiled even wider.

She found out what Su Ye was busy with recently through some channels, and then she knew that Qingyun Technology is also planning to develop mobile phone communication business.

And according to Su Ye's personality all along, since he entered an industry, he would definitely not be willing to be inferior to others.

Definitely do your best.

But now the electronic technology situation in Longhan's country, as the most concerned about Longhan, how could Gou Ri's country not know about it.

Su Ye wanted to build a research and development center, which required a lot of funds.

This is still a small problem.

The key is experimental talents and experimental equipment.

In the field of electronic communication, Longhan did not say that he was poor or white, but the overall development was far behind the international second-rate level.

In the eyes of some developing countries, Longhan cannot claim to have an electronic communication industry at all.

After all, copycats don't count.

After inquiring about this news, Watanabe Nami was keenly aware that this was an opportunity.

Su Ye was in a state of wanting nothing before.

They had investigated some basic information about Su Ye before.

During school, Su Ye didn't spend a lot of money, and had a girlfriend who wasn't a girlfriend.

When going out, it is basically a treat for girls.

Going out with the boys in the same dormitory is also Zhao Yun and Shi Jin's treat.

Su Ye and Wang Ziyu had few opportunities to invite everyone to dinner and entertainment.

After working, especially after founding Qingyun Technology, Su Ye's biggest expense should be on the employees.

Big money to buy a house, buy a car.

Even the holy island of Banno, which Su Ye bought abroad, usually would not go there by himself, but would take the company's colleagues to the annual meeting together.

It can be said that although Su Ye's economic conditions have reached the wealthy class.

But the consumption concept is still the original thinking of ordinary people.

After getting rich, don't buy a house, don't take care of women, don't gossip, every day is a two-point line between home and company.

If it wasn't for later knowing that Su Ye and Li Qianqian were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Watanabe Nami almost thought that Su Ye was that kind of ascetic monk.

Such a Su Ye is almost impeccable.

The Sanyin consortium has conducted numerous internal analyzes in order to find out Su Ye's personality traits and make use of them.

But there has been no way.

This time, for Watanabe Nami, it is really a rare opportunity to attack Su Ye.

She sorted out the list of equipment she knew about Su Ye's needs, and went directly to the president of the Three Silver Consortium.

Two days later, the president of the Triple Silver Consortium made a decision.

Find a way to sell Su Ye well on this matter.

Let Su Ye get the equipment he wants, and if necessary, let the overseas business department of the group send the equipment directly to Jiangcheng.

That's why Watanabe Nami called Su Ye this time.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye couldn't help calling Liu Qianming who was still busy with the equipment.

After hearing the good news, Mr. Liu Qianming was as happy as a child.

As for where this device comes from, the old man doesn't care.

There are no guns, no cannons, the devils made them for us.

As an intellectual of the older generation, Liu Qianming has some personal opinions on Gou Ri's country.

But this does not affect him to use the other party's experimental equipment to develop Long Han's own scientific career.

On the same day, Su Ye arranged for relevant personnel to contact the Commerce Department of the Three Banks Consortium, and the two sides communicated about related delivery and cost issues.

An agreement was quickly reached.

Regarding this matter, in order to get his own equipment as soon as possible, Liu Ganming called the corresponding department of the Ministry of Industry to fight for the conditions for entering the port as soon as possible.

In less than half a month, the equipment had already entered the building of Qingyun Technology R&D Center.

During this process, from the beginning to the end, the Sanyin consortium did not make any unreasonable demands.

Su Ye was not in a hurry either.

After all, the cooperation between two group companies of such a large scale is definitely not in such a hurry.

The top priority is to open the R&D center first.

Compared with the opening ceremony of other projects of Qingyun Technology.

This time the scientific research center was put into use, and Qingyun Technology did not make a big fuss.

In addition to some local officials of Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion, that is, some leaders within the company attended the opening ceremony this time.

After the ceremony, the real highlight came.

We all know that the R&D center undertakes the research work on the future development direction of the mobile computer business.

However, at this time, there are different directions at home and abroad regarding the future development direction of these two electronic products.

The meeting after the opening this time is to set the direction.

Computers must be developed to be faster, thinner, and smoother to use.

It is also important to distinguish some of the main uses of the various computers.

Such as office computer, gaming computer, entertainment computer.

Speaking of the difference in these functions, just adjust the computer configuration.

But this also involves future research and development direction and policy planning.

At the same time, Su Ye also proposed the concept of a super notebook, and the concept of a tablet computer.

If these two concepts are to be realized, it is necessary to complete an important technical accumulation.

At least, the touch screen and the feedback system need to be developed as soon as possible.

The mobile phone business is different from the computer business.

Su Ye planned the development of mobile phones in two stages.

The first is the current functional machine.

The color-screen smartphones made by Jerry Yang before, which cost tens of thousands, will never appear in the future.

Su Ye didn't make a mobile phone to make a lot of money.

It is to let the Longhan Empire enter the era of smart phones ahead of schedule.

When entering the era of smartphones, even if the mobile phone business loses money year after year, it doesn't matter.

The growing mobile business will naturally pay for it.

Moreover, it may not necessarily lose money. Now Jerry Yang's mobile phone company has more than a dozen factories under it.

As long as the technology meets the requirements, it will be a huge advantage in terms of cost to produce mobile phones by ourselves in the future.

Now the sales trend of Qingyun mobile phone A1 is still very hot.

Qingyun mobile phones on Qingyun Mall are already selling like crazy.

But compared to online, after recruiting many agents offline, Yang Zhiyuan and Su Ye really felt what real madness is.

What is the market potential of Longhan? Huge, huge, huge.

In March, Qingyun mobile phone shipments reached 3 million units.

April has not yet passed, and shipments have exceeded 4 million units.

According to the analysis of some professional data agencies, this hot sales situation will continue for at least half a year.

At the same time, the number of sales per month will also rise in a straight line.

Now more than a dozen factories under the mobile phone company have to start production in three shifts.

It is foreseeable that in the next few months, the supply of Qingyun mobile phones will be in short supply.

Su Ye's first goal of entering the mobile phone market is slowly but vigorously advancing.

Now it's his turn for the second goal.

Let the world see Longhan's mobile phone industry.

Let Longhan's mobile phone industry lead the world trend.

Therefore, Su Ye's plan for the first phase of the mobile phone research and development department is to make the functional phone to the extreme.

In the case of the ultimate function, the cost is continuously reduced and the selling price is reduced.

Didn't foreign countries always say that the price of our Longhan products is low and that it is suspected of dumping?
Then recruit foreign agents.

Su Ye might not have been able to do anything before.

But the time Solandi and Gordon came to Jiangcheng, even though it was extremely dangerous, they also succeeded in allowing Su Ye to expand his international contacts.

At that time, Su Ye can directly ask these partners to help him find an agent.

Long Han sells it personally and you say dumping.

So if your own capital or large-scale capital is involved in this matter, will you still say this?

Su Ye even gave Yang Zhiyuan the design drawings of the flip phone, slider phone, and the simple board phone he designed, as well as a phone similar to the Nokia N97, and asked him to arrange follow-up mobile phone industry development work as appropriate.

After Yang Zhiyuan got these design drawings, he was pleasantly surprised.

Before, he thought that it would be good for Su Ye to take out a flip phone.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye had so many mobile phone shapes and ideas in his hands.

"Don't pay attention to these, Brother Yang, just remember."

"Functional machines are developed to the extreme, and they are only functional machines."

"His upper limit exists. If we develop fast, we may be able to touch the ceiling of the functional phone market in two or three years."

"Our real battlefield is on the smartphone."

(End of this chapter)

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