Chapter 452 Chapter 454, My Hope
smart phone?

Yang Zhiyuan had heard this concept from Su Ye too many times.

But even now.

He still has a vague sense of the concept of a smartphone.

Judging from Su Ye's description.

A smartphone is a mobile device that is more powerful, advanced and convenient than a feature phone.


Yang Zhiyuan couldn't figure it out.

Why do companies develop smartphones.

Now on the international mobile phone market.

Feature phones are just beginning to appear.A test product similar to the flip phone that Su Ye asked Yang Zhiyuan to develop.

Although there is no similar design abroad.

But also began to adopt some color screen design.


At present, due to price reasons, it can only be produced and sold in small batches.

When the functional machine was just starting to take off.

Su Ye actually asked the R&D center to focus on the smartphone.

Now, even Yang Zhiyuan, the head of the mobile phone company, is not clear about the concept of smart phones.

Do those R&D personnel really know which direction they should conduct research?
"President Su, I'm sorry, I have to interrupt."

After seeing Su Ye nodding in agreement, Yang Zhiyuan said to everyone present.

"I raise my hand to support Mr. Su's idea and move of establishing the R&D center."

"However, President Su has always been talking about smartphones, smartphones."

"President Su explained some functions and functions of smartphones to me before, but I still don't understand."

"Why are we doing smartphones."

"The functional machine that Mr. Su talked about has just begun to enter the initial stage."

"It is expected that this model will be circulated for at least ten years."

"We have limited funds and limited personnel. The most important thing is that everyone has just entered Qingyun R&D Center and doesn't understand the concept of smartphones."

"So I want to ask, what is the purpose of our smartphone development?"

After Yang Zhiyuan finished speaking, he looked at Su Ye quietly.

Wait for his explanation.

At this time, some department heads of the research centers present, including Mr. Liu Qianming, couldn't help being curious.

They didn't pay attention to this just now.

I have never heard Su Ye talk about the concept of a smart phone before.

As a result, at this time, Qingyun R&D Center proposed this idea at the newly established meeting.

Everyone knows nothing about smartphones.

Just like Yang Zhiyuan said, if you want to develop, you don't know where to start.

Then why did Su Ye bring this up as a topic at the first meeting of the R&D center?

All the people here are insiders of Qingyun Technology.

So at this time, when everyone saw that Su Ye didn't come out to explain immediately, they were all discussing with each other and other people sitting nearby.

Waited almost 1 minutes.

Su Ye saw that the conference room had become quiet.

He knocked on the table and focused everyone's attention on himself.


"Whether it is a scientific researcher who has just joined the R&D center, or the person in charge of various departments of a mobile phone company."

"Everyone is an insider of our Qingyun Technology."

"I hope that what I say here today will be kept secret."

Su Ye did not explain immediately.

Instead, tell everyone.

What Su Ye said at today's meeting must be kept secret.

Upon hearing this, everyone present put their mobile phones on the table.

At the same time, someone went to close the doors and windows.

Everyone is a researcher.

They are very familiar with the rules of confidentiality.

Seeing this, Su Ye smiled and continued.

"Everyone, everyone must have the same idea as Mr. Yang."

"Functional phones have just begun to enter the market, and we have just ended the era of poor communication like BB phones."

"Then why develop smart phones at this time."

"The reason is actually very simple."

"I do Qingyun Technology, not to make a temporary profit."

"Now most of the software products under Qingyun Technology are free."

"Even if users don't spend a penny, they can enjoy the services of our Qingyun Technology without the slightest obstacle."

"The same is true for Qingyun mobile phone."

"Everyone here, don't you think that the reason I entered the mobile phone market is to sell a large number of Qingyun A299s with a unit price of only 1 yuan?"

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

Su Ye's purpose of making Qingyun mobile phone is not necessarily clear to everyone.

But definitely not to buy a 299 yuan mobile phone.

At this price, even if some people earn money, they can only earn a few dollars per mobile phone at most.

Not even ten dollars more.

Moreover, Qingyun Technology also offers free shipping, and free maintenance and replacement of parts within one year.

Calculate roughly like this.

Su Ye has been working on Qingyun mobile phone for so long, but he hasn't earned any money, and he still has to put a lot of money into it.

"Hearing everyone's laughter, it means that in everyone's mind, I, Su Ye, am not a fool."

"No matter why I sell a mobile phone for only 299 yuan, it must have other purposes."

"And this purpose, now I can tell everyone openly and honestly."

"It's just to build a brand."

"Let the people of Longhan, let the world know me and our Qingyun mobile phone."

"My purpose is to make mobile phones affordable for everyone in Longhan."

"Of course, for people other than Longhan, I can only hold off for a while."

"The purpose of making Qingyun A1 is the same. I asked everyone to develop smartphone related projects, not for the present."

"The famous computer company in the beautiful country, Fruit, everyone should have heard of this company."

Many people nodded.

Everyone is a researcher or a practitioner in the mobile phone field.

Some high-tech companies at home and abroad must be concerned.

In the fruit company, it enjoys a good reputation all over the world.

Their current main business is the fruit computer, which sells well all over the world with its reputation of high quality and low price.

The sales volume is second only to Microsoft, the richest man in the world.

Moreover, in the eyes of many scientific researchers, the fruit company is a company that is more pleasing to everyone.

Compared with the mercenary Microsoft.

Fruit fully reflects respect for users in product design, sales and other links.

(Cookies are not fruit powder)
Such a company is more recognized by scientific researchers.

At the same time, not only their products, but also some of their research and development achievements have attracted the attention of researchers from all over the world, including Longhan.

Today's new technology goes online, and tomorrow's new processing method.

There's a better Files app the day after tomorrow.

It can be said that the fruit company is a company that has been on the road of research and development.

Everyone will naturally pay more attention to them.

"It seems that everyone has a deep understanding of the fruit company."

"But I have a piece of data here that everyone must not know."

"In the three years from 1997 to 1999, fruit companies applied for 3378 patents, and 3111 were approved."

"Among them, related patents related to computers occupy a large part, about 1900 or so."

"The remaining 1200 patents are all related to mobile phones."

"Including the appearance design of the mobile phone, the processing program of the mobile phone, the interactive system of the mobile phone, the sensitivity of the mobile phone and other aspects of research and development."

"Three years, 1200 items."

"Fruit companies are accumulating their technical barriers in the mobile phone field at a rate of 1.3 items per day."

Su Ye stopped talking, waiting for everyone's reaction.


There was an uproar.

1200 patents in three years.

Why do fruit companies develop so many technologies.

It is said that it is for reserves, and no one here will believe it.

There is only one real purpose.

Fruit companies also want to make mobile phones.

Moreover, this plan was proposed three years ago, or even earlier.

Scientific and technological research and development must follow a gradual and orderly law.

The steps of your research and development and the results you produce must go step by step.

There cannot be any breaks in the middle.

If there is a broken belt, then even if you develop what you want by chance.

That is also very unfavorable for future development.

Even at that time, time, energy and funds will be wasted to re-develop thoroughly.

And 1200 patent applications passed in three years.

This means that Fruit's research and development progress in the field of mobile phones has already led the world, at least ahead of Longhan.

I didn't see that Long Han couldn't even develop his own high-end chips.

Major mobile phone manufacturers can only purchase from abroad.

"President Su, you mean to say that fruit should also be used as a mobile phone."

"Also, are they making the smartphone you mentioned, Mr. Su?"

Liu Qianming asked.

This fact is too important.

If necessary, he would even give feedback to some of his leaders, teachers and classmates back then.

Now Longhan's main goal is to develop the economy.

If you don't see the development trend of foreign science and technology.

No matter how high the economic development is, it is just a castle in the air.

The pain of purchasing equipment before.

He didn't want to experience it again.

"Yes, Mr. Liu."

"The development of foreign countries is faster and more intense than what we have seen."

"These patents are only for the fruit that has been applied for."

"Then, will they still have some who didn't apply directly?"

"I think there are, and there are some real core technologies."

"We, Longhan, are already far behind."

Su Ye sighed.

This is the status quo.

Of course, this is also the choice of the upper echelons of the empire.

It is not a big problem if there are some differences in other aspects. Let the people's living standards be improved first.

Let more people go out, see and understand the world.

This is a process of broadening horizons and increasing knowledge.

Only when we understand the gap can we catch up.

And this task may be in the hands of the next generation of the empire.

However, in this process, Long Han must pay some price.

Su Ye doesn't understand the trade-off relationship, and can't participate in it.

All he can do is to be himself.

Let your own actions drive the development of Longhan's technological level.


After hearing Su Ye's words, Liu Qianming and many people present could not help but gasp.

If Su Ye didn't tamper with the data on purpose.

That fruit company is already laying out the smartphone industry.

And it's not just fruit companies.

Fruit companies are not the only foreign companies with vision.

At least, Microsoft, which is more powerful than the fruit company, will also plan ahead.

Similarly, some companies that specialize in the production of mobile phone motherboards, processors, and even some optical instrument companies have already started layout and research and development in advance.

Based on this calculation, Long Han is really far behind.

It's ridiculous that at this moment, they are still questioning Su Ye's decision.

It's almost ashamed.

"What I said is not alarmist talk."

"In my opinion, feature phones are important, but the market life of feature phones is limited."

"Mr. Yang said that functional phones have at least ten years of life."

"But I think that this time should be halved at least. After the emergence of smartphones, or after two generations, there will be no place for functional phones in the world."

"The next 20 or 30 years will be an era of intelligence."

"Smartphones will definitely occupy an extremely dazzling position in the future."

"The development of smart phones is imperative."

Su Ye said firmly.

In the previous life, the development of domestic smartphones was slow.

At the beginning, major foreign mobile phone manufacturers seized the domestic market one after another.

Fight price, fight quality.

Desperately seize the domestic market and suppress the development of the domestic mobile phone industry.

In the years when smartphones emerged, the domestic mobile phone market was completely dominated by foreign manufacturers.

Fruit, Samsung, hct and other mobile phone brands are plundering profits in the country to their heart's content.

It was not until a few years later that some insightful people in China entered the mobile phone market.

After a long period of development and struggle, it finally entered the public's sight.

In addition, it is also set off by foreign counterparts.

All kinds of battery explosions, mobile phone explosions, and screen explosions happened frequently, which finally let the domestic mobile phone industry breathe a sigh of relief.

But from the beginning to the end, the mobile phone company that was not friendly to Chinese people didn't even synchronize the press conference to China, didn't even choose a domestic mobile phone method, and even gave the mobile phone company a completely incomplete map.

But it has always been loved and loved by many people.

For a while, there were absurd things about exchanging phones with a new one in the market.

Su Ye felt that he was not an angry youth.

Although there is not much favor for some countries.

But also objectively.

But in the mobile phone industry in the previous life, domestic counterparts were really suppressed too badly.

When we can't do it ourselves, we are suppressed by foreign manufacturers.

When we finally stood up, we were suppressed by foreign officials.

All in all, just one purpose.

Suppress the development of the domestic technology industry.

Therefore, the light of domestic products appeared later, which made all Chinese people feel proud.

Even later, the price of the mobile phone of that manufacturer has been rising all the way, and it is no longer close to the people.

Even their mobile phones are often out of stock, and they have to purchase other products when purchasing.

The Chinese still gritted their teeth and accepted.

Of course, everyone should support a company that can make everyone feel proud.

(Forget it, I don’t want to say too much)

It was because of this that Su Ye set his goal in the mobile phone industry.

Develop it yourself.

Design it yourself.


sell yourself.

After sale by yourself.

Control every key link in mobile phone manufacturing.

Let the people of Longhan use high-quality and low-cost mobile phones.

Let everyone not just buy for support.

Let everyone make a rational decision to buy Qingyun mobile phone after a series of comparisons.

This is Su Ye's idea.

Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal.

But in the process of realizing this idea, we must face countless difficulties and obstacles.

However, what are you afraid of.

Isn't our Journey to the West just a story about ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties and finally obtaining the scriptures.

If you want to realize the idea in your heart, you don't have to go through a lot of hardships.

Even if you get it, you will feel that something is missing.

"So, everyone, this is my idea, my purpose."

"I hope Longhan's mobile phone industry can develop rapidly."

"I hope that Qingyun Technology's mobile phone will enter the hands of every public."

"I hope that when Longhan is mentioned in the future, people will never say that this is just a country with stupid people and a lot of money."

"This Longhan, he deserves, he should, he deserves everyone's admiration and respect."

There was thunderous applause.

Everyone was infected by Su Ye's feelings.

"Here, I also make a promise to everyone."

"For all the projects in the scientific research center, don't be afraid of too much, don't be afraid of difficulty, and don't be afraid of running out of money."

"There are difficulties, we overcome."

"Lack of funds, we provide."

"There are few staff, we recruit."

"Three years, I hope to see Qingyun smartphones on the market within three years."

"Of course, at this time, I hope the sooner the better."


 All the data about the fruit company are fabricated, without any factual basis, please do not take it seriously

(End of this chapter)

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