Chapter 462 Chapter 464, Imperial War (seeking monthly ticket)
Sitting in the conference room, Liu Fei was a little embarrassed.

It was the first time I saw the legendary President Su.

It stands to reason that the mood should be excited.

But at this time, Liu Fei didn't feel this way at all.

As long as Su Ye scolds a little later, it will be fine.

The other one is Wang Yifei.

This guy just called him and said that there was a traffic jam and he would have to be late to arrive at the company.

In other words, there are few people and cars on the roads around Jiangcheng Youth Innovation Park, what kind of car are you stuck in?

"Mr. Liu, you said Mr. Su probably won't be as angry as you think."

"We haven't done anything irreparable."

A subordinate brought by Liu Fei said in a low voice.

This person was in contact with the author of Xiaodian ace Qianlizou Bicycle, and his name was Huo Jing.

For Su Ye's anxious call, they flew over from the imperial capital overnight.

Huo Jing actually didn't think so in his heart.

They joined Qingyun Technology for more than a month, in order to prevent everyone from being idle every day.

Liu Fei said.

Let everyone take this opportunity to learn some skills, and look for suitable projects to do by the way.

At that time, there were several employees who proposed the project with Huo Jing.

In the end, we had a meeting and discussed it.

I think Huo Jing's idea is the best.

If it is unanimously approved, he will use his idea to develop the game.


According to the rules, when the game department has a development appeal, it should first form a document and submit it to the leader for approval.

But at the time of the meeting.

Liu Fei was too excited.

This project proposed by Huo Jing is simply amazing.

Liu Fei was afraid that if the time dragged on for a long time, the breath in the hearts of the employees in the company would be vented.

Just make a decision, approve the project, and develop it.

After the meeting, after being reminded, he called Wang Yifei to report.

Wang Yifei was busy with the game exhibition at that time, so he didn't care too much about such trivial matters.

He nodded in agreement.

It's been over a month.

With more than 30 people in the team, Liu Fei has almost completed the research on this project.

We are all ready to formally submit an application and start production.


He hasn't contacted Wang Yifei yet, and Wang Yifei has confessed him.

on the phone.

Wang Yifei told Liu Fei the seriousness of this incident.

Su Ye was furious yesterday.

Wang Yifei and Liu Fei's style and method of doing things have seriously challenged Su Ye's authority and status in the company.

If employees can decide what projects to develop by themselves, use their own funds, develop them by themselves, and publish and promote them by themselves.

Then Su Ye, the person in charge of the company, is just a decoration.

Liu Fei has always worked as a supervisor or manager.

Naturally, he knew the reason for Su Ye's fury.

This is not a hurry to bring the main members of the team over to plead guilty to Su Ye.

As a result, now that Huo Jing still looked disapproving, Liu Fei felt anxious and angry.

"Old Huo, we made a big mistake this time."

"What did I say on the plane yesterday."

"This time, we are here to admit our mistakes and apologize to Mr. Su."

"Whether the project is done well or not, we will discuss it after the matter has passed. The problem now is that we did not apply well before."

"Boss Su doesn't even know about our new game development. If we are the leaders or responsible persons of the company, we will definitely be angry if we encounter such a deceiving style."

"But, Mr. Liu, I think we should first consider work matters when we do our work."

"As for the process, I know I have to go, but haven't you reported it to Mr. Wang before?"

"Why is President Su still so angry at us?"

Huo Jing retorted with a dissatisfied face.

In fact, in his heart, he was also a little worried.

I just resigned from NetEase, and now is the time to stabilize.

Qingyun Technology's attitude towards employees can be described as the conscience of the industry.

If you leave NetEase and want to join another company, HR should be more understanding.

But if you resign from Qingyun Technology, if you go to another company, you will definitely be questioned as to why you left.

What's more, the time is so close, I left two companies consecutively.

HR who knows a little bit will draw a question mark in their hearts.

"Hey, don't say it, don't say it."

"Anyway, when President Su comes over, everyone should be more modest. Don't contradict President Su, you know?"

The subordinates in front of them heard Liu Fei say so formally.

They all nodded as they said.

Including Huo Jing.

He has his own ideas, but in order not to be resigned in a short period of time, he can only obey Liu Fei's arrangement first.

the other side.

Jiangcheng Railway Station.

Wang Yifei didn't get stuck in traffic at all.

Instead, he drove the car and waited for Wang Yihan at the exit.

Yesterday, Su Ye became so angry about the cooperation between Xiaodian and the Imperial City branch.

When the two were chatting at night, Wang Yifei simply told Wang Yihan about this matter.

As a result, Wang Yihan insisted on running over at night to find out the situation.

Wang Yifei persuaded him for a long time before he stopped.

Unexpectedly, he was still in such a big sleep in the morning.

Suddenly received a call from Wang Yihan.

Ask him to pick her up at the train station exit at 8:40.

Wang Yifei woke up instantly.

Why is this girl Wang Yihan so disobedient?

They told her not to come.

In the end, I had to rush over early in the morning.

Arriving in Jiangcheng so early, Wang Yihan got on the bus at least three hours earlier.

At this time, the high-speed rail was only opened to traffic.

Runtime is relatively late.

Wang Yihan must have come to Jiangcheng on an ordinary express train.

Wang Yifei said a few words to her, but there was nothing he could do. Everyone was already on the train, and it was too late to get off at this time.

After getting out of bed and washing up quickly, Wang Yifei bought two breakfasts and went to the train station to wait.

Looking at the time, Wang Yihan should be arriving soon.

Wang Yifei was about to get off the car and go to the exit to meet him.

But as soon as he got out of the car, he saw Wang Yihan walking from a distance in a white casual suit.

"What are you doing down here, hurry up and drive."

"If you arrive at the company at this time, you shouldn't be late."

After Wang Yihan said something, he opened the car door and sat in it.

Wang Yifei had no choice but to sit in the driver's seat and hand the bought breakfast to Wang Yihan.

"Well, yes, this bun is still hot."

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Wang Yifei staring at him, Wang Yihan asked puzzledly.

"miss you."

"Think of a ghost!"

Wang Yihan gave him an angry look, and said, "Hurry up and drive."

I was angry and funny in my heart.

How long have the two been separated, just over a week.

In the end, Wang Yifei gave her the whole thing.

Also, now is not the time to talk about love.

Su Ye and other people who will meet with the Emperor Capital Game Branch will definitely learn about the cooperation with Xiaodian from them.

Wang Yihan just took over Xiaodian.

It is necessary to understand Su Ye's attitude towards this kind of matter.

When I was at the Haicheng Game Show before.

Su Ye had imagined with him a little about the subsequent development.

In the future, Qixiaodian will not only serve as a content production base.

At the same time, it is also responsible for the operation of various other copyright derivatives.

Games, Anime, TV, Movies...

It also includes some peripherals, exhibitions, fans and so on.

It's all closely related to the little things.

If Su Ye gets angry this time because Liu Fei and the others didn't go through the process well.

Then Wang Yihan will doubt Su Ye's purpose for doing this.

Wang Yifei glanced at the domineering Wang Yihan speechlessly, shrank his head, and started the car obediently.

It usually takes 20 minutes to drive from Jiangcheng Railway Station to Youth Innovation Park, but it turned out today.

It only took Wang Yifei fifteen minutes to arrive.

I don't know what is suffocating in my heart.

After Wang Yihan got off the car, he saw Wang Yifei looking angry, and suddenly walked to Wang Yifei's side.

Kissed him lightly.

After kissing, he walked into the building without looking back.

Wang Yifei was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately ecstatic.

If he remembered correctly.

This is the first time since the two got along, Wang Yihan took the initiative to express closeness to him.

The opportunity to revive the man's glory has arrived.

Wang Yifei strode forward, wanting to put an arm around Wang Yihan's shoulder.

But was dodged.

After walking to the second floor, even Wang Yifei didn't show his indifference.

After punching the card in a serious manner, he poured Wang Yihan a glass of water and walked directly into the conference room.

"Mr. Liu, good morning."

I saw Liu Fei and several subordinates sitting in the corner of the conference room without saying a word.

Wang Yifei greeted him as if nothing happened.

"Mr. Wang."

"Didn't you say there was a traffic jam?"

Liu Fei said angrily.

The moment he saw Wang Yihan, he already understood.

What about a traffic jam.

In fact, he went to pick up his girlfriend.

I still dare not tell myself.

What a ungrateful guy.

"Yes, there was a traffic jam for a while, but who made me better at driving?"

Wang Yifei wasn't embarrassed at all.

"Okay, count you as cruel."

After Liu Fei finished speaking, he nodded to Wang Yihan, sat down and kept thinking about how to deal with Su Ye's anger.

Just now, he has conceived three options.

All failed.

"All here?"

"Yo, Mr. Wang is here too."

At this time, Su Ye's voice came from outside the door.

He was a little surprised when he saw Wang Yihan.

"Well, good morning, Mr. Su."

"Because today's incident has something to do with us, so come and have a look."

Wang Yihan said openly, without any intention of hiding Su Ye.

"Oh, then sit down first."

Su Ye turned to look at a few people in suits sitting in the corner.

The leading guy is relatively fat, and he should be the Liu Fei that Wang Yifei once mentioned to him.

"This is Mr. Liu Fei, Mr. Liu. You all feel Jiangcheng for your hard work all night."

Su Ye's kind smile made Liu Fei's tense heart relax immediately.

He quickly stood up, "Hi, Mr. Su, I'm Liu Fei."

"These are Huo Jing from our Imperial Capital branch..."

Liu Fei briefly introduced the subordinates around him to Su Ye.

"Well, not bad, everyone is very energetic, everyone sit down."

"Yifei, you close the door."

Su Ye sat down and looked at the people in front of him.

Heart secretly funny.

Liu Fei came to the company meeting room so early to wait, and it seemed that he was a little nervous.

It was Wang Yihan, whose appearance surprised Su Ye a little.

Needless to say, Wang Yifei must have said it.

It just so happens that today's incident has something to do with Qi Xiaodian.

Su Ye didn't think of this yesterday, and Wang Yihan came by accident.

After Wang Yifei took his seat.

Su Ye opened the notebook in his hand and began to speak.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, both of you are here today, so I will speak directly."

"When we acquired Xiaodian before, I told Mr. Wang about the future plan of Xiaodian."

"In addition to promoting the payment model, the most important point is to derive the copyright of online literature."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Mr. Liu's thinking was so advanced that he thought of going ahead of me."

"Boss Su is overrated. It's not my idea, it's Huo Jing's."

Liu Fei hurriedly said a word of humility, and at the same time pointed to Huo Jing who was beside him.

Seeing his actions, Su Ye's impression of Liu Fei was immediately higher.

Such a supervisor is not greedy for the credit of his subordinates.

Not bad.

But Huo Jing, who was named, didn't think so.

He said badly.

Don't look at Su Ye coming up to be amiable.

However, just said the first sentence and went straight to the core of the problem.

Let Liu Fei sell himself.

It's over, it's over.

This time, he might be persuaded to leave by Qingyun Technology.

Huo Jing was thinking in his heart, but his face remained calm. He stood up and bowed slightly to Su Ye, saying hello to Mr. Su.

"Hello, please sit down, everyone in Qingyun Technology is equal, and we don't like to be up and down."

"However, Huo Jing, how did you come up with this idea, can you tell me about it?"

"how did it get here?"

Huo Jing glanced at Liu Fei next to him, and then at Wang Yifei not far away.

The two of them also couldn't understand what Su Ye was thinking.

Seeing Huo Jing looking over, he always watched his nose, nose and mouth.

Huo Jing felt helpless.

When they came, they only thought that if Su Ye got angry, they should apologize to Su Ye and admit their mistakes.

But it has never been rehearsed, the current scene.

Seeing Su Ye staring at him all the time, Huo Jingxin said that he should go all out.

Anyway, I brought it up by myself, but it was also discussed at a meeting in the Imperial City branch.

Both Liu Fei and Wang Yifei are responsible.

As soon as Huo Jing gritted his teeth, he directly told the whole story of this matter.

It turned out that he is a person who likes to read novels very much.

I watched martial arts before, and after discovering Xiaodian by chance, I suddenly felt that I had found an organization.

After having a QQ group, Huo Jing also directly joined the groups of several authors he likes.

Among them, Thousand Miles Walking Bike is one of his favorite authors.

The author's writing style is western magic and fantasy style.

Because these years are the time when Western Fantasy is popular, Qianlizou Bicycle ranks very high on Qixiaodian's website.

The few steps of his works have been regarded as the best western fantasy works in China by readers who like western fantasy.

And the novel he wants to adapt is Qi Xiaodian, which is now ranked first in the Western Fantasy category on the website——

"Empire Wars."

(End of this chapter)

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