Chapter 463 465, 500 (seeking a monthly ticket)

The story of imperial war.

In fact, there are already signs of crossing.

It is about an ordinary young man on the continent, Rathore, who was greatly inspired by watching countless western fantasy books, TV and movies on the earth.

Then start as an ordinary soldier and become a nobleman of the empire.

Rathore, who owns the territory, devotes himself to developing the territory, challenging the monsters in the mountains and forests, working hard to manage the territory, and contacting some powerful officials in the empire.

Now, the novel of this step of the imperial war is not finished yet, but there are more than 120 million words.

When Huo Jing was reading this novel, like countless fans of Western Fantasy, he was fascinated by it.

It coincided with that period of time when I resigned from NetEase and just joined Qingyun Technology's Imperial Capital Branch.

Liu Fei announced that everyone should find some projects to recommend.

Huo Jing had an idea, thinking that he likes Western Fantasy so much.

Why not make a Western Fantasy style game.

Now in Longhan, Western Fantasy is the mainstream genre of casual novels.

If you launch a game of the same type produced in China, you will definitely not have to worry about players.

Huo Jing didn't directly report his thoughts to Liu Fei at first.

Instead, through the QQ group, I directly contacted the author and traveled thousands of miles by bicycle.

For Huo Jing's idea, Qianlizou Bike is also very interested.

My own work has the opportunity to become a game, a real world.

This is an irresistible temptation for any author.

Thousands of miles away bicycle immediately agreed.

He also said that if Huo Jing needed anything, he could directly get involved and help.

Of course, the two of them at this time.

Don't know yet.

One of their whim actions turned out to be the first case of copyright operation of literary works in Longhan's country.

Naturally, there will be no cost.

When Liu Fei voted with everyone at the meeting to make this [Imperial War] game.

Huo Jing immediately called Qianlizuobi to share the joy with him.

"President Su, this is how I came up with this project."

After Huo Jing finished speaking, he looked at Su Ye at a loss.

He is still standing here, while Su Ye is constantly whispering to Wang Yifei and Wang Yihan.

Huo Jing was a little embarrassed.


Su Ye first affirmed Huo Jing's narration.

"Huo Jing, I have already understood your thinking, and you have done a good job."

"However, what you did was only a private agreement after all."

"Whether it is for you, for the company, or for the author who travels thousands of miles, there is something unreasonable."

"Of course, it's not your fault."

Su Ye smiled, then waved Huo Jing to sit down first.

"This time, Huo Jing made a good start for everyone."

"The various businesses of our company do not exist independently, but can be integrated in many ways."

"We have a game department, a cultural department, a music department, a film and television department, and online traffic."

"These are our capital. What we have to do is not to expand our business little by little, but to continue to learn to think like Huo Jing. Only employees who can think and are willing to think, then our Qingyun Technology will have a long and prosperous future." decline."

"This time, Huo Jing did a very good job, I propose."

"Transfer Huo Jing to Qixiaodian to work as the director who is responsible for the game chat operation of some literary works of Qixiaodian."

"In the future, our starting point can not only deliver excellent ideas for our own game department, but also improve the overall level of game creation in Longhan China."

"I agree!"

Wang Yifei said loudly.

"I, I agree too."

Liu Fei froze for a moment, then raised his hand and said.

In his mind, the direction of this matter was simply unbelievable.

Well, didn't they come to Jiangcheng to accept criticism?

Why, Su Ye also praised Huo Jing for doing a good job.

This is completely different from the script.

The most confused person was none other than Huo Jing.

He has already expressed his idea of ​​making this game with the mentality of breaking the jar.

did not expect

Instead of Su Ye's criticism, what he got was praise.


What did Su Ye say just now...

Is Xiaodian also a company under Qingyun Technology?
In this way, Huo Jingxin said, he really made a mistake and made a mistake.

"Thank you, Mr. Su, I, I have been making games before, so I'm afraid I don't quite understand the requirements of this new position."

Hearing Huo Jing say that, Liu Fei was dying of anxiety beside him.

At this time, it is natural to talk about the work first.

As the founder and chairman of the company, Su Ye actually cared about the promotion and transfer of a small employee like you.

You still have so many problems.

At this time, Liu Fei suddenly felt.

I don't know anything about this subordinate who has worked together for several years.

Su Ye didn't have as many ideas as them.

On the contrary, he admired Huo Jing's attitude.

Ask if you don't understand.

Instead of being like a veteran in the workplace, regardless of whether you can do it or not, let's take care of the leader's face first.

"This is the first time our company has established this position."

"Even, in the entire Longhan country, it should be the first."

"So, you won't, it's completely understandable that you don't understand."

"However, I hope you can think more and work harder so that Xiaodian's copyright operation can be carried out smoothly."

"As for the specific job requirements, you can find out with Mr. Wang after the meeting is over."

Huo Jing heard Su Ye say this.

He also nodded, "Okay, Mr. Su, then I'll talk to Mr. Wang later."

As he spoke, he turned around and cupped his fists at Wang Yihan and said, "Mr. Wang, I will be your soldier from now on."

"Please take care of me."

"Huo Jing, you're welcome. Let's discuss about copyright management in the future."

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Su Ye continued.

"This time, things are good."

"However, there are also many problems exposed in it."

When Liu Fei heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He seemed to understand why Su Ye not only didn't punish Huo Jing, but also promoted him and raised his salary.

Su Ye's real goal is actually himself.


After all, Su Ye is the leader of the company.

To personally deal with an ordinary employee, if this matter gets out, it will definitely have a great impact on his reputation.

As for Liu Fei, there are not so many problems.

Liu Fei is the person in charge of Qingyun Technology Imperial City Branch.

It can also be regarded as a party prince, and can be regarded as a middle-level and high-level manager in Qingyun Technology.

If there is a problem, it must be him.

After figuring out what Su Ye was thinking, beads of sweat appeared on Liu Fei's forehead.

"President Su, I am indeed wrong this time."

"I admit my mistake and promise that I will never do it again in the future."

Seeing Liu Fei admitting his mistake with sincerity, Su Ye was puzzled instead.

He's just there to say what's wrong with his job.

Liu Fei will not be accused.

The copyright operation of literary works is the first time in China.

No matter whether it is Xiaodian or the game department, they have no experience.

This is understandable.

But now Liu Fei is acting as if all his mistakes are his own.

"Mr. Liu, this is not your personal fault."

"If it really counts, it's still my problem."

"I didn't tell everyone about this at the beginning when I planned the development of the small point and the development of the game department."

"However, we just met today, so let's talk about it in depth."

"Wang Yifei, don't bow your head. This matter has the most to do with you."


Wang Yifei suddenly raised his head.

He got up a little early in the morning and was still a little sleepy at this time.

But when Su Ye called his name suddenly, Wang Yifei woke up instantly.

"Yes, it has the greatest relationship with you."

"You not only manage the game department of our company, but also take charge of some matters of the film and television company."

"From a small point of copyright operation, it is not only related to games, but some particularly classic and suitable novels can be changed into TV dramas or movies."

"In the future, you should pay more attention to this aspect."

"Okay, Mr. Su."

Wang Yifei agreed honestly, then opened the notebook and recorded Su Ye's words on it.

"Okay, let's get down to business. This time, we mainly want to discuss the problems that have arisen in the copyright operation of the Imperial War."

"The first is the lack of legal awareness."

"In our Longhan Empire, there are complete copyright laws, copyright laws and other related laws, which are mainly used to protect the author's works from some infringement."

"This time, even cycling for thousands of miles also doesn't understand the law, or change to someone with a smart mind."

"When the game of Empire Wars is launched, it suddenly appeals against us for illegal infringement of the rights and interests of the work, and the amount of compensation we will have to pay by then will definitely not be small."

"So, when faced with some such cooperation in the future, everyone must be vigilant."

"Signing a contract is not only protecting the author who created the work, but also protecting himself."

Wang Yihan, Wang Yifei, Liu Fei, and Huo Jingdu all nodded seriously.

Su Ye was right.

This is the early discovery of the company.

Otherwise, according to Wang Yifei's character.

He must have waited until the game of Empire Wars was launched before reporting to Su Ye. He wanted to give him a surprise and let Su Ye re-recognize his abilities.

But if you run into a bad guy, that's the time.

What a surprise, definitely a shock.

"Second, there is the issue of compensation."

"We at Qingyun Technology must have copyright awareness, which is very important."

"When I founded QQ Music before, Mr. Zhuang Yiming and Mr. Zhuang spent half a month traveling outside just to acquire the copyrights of a large number of songs."

"No matter how much the fee is, you must have the awareness of being genuine."

"Our CS also obtained the full version authorization from the Rainstorm Company in the beautiful country."

"Moreover, as a creator, only when you can get more benefits from your own works will you have greater interest and energy to create."

"So, pay is imperative."

"This time the cooperation of the Empire War game is a wake-up call for us, but at the same time..."

"This is also an opportunity for us."


Everyone is puzzled.

From everyone's point of view, this matter is the same as what Su Ye said before.

If you don't use the genuine version, if you don't pay, it will be a hazard.

But why can it be turned into an opportunity.

"Yes, chance."

"Think about it, everyone."

"If we hold a press conference for the game Empire Warfare."

"While promoting the game, it can once again deepen our Qingyun Technology's image of valuing genuine products."

"The most important thing is how do you think people will react when we announce the price of copyright transfer."


As the company veteran who followed Su Ye the longest.

Almost instantly, Wang Yifei knew that Su Ye was going to spend money.

Yes, it is money.

Su Ye has always been viewed by the outside world as an excellent product manager.

But in Wang Yifei's view, an excellent product manager is just Su Ye's routine operation.

Where he is really awesome is in throwing money.

Smart money.

Spend money skillfully.

Just like the game exhibition held in Haicheng before.

No one knows what Su Ye's purpose is, and no one knows what it can bring to Qingyun Technology even if it is held like this one session after another.

But Su Ye did it without hesitation.

Now a word about copyright remuneration.

Wang Yifei felt a little bit.

In addition, when Su Ye said that he would hold a press conference.

Wang Yifei already understood Su Ye's routine.

Su Ye will definitely give a copyright transfer price that will shock everyone.

This ignited the attention of the domestic public.

"President Su, why did everyone react differently when the transfer price came out?"

Liu Fei was still very ignorant.

Seeing that Su Ye stopped talking, he asked cooperatively.

"It's a price that shocks everyone."

"Like 1?"

Liu Fei asked curiously.

Su Ye shook her head.


When Liu Fei said this number, he was a little excited.

If a novel can really earn 10 yuan, maybe he even wants to write a novel.

"Too little, use your imagination and speak as high as possible."

It took a long time to see Liu Fei say a hundred thousand.

Su Ye was a little disappointed.

I want to pretend, but I can't pretend.




Not only Liu Fei, but several subordinates he brought were also aroused by Su Ye's question.

Huo Jing couldn't help it either, and said a number of 100 million.

But Su Ye kept shaking her head.

"No, neither."

"The price I prepared is."



This time.

Not to mention those subordinates and Liu Fei who met for the first time.

Even Wang Yifei couldn't help but gasp.

500 million.

Gosh, it's not $500.

It is so easy to give an author.

It is estimated that the author named Qianlizou Bicycle would pass out from excitement after knowing this number.

"President Su, isn't this price a bit too high?"

Wang Yihan was shocked when he heard this number.

She knew Su Ye's purpose.

It should be the idea of ​​saving thousands of dollars to buy horse bones.

But in Wang Yihan's view, even if he has this idea, if you give 80, it's almost enough.

Now the per capita salary in Jiangcheng is just over 3000.

It is slightly higher in Haicheng and Imperial Capital.

But it's like 4000.

And Su Ye actually spent 500 million for a novel.

This is 1000 times the average salary of everyone.

This sum of money is a remarkable figure for anyone.

"not tall."

"Yihan, you know what I think."

"This money, apart from being given to the author himself, is actually more for the people of the whole country to read."

"You can think about it, when everyone knows that you can make money writing novels in Qixiaodian..."

"That scene..."

(End of this chapter)

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