Chapter 464 Chapter 466, Buyout scoring system (seeking monthly ticket)
It turned out to be this purpose.

Wang Yihan couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

She originally thought that Su Ye's purpose was to use the large transfer fee to allow the media to rush to report.

As a former reporter and host.

She knows all too well.

What journalists love most is some news that shocks people's attention.

Some events do not have any hot spots in themselves, but reporters and editors will try to come up with a hot spot.

And if Su Ye's action continues, the reporters don't need to think about it.

The copyright transfer fee for a story actually reached 500 million.

It is more than a thousand times the current per capita wage income.

If you want to buy a house, you can buy more than a dozen sets.

Wang Yihan had almost foreseen it.

How will those reporters turn this amount into eye-catching topics and articles.

But unexpectedly, Su Ye's purpose was more than that.

His real idea is to bring enough heat to Qi XiaoDian.

When people hear that writing novels can make money.

I will definitely look for some relationships and clues before and after this incident.

It is almost easy to know the two companies Qixiaodian and Qingyun Technology.

And after knowing the starting point, there must be a large number of people who will remain because of curiosity or the mentality of trying.

These people, whether they become readers from Xiaodian or directly register as authors.

That all gave a wave of boost to the entire website of Qi Xiaodian.

Xiaodian itself is a website that focuses on content creation. When more users come, more content will be created.

More content, relying on different styles, types, and writing methods, can attract more readers.

Start small, because of this incident, it will be revitalized directly.

Before Wang Yihan took over Xiaodian, he was still thinking about promotion methods.

People who like to read novels, you may know one or two.

But you want to promote the website to readers in large numbers and accurately.

This requires a lot of opportunity for trial and error.

However, Su Ye could achieve this goal directly through a press conference and only paid 500 million yuan.

Wang Yihan was shocked.

Everyone said that Su Ye is an excellent product manager.

But in Wang Yihan's view.

Su Ye is actually a master of promotion.

As long as one action goes on, it can easily detonate hot spots and attract traffic.

at this time.

Not only Wang Yihan thought of Su Ye's purpose, but also Wang Yifei and Liu Fei.

Especially Liu Fei.

I heard before that Su Ye was able to bring Qingyun Technology to this level from scratch.

He didn't realize how amazing it was.

If he was allowed to go back a year ago, he could perfectly replicate everything Su Ye did, and even do it better.

But now.

After Liu Fei understood Su Ye's thinking, he couldn't help but subconsciously compare himself with Su Ye.

In the end, Liu Fei gave up.

I was still a little whimsical at first.

If he was really allowed to go back a year ago, it would very likely bring the company down.

Starting a company is not that simple.





Every aspect must be the best.

Liu Fei is far inferior to Su Ye.

"Clap clap clap."

Wang Yifei couldn't help applauding Su Ye.

The idea is simply multi-tasking.

It's good for Qixiaodian, it's good for the R&D center's Imperial War game, it's good for Qingyun Technology, and it's good for the author.

Get more in one fell swoop.

This is the maximization action that Su Ye has always pursued.

"Clap clap clap."

Wang Yihan and Liu Fei also continued to applaud.

Huo Jing and others who participated in the meeting next to him were stunned.

After the meeting started, they have been listening, watching and studying carefully.

But why did the three bosses applaud directly after Su Ye said a few words.

Be puzzled.

However, the bosses all applauded Su Ye.

Those of them who are small soldiers don't hurry to keep up.

For a while, there was warm applause in the conference room with a small number of people.

Su Ye waved his hand.

"Wang Yifei, that's enough, it's almost done in one click."

"You're not done yet, are you? Hurry up and end the meeting. Everyone should do what they want."

"By the way, Yihan, when dealing with this matter, you have to fully consider the reaction of the existing authors."

Su Ye reminded, and left the meeting room without waiting for Wang Yihan to ask questions.

He still has things to do later.

Wang Yihan opened his mouth, seeing that Su Ye had no intention of stopping to explain to her, so he could only sit down helplessly.

Reactions from other authors?

Wang Yihan brought himself into the perspective of other authors on the Xiaodian website, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Literati is light.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in Longhan that Wenwu is the first and Wuwu is the second.

It means that if everyone competes in martial arts, if you can do it, you can do it, and if you can't, you can't do it.

No matter how much you boast that you are number one in the world, you will naturally be able to see how good you are when you compare yourself with others.

And the text is not the first, that is due to various reasons.

Everyone feels differently about an article or a poem.

Some people think that Theory of the Six Kingdoms is well written, and some people think that it is even better written by a teacher.

Some people like Li Bai's poems, which are free and unrestrained.

Some people like Wang Wei's poems, which are calm and serene.

There are so many different things.

Therefore, there is no article in the world that can be liked and praised by everyone.

This is why there is no first text.

Because of this, every literati in ancient times felt that so-and-so wrote nothing more than that, and that so-and-so's governance policy still had a lot of room for improvement.

Literati, the more books they read, the more complicated their minds will be.

That's why there is a phenomenon that literati look down on each other.

After the establishment of the Longhan Empire, this phenomenon seems to have disappeared on the surface.

But the thinking mode of so many years has been solidified in people's minds.

Those who write traditional literature look down on those who write popular literature, and those who write popular literature dismiss fast food literature.

After the number of authors who start small and develop in the future increases, they will become a new group, at the bottom of the chain of contempt.

I'll talk about this later, just now Su Ye reminded Wang Yihan of his purpose before leaving.

When Qianlizuobicycle received 500 million copyright transfer fees, how will the authors who created on the same website react?

Now almost all the authors already know that Qi Xiaodian belongs to the cultural company under Qingyun Technology.

Why, why.

Thousands of miles of cycling can get so much money, but others can't.

At this time, the more you explain to everyone, the more questions you will have.

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

No wonder Su Ye would specifically remind such a sentence.

Wang Yihan hurriedly wrote down the matter in his notebook, and discussed it with Lin Mu later to see how to solve it.

"Yihan, what are you thinking, so engrossed."

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Wang Yifei asked.

After Su Ye left just now, Wang Yifei said directly that everyone should decide on this press conference as soon as possible.

This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later.

However, the two discussed there for a long time, but did not see Wang Yihan speak.

"Oh, it's okay, I was thinking about something just now."

"Say it again."

Wang Yihan was not embarrassed at all.

Although she said that she was distracted just now, she was still thinking about business.

"Well, I discussed it with Mr. Liu just now, and we will try to hold a press conference at the end of this month."

"With the upcoming May Day holiday, there must be a large wave of people who don't want to travel, but choose to stay at home and play games on the computer."

"At this time, if we can draw everyone's attention to Qixiaodian, it will also be a good development opportunity for Qixiaodian."

"What do you think."

"Yes, but try to delay the time by a few days. I have to go back to Haicheng."

"Okay, then you should do it as soon as possible, or else."

"Liu Fei and I will be in charge of organizing the press conference, and you can just come over when the time comes."

Wang Yihan thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

For her, the most important thing now is how to appease the mentality of other authors on the website.

Otherwise, once the press conference starts, everyone will know the news.

When someone leaves angrily, wouldn't that small point be a big loss.

Content operation website, the most important thing is the content.

If there is no content, that small point will not be able to retain so many users.

After all, what Su Ye has always admired is genuine and genuine.

If the author wants to leave, then Su Ye will never let Wang Yihan risk breaking the law to keep the author's books.

Well, except for the state of mind of the author.

First-hand preparations should also be made in terms of copyright and law.

Wang Yihan circled the two lines and marked them with a star.

Now she can't wait to return to Haicheng.

Seeing that Wang Yihan was also absent-minded, Wang Yifei directly announced the end of the meeting and asked Huo Jing to leave with Wang Yihan.

Qingyun Technology has a small car class, Wang Yihan told the administration department, and then got on the car and rushed to the train station.

Here, the administration department has already booked the nearest high-speed train for her.

After returning to Haicheng, Wang Yihan entered into a busy state of darkness.

What Wang Yifei said makes sense. If there is a press conference, it must be held before the Labor Day holiday, so that this press conference can get the most benefits.

Originally, I wanted to slowly adapt to smaller jobs and promote the operation of the website.

But not anymore.

There is not so much time for Wang Yihan to make arrangements slowly.

I thought it would take at least half a year or even a year to wait until copyright cooperation was involved.

What Su Ye told her at the time was that this was a vision for the future.

Didn't expect it to happen so soon.

It is still promoted from the game department.

After Wang Yihan went back, he first communicated with Lin Mu about the content of the meeting in Jiangcheng.

When he heard that the copyright fee reached 500 million, even Lin Mu, who already had a 2000 million acquisition fee, couldn't help calling him a good guy.

This 500 million is in hand.

Even if you don’t work after cycling thousands of miles, you don’t have to worry about starving to death.

Lin Mu knew it.

Traveling thousands of miles on a bicycle, the real name is list, the name is of course not a bicycle.

It was Shan Zhiqiang.

Now Shan Zhiqiang is a student who has just entered his senior year.

Because I like reading novels, I came up with the idea of ​​writing a novel myself.

At a young age, Imperial War is already the second novel he has written.

Also because of this Imperial War, Shan Zhiqiang has attracted many readers who like Western fantasy books.

And he himself is actually just a telemarketer.

Shan Zhiqiang said it when chatting in the group before.

He did telemarketing, which was not very successful, and he had to make more than 100 calls a day.

Sometimes when I come home from get off work, I feel like I can't hear anything.

What he likes most is to wear earphones in the Internet cafe after get off work and eat, to block out all the sounds in the world, and immerse himself in his own world.

Writing novels is just one of his hobbies.

He also never imagined that this thing would become the guy he ate.

If Shan Zhiqiang knew that he could earn 500 million for writing novels, Lin Mu would be happy for him.

"However, there is one more thing."

"That's the acceptance problem of other authors. Do you have any solution for this?"

"Accept? What kind of solution is needed for this?"

Lin Mu didn't understand what Wang Yihan meant.

Wang Yihan had to explain to him.

After listening, Lin Mu knew Wang Yihan's worry.

But he smiled.

"President Wang, this question is actually not a problem."

"Those who can write novels with a grand world view are those who have a world in their hearts."

"If they are so small-minded, how can they write a whole world."

"These authors who write novels, when they come to Xiaodian, they don't have a penny income at all. If they can get so much money by traveling thousands of miles, then everyone will only bless him, and then look forward to selling their copyrights in the future. cost."

"As for what you said, I don't think it is very likely to leave directly from Xiaodian."

"However, this is not a small problem after all. If someone is really unhappy and wants to leave, then we have to find a way."


When Lin Mu said this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Wang, didn't we say we had a buyout plan?"

"For books created by website authors, different buyout prices are given according to different qualities, and the fees are settled in one go."

"If we announce the two things together to everyone, then no one will have any objections."

Wang Yihan nodded.

The solution Lin Mu mentioned is indeed a good one.

Su Ye had told her about the buyout before.

It's just that the number of authors and books starting from a small point is not small.

But professional editors are too scarce.

Wang Yihan also thought about bringing some friends over from the news industry.

However, one of those people is unwilling to accept the new thing of online writing.

At the same time, look down on it.

Lin Mu also said that the editing of traditional media and the editing of online articles are not the same concept.

Wang Yihan dismissed this idea.

But now, this matter must be put on the agenda.

"But without an editor, we can't just read the book by two and then give the price."

"If the author's writing is full of words in the later stage without advancing the plot, do we still have to pay for it?"

Lin Shu is also quite difficult.

The buyout plan is good, but it cannot be implemented in a short time.

"Tell me, how about we introduce a scoring system?"


"Is it grading the works?"

"Yes, after the scoring system is established, we can directly judge the quality of books."

"At the same time, add a data table of the number of readers, and you can basically see the quality of a book."

"The scoring system divides the author's books into four grades, ABCD, and the number of readers is also divided."

"In this way, we can intuitively see the quality and influence of a book."

"If the buyout price is given, it can also be more authoritative and fair."

(End of this chapter)

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