Chapter 465 Chapter 467, Zhu Wenwen appeared (seeking monthly ticket)

"Yes, just do it!"

Wang Yihan clenched his fist tightly.

Unexpectedly, I found a solution by chatting with Lin Mu about the matter that I felt confused just now.

"However, Mr. Wang, even if we introduce the scoring system now, the time is too short, and there is no time to complete the buyout work of all the books on the website."

Lin Mu said with some concern.

"It's not a big problem. Let's release the news first, and then start with the ace author and list the buyout fee in detail, and distribute a part of it every month."

"It just so happens that this matter can be published together with our paid reading policy."

"Drainage, buyout, rating, payment, role model."

"With these five policies launched at the same time, our starting point will definitely increase rapidly."

Wang Yihan looked at the trees in front of him with confidence in his eyes.

Lin Shu also looked into the distance, as if, starting from a small bright future, is there.


After making a decision, Wang Yihan and Lin Mu burst out with the greatest enthusiasm.

For almost a month, the two of them did nothing.

Besides the editing of the website, it is still a big problem now.

Other personnel departments and legal departments have already established a prototype.

Soon, the first agreement on the buyout of books created by Xiaodian authors came out.

Unsurprisingly, it caused an uproar among the writers.

"The novel we wrote is actually going to start making money?"

"Wake me up quickly, am I dreaming?"

"If according to the website's system, my work can get at least 10 yuan per thousand words, that's thousands of dollars."

"I think I can get the price of [-] thousand characters. In this way, if I only need to update a little more in a month, the income will be much more than going to work."

Ordinary authors are still calculating how much money they can get for their books.

But those ace authors didn't seem to have heard the news.

Still discussing the plot in the group.

The chick eats the eagle: "Brothers, the protagonist in my book is about to enter a dungeon, but this dungeon, he has already entered a similar dungeon before, I'm afraid I won't be able to write what I want."

Tired Banana: "It's not easy. Just change the protagonist's role in the dungeon."

"I've seen the plot where your protagonist went to the Ten Thousand Devils' Nest before. He entered as a trainee. This time, let him be a watchman or a bystander."

Tomatoes need to add sugar: "I think, you can change the rules in the dungeon to make the process of the protagonist get the benefits a little more unexpected. For example, it is not obtained by killing, but by helping others."

Tired Banana: "Well, this is also a good idea. By the way, do you have a follow-up outline prepared, chick? Which method do you think is more suitable?"

The chicken eats the eagle: "Outline? What is an outline? Authors of my generation, if you don't accept it, do it. Open the software and go straight to it. Write wherever you want, write as you feel comfortable. Outline, can that thing be eaten?"

Tomatoes need to be added sugar: "You are awesome."

Tired Banana: "You are amazing."


After saying this, the ace author in the group disappeared, and I don't know whether to write articles or be busy with other things.

It was an ordinary author who joined by chance and asked a question curiously.

Original Cookies: "Just kidding, all aces, don't you care about the buyout price for your novel?"


For a long time, no one in the group responded.

After half an hour, the few busy people saw the message from the offline cookie.

The chick eats the eagle: "I'm concerned, but Brother Sen told me that my price will not be lower than 100."

Tired Banana: "Chicken is really a fierce person, I guess I can get 80 and I will be satisfied."

Tomatoes need to add sugar: "80 is already a lot, I think I can reach the top if I can get 50. Go back and start bursting, 5 words a day, and try to eat a little bit to eat the poor."

The chicken eats the eagle: "Eat the poor? You may have misunderstood Xiaodian."

"Since Xiaodian has joined Qingyun Technology, Qingyun Technology, what kind of company is that, the largest, richest and richest company in the Internet industry, if you want to eat them poor, 5 words a day may not be enough."

Tomatoes need to add sugar: "Sorry, sorry to bother you."

Finish typing this sentence.

Tomatoes need to add sugar and received a call from home.

My mother accidentally fell while doing farm work in the field, and accidentally misplaced the bones.

Small clinics in the countryside can't handle such problems. You have to go to the provincial capital where the tomatoes are added with sugar.

"Okay, Dad, then you can come over at night, my place is too small, you can stay in a hotel."

"Hotel? How can we afford to live in a hotel? Let's make do in the small single room you rented."

After chatting with my father for a long time, I managed to persuade the two elders to stay in the hotel today.

Tomatoes want to add sugar, so I hurried out, went to the hospital to inquire about registration, and booked a hotel.

Looking at the increasingly thin wallet, I can't help but look forward to adding sugar to the tomatoes.

What price will Xiaodian give itself to buy out.

He has written three novels since starting Xiaodian.

The total number of words added up exceeds 600 million.

Even at the lowest price of 600 words and 60000 yuan, the novel of [-] million words can get [-].

Tomatoes need to be added with sugar. After calculating this number, I can't help but be surprised.

His current salary is just over 2000 a month, 24000 a year, 48000 in two years, and 72000 in three years.
But if you start small, you can give yourself so much buyout fee.

Then his economy will be a lot better at once.

It just so happened that his parents had told him several times before that because the house was in disrepair for a long time, when it rained heavily in summer, it would rain lightly at home.

With the extra 6 yuan, in addition to leaving some expenses for myself.

The remaining money should be enough to rebuild the house...

Do not!
So much money is enough to rebuild a brick house at home.

At that time, floor tiles will be thrown on the ground, and special bathrooms, kitchens, and bedrooms will be created, and it will be the same as a large building in the city.

But when I got home, the tomatoes were going to be sugared and I remembered one thing.

If I have to go to the hospital with my parents tomorrow, I probably won't be able to update it.

He typed a few words directly on the webpage.

"written request for leave."


At this time, Wang Yihan and Lin Mu are also pricing the works of these ace writers.

Chicks Eat Eagles is the most famous ace author of Qi Xiao Dian.

The price of a thousand characters is 100, and there is no problem at all.

Tired bananas, the price can also be given to 100.
Thousands of Miles Bike, the top ace of Western Fantasy, the price is also 100.
Tomatoes need to be added sugar, which is slightly worse than the top ace author, giving 80.

In Qixiaodian's office, not only Wang Yihan and Lin Mu are busy setting prices.

The legal department is also constantly researching and drafting the contract.

In the future, we will implement various systems from a small point. Before we start again, we must complete some legal provisions.

To avoid problems from time to time.

Moreover, because it is a manager who manages the author's contract plan, the legal department must also consider the relationship of human nature.

When formulating a contract, fully consider the interests of both parties.

Absolutely can not make a contract clause that squeezes the author a little bit.

Of course, if the author's rights are set too high, it will also happen that customers bully the store.

The extent of this is still difficult to grasp.


When Wang Yihan was busy up and down with Xiaodian.

Wang Yifei is also constantly contacting media reporters one by one.

As for Liu Fei, he has now been authorized by Su Ye and is starting to develop the game Empire War.

Music, images, missions...

Liu Fei is still the same as before, communicating with Qianlizuo Bike.

He did not inform the other party about the press conference.

After all, a huge amount of 500 million was involved. After Liu Fei and Wang Yifei agreed, they still believed that this matter should wait until the press conference starts before telling Qianlizuobi.


While these people were busy, Su Ye was at ease.

Before, the Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion had contacted him to confirm the time, and to hold a discussion meeting on the planning of the new district.

Li Qianqian arranged for Su Ye to be on Friday night.

So in the past few days, Su Ye looked here and there, carefully observing everything in the company.

After finally waiting until Friday, Hu Yidao drove Su Ye to Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion.

In the meeting room, Su Ye saw Yuan Wei, the lord of the city, and Zhu Wenwen, the designer of the Xinpo family.


There was another unexpected visitor.

The head of the Du family, Du Shaofei's father.

Du Shengyue.

Du Shengyue is about 1.7 meters [-] tall, bald, thin, and wears a pair of old-fashioned myopia glasses.

People who don't know his identity will definitely think that Du Shengyue is an old teacher with a staid personality.

But he is really the real helm of the Du Group.

The Du family's domestic business in Longhan is their foundation, but over the years, the Du family's business has been expanding overseas.

The agent who helped Du Shaofei contact Gou Ri's Stone Age game before was also the person in charge of the Du family overseas who helped negotiate.

Otherwise, Stone Age has always been directly operated in various countries, and there has never been an agent.

Overseas, the Du family's business is truly at the giant level.

When he came to Jiangcheng this time, besides seeing Su Ye who defeated his own son, Du Shengyue also wanted to participate in the planning of Jiangcheng New District and get a share.

Du Shengyue had never participated in the construction of some infrastructure in Longhan's country before.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye, a younger generation, was the first to propose it.

As long as the planning of Jiangcheng's new area can be completed, it will depend on the influence of the Du family in Longhan.

It is possible to plan new districts in multiple cities.

The profits in this are enviable.

"Mr. Su, you really are young and promising, and you are a good-looking talent."

Du Shengyue stretched out a hand cheerfully.

"Mr. Du, you are overwhelmed. Your successful deeds have always inspired us juniors."

"Some of Mr. Du's overseas actions not only earned huge profits for the company, but also expanded the cultural influence of our Longhan to various countries, which played a pivotal role in promoting the influence of Longhan culture. .”

"Hahaha, Mr. Su really deserves to be a dragon and phoenix among people. He speaks so happily."

Du Shengyue and Su Ye's right hands were tightly held together.

Fortunately, because it was just an internal meeting of Jiangcheng, no media reporters were invited to attend.

Otherwise, it would be hard to know how many films were murdered just by this one action.

Li Qianqian, who was at the side, saw Su Ye and Du Shengyue talking happily, and couldn't help curling her lips subconsciously.

What a good boy Su Ye was before.

Grace is grace, enmity is enmity.

The grudge is clear.

Smile when you meet someone you like, and treat someone you don't like with indifference.

But now...

Li Qianqian had already received news from the City Lord's Mansion in advance that Du Shengyue of the Du Group would come to participate in the meeting this time.

She originally thought that, according to Su Ye's straightforward character, she might fight Du Shengyue at the meeting.

Li Qianqian didn't know how Su Ye's fighting skills were.

But in any case, he will be better at playing than Du Shengyue, who is more than 50 years old.

Li Qianqian was even worried that when Su Ye got into a fight with Du Shengyue, she wouldn't be able to stop her by the side.

But he never expected that when Su Ye faced Du Shengyue.

The two were able to shake hands and talk, and their faces were full of joy.



In the end, they will all become the people they once hated.

Li Qianqian complained, turned her gaze, and happened to see Yao Xichuan.

Yao Xichuan had obviously seen Su Ye and Li Qianqian a long time ago, but he didn't come up to answer for a long time.

He also felt guilty towards Su Ye because of what happened last time.

As for Su Ye, he had always felt that Su Ye's character was very to his liking.

He even thought that in the future, if necessary, he could use the strength of his family to help Su Ye once.

However, he hadn't waited for him to help Su Ye yet.

An order came from the family, asking him to lead Su Ye to the golf course to meet Solandi, Gordon, Feng Zhenting and others.

Afterwards, Yao Xichuan regretted it very much.

Even if he couldn't refuse the family's order at that time, at least he could say hello to Su Ye in advance.

In this way, Su Ye can also understand his embarrassment.

It won't be the same as it is now, and I can't even say hello when I meet.

Seeing Li Qianqian looking over, she smiled at herself.

Yao Xichuan responded with embarrassment, and then walked to his seat.

This move made Li Qianqian a little astonished.

What's wrong with Yao Xichuan.

Suddenly, Li Qianqian's shoulders were hugged.

She was so scared that she almost kicked over, but luckily she saw Su Ye's figure.

"Qianqian, don't look at it."

"Yao Xichuan is not the same kind of person as us after all."

Hearing what Su Ye said, Li Qianqian didn't know why.

I could hear some loneliness from it.

Could it be that something unknown happened between Su Ye and Yao Xichuan?

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies."

"Welcome everyone to participate in this Jiangcheng New Area Planning Seminar. There are still 5 minutes before the meeting starts. Please return to your seats as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation."

It was said that many businessmen who were still talking to each other just now looked for a place to sit down.

As the proponent of the new urban planning, Su Ye sat in the first row as a matter of course.

Li Qianqian is also by his side.

5 minutes passed quickly.

After the host briefly described the progress of the previous new urban planning, he directly stated the purpose of this seminar.

Vote for a new town plan.

Also displayed are the previous two plans.

The designer of the first plan came up and talked about it.

The designer of the second plan came up to make a generous statement.

The designer of the third blueprint came onto the stage, and everyone couldn't help talking in low voices.

After all, compared to the previous two designers who were around 40 years old.

The age of the third designer is simply too young.

And she's a pretty girl...

(End of this chapter)

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