The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 466 Chapter 468, Qingyun·Qixiaodian joint press conference begins

Chapter 466 Chapter 468, Qingyun·Qixiaodian joint press conference begins (seeking monthly ticket)
After Zhu Wenwen appeared, she glanced habitually in the front row.

When seeing Su Ye, his eyes were obviously different from seeing others.


Then she saw Li Qianqian beside Su Ye.

His eyes darkened again.

Su Ye told her before that he had a girlfriend.

However, Zhu Wenwen's wishful thinking was that Su Ye's girlfriend was not as beautiful, knowledgeable or temperamental as her.

But when she saw Li Qianqian, she couldn't help but compare in her heart.

In terms of appearance and temperament, Li Qianqian is not inferior to Zhu Wenwen.

Even stronger.


Immediately, Zhu Wenwen realized that she was in the conference hall of Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion. .

After adjusting his mood quickly, he began to talk about his design plan.

Li Qianqian, who was sitting next to Su Ye, sensitively sensed something was wrong.

She didn't even listen to the design content introduced by Zhu Wenwen.

I kept thinking about it.

This young and beautiful female designer seems to know Su Ye.

Even, not only knowing.

What else happened between the two.

Li Qianqian subconsciously put her hand on Su Ye's waist.

Su Ye shuddered subconsciously.

However, he soon realized.

It seems that I didn't do anything wrong.

Between Zhu Wenwen and Zhu Wenwen, it was just a meal.

By the way, because of what Zhu Wenwen said, he solved a problem for himself.

Really nothing more.

The relationship between the two is at most an acquaintance, not even a friend.

What can happen to him and Zhu Wenwen.

"Qianqian, don't get me wrong, I just had dinner with her once."

Su Ye measured her body and explained in a low voice.


Li Qianqian's face was calm.

But the heart is ups and downs.

Have a meal?

Just yet?

Su Ye, you're getting bolder now.

You mean, not only do you want to eat, but you also want to do something after the meal?

Seeing this, Zhu Wenwen on the stage couldn't help but pause in her introduction.

Soon, Zhu Wenwen finished her introduction and walked away from the stage.

Received warm applause.

Compared with the proposals of the previous two designers, Zhu Wenwen not only has a sweet appearance and a gentle voice, but the key point is that the design proposal she made really has an eye-catching feeling.

In recent years, although Long Han has been actively connecting with the world.

But after all, the time is still short. From the perspective of design style and level, the gap can be clearly seen.


Zhu Wenwen not only completed the design and layout of the new district's infrastructure, but also added human culture, geography, culture, history and culture to it.

If the new district is really built according to this plan, it can not only be used as a high-tech park, but also a youthful tourist attraction.

There was thunderous applause.

Su Ye and Li Qianqian, who were whispering small things, also applauded along with everyone.

The host tried to make everyone stop applauding three times in a row.

None of the results were successful.

An ordinary design presentation meeting turned out to be like a singer's concert.

The host talked for a long time, briefly summarized the advantages of the previous three design schemes, and then announced the start of the voting session.

Naturally, the construction of the new district cannot be accomplished overnight.

The City Lord's Mansion should also consider the risks of the construction of the new district.

Therefore, the new district is divided into three phases to complete the construction.

According to Zhu Wenwen's plan, the investment in the first phase totals 12 billion Long Han coins, and the project can be completed in about 1 year and 6 months.

It will be officially completed two years later, and investment attraction can begin.

If it is distributed according to the proportion, Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion will take 30% of the shares with the land, policies and some related supporting facilities.

Su Ye, Du Shengyue and other big businessmen accounted for the remaining 70%.

At the same time, they are also the main investors.

However, the funds and time are higher than the price given by the other two designers in Longhan, and the construction time is also longer than half a year.

in summary.

In terms of aesthetics alone, Zhu Wenwen's design is a complete victory.

But considering the price/performance ratio, it is a matter of opinion.

"Su Ye, which plan are you going to choose?"

Li Qianqian asked, but his eyes were erratic.

Look around for traces of Zhu Wenwen.

"Choose plan number three."

Su Ye responded directly.

Anyway, he has no ghosts in his heart, so he is naturally confident.

Moreover, he really doesn't care much about money.

Not to mention that the funds have to be borne by multiple companies.

Even if Su Ye's Qingyun Technology can bear it alone, it's not a big problem.

The design concept of No. [-] scheme is the most advanced.

And if it is divided into three phases of construction, Zhu Wenwen will definitely incorporate some newer elements in the later stage.

Su Ye predicted.

After the overall construction of the new district is completed, it can be guaranteed that it will not be outdated for at least 30 years.

"Well, it's very good to choose the third plan, and I like it too."

Li Qianqian was not the kind of woman who would ignore everything just because she was jealous.

Even when she was the most jealous before, it was just because she was sulking in her own life, and it would not affect her work.

Su Ye glanced at her in surprise, and subconsciously touched Li Qianqian's head.

"Our Qianqian has grown up."

Li Qianqian: ...

Wait for the staff to announce the voting content of each company.

Unsurprisingly, it was Zhu Wenwen's plan No. [-] that succeeded.

The two domestic counterparts also shook hands with Zhu Wenwen in a very gracious manner to express their celebration, and then left with a calm demeanor.

However, no one cares about them at this time.

This time in Longhan, she was the only one present in Zhu Wenwen's studio.

Although she was very happy to have won the final bid, she didn't even have anyone to celebrate in this unfamiliar place.

Not without...

The only Su Ye who was a little familiar was chatting with his girlfriend at this moment.

Zhu Wenwen glanced with gloomy eyes.

I will no longer pay attention.

To celebrate, the staff of the City Lord's Mansion also invited everyone to celebrate at the exclusive reception restaurant of the City Lord's Mansion in Jiangcheng.

Not just to celebrate.

The plan was finally selected, and the share of the City Lord's Mansion was previously agreed to not change.

But the share division of those company groups has not been determined.

In particular, Du Shengyue also came this time.

Since the Du family participated, it was definitely not for the sake of drinking soup.

At that time, it will depend on how these local companies in Jiangcheng and even Suzhou Province will respond.


He left the reception restaurant reeking of alcohol.

Su Ye, who was still drunk just now and looked unsteady when walking, his eyes instantly became clear again.

Li Qianqian, who was supporting him, hadn't noticed yet.

It just felt that Su Ye's force on his arm was slightly lighter.

"Miss Li, Miss Li."

"Please wait."

Just as Su Ye was about to talk to Li Qianqian, she heard footsteps coming from behind.

Judging by the voice, it should be Zhu Wenwen.


Su Ye was puzzled.

Zhu Wenwen, who is the protagonist of tonight's banquet, suddenly ran out with her.

"Oh, it's Miss Zhu, what's the matter?"

Li Qianqian stopped, turned around and asked.

Zhu Wenwen was wearing a light green dress that covered her ankles, and she shivered subconsciously when the cold night wind blown her.

It looks extraordinarily lovable.

Li Qianqian is a woman, and seeing Zhu Wenwen's appearance and demeanor, she couldn't help feeling a desire to protect her.

"Miss Li, I, huh, I just saw that President Su seems to be drunk."

"Is it convenient for you to take him back alone?"

"Do you want to help?"

Li Qianqian was full of question marks.

What's the situation with this Zhu Wenwen?

She, Li Qianqian, is Su Ye's real girlfriend.

Now that you are sending your boyfriend home to rest, what is your identity, Zhu Wenwen, and you want to get involved.

In an instant, the territorial desire deep in Li Qianqian's heart was infinitely stimulated.

"No need, Miss Zhu is the protagonist of tonight's banquet."

"Su Ye is too strong to drink, I can do it by myself."

"No way, that's just how he is, when he sees alcohol, he's like dying."

Li Qianqian smiled, but pinched Su Ye's ribs with one hand.

Anyway, this guy is still drunk now, even if he pinches himself, he pinches him.

There will be no reaction.

However, Su Ye suffered a lot this time.

He was obviously not drunk.

Now that Li Qianqian pinched her, she almost exclaimed.

If it weren't for Zhu Wenwen's presence, Su Ye would definitely not be able to bear it.

Li Qianqian must look good.

"It's okay, Ms. Li, seeing how delicate and frail you are, it must be very difficult to support President Su."

"It just happened that I practiced martial arts for a while when I was at Xinpo's house."

"Just let me come with you."

Nest by -

Li Qianqian couldn't help but swear.

Why is this Zhu Wenwen so ignorant of flattery?

She has already clearly rejected her, so why do you need help if you are on the pole.

Su Ye...

Is Su Ye's charm so great?

However, since Zhu Wenwen said so, it would be inappropriate for Li Qianqian to refuse.

She nodded slightly, and asked Zhu Wenwen to support Su Ye's other arm.

At this time, Su Ye's left hand was held by Li Qianqian, and his right hand was clamped on Zhu Wenwen's shoulder.

It looks like hugging left and right.

Du Shengyue, who was smoking on the second floor of the reception restaurant, couldn't help but smile when he saw Su Ye leaving like this.

This President Su is indeed a young man.

I'm afraid I'm going to learn from some football stars tonight, and scored twice.

It's nice to be young.

Su Ye didn't know what Du Shengyue was thinking at this time.

If it was any other time, he would be so happy that he hugged two beautiful girls from left to right.

But now...

Li Qianqian and Zhu Wenwen are just competing with each other.

A little harder here, a little softer there.

She saw Zhu Wenwen put Su Ye's arm on her shoulder.

Not to be outdone, Li Qianqian put Su Ye's left arm on her shoulder.

But Li Qianqian's height was much taller than Zhu Wenwen's.

After doing this, Su Ye leaned over directly.

The whole body leaned against Zhu Wenwen uncontrollably.

Feeling the strength of Su Ye's body, Zhu Wenwen groaned secretly, but still kept a smile on her face.

"Miss Li, if you do this, Su will always feel uncomfortable."

Zhu Wenwen spoke plainly.

But in Li Qianqian's view, that was the biggest challenge.

what do you mean.

Are you mocking me for not being able to take care of a man?
Li Qianqian was subconsciously about to explode with anger, but she reacted quickly.

It seems... It seems... I really don't know how to take care of others.

Not to mention taking care of Su Ye, she is the one who can't even take care of herself.

This time, Zhu Wenwen really hit her weakness.

The two women fought each other through various means along the way.

But Su Ye suffered a lot.

Lying in the room in Tianyue City, Su Ye wanted to cry but had no tears.

From now on, I don't want to hug left and right again.

I no longer yearn for the blessings of Qiren.

We are just ordinary people.


4 month 26 day.

Good luck.

I don't know who calculated this day.

Anyway, on this day everything goes well.

In the imperial capital.

The branch of Qingyun Technology held its first press conference since its establishment.


When the reporters arrived, they realized something was wrong.

This is not just a product launch of Qingyun Technology Branch.

It was organized jointly with another company called Xiaodian.

What kind of website or company is this.

A person who is usually not well-known and unknown can actually get a ride with Qingyun Technology.

In the future, I'm afraid it will take off.

When the press conference has not yet started.

Countless reporters started to make calls, or simply turned on their laptops and began to inquire about this company named Qixiaodian.

But after this investigation, everyone was even more confused.

Qixiaodian turned out to be a free original novel publishing website.

But why does such a website have a relationship with the game department of Qingyun Technology.

Now, don't say that the reporters present were ignorant.

Even some fellow game companies in the imperial capital who heard the news and ran over to inquire about the situation were stunned.

It is not unexpected that a website specializing in online literature, from the perspective of game companies, the only thing that can be used is a little advantage in copywriting and plot task design.

But if it's just for this requirement, there's no need to make it so big.

Also specialize in development conferences.

Qingyun Technology has always been a non-major event without developing a press conference.

Is there something in this that everyone doesn't understand?

9:[-] am.

Wang Yifei, Wang Yihan, Liu Fei, Lin Mu, and a thin young man with black-rimmed glasses walked in together.

The reporters and colleagues below saw the three people in front of them, and basically they all knew each other.

Needless to say, Wang Yifei.

The person in charge of the game department of Qingyun Technology, in the past six months, has made a splash in Longhan's domestic game market.

Not only in the game industry, but even other people who pay attention to the Internet know about him.

Wang Yihan, the female reporter and host who had a lawsuit with Longhan TV Station during the Chinese New Year.

Everyone is in the news circle, even if they don't know each other well, at least they know each other.

As for Liu Fei, there are many people who know him.

The little brother next to Ding Sanshi of NetEase, after the founding veterans retired from the decision-making level of NetEase.

Liu Fei, Ding Sanshi's little brother, became the only veteran figure still in the company.


No one thought how he, a member of the founding team of NetEase, would come to the press conference of Qingyun Technology.

Could it be that this guy left NetEase and founded this little website.

Still got involved with Qingyun Technology?
The grievances and grievances between NetEasy and Qingyun Technology are basically known to journalists in the news circle.

Seeing Liu Fei appearing here at this time, I was very excited.

Could it be that there are really big melons to eat this time?
Internet is difficult, start small, Qingyun Technology.

Ding Sanshi, Liu Fei, Su Ye.

These three parties and three characters instantly made the reporters present imagine a TV series with at least 24 episodes.

However, everyone knows more or less about these three people.

Lin Mu and another young man came in behind, no one really knew who they were.

(End of this chapter)

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