The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 309 The Change of the Wedding

Chapter 309 The Change of the Wedding
The night gradually withdrew from the stage of heaven and earth, and the bright sunshine sprinkled the entire land.

Today may not be an important or special day for others, but in Tianbao City, no one knows that today is a happy event for the Tianjia, the largest family in Tianbao City.

Today, the Tianjia compound is decorated with lanterns and festoons everywhere, and red silk is everywhere. Wherever you go, there are big red lanterns. You can see it wherever you go.

All servants and maidservants were so busy that they were dizzy, and all kinds of people came from all directions to congratulate.Carriages of different styles were parked from the gate to the end of the street, and a guard named Tianjia stood guard around these carriages with sharp eyes.The merchants who just came to Tianbao City and didn't know the truth were still scolding who was so wicked that they even occupied the street with carriages.

And outside the gate of Tianjia, there were even more crackling sounds, and rows of firecrackers kept going off, exaggerating bursts of joy.


"Mr. Liu is too polite. It is enough for you to come. Why do you bring something?"

"Today is your big day, as it should be."

"Mr. Liu, please come inside, please..."


"Mr. Zhao..."


As the happiest bridegroom official today, he stood outside the gate early in the morning and greeted every relative and friend who came.These people are either partners who have business contacts with the Tian family, or some casual martial arts practitioners, or elders of decent families... But no matter who they are, they have given the Tian family face and came to congratulate them.

And in Tianjia, people from all halls are also busy with this matter. After all, Qitang is the number one hall in Tianjianmen, so they have to sell face to them. Besides, those who came to congratulate People, and friends of other church members, it is normal for them to go to say hello.

However, among these people, Hughes did not belong to him, because he was accompanying Long Fei at the moment.Last night, it was agreed to go to Yechan together, but when he went to look for Long Fei, he couldn't find him, so he went to his father and talked about the Invisible Sky Dungeon, and finally his father arranged for him to accompany him. Watching Long Fei, once the marriage is over, the elders meeting will start.

Just like that, Hughes stood beside Long Fei, looked at the people coming and going, and couldn't help saying: "Getting married is really a tiring thing."

Although Long Fei was standing here, his heart didn't know where to go, so he didn't hear Hughes' words.

Seeing that Long Fei didn't speak, Hughes turned his head and glanced at Long Fei, and found that he had no master, so he asked aloud: "Junior Brother Long Fei, are you okay?"

After a slight pause, he found that Long Fei was looking ahead as if he didn't hear, Hughes continued: "Junior Brother Longfei, Junior Brother Longfei..."

After Hughes yelled a few times, Long Fei still didn't come back to his senses, so Hughes could only pat Long Fei's shoulder and said, "Junior Brother Long Fei, what are you thinking about, so preoccupied?"

Being slapped by Hughes, Long Fei's wandering mind immediately returned to his body, and then he turned around and said, "Brother Hughes, did you call me?"

Hearing this, Xiuston was speechless, "What's wrong with you, Junior Brother? Did you practice too much last night?"

Today Hughes asked Long Fei where he went last night, and Long Fei said that he had realized something last night and found a place to practice, that's why Hughes asked this question.

However, Hughes' words saved Long Fei from making up excuses, and said directly: "There is indeed a problem in cultivation."

"Cultivation, there is no rush." ​​Hughes said earnestly.


At this moment, boom...boom...boom, three heavy chimes suddenly resounded in the sky.

Hearing the three bells, Hughes said, "Let's go, Long Fei, the marriage ceremony has begun."

Hearing this, Long Fei's body shook violently.

This is a hall that can accommodate 1000 people.

This hall is extremely beautifully arranged, with many red silks interspersed to form a wave-like arc, and many red flowers placed everywhere, making this place look like a flower garden. ocean in general.

A long red carpet divides this hall. There are fifty tables on the left and right sides, and each table is full of ten people. Delicious dishes are placed on the table, including lobster and bear paws. , There are shark fin abalone, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, everything that one expects to find.

At this time, almost everyone's face was filled with a smile, filled with the joy of blessing the couple.However, there is one person who is out of tune with everyone, and this person is Long Fei.

Not only is Long Fei not smiling now, but his complexion is also not very good-looking.

Suddenly, there was a shout from outside the hall: "Everyone welcomes the groom, and the bride..."

This burst of shouting immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes were turned towards the entrance of the hall.

The same is true for Long Fei, but Long Fei directly ignored the groom, his eyes fixed on Ye Chan.

Today's Ye Chan must be very beautiful. Although she is covered by a red hood, her red phoenix dress is so eye-catching, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei's heart was broken.

But at this time, there was a series of applause and congratulations.

"Congratulations! Congratulations!"

"The bridegroom is really lucky to marry such a beautiful lady."

The groom, Qi He, also clasped his fists in return with a happy face.

After a while, the groom and the bride finally walked to the front of the red carpet, and in front of them were their respective parents.

At this time, the master of ceremonies shouted loudly: "Bow to heaven and earth!"

Hearing this, Na Qihe turned around quickly, but when Yechan heard this sentence, her delicate body was shocked, and she turned back half a beat too late.

However, just when Qi He was smiling, his heart was full of joy, and he was about to bend down to worship the heaven and the earth, a roar made his face darken instantly, and Ye Chan's body became even more so when he heard this. A shock!
"I can't worship!"

This disruptive sound immediately shocked everyone around, and many people stared wide-eyed at the last stranger sitting at the table in the training hall.

"My friend, I don't seem to have invited you over?!" Qi He shouted in a low voice with a dark face.

"I'm sorry, brother Qihe, he is my friend. He came back with me yesterday. He is Long Fei, a true disciple of Tongtian Sect." Hughes repeatedly tugged on Long Fei's clothes, hoping that he would sit down, but Long Fei But he was indifferent.

Long Fei's eyes ignored Qi He and the others, and just stared straight at Yechan.

At this time, everyone present, no matter how stupid they were, could see the problem here.

Qi He frowned, turned to look at Yechan, but suddenly found that Yechan's body was shaking all the time.

"Could it be that you came back from the Tongtian Sect and raised your cultivation base desperately just for this man?!" Qi He stared at Ye Chan, and couldn't help roaring in his heart.

The more Qi He thought about it, the angrier he became, and a surge of anger suddenly rose from his heart.

"I know you don't love him at all, and I know you have a last resort, but you just have the heart to leave me? Do you know how cruel it is for me to do this? Looking at you Wearing this outfit, but marrying another man, do you know how much my heart hurts?"

Long Fei said with a choked voice: "I understand that you are forced to do so, there is no way, I don't blame you."

As soon as the words fell, Long Fei suddenly shouted: "I, Long Fei, am willing to bear the crimes committed by Ye Chan on her behalf. No matter what conditions you offer for those things, as long as you can spare Ye Chan's family, I, Long Fei, will definitely give them to you personally." superior!"

Ye Chan covered her red head cover, Long Fei couldn't see her expression at the moment, but her voice was choked up and said: "Long... Long Fei, from today onwards, I am Qi He's wife, you wish me well Well?"

Hearing this sentence, Long Fei's heart felt as if it had been pricked by a needle, and tears flowed down involuntarily. He shook his head, "No, absolutely!"

At this moment, Qi He's forehead was already covered with black lines, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and immediately roared: "Come on, beat this man out!"

Immediately, seven or eight strong men ran in from the outside and rushed towards Long Fei.

"Go away!"

With a movement of Long Fei's body, bang bang bang... These strong men were like sandbags, being knocked away by Long Fei's punches one by one.

Seeing this situation, Qi He's entire face became gloomy, "Everyone, I'm really sorry today. My Tianjia has to deal with some private matters, so please go to the backyard to rest first."

As soon as his words fell, a large group of people came in from the outside, and led the congratulators to leave.

But above the high hall, the groom's father, Qi Hai, widened his eyes, and shouted at Ye Chan's father, Ye Wen: "What's going on?!"

Regarding this, Ye Wen remained indifferent, staring at Long Fei.

After everyone was sent away, the door closed with a click.

"Brother Qihe, wait..."

However, before Hughes finished speaking, Qi He shouted in a deep voice: "I treat you as a fellow student, so it's best not to interfere!"

Now Qihe is like an enraged lion, he has lost his mind.

"Senior Brother Hughes, I don't want to embarrass you, so don't meddle in this matter." Long Fei stared at Qi He without showing any weakness, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Oh... okay." In fact, just now Hughes wanted to remind Qi He that Long Fei is not a simple character, but Qi He's current situation probably means that he won't listen to anything he says.

At this time, Ye Wen, who was sitting on the high hall, looked towards his wife.And his wife just happened to look at him.Although the two didn't speak, the look in each other's eyes made them understand.

So, Ye Wen stood up, walked to Ye Chan's side, and said softly: "My child, you have been wronged. Since you don't want to marry Qihe, don't wrong yourself because of us. You and I Mother, I won't blame you, as long as you find someone who truly loves you and live happily ever after, your mother and I will be satisfied."

Hearing this, Ye Chan violently lifted the red hood, that face that was forced to hold back the crying, but the tears were streaming down, made Ye Wen's heart hurt when he saw it.


Ye Chan threw herself into Ye Wen's arms, and didn't hold back any longer, and felt utter pain.

But Qi He's eyes were fixed on Long Fei, he didn't notice Ye Chan and Ye Wen at all, he yelled at Long Fei angrily: "The little vain martial arts master dares to act wild here!" , see how I abolish you!"

Hearing this, Long Fei stared sharply, and shouted in a deep voice: "As long as I kill you, no one will marry Ye Chan!"

While speaking, Long Fei snapped his palm, and the invisible Tiandun sword appeared in a flash.

Long Fei grabbed the invisible Tiandun sword in one swoop, rushed towards Qihe like a mad bull, and roared loudly at the same time: "Yechan is my woman, no one can take her away!"

(End of this chapter)

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