The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 310 Persecution

Chapter 310 Persecution
In this marriage hall, apart from the elders and some people who are currently undercover in other sects, the people from Tianjianmen who should come are already in this hall.

There are more than 400 people from the Tianjianmen staying in this hall now. These are all direct or collateral personnel, as well as some guard servants, etc., totaling more than 700 people.

However, the only outsider was Long Fei.

At this moment, Long Fei called out the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword, and rushed towards Qi He fiercely. Right now, Long Fei only had one thought in his mind, that is to kill Qi He. In this way, no one will marry Ye Chan At that time, as long as Yechan's stolen things are made up with other things, the crimes she committed can be offset.

That's it, Long Fei immediately made a move without stopping at all.

However, before Qi He could make a move, the twelve family guards on the side had already attacked Long Fei first.

"Go away!"

Long Fei shouted loudly, and swung the invisible Tiandun sword in his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Suddenly, countless invisible sword lights were thrown out by Long Fei.

In an instant, a chi-chi sound sounded from this hall.

"What a sharp sword light, what kind of sword technique is this?!"

"I didn't see what kind of sword he used at all. How could there be a sword light?"

"This Long Fei is really not simple."

For a while, those onlookers, seeing Long Fei's display of means, started discussing secretly.However, Hughes and Hughes' father knew long ago that Long Fei possessed the Invisible Sky Escape Sword.Therefore, the two of them were not as surprised as the others, but they felt the sharpness of the Intangible Heavenly Dungeon Sword.

Seeing this situation, Qi He frowned immediately, and shouted loudly: "Give it to me!"

All of a sudden, under Qi He's angry shout, the hundreds of family guards all rushed towards Long Fei and stood in front of Long Fei.

"Today, those who stand in my way will die!"

As soon as the words fell, Long Fei's aura of imaginary superiority erupted immediately, like a volcano erupting, and the terrible coercion soared like a tornado.

"Why are you standing still, hurry up!"

Being reprimanded by Qi He, those servants and guards rushed towards Long Fei like wolves and tigers, each of them holding weapons, or knives, or swords.

From a distance, Long Fei seemed to be the prey, and those servants and guards were a pack of wolves. This large pack of wolves surrounded the prey and rushed forward one after another, trying to take the prey down in one fell swoop.

Facing so many servants and guards, Long Fei suddenly raised his head, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Sword Qi Heart Fire!"

In an instant... ah ah ah!

Cries of pain came from the mouths of these hundreds of people with a single stroke, as painful as it was.Clang, clang... A series of swords and swords fell to the ground, hitting a series of metal noises. Not only that, they fell to the ground in pain, constantly rolling from side to side.

Immediately afterwards, chi chi... There was a person's seven holes, and flames came out of them with a swipe, and the person was reduced to ashes in an instant.

Seeing this situation, all the members of Jianmen around Tiantian widened their eyes...

"This... this is the sword energy and heart fire in the Intangible Heavenly Sword Art!"

"It turned out to be sword energy and heart fire, how could it be sword energy and heart fire?!"

"How did he get this sword energy, why did an outsider get this invisible sword art?!"

When Na Qihe saw this scene, his entire face became extremely gloomy, not only did he have murderous intent in his eyes, but also jealousy, deep jealousy.

However, at this moment, Ye Chan shouted loudly: "Long Fei, let them go, if you do this, my crime will be deepened..."

Hearing this, Long Fei's body was taken aback, and he immediately withdrew the sword energy and fire from the bodies of those who hadn't been burned to death.

For a while, the fire in those people's bodies disappeared, but the wailing of these people did not stop at all.

"You bitch!"

Hearing Ye Chan's words, Qi He was furious in his heart, raised his hand abruptly, and slapped Ye Chan's face viciously.

"not good!"

However, at this moment, Qi Hai, Qi He's father, frowned and rushed towards Qi He, trying to block the crisis for him.

However, he was still one step too late.


In an instant, a shout like killing a pig came from Qi He's mouth.At the same time, one of Qi He's arms was thrown in the air like a hydrangea, blood gushed out.

Originally, when Ye Chan saw Qi He's slap coming, she was ready to bear it, but at this moment, she suddenly saw Long Fei's figure appearing beside her in an instant.Immediately afterwards, Qi He's striking arm was severed by Long Fei's sword.

"Women who dare to touch me, court death!"

Just like this, Long Fei blocked Ye Chan behind him, and shouted in a deep voice at Qi He who was shaking all over.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei's figure flashed again, and he rushed towards Qi He.

"Little thief dare!"

Immediately, a slap composed of martial arts profound meaning swept towards Long Fei with a whoosh.

At that moment, Long Fei didn't dare to hesitate, and swung the invisible Tiandun sword in his hand.

"Invisible sword light!"

Immediately, the Invisible Sky Escape Sword in Long Fei's hand flashed a brilliance, and in this brilliance, the shape of the Intangible Sky Escape Sword seemed faintly visible.

Immediately after...

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of sword gangs flew up, and that slap was instantly torn apart, and it exploded with a bang.

Holding Long Fei with this palm, Qi Hai suddenly appeared in front of Qi He.

However, at this moment, a series of shocking sounds sounded.

"The Invisible Sky Escape Sword! It turned out to be the Intangible Sky Escape Sword!"

"Did I see that just now... the sword that stabbed his hand just now turned out to be the Invisible Sky Escape Sword!"

"Oh my god, it's really the Invisible Sky Escape Sword!"

"Haha, this is a chance for God to help us in Tianjianmen!"

For a moment, those people who were originally watching from the sidelines, when Long Fei used the sword formula that came with the Invisible Sky Escape Sword, the Invisible Sky Escape Sword suddenly became faintly visible.In the world, only the invisible Tiandun sword has this form, and the sword in Long Fei's hand has such a terrifying sword light that everyone in the Tianjian Sect who is famous for its swords all guessed that the sword in Long Fei's hand is Invisible Sky Escape Sword!
"The Invisible Sky Escape Sword?!"

And Ye Chan standing behind Long Fei was even more stunned by this.

"Boy, you dare to cut off my son's arm, today you can't leave alive!" Qi Hai saw the invisible sky escape sword in Long Fei's hand, and immediately showed a greedy expression. Fei attacked the past.

However, at this moment, Shuashuashua... more than a dozen figures suddenly flashed out, surrounding Long Fei.

But when Qi Hai saw this situation, he said: "Everyone from the same sect, I can take this kid down by myself, so I won't trouble you all."

"Hmph! Qi Hai, if you say this, don't you think we are fools? This invisible sky escape sword, the people present, who didn't see it? You want to monopolize this invisible sky escape sword, there is no door !"

"The Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword is one of the eight great divine swords of our Heavenly Sword Sect. Now that the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword is born, it represents the rise of our Heavenly Sword Sect. Boy, please hand over this sword obediently?!"

"That's right, Qi Hai, you don't want to take this kid's Invisible Sky Escape Sword all by yourself. Whoever kills him and takes the Invisible Sky Escape Sword will be the master of this sword!"

For a moment, these people didn't pay attention to Long Fei at all. Although the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword was in Long Fei's hands, Long Fei's cultivation was only at the upper level of vain martial arts, and he couldn't fully exert the power of the Intangible Sky Escape Sword at all. .Therefore, from their point of view, Long Fei has become their prey, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

If Long Fei hadn't demonstrated the sword technique of the Intangible Heavenly Dunjian, the other halls would not have opposed Long Fei, but if he hadn't displayed it, it would have been difficult to break Qi Hai's palm that contained the profound meaning of martial arts, that's how it was , the palm of this martial arts fell, not only Long Fei himself, but also Ye Chan would be affected, Long Fei naturally wouldn't let Ye Chan get hurt, he didn't take that much into consideration at that time, and the current situation appeared.

"What should we do now? I told Junior Brother Long Fei that there is no danger in coming to the Tianjian Gate. What should I do now?" Thinking of this, Hughes turned his head quickly, looked at his father, and said anxiously: " Father, what should we do now? The uncles in other halls are going to kill Long Fei, what should we do now?"

Seeing that Hughes was in such a hurry, he pondered for a while, and then said: "When my father heard about this Invisible Heavenly Dungeon Sword, he couldn't help being moved. If you didn't mention his adoptive mother, even the True Martial Sect wouldn't be able to do anything about it. If so, the father will also snatch the sword from him, now...they probably won't give up easily, even if you tell them that Long Fei has a very powerful adoptive mother, it's useless, now you can only see This kid's good luck."

Hearing this, Hughes was silent, but there was deep remorse in his eyes. If he had known this would happen, he would not have brought Long Fei back to the Heavenly Sword Gate. He naturally understood the meaning behind his father's words. The meaning in the middle, after all, those of them, at this moment, have been blinded by the invisible Tiandun sword.

What's more, Hughes didn't know it. In fact, the high-level members of the Heavenly Sword Sect knew that after the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword chose its master, as long as the owner was killed, there was still a way to subdue the Intangible Heavenly Escape Sword again, but it was more difficult. .That's why they came to snatch Long Fei's Invisible Sky Escape Sword.

"Boy, are you obediently handing over the Invisible Sky Escape Sword, or should we kill you and snatch the sword over? I know you are a smart person, so you will know what to do next. Don't let me down, or the consequences will be serious!" said a short and thin man among the dozen or so people surrounding Long Fei.

Facing these people, Long Fei's expression became very heavy.

However, at this moment, Ye Chan standing behind Long Fei suddenly said: "Long Fei, hurry up, I know you must have a way to get out of here, why don't you stay here again because of me?" ..."

Hearing this, Long Fei paid attention to the movement around him, and said without turning his head: "Let's go, let's go together! If you don't go, I won't leave alone!"

"Cicada, listen to Dad, leave us alone, go..."

Ye Wen also knew that it was dangerous when he saw Long Fei's current situation, but Long Fei would never leave, and Ye Chan would not leave because of us two old and one young. Thinking of this, Ye Wen His eyes flashed, and he suddenly said harshly to Ye Chan: "Cicada, if you don't leave, your mother and I will die in front of you!"

As he said that, a sword with a bright autumn water suddenly appeared in Ye Wen's hand, and it was placed in front of his neck like this.And his wife, too.

"Father! Mother!"

Seeing this scene, Yechan's whole body immediately went limp, and tears flowed uncontrollably again.

(End of this chapter)

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