The strongest warrior in history

Chapter 319 The Legendary Monster Beast!

Chapter 319 The Legendary Monster Beast!

"Master Protector, how has this day changed?"

And the group of men in black who were walking in Leylin all stopped and looked towards the sky.

Seeing the seven beams of light and the three spheres, the guardian opened his eyes and said in surprise and joy: "It turned out to be the fruit of the three souls and seven souls when it has reached maturity!"

"Come on!"

After being pleasantly surprised, the guardian quickly woke up, shouted loudly, and flew forward, not caring about people like Lin Kun, he just wanted to grab the three souls and seven soul fruits quickly !

In this electric fire swamp, human beings, not only them, but also many other warriors, they also discovered the three souls and seven soul fruits, so they also rushed here.

There are also some powerful monsters, and they are the same.

After all, the fruit of the three souls and seven souls is not only effective for humans, the monsters also know the preciousness of this fruit.

At that moment, no matter whether it was a human or a monster, they all rushed towards the place where the Three Souls and Seven Pogo Fruits were located from all directions.

And that ruthless man flew ahead, looking back from time to time, when he didn't see Long Fei's figure, he couldn't help but think to himself: "That man has the Invisible Heavenly Escape Sword on him, and it is said that this sword is the most powerful sword in the world. The most mysterious sword in the world can hide in the void and make people undetectable, so could it be that that person has already hidden in the void?"

He continued to think, "If it were me, I would definitely hide in the void, and then come out to snatch the three souls and seven soul fruits. I'm afraid he thinks so too, right? But, hmph, I have the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword, although his Invisible Sky Escape Sword is formidable, but it happens to be defeated by me, and it is not certain who will win the three souls and seven souls!"

This ruthless man was not afraid of Long Fei's Invisible Sky Escape Sword, he continued to fly forward, and his speed became even faster on the contrary.

All of a sudden, the entire Electric Fire Swamp became extremely chaotic, and countless trees were crushed by crazy monsters. The huge monsters, plus the number of monsters that made people feel numb, all the monsters gathered together. Qi ran so fast that the entire electric fire swamp shook again and again, as if an earthquake had come.

The sky was originally clear, but at this moment, it was shrouded in patches of dark clouds in all directions.However, if you take a closer look, you will find that these clouds are not real clouds, but birds, one by one, densely packed like a dark cloud.

It can be said that the monsters in the Electric Fire Swamp have gone crazy!

Even the monster beasts that were originally natural enemies have let go of their personal grievances at this moment, they only want to get the three souls and seven soul fruits!

It's no wonder that this fruit of three souls and seven souls is a unique spiritual herb that blooms every 1000 years, bears fruit every 1000 years, and matures every 1000 years. A 3000-year-old treasure!

If you can eat it, the benefits you will get are simply unimaginable, but what is certain is that the benefits are huge!

Leylin was the closest place to the place where the Three Souls and Seven Pogo Fruits were located, so that was the case, that cruel man came here first.

However, when he came here, he didn't immediately rush over to pick the three soul and seven soul fruits.Because, he felt that there was a very powerful barrier around here, which even he couldn't break through.

At the same time, he saw from a distance, in a pitch-black space, a pond floating.The pool was filled with light blue water, and wisps of purple smoke floated around like mist.But at the very center of the pool, there is a water column rising into the sky, and a strange-looking flower is actually planted on the top.

"Is this the fruit of the three souls and seven souls?"

The cold-hearted man saw that the fruit was different from some plants, it looked like a rattan plant, a total of seven rattans of different colors rose from the light blue water column, and he couldn't see the structure below these rattans.

But in the middle of the top of these seven vines, there are three budding flower buds that are close to each other, and a trace of soul silk is continuously emanating from the buds, sprinkled on this strange flower like a curtain. around.

On top of the exotic flower buds, there is even a palm-sized pitch-black boat floating.The strange thing is that there are ripples under the boat, as if the boat is sailing in the vast ocean.

Suddenly, the strange flower bud that was constantly flowing out of the soul silk made a slight "boo", the petals slowly opened, and a burst of luminous energy burst out immediately.Immediately afterwards, the second flower bud and the third flower bud also slowly opened, releasing a cloud of light energy.

The three flower buds were completely opened, and the light energy emitted was suddenly sucked in by the small boat.The phosgene disappeared, revealing the blooming strange flower.I saw a small figure sitting on each of the three strange flowers.

Yes, just shadows, no one.

However, the three shadows suddenly moved, jumped into the small boat, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if fused into the small boat.

Suddenly, the small boat flashed with brilliance, and a continuously rotating bead rose slowly from the center of the boat.

Affected by the bead, the purple smoke in the pool penetrated into the bead strand by strand, causing the bead to shine brilliantly. Thousands of rays of light shot around like laser beams, and the originally pitch-black space became extremely bright.

Also at this moment, the seven incomparably tall beams of light in the sky, as well as the three spheres, all shattered into pieces and fell downward.

At the same time, the bead on the boat suddenly burst into a mist of light, and the fragments that fell from the sky were absorbed by this bead one after another.

"Is that bead the fruit of the Three Souls and Seven Souls?!"

Seeing this magnificent landscape, the cruel man couldn't help being moved by it.

The fragments in the sky fell down like white snow, and all of them penetrated into that bead. After all the fragments penetrated into it, there was a strange sound suddenly.


At the same time as this series of abnormal noises suddenly sounded, something near the pool seemed to be broken.

Also at this moment, the ruthless man raised his brows and his eyes lit up, "The barrier is beginning to break!"

Knowing this result, the ruthless man pulled out the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword behind him with a single stroke, and focused his attention on the three souls and seven pogo fruits in front of him.

However, at this moment, the Feidun wave behind him came over, which made him think inwardly: "The timing is really good!"

He didn't turn his head back, because he knew that the person who came was definitely not the man with the invisible Tiandun sword, but the old man from Leifu, that is, Uncle Hong.

Sure enough, the person who came was really Uncle Hong.

When he came here, he was also stunned by the things in front of him.

At this moment, the enchantment around it finally broke completely!
Aware of this situation, the ruthless man rushed towards the three souls and seven pogoes with one swipe.

"If you want to get these three souls and seven soul fruits, boy, you are not qualified yet!"

Uncle Hong was already angry with this cruel man, but now in front of these three souls and seven souls, he couldn't care less about other things, and directly launched a sneak attack.

"Old guy, it's up to you!"

The strength of the cruel man is indeed extraordinary, otherwise, he would not be arrogant.That's why, Uncle Hong's sneak attack was easily deciphered by him.

However, when Uncle Hong performed his sneak attack with his martial arts, he was already flying forward.That's it, at this moment, he is very close to that cruel man.

However, at this moment, Uncle Hong suddenly saw a dark wall appear in front of him.

Taking a closer look, this is a wall, it is simply a huge monster... a tarantula with a human face!
This human-faced tarantula was black and 20 meters tall, standing in front of Uncle Hong and that cruel man like a tall building.

This spider has a human head, but it is as fierce as a wolf, so it is named the human-faced tarantula.

All the treasures of heaven, material and earth have guardian monsters or divine beasts. These three souls and seven soul fruits are unique flowers and plants, and the one guarding them is this human-faced tarantula.

"I didn't expect this guardian monster to be the legendary human-faced tarantula!"

Seeing this human-faced tarantula, Uncle Hong's body shook slightly involuntarily!
Even that cruel man frowned because of this, he never thought that the guardian monster was a human-faced tarantula.

After the human-faced tarantula came out of the ground, it found two little humans, and said disdainfully: "Small humans dare to get involved in the three souls and seven soul fruits, wishful thinking. Yaojun can still let you, if not, you will all die here!"

Hearing this, the ruthless man's eyes widened, and he said coldly: "Then let me see what you, little spider, are capable of!"

As soon as the words fell, the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword in his hand swung swiftly, and the three Lihuo swords flew away like arrows.

"It turns out that you dare to be so arrogant by relying on the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword, hmph! This sword is nothing but scrap metal in your hands, and you want to hurt me?!"

While speaking, this human-faced tarantula simply stretched out its forelimbs shaped like a large pillar, and then shot forward horizontally.


Those three arrows were easily defeated by the man-faced tarantula.

Seeing this, the cruel man frowned again.

"As expected of a monster in legends, it doesn't even fear Li Huo. Now it's good, how can we snatch the three souls and seven souls away from the protection of this man-faced tarantula?" Uncle Hong was dumbfounded. Watching quietly on the side, but secretly thinking in his heart.

However, at this moment, another urgent sound of piercing through the air came back from behind.

"The legendary monster, the human-faced tarantula!"

The figure who came suddenly was the protector who liked to eat human brains.

He hurried over, because he didn't want the three souls and seven pogo fruits to be boarded up first, but after he arrived, he found that there were not only two people, but also a mighty monster near the three souls and seven pogo fruits. Scary monster!
Seeing the person who appeared suddenly, Uncle Hong stared fiercely, and thought to himself: "Look at the clothes he's wearing, could it be from the Western Killing Pavilion?!"

In fact, what Uncle Hong thought was right, but to be specific, he should come from the evil hall in the suicide pavilion, and he is also the second guardian of the evil hall!

Uncle Hong found him, and he also saw Uncle Hong.

"This person must be from Wanjian Villa, right? That's the Uncle Hong who brought Lin Kun?" The second guardian glanced at Uncle Hong, thinking to himself.

But that cruel man didn't care about the second protector, his eyes were still staring at the human-faced tarantula, but he thought to himself: "That person must have borrowed the invisible sky escape sword to hide in this dark place, and now there is this human-faced wolf Spider, he will definitely not show up, unfortunately, I don't know where he is, otherwise, he will definitely be forced out."

What the ruthless man thought was not wrong, Long Fei was indeed hiding in the gap in this space with the help of the Invisible Sky Escape Sword, and did not come out.

"Human-faced tarantula, I didn't expect it to be a human-faced tarantula. This is enough for them to toss. As long as the three souls and seven souls are really ripe, I will immediately snatch them!"

Although Long Fei was hiding in the space gap, he could clearly see the situation outside.

(End of this chapter)

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