Chapter 320
It didn't take long for the second guardian of the evil palace to come here, and there were bursts of piercing sounds from all around, which attracted the three ruthless men, and the legendary monster man-faced tarantula to look at the source of the sound.

But I saw a monster flying from the sky.

"It's a real horse beast!"

This is a real horse beast with milky white body, wings on both sides of the back, and a horn on the top of the head!
Seeing this monster, Uncle Hong frowned. Although the strength of this real horse beast was not enough to scare Uncle Hong, the arrival of this real horse beast undoubtedly showed that Other monsters are also coming quickly.

Sure enough, just as Uncle Hong thought, at the moment the real horse beast appeared, another monster appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Tianbi Spirit Monkey!"

This monkey is not huge, but its eyes are very strange, they are emerald green, just like the color of new buds and leaves.

Immediately afterwards, another monster appeared, and not long after, another monster appeared...

In just a few breaths, seven monsters appeared. Some of these monsters' strengths were in the upper-rank realm of virtual martial arts, some were in the middle-rank realm of virtual martial arts, and some were in the lower-rank realm of Xianwu martial arts. The realm of position.

Although none of their cultivation levels were very high, they came here undoubtedly to snatch the three souls and seven soul fruits.

"You juniors dare to join in the fun!"

Seeing these monstrous beasts, the bell-like voice of the man-faced tarantula rang out immediately.

These monsters naturally felt the terrifying aura of the human-faced tarantula, but under the temptation of the three souls and seven soul fruits, how could these monsters with enlightened intelligence be able to bear it, so they didn't care so much. He rushed over here directly.

At this moment, they all stopped when they heard the cry of the human-faced tarantula, but they didn't dare to approach it.

For a moment, the human side and the monster side were all facing each other.

But this situation didn't last long, Lin Kun and his group flew over from a distance.Although their overall strength is not very good, with so many people together, the momentum is quite huge, but it doesn't mean that they can scare those monsters just like this.

However, after Lin Kun and others came over, the subordinates of the second guardian also came over.

Near the Three Souls and Seven Soul Fruits, there are many human beings gathered, even the monsters, some of them have just rushed over. These people and beasts all came for the Three Souls and Seven Soul Fruits, but this There is only one fruit of the three souls and seven souls, and it is hard to say who will win in the end.

"There will definitely be more and more of these monsters. At that time, it may be very difficult to obtain the three souls and seven soul fruits. Now only by joining forces with them to deal with the monsters can we maximize the benefits." Looking around Uncle Hong, his eyes were flickering.

Uncle Hong is not the only one who thinks this way. The second protector of the evil hall sent a sound transmission to Uncle Hong, and that cruel man said together: "Let's join hands to deal with those monsters. How do you feel?"

Uncle Hong pretended to be thinking, and after pondering for a while, he said, "How can I trust you?"

"It's up to you to believe it or not at this time, but if we don't cooperate, we can only be defeated by the monsters one by one. If we cooperate with each other, we can repel these monsters. Of course, the time depends on each person's ability." The second guardian of the evil hall said to Uncle Hong and the cruel man.

Before Uncle Hong could say anything, the ruthless man replied coldly, "I never cooperate with others."

It seemed that Uncle Hong knew his answer a long time ago, and he didn't do anything about it. He just replied to the second protector, "Okay! I promise you to cooperate temporarily."

When Uncle Hong said this, he told Lin Kun and the other three in advance, telling them to be careful of the people in the evil palace, and he also said that he wanted to cooperate with them.The three of them also understood Uncle Hong's approach, and knew that if they did not cooperate at this moment, they would only be driven out by the monsters, and it would be difficult to obtain the three souls and seven souls.

However, at this moment, the momentum in the human-faced tarantula was released violently, like a volcano erupting.This aura is not aimed at humans, but at these monsters who came from all directions.

This is the oppression of the superiors on the inferiors, and it is also the coercion from the blood, which makes these monsters tremble, and their eyes involuntarily show a look of horror. The desire for the three souls and seven souls is here. Disappeared indifferently at this moment.

"Kill these humans!" the man-faced tarantula shouted in a deep voice.


And those monsters who rushed over heard the words of the human-faced tarantula, their bodies seemed to have gained some power, like a flood full of water suddenly burst its embankment, and the fear in their hearts suddenly disappeared. Instead, they were replaced by a terrifying force, allowing them to completely burst out with their own momentum.

With this powerful and astonishing aura, even Uncle Hong and the second guardian of the evil hall all showed serious expressions. After all, there are as many as twelve monsters from the beginning to the present. , and most of them are monsters in the lower realm of Kaiwu. Once they fight, it will be a hard fight.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

As soon as these monsters released their aura, they didn't need the man-faced tarantula to say anything, and rushed towards the humans directly.

Seeing this situation, the second guardian of the Shadian Temple and Uncle Hong rushed to attack the monsters.But that ruthless man didn't move, he just looked at the three souls and seven souls blocked by the human-faced tarantula.

"The time for the fruit of the three souls and seven souls to ripen is getting shorter and shorter. That man who possesses the Intangible Heavenly Dunging Sword is about to make a move?" Once it matures, this human-faced tarantula will also try to snatch it, I have to seize the time to snatch the three souls and seven soul fruits from the competition between the two of them!"

At this moment, a monster beast rushed towards the cruel man fiercely.

It's a whirlwind titmouse.

It hasn't come to the cruel man yet, but the invisible wind is like a knife, blowing dust around the cruel man, flying sand and rocks.


This gust of wind naturally does not pose any threat to the cruel man. He slightly raised the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword in his hand, and shouted coldly: "Daylight!"

Suddenly, the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword in his hand erupted into a gloomy light, and then, the gloomy light suddenly shrank together, forming a light cluster, just like a sun.

Immediately afterwards, this light group rushed out with a whoosh, and the whirlwind oriole was irradiated by this dim light, and the terrible temperature directly made the blood in its body boil. It's like a fire is burning.

Strange to say, the high temperature contained in this condensed light cluster has no effect on other creatures around. On the contrary, this dim light cluster is only aimed at the whirlwind oriole.

This whirlwind oriole has reached the level of a low-ranking martial artist.However, even a monster with such a cultivation base is like an ice sculpture in front of the cruel man's move of the sun, its body emits green smoke again and again. At this moment, it also had to stop.


This terrifying temperature made it hiss in panic.

It clearly felt that the blood in its body was boiling and rolling, continuously turning into wisps of blue smoke, and then coming out of its body.At the same time, wisps of blue smoke emitted from its feathers, its muscles, and its bones... At this moment, its whole body, all parts, all organs, and all bones , All smoked out!


An indifferent but full of judgmental words came out coldly from the cruel man's mouth.

Suddenly, that whirlwind oriole didn't even show any tricks, it exploded violently, and a bang sound resounded in the sky, countless flesh and blood, like rain, Scattered towards the surroundings.

I don't know if it was because the whirlwind oriole died quickly, or because of the order of the man-faced tarantula, many of the surrounding monsters rushed towards this cruel man.

Facing the combined attack of these seven monsters, even Uncle Hong, or the second protector of the evil hall, would die so badly that even his skin no longer existed.However, to this ruthless man, these monsters seemed to not exist at all. He just stood there quietly, with the coldness all over his body, even if the monsters saw it, they instinctively felt it. Resist, don't want to get close.

"What is the origin of this human being? There is a very evil aura hidden in his body?" The big eyes of the human-faced tarantula were slightly squinted. Feeling an extraordinary force, this force is so evil and cold, even if the human-faced tarantula feels this force, it is very uncomfortable.

Excluding the man-faced tarantula, there were already twelve monsters here. Excluding the one killed by the cruel man, seven more rushed towards him, and two more were held back by Uncle Hong and the second protector. In addition, there are two more, these two monsters whose cultivation base has reached the lower level of Xianwu, but they went towards Lin Kun's group of people and the men of the second guardian.

On Lin Kun's side, the monster whose cultivation has reached the lower level of Xianwu is the Twilight Black Wolf.

Wolves are ferocious monsters, and the only ones on Lin Kun's side who have the highest cultivation are the three hired warriors. They are only in the upper realm of imaginary martial arts. Even facing this Twilight Black Wolf is not enough. watch.That's it, the people on Lin Kun's side were overwhelmed by this Twilight Black Wolf.

And the people on the side of the evil hall of the second guardian were also killed and retreated in a row, which was almost the same as Lin Kun's situation.

At this moment, that Twilight Black Wolf, to Lin Kun and others, is simply a fierce god descended into the world, unrivaled.However, in the space not far from Lin Kun, a multicolored light suddenly flashed quietly, followed by a petite figure, which suddenly appeared.

A little bird flapped its wings lightly, and flew towards Lin Kun's direction, looking at the Twilight Black Wolf, it was full of anger.

When Uncle Hong saw this little bird, his eyes widened, and he was shocked, " is it a bird of hatred!"

(End of this chapter)

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