The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 799 Extra Story 181 The Target Appears

Chapter 799 Extra Story 181 The Target Appears
"Car G has lost track, Car G has lost track, she drove towards car H, car H followed, car H followed."

"The H vehicle did not find the target and could not track it. The H vehicle did not find the target and could not track it."

"What? Lost it? How is it possible? There are people from us at all intersections, how could it be lost?"

Zhang Zhongtian couldn't help shedding a few drops of cold sweat. Tang Yun must have found that he was following her. If he really lost track of her, wouldn't his video be leaked?Then his official position is not...

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhongtian stomped his feet involuntarily, picked up the pager, and shouted loudly: "Find it for me. Car H stays where it is and waits. Let me look for it in that area from car A to car G, unless she grows wings and flies out." Otherwise, she will definitely still be in that area!"

Although Zhang Zhongtian was enraged, he was not dazed by the enrage. He obviously knew that Tang Yun was in that area.

"H car found the target, H car found the target, now it has caught up, now it has caught up."

After Zhang Zhongtian heard the voice from the pager, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "I was so frightened that I was frightened to death, but luckily I followed, fortunately I followed."

Fortunately, Zhang Zhongtian didn't have a heart attack, otherwise this shock would have frightened him.

"Reporting to the team leader, I don't know why the speed of this car has slowed down all of a sudden. We can completely keep up with it, and it is not a problem even to surpass it."

"Ah? What a fart! Your current brain has been kicked by a donkey? I told you to follow people, do you think you are racing?" Zhang Zhongtian scolded angrily when he heard what a team member said.

Presumably Tang Yun knew that he could not escape, so he gave up resisting.

"Bah! Tang Yun, Tang Yun, wait until I get the video, and see if I don't kill you, and your sister, I will definitely find some burly men to torture you!"

Zhang Zhongtian said harsh words, if it wasn't for them, Zhang Zhongtian might not be able to figure out where he could be alive right now, that incident had a great impact on him, causing him to check whether there was a camera on the TV before having sex with his wife at home. Don't dare to go outside!

However, just when Zhang Zhongtian was relieved, Gu Yihan received a call.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, I have already found Tang Yun's ticket that you asked me to check."

The voice on the other end of the phone paused and continued: "At [-]:[-] this morning, she had a flight to the United States at Zhongshan Airport, and it was still first class."

After hearing this, Gu Yihan looked at the watch on his wrist and nodded, um, that's right.

However, this was not over yet, only to hear the voice on the other end of the phone rang again: "To my surprise, she is at another airport in our city, Dongfeng Airport, and there is still a flight to the United States, and the time is also [-] Forty past o'clock."


Gu Yihan didn't have time to say more, so he immediately hung up the phone and called Zhang Zhongtian.

"Hello? Did Tang Yun lose his heel?" Gu Yihan asked immediately.

When Zhang Zhongtian saw that it was Gu Yihan, he immediately replied: "No, I didn't lose track of you. Either you have a thorough plan, or you really have to rely on you to use your brains. I can't do it like me..."

Now that Zhang Zhongtian had let go of his hanging heart, he chatted with Gu Yihan very easily.

"Have you ever lost track? Has she ever disappeared from our sight?"

How could Gu Yihan be in the mood to chat with Zhang Zhongtian, and asked eagerly.

"Well, I lost a little bit at the stadium in the city center, but I quickly caught up with her, and she is driving very slowly now, she must have given up resistance, all this is due to you, if there is no you……"

Before Zhang Zhongtian finished speaking, Gu Yihan hung up the phone.

Zhang Zhongtian obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He poured himself a cup of tea, lay peacefully on the recliner, hummed a little song, and complained: "Really, isn't it just a better brain? Why are you so arrogant."

"You idiot, you don't even know you lost your follower."

Then Gu Yihan took a look on the map, the gymnasium in city B is the center of the whole city, the traffic is very congested, where to get off and transfer is the best place, Tang Yun changed his car at that place when he wanted to come .

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yihan took out his mobile phone and called his confidant who was closer to the airport: "Hey, Dongfeng Airport, immediately check the flight to the United States thoroughly, and stand at the boarding gate, Tang Yun, I used to To hold that popular little actress, if I see her, bring her back, along with the people who are with her."

"Yes." The man replied without thinking.

After Gu Yihan explained everything, he took a breath and picked up the map to look at it.

The gymnasium is very congested. If you drive, you won’t be able to get there in 10 minutes. It’s already a quarter past nine. If you wait here for 10 minutes, even if she drives to 110 miles, she won’t be able to reach the airport at 35:[-]. , even if it is the first-class cabin, there is a dedicated passage, it is impossible for her to board the plane in time.

Gu Yihan pointed on the map, thinking about it.

If she changes to a motorcycle at the gymnasium, it will take two or three minutes to drive on the side road next to her, so she will definitely change to a motorcycle, then change to a car, and finally arrive at the airport.

right!This is the way!Except here, there is no way to get to the airport before 35:[-], so it must be here.

Gu Yihan thought for a while and finally called his confidant: "I'll send you a location, and you immediately send someone to block that road, both front and back, remember that no one can let it go."


Gu Yihan's confidant still agreed without even thinking about it. He believed that Gu Yihan must have thought about the consequences of doing so, so naturally there was nothing to worry about.

The reason why he called this confidant over there instead of Zhang Zhongtian was because Zhang Zhongtian was unreliable in his work and he was afraid of running away from Tang Yun again, and secondly because Zhang Zhongtian was far away from there, and Tang Yun would probably run away early when he arrived. up.

He withdrew his confidants from the airport to block the intersection because there were too many unstable factors at the airport. If Tang Yun found something wrong and ran away at the airport, it would be really hard to catch, but it was different on the road. Tang Yun is like a turtle in an urn, there is nowhere to escape, and Gu Yihan can be sure that as long as Tang Yun wants to go to the airport, he will definitely choose this road.

In fact, Gu Yihan wanted to keep another group of people at the airport as a backup, but there was not enough manpower, so he had to arrange it this way, but Gu Yihan still had the confidence to catch Tang Yun.

"Report to the team leader, both targets have appeared, have we captured them?"

"Are you sure? Both are women, one is darker, and the other is Tang Yun?"

Zhang Zhongtian quickly asked, if that person is not Tang Yun's sister, it would be bad if he would startle the snake by doing so.

(End of this chapter)

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