Chapter 800 Chapter 182

"Reporting team leader, one is white and the other is black, but we can't see their faces, we can only see their backs, but we can confirm that they got out of a red Porsche, are they captured?" Waiting at the airport the team member asked again.

Zhang Zhongtian gritted his teeth, let's go, as long as Tang Yun is still in my hands, she won't do anything to me!
Immediately Zhang Zhongtian issued an order: "Attention all team members, capture now, capture now."


After saying that, more than 20 plainclothes policemen jumped out around the airport and surrounded the two of "Tang Yun".

However, after the two "Tang Yun" were surrounded, they didn't panic. On the contrary, with a smile on their faces, they calmly said to the plainclothes policeman, "Hello, sir, what's the matter?"

More than 20 plainclothes policemen were all dumbfounded. Who are these two people?Not Tang Yun at all!
"Say! Where did Tang Yun go?"

One of the plainclothes policemen pointed a gun at the man's head and shouted sharply.

"What Tang Yun? I don't know him at all."

"What? I don't know. Who are you lying to? It's not to cover them. Why are you at the airport?"

"We're coming to the airport to pick you up!"

At this moment, a middle-aged woman came over and shouted at the fake "Tang Yun", "Linda, I'm here, long time no see, miss me?"

The police officers were all dumbfounded, not knowing how to explain to Zhang Zhongtian.

They were really afraid of something. Just when they were worried, the pager rang suddenly, and Zhang Zhongtian's voice came: "How is it? Has anyone caught it?"

The police officers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke. They were really afraid that Zhang Zhongtian would take his anger out on them.

"Hello? Did you hear that? Answer me!"

Zhang Zhongtian suddenly had a bad premonition when he couldn't hear the response from his team members.

"Hello? Talk!"

Zhang Zhongtian yelled for the third time and there was still no answer. He panicked all of a sudden, his hands trembling constantly. Could it be that all of his more than 20 team members...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being afraid. He looked around and felt that the air was getting cold. They wouldn't be so bold, would they? ?

Zhang Zhongtian tremblingly took out his mobile phone, ready to call Gu Yihan for help, but at this moment, a voice came from the pager: "Team leader, we heard you."

Because it was too sudden, Zhang Zhongtian sat down on the ground in fright, and then realized that he was overworked as his team member: "What, I said I asked you just now, why didn't you know the answer, I thought you were all sacrificed !"

Without waiting for the team members to answer, Zhang Zhongtian continued to ask: "How is it? Has anyone caught it?"

A member of the team thought for a while and answered bravely: "I caught it, but..."

Without waiting for the man to finish speaking, Zhang Zhongtian couldn't help being overjoyed, and said first: "Okay, okay, it's good if you catch it, you can withdraw the team, this time you have worked hard, and then come to me to get red envelopes, anyone who participates in this operation Everyone has it."

"However, the two people caught were not Tang Yun and the others. We caught the wrong one."

The last team member couldn't bear it anymore and said into the pager.


Zhang Zhongtian opened his mouth all of a sudden, and asked in disbelief: "You mean Tang Yun ran away? He ran away?"


After Zhang Zhongtian got an affirmative answer, his heart suddenly became cold, and he even dropped the pager in his hand to the ground.

I... am dying!

Zhang Zhongtian felt so bitter in his heart, he didn't know what to say, the plan that he thought was seamless, turned out to be nothing, and he still couldn't escape the fate of being brushed off.

Zhang Zhongtian couldn't help but shed two bitter tears, his face was full of despair, and then he sneered, as if he was laughing at himself, mocking himself for his troubles, with such good conditions, why didn't he cherish them; what kind of good wife and daughter he has, Why don't you cherish it; you have an incomparably beautiful freedom, why don't you know how to cherish it...

Why?Why all this?
Zhang Zhongtian suddenly understood many things, but it was too late, he had no chance to reform himself, and he was about to lose everything in front of him.

However, at this moment, Zhang Zhongtian's phone rang, and it was Gu Yihan who called. Zhang Zhongtian answered the phone lazily, and now he was completely disheartened and in no mood.

"Mr. Gu, I know everything. I really appreciate you helping me. Although we didn't succeed this time, I also understand that you really helped me..."

However, before Zhang Zhongtian finished speaking, Gu Yihan directly interrupted: "Who told you that we didn't succeed?"

After Zhang Zhongtian heard what Gu Yihan said, a bright light flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared for a moment: "Mr. Gu, don't lie to me. I know everything. I am very lucky to have a friend like you in the end." ..."

Gu Yihan was speechless all of a sudden, where did this come from?Why is it still life and death: "I have blocked Tang Yun now, on the Fuxing Bridge to Dongfeng Airport, you hurry up and send more people over, otherwise I really can't control the situation!"

"Huh? What?"

Hearing what Gu Yihan said, Zhang Zhongtian opened his eyes wide as if he was dying again, and asked in disbelief: "What you said is true? You can't lie to me, right?"

"Come or not, you decide!"

Gu Yihan hung up the phone angrily, is this person crazy!What's the situation now, I actually asked myself this, you must know that Gu Yihan only sent a dozen people over there, four cars lined up in a row, and the road was blocked, and the scene was full of people rushing to the airport, the picture didn't matter Know how confusing it can be.

"Oh, my goodness! Mr. Gu, I really love you to death!"

Zhang Zhongtian shouted excitedly, then called a nearby police station and sent someone to assist Gu Yihan.

"What are you doing? My plane is about to take off at ten o'clock sharp. What should I do if you are delayed?"

"That's right, what are you doing? If you don't leave, I will call the police!"

"According to me, what else to tell them, let's go straight up and push the car into the sea."


The scene on the Fuxing Bridge was full of noise. At the forefront of the crowd, there were four Lincolns standing in two rows, blocking the way of the crowd.

If it wasn't for the more luxurious car in front of me, someone would have driven it away long ago. Even so, there are still a large number of people who are eager to move and want to rush over.

"What are you guys talking about? According to me, we all got on together, pushed the car into the sea, and then flew on the plane. The law does not punish the public. They disturb the law and order like this. If the police come, they will definitely trouble them." One of the hot-tempered said the man.

(End of this chapter)

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