The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 801 Extra Story 183 2 People with Abnormalities

Chapter 801 Extra Story 183 Two People with Abnormalities
When everyone heard what the leader said, they couldn't help but nodded and said yes. It was their fault. Although we did too much, it was much better than them. Passers-by comforted themselves in this way, then rolled up their sleeves and walked up. .

When Gu Yihan's confidant saw that the crowd gathered around him had the intention of putting him down, he couldn't help frowning. Although he didn't know why Gu Yihan asked him to do this, he knew that it was Gu Yihan's confession. Order, no matter what, everyone must be stopped.

He was thinking, looking at the crowd getting closer, he slowly took out a pistol from the inner pocket of his jacket, and fired a shot into the sky.


Following Gu Yihan's confidant's shot, everyone was dumbfounded at once, and the scene exploded. The people walking in front ignored their own image and hurriedly backed away.

"What the hell is this doing? Robbery?"

In the panic, a man had retreated into the crowd at the back, secretly looking at Gu Yihan's confidant, and said to a person beside him.

"Shh, be careful, be careful they shoot."

Gu Yihan's confidant is naturally not a stupid person. Seeing the retreating crowd, he spoke lightly, with a serious expression, and his voice was loud enough for the crowd in front to hear.

"Don't make any noise!"

He looked at many people and stopped, looked at himself, then paused and continued: "We are plainclothes policemen. Among today's crowd, there is a criminal who is at large."

He said this purely to control the chaotic scene and prevent everyone from panicking.

When people heard these words, their hanging hearts calmed down little by little, at least their own lives were guaranteed.

"What kind of trouble are you guys making? Just arrest people. As for this? It scared me to death. I thought I was robbed."

"What, do you know how much of my business you have delayed like this? I am a big taxpayer, how much tax I have to pay to the country a year, do you know? Tell me, which bureau you are from, I want to complain!"

"That's right, I want to complain too, I have government privileges!"


When everyone mistook them for the police, the scene was noisy again, and they all clamored to file a complaint against him.

Gu Yihan's confidant fired another shot into the air to calm them down.

"Don't make any noise, go back to your car, and pass the inspection."

Gu Yihan's confidant thought about it and shouted at everyone.

After they learned that their lives were not threatened, how could they listen to him? They looked at him with disdain, pointed and cursed.

Gu Yihan's confidants had a headache because of this, they couldn't do anything for a while looking at the chaotic and noisy crowd, what's more, they took out batons and electric batons from the car, intending to have a big fight with them.

A person held an electric baton in his hand, made a hissing sound, and walked towards Gu Yihan's confidant.

The man stepped forward, pointed at them, pointed at them who were standing on the car, and said arrogantly: "Which bureau are you from? If you are sensible, get out of the way quickly, or if I beat you, I still want to kill you." Let my father leave you!"

Apparently this man was the heir of some high-ranking official, and knowing that they were policemen, he wasn't afraid of them at all.

Gu Yihan's confidant is short of breath at this time, this kid insists on being a bird, okay, let me let you know that you can't be too ostentatious!Just to make an example to the monkeys, so that those who are ready to move will completely dispel that idea in their hearts!
Thinking of Gu Yihan's confidant jumped out of the car, and walked towards that person aggressively step by step.

Seeing Gu Yihan's confidant not only didn't feel scared, but also walked towards him, not worried about losing his job at all.

The powerful aura of Gu Yihan's confidant suddenly frightened everyone present, especially facing his sons and daughters of officials, his legs trembled uncontrollably, the electric baton in his hand couldn't be lowered steadily, and he trembled. He said to him: "You...don't come here, I can tell you that my father is the deputy chief of the Police Department of City B, if you dare to mess with me, I will definitely let you go around!"

You must know that Gu Yihan's confidant is a retired special soldier, and he is a ruthless stubble on the battlefield. Most of the people present are from rich families. Seeing his cold eyes, how can we not be afraid.

"war Wolf!"

Gu Yihan's confidant turned his head abruptly, and saw that it was Gu Yihan who was calling him.

He hurried over, saluted Gu Yihan respectfully, and then asked, "President Gu, why are you here?"

No matter what happened on weekdays, Gu Yihan would not easily let himself go out, unless it was something particularly important or difficult, but this time Gu Yihan actually came in person.

"Drive the car away, and leave the rest to them." Gu Yihan nodded, did not answer, but directly ordered.

Gu Yihan hurried over after arranging his confidantes, after all, it was related to his woman, if a man couldn't even protect his own woman, how could he talk about career development!
Gu Yihan's confidants glanced behind Gu Yihan, and there were quite a few policemen in uniforms, thinking that something serious must have happened this time, but they didn't ask any more questions, and stepped back to the side, and then they were about to lay on the road. Four Lincolns drove away.

Those policemen also set up roadblocks, and the cars were allowed to drive away after investigation.

For those arrogant and self-righteous rich young masters, they were naturally not polite, and directly arrested them on the grounds of obstructing official duties. Anyway, they were supported by Zhang Zhongtian, so they were naturally not afraid, so there was a lot of trouble on the scene.

"Mr. Gu, how can you be sure that they will definitely go down this road?"

Zhang Zhongtian didn't know anything about the comparison, so he inevitably asked with some doubts.

"Let me explain this to Director Zhang later. The most urgent thing now is to catch them."

Gu Yihan looked into the distance and said lightly.

Although Zhang Zhongtian didn't know what was going on, he had no other choice at this time, so he nodded helplessly.

"Is there someone on the other side of the road blocking it?"

Not long after, Gu Yihan frowned seeing that the investigation was fruitless, and then asked Zhang Zhongtian.

"Mr. Gu, the other side has also arranged manpower according to what you said, to ensure that not a single fly can fly out." Zhang Zhongtian replied.


At this moment, a cold light flashed in Gu Yihan's eyes, and he couldn't help but doubt when he looked at the two people in the distance.

"Mr. Gu, what's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Zhang Zhongtian looked at Gu Yihan with some doubts on his face, and asked nervously, you must know that Zhang Zhongtian has pinned all his hopes on Gu Yihan at this time, if there is any problem with Gu Yihan, then he It's really hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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