The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 802 Extra Story 184 Videotape in Hand

Chapter 802 Extra Story 184 Videotape in Hand

Gu Yihan kept thinking in his heart, looking at the suspicious two, his eyes involuntarily became illusory, and then a confident smile appeared on his face, he stretched out his hand to call his confidant, and whispered in his ear A few words.

After listening to Gu Yihan's confidant, he couldn't help being puzzled, but he didn't say much, and ran towards the suspicious two people.

"Could it be that Mr. Gu has already found the two of them?"

Apparently Zhang Zhongtian also caught Gu Yihan's smile and asked this question.

"Director Zhang will know in a while."

Gu Yihan shook his head lightly, and said to Zhang Zhongtian.

In fact, he didn't know whether his guess was correct, and he could only know the whole story when the two of them were arrested.

"Mr. Gu, according to your order, I brought him here."

Gu Yihan nodded lightly, waved his hand, motioned him to stand aside, then stepped away from the man, and said lightly: "You guys, do you have anything to tell me?"

Those two were caught by Gu Yihan, their expressions were very flustered, their eyes kept rolling, cold sweat kept streaming down their foreheads, they were obviously very scared.

Gu Yihan didn't force her to ask, but just quietly waited for their answer.

After an unknown amount of time, one of them shrank his neck, secretly looked at Gu Yihan and said, "We shouldn't disturb the order at the scene, so you can just let us go."

"Mr. Gu, could it be..."

Zhang Zhongtian was also very surprised, why did Gu Yihan arrest them, didn't they want to wait for Tang Yun?How to catch two men back.

However, before Zhang Zhongtian finished speaking, Gu Yihan waved his hand to signal him to stop.

Gu Yihan took another step towards those two people, at this time Gu Yihan was already standing in front of them, with a smile, he said, "Are you sure? There is only one chance, if you tell me honestly, Maybe I'll let you go."


"Are you serious? You won't lie to us, will you?"

Hearing what Gu Yihan said, the two of them thought about it, and they couldn't help but let go.

"Of course, who am I, Gu Yihan, how can I not count my words."

"Okay, let's say, here's the thing..."

It turned out that Ye Qian had arranged for them to take the video tape to her at the airport as early as last night. As for the rest, the two of them knew nothing about it. Gu Yihan looked at it and felt that they did not seem to be lying.

"Tell me what that person looks like, then take out the video tape, and you can leave."

Gu Yihan decided to let them go. It is useless to arrest these people. They are just the lowest level of people. They only do this for the sake of living. Gu Yihan also understands very well.

"Yes! That woman..."

Hearing that, the man said excitedly.

After finishing speaking, he took out a video tape from his private place and handed it to Gu Yihan.

Gu Yihan frowned involuntarily, but didn't answer.

The man explained embarrassingly: "This... I'm watching you strictly investigate, so..."

But Zhang Zhongtian strode forward, no matter where he took it out, hugged the video tape and kissed excitedly, and sighed in his heart: Damn, I was scared to death, I finally got it.

Looking at Gu Yihan's strange gaze, Zhang Zhongtian didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He thought that Gu Yihan felt that he didn't thank him, so he ran to Gu Yihan's side, stretched out his arms, raised his head, and made a gesture to kiss Gu Yihan. Gu Yihan backed away in fright.

"I don't need it. We are all on our own. Director Zhang doesn't need to be so polite." Gu Yihan said quickly.

I'm not crooked, besides, you are too disgusting, that thing came from him... Oops!It was so disgusting that Gu Yihan almost vomited just thinking about it.

"Mr. Gu, what should we do now?"

Zhang Zhongtian finally calmed down, thinking that Tang Yun and the two hadn't caught him yet, so he asked Gu Yihan.


Gu Yihan groaned, thought for a while, and then said: "Continue to investigate, it is impossible for them to reach the airport in such a short time, so they must still be among the crowd."

"it is good!"

Zhang Zhongtian immediately replied, although he didn't know what Gu Yihan meant, but now he completely believed in Gu Yihan, besides, the video tape had returned to him, so he didn't have anything to worry about.

"Sister Qian, aren't we going to America? How did we get here?"

At this time, Tang Yun was asking Ye Qian in a new villa that Ye Qian had found.

"Oh, this is my sister's understanding, right?"

Ye Qian smiled softly, and then said proudly: "If you don't do this, I'm afraid we will all be arrested by Gu Yihan now."

Seeing Tang Yun's bewildered expression, Ye Qian told her the whole story.

After hearing this, Tang Yun couldn't help but praised: "Sister Qian, you are so amazing, she doesn't even know Lin Momo is being played around by you! Haha!"

"Then what should we do next?" Tang Yun then asked Ye Qian.

"Next, we naturally want to destroy the relationship between the two of them and let you sneak in." Ye Qian narrowed her eyes slightly and said to Tang Yun.

Now Ye Qian doesn't care about Gu Yihan at all, and doesn't care whether she can marry into a wealthy family. What she has to do is to put Gu Yihan's Shengtian Group into her own hands. It's cold.

"Well, I have to thank Sister Qian for that."

Tang Yun thought that Ye Qian was really helping him, so he didn't think about it at all, and said to Ye Qian with a smile.

"Don't be too happy, although I will help you, but marrying into the Gu family is not so easy, then you listen to my arrangement..."

Ye Qian thought for a while, then whispered to Tang Yun about her strategy.

"No way, sister Qian, if you do this, is it..."

Tang Yun opened his mouth wide in surprise at what Ye Qian said, and looked at Ye Qian in disbelief, feeling that what she said was too dangerous, and what she wanted was to get Gu Yihan, not to bring Gu Yihan down.

"Don't worry, Gu Yihan's ability is so strong, naturally he won't collapse so easily. At that time, if you jump out to help Gu Yihan solve everything, do you think he will directly marry you into the Gu family?"

Ye Qian had already thought up her rhetoric, and tricked Tang Yun with her tricky words.

"Well, okay, just do as you say."

Tang Yun thought for a while, and gave Ye Qian an affirmative answer.

After Ye Qian heard this, she smiled, a bright light flashed in her eyes, and then she hid it well.

"Report to the director, everyone has been checked, and there are no two people you are looking for."

A guard captain ran up to Zhang Zhongtian and reported to him.

Zhang Zhongtian frowned, and said lightly: "Okay, I understand, you guys call back the team."

Afterwards, Gu Yihan and Zhang Zhongtian got into the Lincoln car and planned to leave.

In the car, Zhang Zhongtian spoke first: "Mr. Gu, do you think there is something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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