The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 812 Extra Story 194 No Substitution

Chapter 812 Extra Story 194 No Substitution
Who knew that Gu Yihan actually agreed after hearing this, Lin Momo opened her mouth wide in surprise.Seeing Gu Yihan was stunned for a while, then he realized that, just as he was about to ask a question, he heard Gu Yihan's casual voice.

"Accompany my wife, let alone play mahjong, just play video games."

After hearing this sentence, Lin Momo couldn't help but put on a happy look on her face, glanced at Lin Wanwan and Qin Yu, and said proudly to Gu Yihan, "Well, you performed well, You don't have to sleep on the sofa tonight."

Gu Yihan actually laughed out loud when he heard it, he didn't expect to show you face, you would even show it?

But he still said cooperatively: "Then my lord, don't you need to kneel on the washboard tonight?"

"Well, it depends on your performance." Lin Momo then said casually.

"I go……"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Qin Yu felt his teeth itch with hatred. Of course he knew it was not true, but he told them on purpose.

I'm here to play, but you guys forcefully sprinkle dog food!And you're still having such fun, are you trying to choke me to death?
Lin Wanwan also curled her lips and said, "Okay, sister, brother-in-law, we know that you two are very affectionate, but you don't need to show it so exaggeratedly? To be honest, I can't listen anymore."

"Can't listen anymore? Then you find a wall to support and continue listening!" Lin Momo also replied with a smile.

The time for entertainment is always rare for Lin Momo and Gu Yihan. After a while, more than an hour has passed.

Lin Momo looked at his watch, and said to everyone with some nostalgia: "Okay, let's stop here? It's almost time, I'm going to work."

Then the four of them cleaned up, Qin Yu and Lin Wanwan stayed to play video games in the living room, while Lin Momo and Gu Yihan went to work.

Before leaving, Lin Momo looked at her sister who was having fun and couldn't help sighing: "It's really good to go to school, and I can still play like crazy during summer vacation."

Then he shook his head and rushed to the company. After Lin Momo arrived at the company, he sat on his desk and read the manuscript that was going to be interviewed in the next few days.

Not long after, Lin Momo started yawning, and then dozed off.

The door of Lin Momo's office was pushed open, and it was the editor's assistant who walked in, but Lin Momo didn't know it.

The woman was a little embarrassed and coughed lightly, wanting to remind Lin Momo of her arrival.


Cough cough cough!Ignored me, and even started to sleep more and more soundly?
The assistant to the editor-in-chief was a little speechless, this... this is too presumptuous, and then I thought, she is married to the top-ranked president of a domestic company, and it is already good to be able to come to work, who cares if she is lazy or not what!
The assistant coughed even louder after thinking this way. To be honest, looking at Lin Momo who was sleeping soundly, if the editor-in-chief was not in a hurry to find her, the assistant really couldn't bear to "wake her up"!
"Cough, cough, cough!"

After hearing the light cough, Lin Momo couldn't help but widen her eyes in a daze, then nodded slightly, raised her eyes to look at the assistant at the door, and asked vaguely, "Who is it?"

Seeing that Lin Momo was called up by herself, the assistant was still relieved, and then said to Lin Momo: "Team Leader Lin, the editor-in-chief asked you to go to his office, saying that he has something to look for you."

"Huh? Editor-in-chief? What editor-in-chief?"

Lin Momo raised her hazy eyes and said to the assistant editor.

"...It's our editor-in-chief, Wang Daping!"

The editor-in-chief's assistant, seeing Lin Momo's face not waking up, hurriedly said, the editor-in-chief said that he had urgent business with Lin Momo, if he was delayed, it would not be a good thing.

"Wang Daping? Are you sure it's not Wang Dahammer?"

Lin Momo, who was still a little sleepy, obviously didn't realize what was going on. She slowly slid her arms up and asked while touching her little furry head.


The assistant was speechless for a while, this... is this hitting a wall?
"What? Wang Daping? Editor Wang?"

At this moment, Lin Momo sat up abruptly, looked at the editor-in-chief's assistant standing in front of her, and asked in surprise. Obviously, she was fully awake at this time.

"Yes, the editor-in-chief told you that there is something urgent!"

The assistant said again, this young lady finally understands, if I don't understand, I will really go crazy.

"Uh...well, do you know what the editor-in-chief asked me to do?"

Lin Momo asked embarrassingly, it was so embarrassing to be seen by the editor's assistant to be lazy during work.

And if the editor-in-chief finds out that her salary will be deducted, she didn't know it when she first started working. She was checked by a special person when she was sleeping, and she could also report it among colleagues. As a result, she didn't make any money in the first month. One point, but was deducted 500 yuan.

Lin Momo was about to faint from anger at that time, what the hell, is there still someone to check?Someone report it?
From then on, Lin Momo vowed never to sleep again, but today...

Oh, it's late at night, why play mahjong if you have nothing to do, really, it made me take a nap.

"I'm not too sure about this." The editor's assistant replied to Lin Momo.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Momo withdrew from the previous affairs, shook her head, and prayed in her heart, hoping that the editor-in-chief's assistant would not report herself to the editor-in-chief. Although she knew that it was not good to sleep during working hours, but... she had to give it a chance Ah, it's been so long since I've slept in at work.

I don't know how she would feel if the editor-in-chief's assistant knew her thoughts.

Lin Momo rubbed her face to wake herself up, and then walked towards the editor-in-chief's office.

Lin Momo walked to the door of the editor-in-chief's office, chanted Amitabha, knocked on the door, and walked in.

"You are here."

As soon as Lin Momo opened the door and entered, she was greeted by the editor-in-chief's words. Lin Momo was a little ashamed, as if she had been asleep for a century.

"What? What does the editor-in-chief want from me?" Lin Momo asked the editor-in-chief.


The editor-in-chief pondered for a moment, paused, and then said: "What you told me, I told the higher-ups. I just received a call from the higher-ups, and the results are already in place."

What did I tell you?What did I tell you?
Lin Momo was thinking in a fog, and then suddenly realized: "Oh! You mean about doing an interview with Ji Xiangru?"

After hearing Lin Momo's words, the editor-in-chief couldn't help being speechless, what's the matter?Do you think it is not important?If I had known that the person involved wasn't that concerned, I wouldn't have been so anxious.

"Of course." The editor-in-chief replied angrily.

"Oh, how is it?"

After hearing this, Lin Momo asked excitedly.

"not so good!"

The editor-in-chief sighed, and said helplessly to Lin Momo: "The above said that Ji Xiangru asked you to go by name, so I still have to leave the interview about him to you."


After Lin Momo learned the answer, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. How come she didn't agree, so what about Gu Yihan?
"Can I tell Ji Xiangru that if he agrees, the company will hand over this matter to others?" Lin Momo asked tentatively.

"Well, it's still not possible. When the company gave me an answer, they also mentioned this question, but they directly denied it, saying that even if Ji Xiangru himself agreed, it wouldn't work. If it was changed, the number of interviews Ji Xiangru would do would definitely be more. If there are fewer and fewer, it is not good for the development of our company." The editor-in-chief continued.

"This... this company is really thoughtful!"

Although Lin Momo said that, she complained in her heart, what happened?
Company development!Company development!For the sake of the company's development, does Gu Yihan have to fight Ji Xiangru to be happy?

Lin Momo couldn't help shaking her head, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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