Chapter 813 Extra Story 195
However, at this moment, Ji Xiangru's office had a rare visitor.The reason why it is said to be a rare visitor is that when Ji Xiangru was about to give up Lin Momo, the superior of Lin Momo's company came to his company to talk to him.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

At this moment, Ji Xiang was leaning on the seat with Erlang's legs crossed. When he saw the person coming, he had no intention of getting up and said casually.

Ji Xiangru is very disdainful of this person, how can he deal with this kind of person by virtue of his status?
Besides, even if he came to send information to him, is Ji Xiangru that kind of person?
The woman he likes will naturally conquer with his own strength, so he doesn't bother to use this method.

The person who came was Tang Yun's cousin. He was entrusted by Tang Yun to bring the fake news to Ji Xiangru. If it wasn't for sleeping with that beautiful cousin, he wouldn't be bothered to come here to ask for help. no fun.

Thinking of this, Cousin Tang Yun became more courageous, and began to perform superbly in front of Ji Xiangru.

Of course, Tang Yun wouldn't be so stupid as to come to Ji Xiangru by himself. Now everyone in City B has received the news that Tang Yun hired someone to drive a car over to Gu Yihan, and fled in fear of crime. If she came, it wouldn't be normal Muzzle bump?
Tang Yun's cousin naturally also saw Ji Xiangru's dislike for him, he can't mess things up, if so, how can he sleep with his dear cousin ~ bed.

With a smile on his face, his posture was extremely low, and there was even some regret on his face, and he sighed towards Ji Xiangru: "President Ji, to be honest, I am sorry to bother you today, but... …Ugh!"


Looking at cousin Tang Yun's face, Ji Xiangru felt very angry for some reason.

Damn, since you know you're bothering me, why are you looking for me?
And your expression is too fake, right?It doesn't seem like you have something to tell me, your mother is dead, why don't you go to a big show.

"If you fart, hurry up, my time is precious, you can't afford it."

Ji Xiangru said impatiently, he really hates this kind of people who like to waste time by talking nonsense.

Cut, is your time precious?My time is not time?
Of course, Tang Yun's cousin only complained a few words in his heart, so naturally he didn't dare to speak out.Even if he came to send information, if he said this, he would probably be beaten up by Ji Xiangru, after all, Ji Xiangru is notorious for his violent temper.

Tang Yun's cousin nodded again and again, and then said: "Yes, yes, actually, I was entrusted to come here this time. As for who it is, I'll just say it straight. The new team leader of our company—Lin Momo!"


After hearing what Tang Yun said, Ji Xiangru couldn't help but frown, looked at him suspiciously and questioned: "Since it was Momo who was looking for me, why didn't she come to me herself, but let you come? "

Ji Xiangru was very curious. He thought this guy was here to flatter him. Because Lin Momo was working under him, he took the opportunity to help him. Unexpectedly, it was Lin Momo looking for him, and his heart became more and more strange , this matter is also unreasonable.

"Hey! To be honest, Mr. Ji, she dare not come to you because of Team Leader Lin."

It has to be said that Tang Yun's cousin is also very talented in acting, his expression is in place, like a woman who has been wronged is crying out for Lin Momo in front of Master Qingtian.

"What? Don't you dare to come to me? Why don't you dare? Who am I, Ji Xiangru? She is married to Gu Yihan, so how could I do anything to her?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiangru stood up and asked Tang Yun's cousin.

Tang Yun's cousin saw that Ji Xiangru finally had the reaction he wanted, so he continued to perform towards Ji Xiangru, and then sighed: "Oh, how could Team Leader Lin be like you said, he didn't dare to come, It's because... it's because... because of one person, as for who it is, I dare not say."

Looking at Cousin Tang Yun's obedient look, it was obvious that someone behind him was threatening him, even Lin Momo.

Ji Xiangru condensed and frowned slightly, a name suddenly popped up in his mind - Gu Yihan, I am afraid that only Gu Yihan has such strength, otherwise who else?
Could this guy treat Momo badly?Momo wants to find himself, he won't let him come?He even found someone to monitor Momo, so Momo had to ask the company's superiors to come to him for help?

Ji Xiangru's brain was wide open, thinking of this, he couldn't help clenching his fists a little bit.

Although Lin Momo was not with him, Ji Xiangru still took her to heart and paid more attention and dedication to Lin Momo's affairs.

Hearing this, he didn't have time to distinguish the truth from the false, the anger had already burned his reason.

"If that's the case, Gu Yihan, I won't let you go!"

Ji Xiangru said harshly, he had finally met a girl he loved, but Gu Yihan snatched her away, and now Gu Yihan didn't know how to cherish it, and even threatened Lin Momo not to let her find him.

"Okay! I've already guessed who that person is. If you have anything to say, just say it. I want to know everything. I'll be responsible for anything that happens. Gu Yihan won't dare to do anything to you!"

Ji Xiangru sat down on the seat again, and said lightly, he wanted to see how Gu Yihan bullied Lin Momo!

Tang Yun's cousin backed away in shock at this moment, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead, he looked at Ji Xiangru and stammered, " do you know it's him?"

Seeing cousin Tang Yun's surprised look, Ji Xiangru was even more sure that Gu Yihan must have done something in this matter, and Momo must have been wronged by Gu Yihan.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiangru couldn't help but look at Tang Yun's cousin with serious eyes: "Could it be that you can offend me, Ji Xiangru, if you can't afford to offend him, Gu Yihan?"

Cousin Tang Yun heard this, choked on his own saliva, couldn't help coughing a few times, and said repeatedly: "No, no, I didn't mean that, Mr. Ji, this...I..."

Cousin Tang Yun was secretly happy, hum!What big shit?Are you still being played around by me?My cousin is really suspicious, she even told me over and over again to be careful and not to be seen through by Ji Xiangru.

cut!Looking at it now, this guy is nothing short of an idiot. If it weren't for his NB dad, he might be washing dishes for others in some restaurant now!

Cousin Tang Yun felt complacent for a while, even the well-known president of the Ji family, Ji Xiangru, was deceived by him. It seems that with his acting skills, he can really enter the showbiz, that actor or something.

(End of this chapter)

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