The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 818 Extra Story 200 Lin Momo's Grievance

Chapter 818 Extra Story 200 Lin Momo's Grievance
"Look at his biceps, yours is far from his."

Lin Momo raised Erya's arm and said to Gu Yihan.

Gu Yihan rolled his eyes involuntarily, she is a killer, what can I compare to her as a president?

"Hmph, I'm not afraid to tell you, she is still a Russian karate champion. If you dare to bully me in the future, I will let her teach you a lesson."

Lin Momo held her head high in front of Gu Yihan and said.


Are you sure you want my people to bully me?is this okay?
Seeing Gu Yihan's meaningful smile, Lin Momo couldn't help frowning, why isn't she afraid?

"Hmph! I want her to teach me two tricks. If you want to bully me, I'll beat you down."

Lin Momo waved her small fist again, and said to Gu Yihan.

This little girl, why do you always want to hit me?Either you find someone to beat you, or you learn two tricks yourself. I'm your husband. If I didn't do it twice, wouldn't I be beaten badly by you?

Gu Yihan smiled, thought in his heart, and then said: "Then please teach me two tricks, Comrade Erya."

"You have to learn two tricks, why? Do you still want to resist?"

Lin Momo pouted her mouth and said.

"No, no, learn two ways to defend yourself, to defend yourself."

Gu Yihan denied it repeatedly, and said courteously to Lin Momo.

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Lin Momo said angrily.

Seeing the boss like this, Erya was shocked for a while, unexpectedly, the boss is afraid of his wife.

Of course, Gu Yihan wasn't afraid of Lin Momo, he just let Lin Momo play a joke with Lin Momo.

"By the way, I have something to tell you."

Lin Momo said to Gu Yihan as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Why?" Gu Yihan raised his eyes slightly and said with a smile.

"In the future, I won't have dinner with you."

Lin Momo sat up and said seriously.

Gu Yihan's mouth twitched into an evil smile. He didn't understand what kind of plane Lin Momo was doing, so he asked curiously, "What? Quit?"

Cough cough cough!Quit what?I can't eat something yet?
"Ahem, that's not true."

Lin Momo heard Gu Yihan say that she choked on her food, patted her chest to make herself feel better, and then said: "I want to go to the gym with Erya, the two of us will go to the gym together Eat it, and you'll take care of it yourself."

After Lin Momo finished speaking, looking forward to Gu Yihan, what if this guy disagrees?
"Oh, yes."

Gu Yihan answered bluntly. In his opinion, Lin Momo would not be able to hold on for a day or two, so it was fine.

Seeing that Gu Yihan agreed without thinking, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Momo couldn't help frowning, how could she not understand what Gu Yihan meant.

"Don't you believe in this girl? Hmph! Just watch, in two months, this girl will be as thin as a bolt of lightning!"

Lin Momo said in a breathless manner, that Gu Yihan actually questioned her, if she doesn't steam the steamed buns to fight for breath, I must persevere.

"Uh, okay, but as far as I know, the thinnest lightning is three meters wide." Gu Yihan said casually.


Lin Momo heard what Gu Yihan said, but couldn't say a word, and then ignored him, and chatted with Erya about food.

"Hello? I'm Ji Xiangru!"

At this moment, Ji Xiang picked up the phone, called Lin Momo's editor-in-chief, and emphasized his identity when he opened his mouth.

"Um, so it's Mr. Ji, I'm sorry, I'm neglecting you."

Editor-in-chief Lin Momo's voice came to mind on the other end of the phone, and then he asked carefully: "I don't know why Mr. Ji called me this time?"

"Arrange for me tomorrow, let Ms. Lin Momo come to interview me, because the company has a new product, and I want to advertise."

Ji Xiangru directly stated his purpose.

Cough cough cough, you still use us to advertise?If you want to find Lin Momo, just talk straight, why beat around the bush.

But tomorrow is the weekend, Lin Momo has complained to herself and doesn't want to work overtime.

The editor-in-chief was a little embarrassed, and suggested to Ji Xiangru: "President Ji, do you think it's okay to postpone it for two days? Tomorrow is the weekend, and Team Leader Lin is resting.

Ji Xiangru frowned when he heard what the editor-in-chief said. What does this guy mean?Could it be that he was also frightened by Gu Yihan's power?Why hasn't he heard that reporters still have rest?Isn't it generally assumed that there are a few days in a month?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiangru felt a little angry, thinking that the editor-in-chief was either bought by Gu Yihan, or he was afraid of Gu Yihan, what?You are afraid of offending him, are you not afraid of offending me?
"I don't care, whatever method you use, I will meet Lin Momo in my office at nine o'clock tomorrow, otherwise, bad luck will follow you."

After Ji Xiangru finished speaking, he hung up the phone mercilessly, thinking in his heart that Lin Momo was in a hot water right now, if he rescued her sooner, he would be relieved sooner.

"Who the hell did I provoke? Ask me for help, and still tell me like that, it really pissed me off."

The editor-in-chief muttered to himself aggrievedly.

What should I say, what if Lin Momo doesn't go?She told me, oh, it's really hard to offend both ends.

In the end, the editor-in-chief had no choice but to wake up and call Lin Momo.

"Hello, Momo?"


Lin Momo was eating a mouth full of food at this time, unable to say a word.

"Tomorrow, I will interview Xiangru next season. His company has released a new product."


Lin Momo couldn't help but increase her voice when she heard it, and her tone was very strong. If it wasn't for some food in her mouth, she might have to argue with the editor-in-chief.

What about the weekend?I've been busy for several days, I'm exhausted, I'm not a machine, don't I need to rest?And it was Ji Xiangru who was interviewing?Editor-in-Chief, did you do it on purpose?

Lin Momo couldn't help but look angry and complained very much.

"I know, I know, but Mr. Ji personally explained it. He told you to go tomorrow. If someone changes, I can't explain it to Mr. Ji."

The editor-in-chief explained on the other end of the phone, complaining about Ji Xiangru in his heart, why doesn't he need to rest?


Lin Momo chewed hard on the food, but hated that she took a big mouthful and couldn't swallow it, so she could only falter and haw.

"Uh... so, I promise you, after you finish the interview, I will give you a day off, and you can go to work after a rest."

The editor-in-chief paused, and then said, "Momo, just agree."

Lin Momo finally swallowed the food on the other end. Just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted again by the editor-in-chief.

"It doesn't matter, for the sake of the company, you can make a sacrifice." The editor-in-chief hung up the phone quickly after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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