Chapter 819 Extra Story 201 Plan
"I...Brother, isn't it? That's my weekend, and this is the rhythm that will kill me."

Lin Momo complained wanting to cry but without tears.

Seeing this, Gu Yihan frowned, touched Lin Momo's small head with his hands distressedly, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm going to work overtime tomorrow. I originally said that I could go to the gym with Erya, but it's a waste of time. The plan really can't keep up with the changes. And our editor-in-chief, I'm already exhausted, and I still need him Why do I feel like doing an interview on purpose?"

Lin Momo said weakly like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Gu Yihan smiled. He thought that something serious happened. It turned out that he was just working overtime. Then he raised his eyebrows and seduced Lin Momo: "How is it? Do you need me to tell your editor-in-chief."

When Lin Momo heard Gu Yihan's words, there was a gleam in his eyes, but it quickly subsided.

The editor-in-chief just said that it was Ji Xiangru who let it go by himself, and those who named him had to go by himself. If he didn't go by himself, or let Gu Yihan come forward, Ji Xiangru and Gu Yihan would definitely have trouble again.

Lin Momo thought for a while, and finally said to Gu Yihan: "I think it's better to forget it, I will solve my work by myself."

Soon, Lin Momo came out of the lost mood, smiled and said to Gu Yihan and Erya: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about that, come, let's eat."

"Miss Ye, I have carefully read the information you gave me."

George put down the information that Ye Qian had just given him in his hand, took a deep breath, calmed down his heart, and said to Ye Qian.

After reading a series of accounts of Shengtian Group, George couldn't help being startled. Only then did he realize that he might have encountered a difficult problem. Since his debut, he has brought down no less than fifty companies, large and small. , but there has never been a behemoth like Shengtian Group.

"Oh? How is it? Can you see anything?"

Ye Qian was leaning on the seat at the side, thinking about the affairs of the Ye Group, but when George said this, she immediately became interested.

"This company is not simple. It can be seen from its turnover that it covers a wide range of fields, and its liquidity is at least five billion."

George changed his usual lazy look and said seriously, obviously he also had some headaches about it.

Ye Qian nodded thoughtfully. George lives abroad, so he naturally doesn't know how powerful Gu Yihan is in China. How could she not know.

However, the 50 billion working capital makes a person who is familiar with Gu Yihan's strength feel appalling. Even if a company is completely ruined now, such a large amount of money is enough to maintain it.

"What? Are you scared?" Ye Qian asked George provocatively.

Ridiculous, how can a genius make others question it?
This is something that George cannot tolerate. Since his debut, he has not experienced failure, so he is even more arrogant.

"Huh? To be honest, I'm so old, I really don't know how to write because I'm afraid."

Although Shengtian Group is a difficulty for George, it is also a challenge at the same time. He has great fun to try it.

George's eyes were full of anticipation, as if he couldn't wait to fight Gu Yihan, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a confident smile: "Although his company is very strong, But for me, hehe, it’s just a waste of more energy and time, but I’m really looking forward to competing with this big boss.”

"Oh? Should I praise you for your wit? Or should I call you high-sighted and low-handed? With your attitude, are you sure you can deal with Gu Yihan?"

After hearing what George said, Ye Qian couldn't help feeling that George was overconfident, how could Gu Yihan be easy to deal with?If it was really that easy, how could I fail again and again, and was almost discovered by Gu Yihan.

"Oh, it turns out that this big boss is called Gu Yihan, but the word Gu Yihan is only worthy of being my whetstone. Let me go a step further. I believe that after this incident with Gu Yihan, I will be able to do it in the future." The reputation in the industry will rise even more, and my commission will be multiplied by then, so I don't think it's a big problem."

George said confidently, as if he had won the fight against Gu Yihan.

After hearing what George said, Ye Qian couldn't help but wrinkle her eyes coldly. Could this girl be a psychopath?Why are you starting to talk about things after victory now? Wouldn't my money be wasted?

Seeing Ye Qian's questioning eyes and the displeased expression on her face.George naturally understood what Ye Qian was thinking, and he shrugged helplessly. Why is it that geniuses are being questioned now?
He smiled and walked towards Ye Qian. When he came to him, he took the document and said, "This, this, this is the focus of our breakthrough. Of course, you also need to prepare in advance."

Ye Qian sat up straight involuntarily, looked at what George was pointing at, then looked at George with doubts on her face, and asked, "What preparation?"

At this time, George's face became more serious, he put away his disdainful and proud expression, and said to Ye Qian.

"You need to prepare a large part of the funds, acquire the shares of this group, and then sell them suddenly, giving their company a feeling that a storm is coming, in order to make the people inside their company panic, and to make others His partners began to question his ability to continue working with him."

Ye Qian nodded thoughtfully, um, not bad.

If Gu Yihan's company was overwhelmed, it would be much easier for her to do anything else, and then Ye Qian looked at George again, motioning him to continue talking.

George smiled inwardly, why are you finally willing to believe in this genius now?
"Then, what you have to do is disintegrate it from within the company. I think those people downstairs will not be used for free, so you must be able to control some people in their company, and these things will naturally be left to them Done.

At the same time, you can hire someone to destroy their delivery room. Once the production line is destroyed, their economy will be cut off, and the next step is to snatch away his business partner.

According to my observation, they still have many industries that are linked to the above. Others can wait, but the above will not wait.At that time, you can come forward and have a talk with the higher-ups. I believe it should not be a big problem to win our side.

And this group will face heavy liquidated damages, as well as a company that cannot function. "

George said expressively, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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