The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 855 Extra Story 237 Someone Will Love Him More Than Me

Chapter 855 Extra Story 237 Someone Will Love Him More Than Me
But she obviously left, and she should have been relieved, but she felt extremely sad, just like when she just opened the dusty door and stepped into this house, her mood was delicate and self-evident.

All in all, it's extraordinarily complicated.

"Everything, let's end like this."

She looked up at the blue sky through the window and said softly.

Everything started so miraculously that the relationship between her and Gu Yihan developed and ended naturally.

Even if she doesn't want to admit that she is a hen that can't lay eggs, she has to admit the severe trauma she has suffered physically.

A person like Gu Yihan deserves a better woman, not her.

She felt that it was very good to live here, without being disturbed by others, and she returned to her original home, and her mood slowly settled down.

"Mom, I think you should regret losing me at that time, but it's good now, I'm back, so you don't have to worry about looking for it for so many years."

Gu Yihan stood there and looked at the watch on his hand, he couldn't help being anxious, beads of sweat were overflowing from his forehead, now he has been waiting here for an hour, but Lin Momo didn't show up, what does that mean?It shows that Lin Momo has no plans to go abroad, but where will she go?

At this moment, Gu Yihan's head ached, and he rubbed his temples involuntarily with his hands.He didn't have a good rest last night, and today he was busy with his business, so he ran out to look for Lin Momo. He hasn't eaten anything since last night.

"Go to the highway intersection".

Gu Yihan waved his hand towards his confidant, gritted his teeth and said.

"Xiao Han, you have to pay more attention to your body. This is not acceptable. Let the people below do this. The company is also in turmoil now, and you need to sit on the stage."

Gu Yihan's driver is an old man who has worked hard with Gu Yihan's father for many years. Among so many people, he is probably the only one who dares to talk to Gu Yihan like this.

"Uncle Liu, I understand."

Gu Yihan replied in a deep voice, he didn't bother to care about any company now, he only had one goal in mind, which was to find Lin Momo, and he was willing to pay any price.

Uncle Liu couldn't help sighing, and drove the car towards the intersection of the expressway as the caretaker Yihan said.

Lin Momo had already arrived at the ancestral house left by her mother at this time. She pushed open the ancient-style door with a sense of time, and couldn't help but sigh, it's like fate, she should come back or she will come back.

"Miss, where should I put the things for you?"

The taxi driver also followed in. Seeing Lin Momo's pale face, carrying a bag and holding a wedding dress by himself, it was inconvenient, so he kindly gave Lin Momo a gift.

"Come and give it to me, thank you so much."

Lin Momo replied with a smile, and then took the backpack from the master driver.

"You're welcome. It's nothing. I'll go first. I just saw two people at the entrance of the village. Maybe I can get a job."

"Then go slowly."

After speaking, Lin Momo sent the driver out, and seeing the back of the driver leaving, Lin Momo couldn't help sighing: "There are still many good people in the world."

The things in the room are basically made of wood, which gives people a simple feeling, which Lin Momo likes very much.

After another hour, Gu Yihan still didn't find any trace of Lin Momo. He was a little panicked. Momo didn't go to the two most likely places, so where would she go?

The Lin family had already sent someone there, and the Lin family's parents didn't even know about it.Lin Wanwan?He also called to ask, but there was no news, and it was even more impossible for the Ye family, but where did he go?
However, when Gu Yihan was frowning, one of Gu Yihan's confidantes trotted up to Gu Yihan with a serious expression on his face: "Mr. Gu, the news you asked us to check has already been resolved. Tang Yun, we are sure that we are in City B, now we have locked three places, look..."

A gleam flashed in Gu Yihan's eyes, his brows furrowed, and his powerful aura suddenly frightened the person who reported the matter to him.

If it wasn't for Tang Yun and Ye Qian, how could Momo have a miscarriage?How could his son, whom he had never met, go to another world?How could Momo disappear at this moment?

Gu Yihan's hatred involuntarily ignited, devouring it bit by bit.

"Catch me, I will make the two of you into statues alive, kneel down and apologize!"

Gu Yihan's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he shouted to his confidant in a subdued voice.

The confidant's heart felt cold, and he couldn't help taking a breath, it seemed that Gu Yihan was really angry this time.

In the past, if Gu Yihan dealt with someone, he would definitely find out some illegal behaviors, expand them, and hand them over to the police. In this society, there are a few rich people who have never done anything wrong.


The confidant finally complied.

However, just when Gu Yihan's confidant was about to follow the order, Gu Yihan said again: "Wait!"

The confidant quickly turned back and looked at Gu Yihan.

"Go down and let those people withdraw too. As for Tang Yun, let's put Ye Qian's affairs aside!"

Gu Yihan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of cunning at the corners of his mouth.

It's not that Gu Yihan didn't plan to deal with Tang Yun and Ye Qian anymore, his wife was separated, how could he let them go.He just thought it was too easy for them, he wanted to torture the two of them slowly, making them miserable!

With this in mind, Gu Yihan made a decision in his heart.

At this time, Lin Momo was panting and sitting on the teacher's chair. She had cleaned the room just now, and in the middle of the Eight Immortals table, there was a wooden plaque, which was her mother's spiritual tablet.


Lin Momo looked at her mother's spiritual seat and let out a long cry, before continuing: "Mom, I'm back, I should have come back to accompany you long ago, if I came back sooner, I would be more heartless, and it wouldn't be too late As it is now."

Lin Momo couldn't help sighing. After officially getting married, Gu Yihan put his mind on her alone and loved her a lot, which made her love for Gu Yihan a bit deeper. At such a beautiful time, I lost everything.

"Mom, do you think I'm doing something wrong? Will Gu Yihan feel bad, will he be as depraved as before?"

Lin Momo took a heavy breath in her heart, but she couldn't vomit it out. It was the love for Gu Yihan, which was too heavy, too heavy.

"I think it's okay. He survived last time and fell in love with me. There will definitely be another girl who will appear in front of him like I did back then, and love him very much."

Lin Momo chuckled abruptly: "Oh, mom, you said how lucky that girl is, she can get all of Gu Yihan's love, but I don't know if someone like Ye Qian will appear again and hurt this girl ?”

(End of this chapter)

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