The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 856 Extra Story 238 Alcoholism

Chapter 856 Extra Story 238 Alcoholism
Speaking of this, Lin Momo couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hehehe..."

"Ye Qian, I really didn't expect that it turned out that you have been harming me in the end. I didn't believe it when Xiaoyu told me. I thought he didn't like you. It's really hard for you to pretend. It must be very tiring. "

Lin Momo has always regarded Ye Qian as one of her older sisters, but she never thought that Ye Qian was always pretending that her real purpose was to kill herself.

Lin Momo's smile was laughing at Ye Qian's hypocrisy, and also at her own innocence. She trusted her casually and gave her a chance to harm herself. If she could find Ye Qian earlier, she would not Let Gu Yihan lose the child, and he left like this.

"Perhaps, this is, fate."

Lin Momo said to herself with a smile, this time it was Ye Qian, who might be next time, to put it bluntly, God forbids her to be with Gu Yihan, even without Ye Qian.

Thinking of this, Lin Momo felt a lot better.

"Boss, all the people monitoring Ms. Tang Yun have withdrawn. What do you think will happen next?"

A man in black reported the situation truthfully to Ye Qian.


Ye Qian couldn't help but doubted, Gu Yihan withdrew the person?Could it be that Gu Yihan finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to make a move?
its not right!If you want to do it, shouldn't you send more people?What if Tang Yun ran away?
Is Gu Yihan planning to give up?It's not possible, is it?It can be said that Gu Yihan hated her and Tang Yun to the bone, how could he let it go lightly?

For a moment, Ye Qian didn't understand what Gu Yihan meant. With a solemn expression, she said to the person who reported to her, "Keep watching, don't slack off, and report to me immediately if there is any disturbance."


The man responded and walked out.

Ye Qian shook her head at this moment, thinking that this might be a trap, she had better be careful.

In this way, for several days in a row, Lin Momo stayed in the house left by her mother, and chatted with her mother's spiritual place when she was free, without a mobile phone or a TV.She would also go outside for a walk when she had nothing to do. The weather was just right at this time. Looking at the field from a distance, it was full of green and looked quite comfortable.

She lived in her mother's room, and the objects inside seemed to be full of spirituality, with some mother's breath, which made Lin Momo feel as if her mother was by her side.

In the past few days, Lin Momo's heart has settled down a bit, and she has gradually begun to get used to this kind of life, carefree and carefree. Lin Momo thinks that this is probably what people in ancient times meant by living in seclusion.

Of course, she has not passed this hurdle of Gu Yihan. After all, she loves her so much, how could she forget it so easily, but Lin Momo told herself that as long as time is long enough, everything will pass away, and time is the best medicine for healing.

Lin Momo learned to let go these few days, but it really hurt Gu Yihan.

In the first two days, Gu Yihan looked for Lin Momo desperately.The company didn't care, my mother didn't answer the phone, and she didn't even sleep. When she was too sleepy, she slept in the car for a while, and was awakened by her own dream.

Later, Gu Yihan became a little depressed, and started to drink heavily, trying to use alcohol to numb himself, in order to obtain a sliver of redemption.

He blamed Lin Momo for losing his child and running away from home. If he had arrested Ye Qian and Tang Yun earlier, Lin Momo would have been fine.

Moreover, Gu Yihan knew that the reason why Tang Yun and Ye Qian attacked Lin Momo had a lot to do with him. This is an indisputable fact.

At this time, he was soaking in a bar, drinking cocktails, one glass after another, and after watching the whole world shake, he smiled heartlessly: "Gu Yihan, you are a piece of trash! No! , you are not even as good as garbage, and you can't protect your own women well, so what business do you do?"

"You trash! You bastard! You..."

Gu Yihan smashed the empty wine glasses on the table one by one, shouting and cursing hysterically, venting his repressed heart.

At this moment, a person came in from the door, and said to Gu Yihan respectfully, "President Gu, Tang Yun wants to see you."

After Gu Yihan heard it, he turned his head slowly, and said to the person word by word: "Let her in!"

Then he ignored the man and drank again on his own.

At this time, the weather outside the quiet bar is sunny, God seems to want to compare with Gu Yihan's mood, at the entrance of the bar, Tang Yun is wearing a small white dress, the delicate design makes her figure stand out even more.

It has to be said that Tang Yun is a typical brave and foolhardy type, thinking that she is the center of the whole universe, and everyone has to revolve around her.

She thought that Gu Yihan hadn't done anything to them all this time, and she probably started to give up on Lin Momo, so she could try to find him in the next period of time.

Tang Yun felt uncomfortable when he thought about his trembling days during this period of time. Originally, Gu Yihan was about to praise her to the sky, and it was a smooth sailing. Now her stardom is over, how can she be reconciled.

Probably because the life in the circle is not complicated enough, or Tang Yun's brain is not enough, Tang Yun always thinks that Gu Yihan is letting them go.

As everyone knows, he was just too busy looking for Lin Momo for a while and didn't have the energy to deal with them.

Women are sometimes creatures who like to open their minds, and Tang Yun took it for granted that Gu Yihan didn't care about it.

"President Gu let you in!"

The man said unhappily, his tone full of dissatisfaction, if it wasn't for the person in front of him, how could the boss become like that.

Tang Yun glared at the man fiercely, and said displeasedly: "Hmph, how dare a servant talk to me like that? When I marry into the Gu family, you will be the first one to let you go."

Gu Yihan searched all the places in the city where Lin Momo could go, but he couldn't find her. When he was sad, he directly used wine to relieve his troubles.

"Momo, Momo. Why are you so stupid."

He called Lin Momo's name one after another, and then smiled wryly.

Compared with children, he hopes that Lin Momo can be well, stay with him well, and be his beloved woman.

When Tang Yun came in, he was a little out of his mind, she couldn't help laughing out loud, then stepped forward to hold his arm and said softly: "Yihan, why do you drink so much wine, do you know that drinking is harmful?" How bad is it?"

"Don't worry about it, I want Momo, where is Momo?"

Gu Yihan thought it was Lin Momo who had come back, but when he looked up, it was Tang Yun. He pushed her away and couldn't help crying out.

Lin Momo, leaving can't make others safe, Tang Yun gritted his teeth and continued to laugh: "Lin Momo probably left temporarily for some reason, but I really don't know why you fell in love with her. "

(End of this chapter)

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