The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 857 Extra Story 239 You Sober One Point

Chapter 857 Extra Story 239 Be Sober

"You want to take care of it? It seems that it's not your turn to take care of my affairs. Who are you?"

Gu Yihan said in a calm voice.

The disgust towards this woman in his heart became more and more serious, he suppressed his inner thoughts, hoping that he could let such a woman leave here and stay away from him.

Tang Yun pouted, then stomped his feet, looking aggrieved: "Yihan, how can I be worse than Lin Momo, why do you keep turning a blind eye to me?"

"How can you compare to my Momo, get out, get out!"

Gu Yihan pushed her, and then Tang Yun fell to the ground, tears were so painful.

"It used to be, it is now, even you, Yihan, I am the woman who loves you the most, and the woman who is most suitable for you."

Gu Yihan sneered, it was the most suitable, in his heart, his family background would not prevent him from being with Lin Momo, he didn't need any help, that's what incompetent people need.

"You go, don't let me drive you away myself."

He staggered to sit on the high stool of his own bar, and then said.

Ye Qian gritted her teeth, exhaled, and continued in a soft and gentle voice:

"Yihan, Momo is gone, you still have me, I will always be by your side, never leave."

"What are you doing here?"

Gu Yihan was a little impatient, why did the woman he hated the most come to comfort him today.

"I heard that Momo left by herself, thinking that you must be very sad, so I wanted to come and see you."

The so-called tenderness in his eyes almost made Gu Yihan laugh out loud.

These women came to comfort him under the banner of being good for him, but they didn't know that they were just exposing his scars, and if it wasn't for this woman, his Momo wouldn't be so miserable.

He raised his head and looked a little cruel, which surprised Tang Yun and shouted that it was not good, but he couldn't just retreat like this, so he had no choice but to step forward and want to help him.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yihan waved her away, and he pointed at the door and told her to get out in a deep voice.

"Go away yourself, don't make me angry, or you can't bear the consequences."

He still doesn't want to just deal with those two women like this, keep it for fun in the future, and let her lose it completely if he cares so much about the Ye family's property.If one is a star, then let her become popular again, be discredited a little bit and disappear from people's impressions.

Of course, these are all things to say later, after Gu Yihan drank a few sips of wine, he lay down on the bar counter, ready to take a nap.

He has been unable to find Lin Momo for so many days, and he can't restrain himself from missing her every day, so that he can't sleep all the time. When he closes his eyes, Lin Momo's beautiful image will appear in his mind, and then he will feel heartache Can't add more.

"Momo, where did you go? I can't find you. How should I live without you?"

He murmured, leaning on his arms.

"Without Lin Momo, are you going to sink like this? The old you died?"

Just when Gu Yihan was melancholy alone, a sharp voice shouted towards him and exploded in Gu Yihan's ears like a thunderbolt.

Gu Yihan raised his head reluctantly, and turned to that person, who is so closed-eyed to bother him at this time.

"Brother Gu! How could you do this? If sister-in-law found out, she wouldn't come back!"

The man said meaningfully.

It was Qin Yu who came, and he stood there looking at the drunk Gu Yihan, clenched his fists tightly, as if he might rush forward to give Gu Yihan a blow at any time.

"Oh, I'm not coming back, hehehe, I'm not coming back."

Gu Yihan sneered lightly twice, and lay down again.

Qin Yu looked at Gu Yihan in such a state, and felt angry. Where did Brother Gu, who was decisive and resourceful in the past, go?Is it going to sink like this all the time?
Qin Yu stepped forward quickly, walked to Gu Yihan's side, supported Gu Yihan's head with both hands, looked at him seriously and said, "Brother Gu, think about it, where can Sister Momo go?"

Gu Yihan shook his head involuntarily, and pushed Qin Yu aside, how could he know where Lin Momo had gone, and if he knew, how could he still be drinking here?

"Think about it, I've learned about it before and after. My sister-in-law didn't take a penny from my aunt when she left, and you didn't lose a single bank card at home. Sister Momo only had a few thousand yuan in cash at most. That's all." Qin Yu further analyzed.

"Of course I know, but is it useful for you to tell me this? Lin Momo is gone, she has gone, do you know?"

Gu Yihan was very depressed. Qin Yu came to him two days ago, and all he said were words of encouragement.

Gu Yihan thought that Qin Yu was just trying to cheer him up this time, so he yelled angrily, if he can't even protect the woman he loves, what's the use of wanting Jiangshan?

"Brother Gu! Can you be more sober?"

Seeing Gu Yihan in this mental state, Qin Yu couldn't help but worry.

"I'm sober now, go to our company to take over, Shengtian Group will hand it over to you in the future!"

Gu Yihan murmured, now he doesn't care about any career or company.

"Can you listen to me and wake up a little bit?"

Qin Yu grabbed Gu Yihan again, shook Gu Yihan vigorously, and shouted loudly.

"If you look like this, you are really not a man! My sister-in-law is gone. If you do this, you can find her? Or you can avenge her? Why did she leave? Isn't it just to make you live better? Let the Gu family Have a queen? You are like this, what's the point of sister-in-law leaving?"

"Revenge, yes, revenge."

Gu Yihan involuntarily regained his composure, opened his eyes wide and spoke.

Qin Yu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Gu Yihan seemed to be relieved, and then continued: "Brother Gu, I think I know where sister-in-law is?"


When Gu Yihan heard the news that Qin Yu had Lin Momo, he suddenly became sober and asked repeatedly.

"Brother Gu, think about it, my sister-in-law has so much money, she can't do anything, but she must have a place to live, so where will she go?"

Qin Yu asked Gu Yihan back.

Gu Yihan felt sour when he thought of Lin Momo going out alone with no money on him, even if you left, you were still so stubborn and refused to spend my money.

Qin Yu looked at Gu Yihan who was in deep thought, and then said, "Do you still remember that time we went on an outing?"

Speaking of this, Gu Yihan suddenly realized, and said to Qin Yu in surprise: "You mean the ancestral house that Momo's mother left for Momo?"

At this time Qin Yu listened and nodded involuntarily: "That's right, it's there."

(End of this chapter)

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