The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 858 Extra Story 240 Mother's Diary

Chapter 858 Extra Story 240 Mother's Diary

Gu Yihan yelled loudly towards the outside: "Prepare the car!"

Before the words fell, Gu Yihan rushed out like a wild horse that had run loose.

Due to many reasons, he did not think of the ancestral house left by Lin Momo's biological mother. As Qin Yu analyzed, Gu Yihan believed that Lin Momo must be there. This was Gu Yihan's greatest hope to find Lin Momo.

Like a candle flame in the dark night, Gu Yihan's heart was illuminated again.

"Momo wait for me!"

Gu Yihan gritted his teeth and said meaningfully.

At this moment, Lin Momo didn't know that Gu Yihan was running towards him at this moment, and he was still reading a book on the table of the Eight Immortals in the ancestral house as always. Lin Momo accidentally knocked over the teacup on the table. ground, fell to pieces.

Lin Momo shook her head, then calmly put down the book in her hand, got up, took the tools, and cleaned it.

While cleaning, Lin Momo found a strange place. A piece of paper leaked out from under the table of the Eight Immortals table. It looked like a book or a newspaper.

Lin Momo couldn't help but leaned down~ and touched there with her hands.

"Well, right here."

Lin Momo talked to herself, and as she spoke, she took out a yellowed notebook from under the Eight Immortals table, which looked very old and full of a sense of time.

Lin Momo couldn't help being surprised, what is this thing? How could it be under the Eight Immortals table? It was obviously hidden by someone, but who hid it?
A series of questions filled Lin Momo's mind, and then Lin Momo solemnly picked up the notebook in her hand. She didn't even care about the unfinished teacup fragments, and sat on the grand teacher's chair impatiently. up.

On a certain day of a certain year, my daughter was born today. She is fine and has no diseases. Seeing Ling Tian holding her daughter and smiling, I thought of a nice name, Momo.

After Lin Momo read it, she couldn't help being startled. This, this is the diary written by her mother?
The date happened to be the day he was born, so Ling Tian naturally meant Ye Lingtian.

Lin Momo swallowed, then read on.

On a certain day of a certain year, my Momo had a fever today, I stayed by her side and watched her fall asleep, hoping that she would get well soon.

On a certain day of a certain year, my Momo today...

These are all trivial matters, and Lin Momo's biological mother recorded them bit by bit.

Lin Momo felt that this diary was a bit heavy at this time, and she always felt heavy. She knew it was her mother's love for her.

"I really didn't expect that my mother is so kind."

Lin Momo couldn't help but picture a gentle woman in her mind, with long hair reaching her waist, standing in the breeze, not surprised by honor or disgrace, letting the breeze blow past her cheeks.

Mother must have been a great beauty in the past, as long as she is a kind hearted person, her appearance will definitely not be bad, Lin Momo thought so.

"On a certain day in a certain year and a certain month, I went to the hospital today, and it was confirmed that I was pregnant with a boy, and I was finally able to add a boy to Ling Tian's family."

"On a certain day in a certain year, today Ling Tian got drunk and came home with a strong smell of women's perfume. When I undressed him, I found a red lip on his shoulder. Mark, I know he should be looking for a woman outside, these days he always leaves early and returns late."

"On a certain day in a certain year and a certain month, Ling Tian didn't come back tonight. It's been three days in a row. He just made a phone call and said it was work. I think he must have gone to find that woman."

Seeing this, Lin Momo couldn't help feeling angry. Although Ye Lingtian was Lin Momo's biological father, Lin Momo didn't recognize this so-called father at all. She didn't have such a heartless father.

"Ye Lingtian, you are really amazing. While your mother is pregnant, you are making broken shoes outside. What kind of man are you? What kind of father are you?"

Lin Momo was extremely angry. This was simply too unfair to her mother. If she were her mother, she would definitely take the child and leave the house. No, she would definitely teach Ye Lingtian a lesson before leaving.

"My child is so cute. His eyebrows look like mine, and his face looks like Ling Tian. He will definitely be Wen Qing in the future. Ling Tian is also Da Yue. I named him Ye Wenyu."

Lin Momo nodded, this is the birth of her younger brother.

When Lin Momo looked down again, anger burst into her heart, and she said through gritted teeth, "Huh! Ye Lingtian, you are really good. Fortunately, I didn't recognize you as your father. It's so heartless. My mother has suffered so much with you." Bitter, you treat her like this!"

When Lin Momo was looking at the yellowed paper, it was written: I didn't live at home today, I brought Momo out, Ling Tian brought a woman back, out of sight, out of mind, after that I will Have a good talk with Ling Tian, ​​I hope everything will be as it was before, I want to give Momo and Wenyu a happy family.

Lin Momo saw such words, how could Lin Momo not be angry, Lin Momo calmed down, and let her rage shrink as much as possible, not to vent.

After a long time, Lin Momo finally recovered, and continued to read.

"I talked to Ling Tian, ​​and I can see what he means. He doesn't want that woman to leave, and I can't leave for the sake of the child. I hope Ling Tian can find his way back."

"That woman actually forced me to sign the divorce agreement in front of Ling Tian. My children are still young, how could I let them lose their father? I endured it. The only thing that chills me is that Ling Tian is on the sidelines. Without saying a word, it seems that the two of us really have no feelings for each other."

When Lin Momo turned to the next page again, she found that the paper was a bit different. It was wrinkled badly, as if it had been soaked in water, and there were not many words, but it was full of watermarks.

Lin Momo couldn't help but brought the notebook closer, and only then did she see what was written on it: Momo is lost, my Momo is lost, it's that woman, she actually lost my child, I want the child back Come on, I can't let Momo become an orphan. I remember that Momo has a tag on her body with her name and my mobile phone number written on it. I hope someone with a heart will send her back.

Lin Momo was so angry that she clenched her teeth. From the watermarks and wrinkles, she could know how much her mother blamed herself and how sad she was. Although it was not written in the diary, Lin Momo had a deep understanding of it. , as a mother who lost her child, she knew how sad and desperate she was, and she knew how many tears her mother shed that day.

"That woman wants to harm my Wenyu again, how is that possible? I won't let her succeed."

"Ling Tian actually believed that woman's words and forced me to take medicine. I have nothing to say, but I want to take care of my child. Why don't you give me these rights Ling Tian?"

"In the past few days, I have a faint feeling that there is something wrong with the medicine that woman gave me. I feel chest tightness for no reason, and I have insomnia at night. Is she going to attack me?"

"Wenyu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Lin Momo frowned, and then figured it out, thinking that his younger brother was injured because of what he was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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