The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 859 Extra Story 241 Something Odd

Chapter 859 Extra Story 241 Something Odd
The following diaries were also written by the mother to record Ye Wenyu's growth. The mother took good care of both herself and her younger brother. Lin Momo was thinking how good it would be if her mother was still alive.

No, it is obvious that this date was written a week before the mother died. The mother did not show signs of depression at all, but, as far as she knew, the mother committed suicide because of depression.

Lin Momo now has some doubts that her mother's death was not as simple as she thought.

Lin Momo originally thought that her mother was forced into depression by An Kehui and her so-called father, Ye Lingtian.

But after reading her mother's diary, Lin Momo felt that An Kehui might have caused her mother's death. It was also mentioned in her mother's diary that An Kehui forced her to take medicine, could it be?

Lin Momo couldn't help taking a breath, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more hateful she felt.

The mother was most likely killed by An Kehui's last drug, um, very likely.

Lin Momo put the diary left by her mother on the table of the Eight Immortals, and couldn't help thinking deeply.

After a long time, Lin Momo murmured: "I think it must be like this, no, I have to look into this matter, I can't let my mother die for no reason like this, if An Kehui really did it What kind of manipulation, I must bring her to justice and let her get the punishment she deserves."

Lin Momo made up her mind, sat up straight involuntarily, then got up, walked to the room she was living in, packed her luggage, and prepared to go to City B to find out the real cause of her mother's death.

Lin Momo is a straightforward person, and she doesn't procrastinate at all when doing things. After packing her luggage, she came to the main hall, planning to burn incense sticks for her mother before going to City B to find out the truth.

However, just as she was about to pay respects to her mother, she heard an urgent knock on the door. Lin Momo was a little curious. When she came back, the neighbors didn't know each other, so who would come to find her?
Lin Momo shook her head, maybe the person next to her wanted to borrow something.

She thought so, and then walked towards the gate, because the house belongs to that kind of old-fashioned building, and the door is also made of wood, and there are no cat's eyes at all.

As soon as Lin Momo opened the door, a man rushed in, hugged her tightly, and shouted excitedly: "Momo, it's really you, I thought I'd never see you again."

Needless to say, everyone knew that the person who came was Gu Yihan who came to look for Lin Momo in a hurry.

Lin Momo was shocked and said she was dumbfounded, she felt a little hallucinating, is this Gu Yihan?Gu Yihan came to look for him?
it is true!
Lin Momo could feel that Gu Yihan's embrace was still so warm that she couldn't help but want to slip into it.

Gu Yihan loves Lin Momo, why doesn't Lin Momo not have Gu Yihan in his heart?
Lin Momo decided to leave after making a big decision at that time, but now Gu Yihan found him in a dramatic way, is this a hint from heaven?
But can Lin Momo return to Gu Yihan's side?Yes, can you?
The answer is undoubtedly no.

Gu Yihan is the only child of the Gu family, but Lin Momo had another accident and was unable to conceive. Wouldn't Lin Momo have harmed Gu Yihan after returning?

With Gu Yihan's disposition, needless to say, she would not let herself down, but she didn't want to delay Gu Yihan in this way. Gu Yihan must have his own heir.

Thinking of this, Lin Momo couldn't help pushing Gu Yihan, pushed him aside, and said coldly: "Mr. Gu, please pay attention to your behavior, we have nothing to do with you now."

"Momo, we..."

Gu Yihan held Lin Momo's arm tightly with his hands, and spoke in disbelief.

However, Lin Momo didn't give Gu Yihan any chance to speak, so he said directly: "Mr. Gu, please call me Miss Lin from now on, Momo, I'm afraid others will misunderstand."

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Gu Yihan did not expect such a result after he found Lin Momo.

At this moment, Qin Yu, who came with Gu Yihan, ran up quickly, and said to Gu Yihan with a smile: "Brother Gu, give Sister Momo a little time, after all, it is such a big matter, anyway, people now I already know where it is, why bother?"

After hearing this, Gu Yihan nodded involuntarily, then let go of his hands, looked at Lin Momo affectionately, and did not speak.

"If Mr. Gu has nothing to do, please go, and I will go too."

Lin Momo resisted the ups and downs in her heart, and said lightly to Gu Yihan.

"excuse me."

Gu Yihan thought for a while and said to Lin Momo, then several people faded away.

When Lin Momo came out, Gu Yihan had already ordered a taxi, and Gu Yihan knew that Lin Momo would not get in his own car now.

"Driver, go to the city center of city B."

Lin Momo ignored Gu Yihan, got into the car on her own, and spoke directly to the driver.

Needless to say, Gu Yihan naturally followed her closely.

Until this moment, Lin Momo couldn't bear it anymore, and began to sob softly in the back seat of the car.

Why?Why did I leave and made up my mind to leave Gu Yihan, but God let him appear again?If you really want us to be together, why are you kidding me by making it impossible for me to have children?
Lin Momo couldn't help complaining in her heart, she was afraid, afraid that she would not be able to let go of this relationship, afraid that her heart would soften all of a sudden and return to Gu Yihan's side.

But she knew that knowing that returning to Gu Yihan's illness would make Gu Yihan regret for the rest of her life, so she pretended that she had never met Gu Yihan, which would make Gu Yihan better.

After an unknown amount of time, the taxi that Lin Momo was in stopped safely, and Lin Momo got out of the car immediately. This time, what she has to do when she comes back is to find out the truth, whether it was An Kehui who poisoned her to death But her intelligence network is not very big, so she has to go back to the company first to seek some help. Of course, she also needs a house to live in. The company allocated a house for her, and she can live with Erya.

Lin Momo thought that she had found out the truth and brought An Kehui to justice, so she returned to the ancestral house left by her mother and died alone, so she didn't bring her wedding dress, but took her own Clothes, and the pace of walking is not heavy.

As soon as Lin Momo stepped into the company's building, she ran into her editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief looked surprised and asked Lin Momo incredulously, "Momo, is it really you? Are you back? Are you still here?" I thought you didn’t want our teammates anymore.”

As Lin Momo's editor-in-chief, he naturally knew about Lin Momo's departure, but he didn't know the cause and effect. The editor-in-chief was very excited about Lin Momo's return. Mo, their team may be at the bottom of the entire company.

"Editor, I'm back."

Lin Momo said with some embarrassment that she was really irresponsible and left the company without even saying hello. It wasn't that she didn't want to explain to the editor-in-chief, but mainly because she was afraid that Gu Yihan would find herself through the editor-in-chief. Fortunately, the editor-in-chief didn't care too much.

"Just come back, just come back, let's go up."

The editor-in-chief said excitedly that Gu Yihan just called him to inquire about Lin Momo's news, and didn't say anything else. She thought Lin Momo was taken away by Gu Yihan and quit.

She is the president's wife, so he naturally didn't want to say much. Originally, he wanted to make a phone call to persuade Lin Momo, but Lin Momo had already thrown away his mobile phone, so he couldn't get through.

(End of this chapter)

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