Chapter 860 Extra Story 242 Return
"Team leader, you are back, we thought you were gone."

"Isn't that right? The editor-in-chief asked me to be the acting team leader first when you were away these few days. However, I also have many things that I can't handle. It is naturally the best that you are back."

The team members below Lin Momo greeted Lin Momo with a smile, but Lin Momo just nodded slightly and didn't say much. to the office.

The first thing Lin Momo did when she returned to her office was to open the notepad and look for Erya's mobile phone number. According to the editor-in-chief, Erya also left the company when she left the company.

After Lin Momo found Erya's phone number, she broadcast it. She thought that a large part of the reason why Erya left the company was because of her.

It took a long time for the call to be connected, and after the connection, Erya said a Chinese sentence with a rustic flavor: "Hello, who is it?"

Lin Momo took a breath. Fortunately, Erya didn't change her phone number, so she said, "Erya, I'm Sister Momo."

Erya on the other end of the phone was obviously very excited: "Sister Momo? Is it really you? Where did you go? I'm really worried. Do you know Mr. Gu is going crazy? He knows when you come back ?"

Erya blamed herself very much for losing Lin Momo. It was not only a dereliction of duty at work, but also a lack of relationship. Now how could she not be excited when she heard Lin Momo's voice?
After hearing this, Lin Momo couldn't help sighing. In her mind, she could completely imagine Gu Yihan's state after she disappeared. Her heart was ashamed and everything was silent, but, hey!

"I went out for a trip, nothing happened, you don't have to worry about me? What about you? Where are you? I heard that you left the day after I left. Why? Are you still in the country?"

Lin Momo resisted the guilt towards Gu Yihan in her heart, and asked Erya.

"Oh, Sister Momo, you don't have to worry about me. I thought you left. I quit that job and changed a company. Now I'm still in China."

Er Ya naturally knew how to answer.

"Oh, you changed the company." Lin Momo was a little disappointed, and then thought that Erya had returned the key to the editor-in-chief, so she is living in the hotel again now?
"Erya, where do you live now? Isn't it a hotel again? Which company do you work for? If it's not far away, you can live with me."

"Oh, Sister Momo, you really know how to guess. I'm really living in a hotel now. You are my only friend in China. You left after something happened. I'm very sad to stay there, so I just change it." I got a job, anyway, I came here to learn Chinese, but the company is a bit small, now that you are back, if it’s really not working, I’ll go back to work, anyway, I’m in line with the company’s requirements.”

Erya explained to Lin Momo.

Her mission is to protect Lin Momo. Now that Lin Momo is back, Arya will naturally stay by Lin Momo's side, so Erya said that on purpose.

Lin Momo didn't know Erya's real identity at all at this time, and just treated her like her own younger sister. Naturally, she was very happy to hear that Erya was willing to come back, and then said to Erya: "Okay, you It's great to be back, and I'll go talk to the editor in a minute."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Momo, I'll pack up and rush over."

"Well, you're welcome, it's not too difficult."

Lin Momo replied with a smile, but Lin Momo was not lying. For a company, it is enough for a company to have a foreign student from a high school as an intern.

Erya and Lin Momo chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone, and then called Gu Yihan, but she was still not sure if Mr. Gu knew about it.

"Hello? Mr. Gu, Madam called me, she has returned to the company."

After the call was connected, Er Ya directly reported the situation to Gu Yihan truthfully.

"Well, I know, and what do you say?"

Gu Yihan knew that Lin Momo would definitely call Erya when he returned to the company, and if his expectations were not bad, Erya would go back and continue working with Lin Momo, so he could rest assured.

Lin Momo doesn't pay attention to him at all now, and definitely won't go back home with him at night, presumably she will live in the room arranged for her by the company.

"I told my wife that I wanted to go back to work in the company, and my wife readily agreed to let me live with her."

Gu Yihan nodded his head, and then said: "Dachang Hotel, room number 505, you can just go there when the time comes."

Erya naturally understood what Gu Yihan meant, and went to get her luggage as before.

After Erya hung up the phone, she rushed to Lin Momo's company. It was her task to protect Lin Momo.

At the same time, the news of Lin Momo's return to the company also spread. In the office of the president of Ji's Group, Ji Xiangru held the phone and replied calmly, "Okay, I know everything."

He felt that this was his chance, a chance to marry Lin Momo. As the CEO, he naturally had a wide range of channels, and he was very concerned about Lin Momo, so he naturally knew some inside stories. It is completely impossible for Lin Momo to be with Gu Yihan now.

Because Gu Yihan's mother's concerns really had a great influence on Lin Momo.

With Lin Momo's temperament, he will undoubtedly be a stranger to Gu Yihan, so he can take this opportunity to pursue Lin Momo.

Although Ji Xiangru knows that Lin Momo can't bear children, what's the matter? Ji Xiangru has a deep love for Lin Momo, and he married Lin Momo, but she is not a tool for giving birth to children. No child can be adopted, but there is no love. Marriage can lead to happiness ?
Besides, Ji Xiangru is not like Gu Yihan. He has a younger brother who is a few years younger than him, so he doesn't need to worry about the issue of family succession. Even if his younger brother has no intention of managing the company, when he retires, his younger brother's son wants to come It's not too small, and it should be able to hold up a whole world.

Ji Xiangru must be careful, and immediately called Lin Momo's editor-in-chief, and arranged an exclusive interview for himself. He said it was an exclusive interview, but in fact it was just for him to meet Lin Momo.

"What? Say it again!"

Hearing about Lin Momo's return to the company, there are naturally some people who are happy and others are sad, and those who are happy are naturally Gu Yihan, those who love Lin Momo like Ji Xiangru are naturally those who are planning to plot against Lin Momo.

"Lin Momo is in her company now, and I specially called the people in her company to confirm that Lin Momo's return is absolutely true. How could I joke about this kind of thing with you?"

The tone of the person on the phone was pertinent, and it was not a lie.

"Okay, I see."

Ye Qian sighed and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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