The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 865 Extra Story 247 Persuasion

Chapter 865 Extra Story 247 Persuasion
When Lin Momo heard it, she couldn't help frowning, and then looked towards the source of the voice. The person who spoke was naturally Ji Xiangru who had rushed here.

"Don't mind, let's have dinner together."

Ji Xiangru looked at Lin Momo with a smile and said.

Seeing Ji Xiangru like this, Lin Momo couldn't bear to refuse for a while, so she nodded resentfully.

"Okay, this way please, three."

Speaking of which, the waiter took Lin Momo and the three of them to a seat by the window and sat down.

"Mr. Ji, do you have any taboos? Or what do you like to eat?"

Lin Momo still asked politely when ordering, but after Lin Momo finished speaking, she felt that it was a little inappropriate to ask, so she changed her words and said again: "Mr. Ji, order first." Then, Lin Momo handed the menu to Ji Xiangru.

Ji Xiangru pushed the menu with his hand, waved to Lin Momo, and said, "I can eat anything, I'm not picky."

To be honest, Lin Momo didn't know what to do with Ji Xiangru's very good attitude. Although she didn't like Ji Xiangru's entanglement with her, Lin Momo felt a little helpless when she reached out and didn't hit the smiling face.

"Okay, I ordered."

Lin Momo finally replied, even though she ordered dishes according to her own taste, she didn't order anything for Ji Xiangru. Instead, she ordered spicy ones. This was Lin Momo's intention. She didn't want to make Ji Xiangru look ugly. But I want Ji Xiangru to understand what I mean, and stop pestering myself in the future.

"Okay, that's all."

Lin Momo finished ordering and handed the menu to the waiter.

Naturally, there was nothing to talk about with Ji Xiangru, but because of Ji Xiangru's presence, Lin Momo and Erya were not there either, and the scene seemed a bit awkward.

In the end, it was Ji Xiangru who spoke: "Miss Lin, how are you doing recently?"

how have you been?Lin Momo thought about her state in the past few days. She was separated from the person she loved, as a woman but unable to have children, and her mother was drugged to commit suicide...

Wait, wait, etc., they are all terrible things, they are like a big mountain, and Lin Momo is a little out of breath.

But will Lin Momo tell Ji Xiangru this?She won't. Facing Ji Xiangru's questions, she just smiled embarrassingly, and then simply replied: "I've been doing well recently, neither happy nor sad."

Faced with Lin Momo's answer, Ji Xiangru nodded. He knew in his heart that Lin Momo was a little disheartened and didn't think too much about himself.But can he just give up like this?he can not!

"Miss Lin, as a friend, you can come to me if you have any difficulties. I welcome you."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Ji for his kindness in advance. I will definitely pay a visit if there is any difficulty in the future."

Lin Momo responded with a smile, of course, this is just talking, she knew very well in her heart that Ji Xiangru was chasing after her, since she refused to agree, how could she bother him?
In order to avoid this topic, Lin Momo asked Ji Xiangru, "President Ji, why are you here?"

"Oh, I was passing by, and you just happened to show up here. I think we are old friends meeting again, so I took the liberty to come up here. Ms. Lin probably won't mind?"

Ji Xiangru said very politely.

Lin Momo just smiled at this, and replied: "Of course, Ji is always my friend, of course I don't mind."

Lin Momo was still quite polite to Ji Xiangru, if it were another person, she would have been impatient.

After all, as the CEO, Ji Xiangru was already extremely polite to talk to Lin Momo in such a way. Besides, Ji Xiangru treated Lin Momo sincerely. Although he had been pursuing Lin Momo, Lin Momo did not agree.

But he didn't take any special measures. You know, it's the 21st century. If Ji Xiangru really wants to get Lin Momo, it can be said that it's easy. In addition, Ji Xiangru is also a major customer of Lin Momo's company. So it is reasonable for Lin Momo to treat Ji Xiangru like this.

"It's fine if you don't mind, it's fine if you don't mind."

Ji Xiangru smiled dryly, because he misunderstood Erya's matter last time, it was obviously embarrassing and impossible to ask Ji Xiangru to say something more in front of Erya.

Fortunately, the speed of serving food in this store is not fast. Soon, some of the food Lin Momo ordered were served, and the soup in the hot pot was also boiled.

While Lin Momo was carefully dealing with Ji Xiangru, Gu Yihan also returned to the main house of the Gu family. As soon as he stepped into the house, he heard his mother's sour voice: "Oh, Yihan? Why are you slowing down?" gone?"

"Of course, I believe my mother doesn't want me to sink like this, does she?"

Gu Yihan smiled and replied, regarding his mother, Mr. Gu, who was a surprise in the mall, was also quite a headache.

After all, there is only an old man left in the family, my mother, so I have to think about everything I do. Besides, my mother is not too young. If Gu Yihan does something, my mother can't bear it, so why don't you get angry? Isn't it bad to be sick?
"Oh! Yihan, I thought you forgot about the Gu family, I thought you were going to drink to death!"

Gu's mother said very bluntly, to be honest, as a mother, she was still very worried about Gu Yihan's state, but she had no other choice.

Can't let Gu Yihan take Lin Momo back home again, that's obviously impossible, Lin Momo can't have children now, so what will the Gu family do if they take Lin Momo back?Is it really going to be discontinued?This is something that Gu Yihan's mother cannot accept.

"Where are you talking about, mother? I know that you have also broken your heart for me recently. I am here to assure my mother that I must know what to do in the future, and I will not let my mother worry about me."

Gu Yihan said with a bit of flattery, he wanted to let Lin Momo return to Gu's house, the first thing he had to do was to let his mother accept her, but the first step was to let her mother accept her first. The resentment subsided.


Gu Yihan's mother snorted softly, but the expression on her face had already betrayed the joy in her heart. Her son came out of the smog. As a mother, how could she not be happy for her son?
"Okay, the matter is over, so don't think too much about it. While you are still young, hurry up and find a wife and come back, so that I can enjoy my happiness. You said that I am so old, but I don't know what to say." I don’t even have a grandson yet, and if you look at my poker friends, anyone who is not a child can go to the street to play soy sauce. You want to make my old face ashamed.”

(End of this chapter)

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