The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 866 Extra Story 248 Gu's Mother's Worries

Chapter 866 Extra Story 248 Gu's Mother's Worries

Gu Yihan's mother joked about what she was thinking. She knew that now that Gu Yihan had just gotten out of Lin Momo's affairs, it would be impossible for him to find someone to marry and have children immediately, so Gu Yihan Her mother was also prepared in her heart to be refuted by her son.

"Mom, I'll talk about this matter later. I really have something to tell you when I come back this time."

Gu Yihan said lightly, his tone calm.

But it's not that he doesn't take this matter to heart in his heart, but that she knows that if her attitude is too tough, her mother will definitely not agree to let Lin Momo return to Gu's house again, so he slowed down his tone, Discuss with mother with a gentle attitude.

"Huh? What's the matter? I knew you must have something to tell me when you come back this time, otherwise it would be really difficult for you, a busy person, to go home."

Gu Yihan's mother said very bluntly, obviously she had a complaining attitude towards Gu Yihan not coming home for a long time in her heart.

"Mom, let me tell you, don't be angry."

Gu Yihan comforted his mother carefully.

"Yihan, when did you become so ink-stained? If you have anything to say, just say it. As a mother, I will definitely support you the most."

Gu Yihan's mother thought that as long as her son knew that what he did was not right, it would be good to turn around in time.

In addition, Gu Yihan's mother saw that Gu Yihan had been unable to control her emotions for a long time because of Cheng Kexin's incident. As a mother, she still felt very distressed after seeing it.

"If that's the case, then I'll say it."

Gu Yihan smiled, thinking that he could finally get to the point, and then replied: "Mother is telling the truth, this time my son, I was able to cheer up so quickly. First of all, I have to thank one person."

Gu Yihan's expression became serious, and the expression on her face was quite serious.


Gu Yihan's mother asked repeatedly, although she likes to pursue one thing too much on weekdays, can this thing be classified as that kind of thing?Obviously this is impossible, Gu Yihan's mother is quite curious about who is so capable and enlightened her son.

"Lin Momo."

Gu Yihan said word by word.

When Gu Yihan's mother heard it, she couldn't help but sigh, what Lin Momo?Didn't she already leave?Could it be?Is she back again?
Gu Yihan's mother didn't know the news that Lin Momo had returned, and guessed all kinds of possibilities in her heart.

"To be honest, I really want to thank one person for being able to find Momo this time. Our Gu family has always been friends with the Qin family. The young master of their family, Qin Yu, is the one who thought of where Momo is. If it weren't for him I really might not be able to find Momo."

Gu Yihan didn't pay attention to his mother's surprise at all, but talked to himself.

To be honest, through this incident, Gu Yihan has a new understanding of Qin Yu. Qin Yu, a child, knows not to give up lightly, but as the president of China's leading large company, he unexpectedly It sinks ~ sinks.

Speaking of it, he feels embarrassed now. Gu Yihan made up his mind to pursue Lin Momo again, and calmly talked about it with his mother, which was also greatly influenced by Qin Yu.

After hearing what Gu Yihan said, Gu Yihan's mother couldn't help being surprised, Qin Yu?Do you know the godson of the Qin family?
How could he get involved in this matter? Of course, Gu Yihan's mother would not focus on this right now.

What she was worried about was that when Lin Momo came back this time, Gu Yihan would desperately try to keep her. If Lin Momo changed his mind, she really didn't know what to do.

Of course she knew her son best, if he really lost his temper, even ten cows would not be able to pull him back.

"What do you want? Are you going to take Lin Momo back to our Gu family again? Let me tell you, it's impossible!"

Gu Yihan's mother said emotionally, everything is fine with Lin Momo, but the problem is that she is infertile. This problem is like a thunderstorm, deeply buried in Gu Yihan's mother's heart.

As Gu Yihan's mother, as the elder of the Gu family, how could it be possible for the great Gu family to end in her own generation?

"Mom, can you listen to me calmly? What do you look like? A rich man in a feudal society? Or the dictatorial Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty?"

Gu Yihan couldn't accept it in his heart. Because of the Gu family's succession problem, his mother made him give up on love?Is this too much?
Besides, although Lin Momo is barren, can't she still adopt a child?Should those suffering from infertility all over the world die alone?
"Huh! Sure enough, I have grown up, and now I am talking to my mother like this. Today I will explain it clearly to you. I am still the dictatorial and authoritarian Empress Dowager Cixi. What's the matter? Could it be that you are planning to give up because of a woman?" Am I a mother?"

Gu Yihan's mother said emotionally, she can tolerate everything, but she can't accept this problem alone, what is it?This is a family problem, not just her or Gu Yihan's personal problem, it is impossible for her to joke about it.

"Mom, don't you think this is too unfair to Momo? Think about it, why are there always people plotting, framing, and even kidnapping Momo one after another? How could she, a reporter from a media company, attract such a big problem?" Hate?"

Gu Yihan spoke carefully to his emotional mother as always, hoping that he could change his mother's secular concepts.

"Of course I know that you caused Momo to suffer, but what about those? Now Lin Momo can't have children, what do you want me to do? How do you want me to explain to your father? You How will I explain to the ancestors of the Gu family when I go down to Jiuquan a hundred years later?

Now is not the time for you to be willful, let me tell you, now I will not let her step into our house no matter what, if you really want to marry her, unless...unless I die! "

Gu Yihan's mother said harshly, her attitude was very firm.

Gu Yihan knew that what his mother said was true, but what about Lin Momo?What is Lin Momo?Did I just let Lin Momo get hurt like this?
The woman I love has suffered the greatest pain for a woman for me, and I can't even have a child, so I want to let her go?Then what is he?
(End of this chapter)

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