The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 881 Extra Story 263 I Never Thought Of Getting Married

Chapter 881 Extra Story 263 I Never Thought Of Getting Married
The next day, Erya and Lin Momo woke up very early, because Lin Momo was going to do an exclusive interview with Ji Xiangru, even if Lin Momo didn't want to, there was nothing she could do.

Erya smiled and watched Lin Momo go away with the phone to contact the supervisor. She didn't take out her mobile phone until she was sure that she would not be back in a short time, and made a call. After a while, the connection was made there.

"I told you yesterday about Sister Momo's exclusive interview with Ji's Group today... oh yes, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Er Ya just put the phone in her bag when she saw Lin Momo who had come back, secretly thought she had a false alarm, but luckily she didn't see her.

"Sister Momo, when are we leaving?"

She buttoned her bag, took a step forward towards Lin Momo, bent her eyes and smiled.

"Now, the competent department has sent a car. I just put on my makeup in a hurry. I kept you waiting for a long time."


Erya took Lin Momo's hand, and they walked out together.

At this time, Ji Xiangru thought that Lin Momo should come, so he deliberately asked his assistant to wait downstairs, while he himself took care of himself, making himself look energetic and more handsome than ever a little.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Ji has been waiting for a long time, please come with me."

Ji Xiangru's assistant said politely.

Lin Momo smiled and did not answer, but followed Ji Xiangru's assistant step by step.

The assistant quickly knocked on the door of Ji Xiangru's office, and then said, "President Ji, Ms. Lin is here."


Ji Xiangru replied calmly.

The assistant then pushed the door open, stepped aside, and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Momo.

Lin Momo took a breath, thinking that what should be faced must always be faced, so she raised her leg and walked in.

Er Ya was also very sensible and didn't follow up, and was arranged by Ji Xiangru's assistant in the lounge.

"Mr. Ji, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. I don't think Mr. Ji is from Moji either."

Lin Momo walked in, stood opposite Ji Xiangru, and spoke directly, her tone was neither strong nor vague.

"Hehe, Momo, sit down first."

Ji Xiangru was not angry, and said to Lin Momo with a smile on his face.

"Please call me Miss Lin."

Ji Xiangru shook his head with a wry smile, then took the things he had prepared in his hands, and walked towards Lin Momo.

Lin Momo watched Ji Xiangru's figure gradually enlarge in her pupils, and couldn't help wondering, what is Ji Xiangru doing?
"Take a look."

Ji Xiangru said something casually, and handed the things in his hand to Lin Momo.


Lin Momo let out a sigh, looking at the hands in front of her, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed, what is this?Why did Ji Xiangru let me watch this?

Lin Momo knew that Ji Xiangru didn't have any malice towards her, so after some consideration, she finally took the file from Ji Xiangru's hand.

On X, X, XX, Ankehui bought medicines XXX, XXX, XXX at the Wanmin Drugstore... At the end of the end, there is also the signature of the doctor at that time.

Lin Momo couldn't help but sigh when she saw it, this...isn't this the evidence she was looking for?

So doesn't Ji Xiangru already know about himself?
Is he trying to help himself?

Lin Momo couldn't help wondering what was written on the following documents?
Immediately, Lin Momo turned it over.

Huaguo people's household registration book!
Why did he let me watch this?

Of course, Lin Momo was not interested in reading this, and then turned a page backwards, the share transfer document?ID card?Certificate of Ownership of Private Property?
What are these behind this?Why is he showing me these?I have nothing to do with his company again.

"Actually, I know everything about you."

Ji Xiangru looked at Lin Momo in surprise or stunned, and said calmly, "Including the reason why you left."

"I sent people to collect the evidence of An Kehui's purchase of the medicine, and I also found the doctor, and he is willing to come forward to prove it."

"But? What are these?"

Lin Momo couldn't help but asked, she was a little confused now.

"These are all the wedding things."

Ji Xiangru said lightly, with a calm face, very calm: "I have already communicated with my parents, and they don't mind the children's problems. As for the company, I plan to hand it over to my younger brother in the future."

"Married? I... President Ji, please don't say these words, I never thought about getting married, or what happened to you!"

After hearing this, Lin Momo almost dislocated her jaw in fright. What was Ji Xiangru talking about?Nothing happened to him, married?What are you kidding?Besides, I have already decided not to marry in this life.

"Momo, I know you can't accept it for a while, we can take it slowly, I know that Gu Yihan separated from you because of the child's problem, but this won't trouble us, we can adopt a child."

Seeing Lin Momo's reaction, Ji Xiangru said immediately.

"It's not a problem, I..."

Lin Momo was in a hurry and didn't know what to say to Ji Xiangru, so she turned her head and was about to go out.

Where Ji Xiangru wanted to, he strode forward and grabbed Lin Momo's wrist: "Momo, you know my feelings for you, I think you are the one in my life, you trust me, I will treat you well."

"President Ji, please let go, it's impossible between us!"

After Lin Momo was caught by Ji Xiangru, she tried to shake off Ji Xiangru, but her strength was too strong for Ji Xiangru.

"What's impossible? Momo, Gu Yihan betrayed you, you can't deny everyone just because of him, I won't..."

Before Ji Xiangru finished speaking, Lin Momo interrupted angrily: "This has nothing to do with Yihan, I have already said that we are impossible! Please let go!"

"Why is it impossible, give me a reason, if I accept, I will give up!"

Ji Xiangru said it randomly.


Lin Momo hesitated for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

"Because of me, Gu Yihan!"

At this time, the door of Ji Xiangru's office was pushed open, and Ji Xiangru walked out, angrily shouting at Ji Xiangru.


After seeing Gu Yihan again, Lin Momo was a little emotional, and wanted to rush over and fall into his arms, but is this possible?

Lin Momo knew clearly that she and Gu Yihan had nothing to do with each other now.

"Mr. Ji, you're so majestic. Don't tell me that's the way you conduct exclusive interviews on weekdays?"

Gu Yihan glanced at Lin Momo, didn't say anything, and directly pointed the finger at Ji Xiangru.

Ji Xiangru realized that he had indeed lost his manners because of emotional problems, and then he said to Lin Momo, "I'm sorry, Momo, I couldn't restrain myself just now."

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiangru raised his eyes to look at Gu Yihan, and said coldly: "Hehe, it seems that it's not Mrs. Gu's turn to worry about how I should do the interview."

"Oh, I really don't know what face you have to say that!"

Gu Yihan said bluntly, then stepped forward, grabbed Lin Momo's wrist, and was about to walk out.

"Why do you take my people away from my company?"

Ji Xiangru was a little angry, Gu Yihan really didn't take himself seriously.

Gu Yihan gave Ji Xiangru a cold look, and then asked Lin Momo, "Would you like to stay, or come with me?"

with you?But we have nothing to do with each other!

Leave?What a joke!
Lin Momo resolutely chose to leave with Gu Yihan: "I will leave with you."

Afterwards, Gu Yihan pulled Lin Momo and walked out, provocatively towards Ji Xiangru.
Take a look.

Ji Xiangru was very angry, but what could he do? Lin Momo himself had already spoken, did he say no?

(End of this chapter)

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