The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 882 Extra Story 264 Happy Reunion

Chapter 882 Extra Story 264 Happy Reunion

Of course, after Lin Momo came out with Gu Yihan, she shook off Gu Yihan's hand: "Thank you Mr. Gu for helping me out just now, we are destined to see each other again."

Then she said to Erya who was following her, "Erya, let's go."

Gu Yihan didn't stop him, he wanted to settle the matter of Lin Momo's biological mother first, and then pursue Lin Momo again, otherwise Lin Momo would return to his side because he helped her, Gu Yihan felt it was shameful of.

However, to everyone's surprise, Lin Momo and Erya disappeared just after Lin Momo left.

But Gu Yihan was in a hurry. The reason why Gu Yihan knew it was because he asked Erya to report on Lin Momo's safety every day.

However, when the time came, Erya didn't send any message.

For a professional killer, of course he knows that this matter is not a trivial matter, and it is impossible to forget it, so Gu Yihan is sure that something happened to Lin Momo.

Fortunately, there is a positioning device in Erya's mobile phone, and Gu Yihan personally led people to rush there. He will not allow Lin Momo to suffer any more harm.

However, when he arrived, there were only two mobile phones left on the ground, and there was nothing else. Gu Yihan really panicked this time, and shouted to his confidant: "Find it for me! Even if you dig the ground three feet, you have to give it to me." I found him!"

"Why? It's you again? Don't you hurt me enough?"

Lin Momo said to the person in front of her with anger, hatred and even more dissatisfaction.

"It's your fault! Originally, when you left, we all lived in peace. But when you come back, you have to thoroughly investigate my mother. Tell me about you. Can you blame me?"

The person who spoke was none other than Ye Qian, An Kehui's daughter who killed Lin Momo's biological mother.

"Is there anything wrong with me doing this? Your mother has a heart of snakes and scorpions, and even used that method to kill my mother. She committed a crime and should be brought to justice."

Lin Momo was furious, and said to Ye Qian.

"Huh? You're right, you're right! It's good to be brought to justice. You have to know that if people don't kill themselves and your mother doesn't die, how can I live so comfortably?"

Ye Qian said to Lin Momo with a sneer.

"Hmph! You'd better pray that my mother doesn't have any problems, otherwise, you may have to go down to find your mother."

Ye Qian changed the subject, glanced at Lin Momo, and then left.

"Mr. Gu, there is a woman who wants to see you, and she is downstairs right now."

Gu Yihan's confidant said carefully, for fear of making this unhappy.

"Let her go!"

Gu Yihan was a little angry, who else could he accommodate in his heart besides Lin Momo?At this time, a woman actually came to him. Wasn't that hitting the muzzle of a gun?
"Mr. Gu, she said...she knows Miss Lin's whereabouts."

Hearing this, Gu Yihan regained his energy immediately, and stood up immediately: "Take me there."

After Gu Yihan went downstairs, he found that the woman who was looking for him was none other than Tang Yun, who colluded with Ye Qian repeatedly to harm Lin Momo.

Facing Tang Yun, Gu Yihan naturally did not have a good face, and said coldly: "Say! Where is Momo?"

If Tang Yun didn't know where Lin Momo was, he would have given Tang Yun to...

Tang Yun took a breath, and didn't say much: "In a factory in the northern suburbs of City B..."

After Tang Yun finished speaking, Gu Yihan directly led people to "kill" him.

Erya is not a professional killer, she untied the rope bit by bit, and then whispered to Lin Momo: "Sister Momo, you pretend to have a stomachache and faint!"

Lin Momo naturally knew what Erya was going to do. Although she didn't know if she could succeed, she still chose to trust Erya, and then she yelled and fell down.

"Come on, she's fainted!"

Erya shouted loudly.

The three people who were in charge of guarding Lin Momo and the others rushed over immediately. The employer had ordered them to keep the two of them unharmed, and they couldn't afford anything to happen.

"What's up with her?"

"do not know."


"Look, what if something happens?"

The three of them took a look at Lin Momo and Erya, thinking that the two little girls would not be able to play tricks, so one of them stepped out and bent over Lin Momo.

Er Ya seized the opportunity, grabbed the man who was leaning over, and then kicked a man in the lower abdomen with a whip kick. The man screamed and flew out.

Erya rolled over on the person under his control, and then punched the other person. As a professional killer, he naturally killed him with one move. That punch hit the person's neck firmly, and he fainted immediately past.

After the three were subdued, Erya helped Lin Momo up, and immediately said, "Sister Momo, let's go."

Erya was still a little worried, although there were only three people guarding them here, but Ye Qian was surrounded by four top experts and a few big men. What should Lin Momo do?Her biggest task is to protect Lin Momo's safety.

Erya pulled Lin Momo out and walked out carefully, but to their surprise, they didn't meet anyone along the way.

Lin Momo thought in fear, and saw a lot of people in front of him, and when he looked over, it was dark.


Lin Momo held Erya's hand and was about to turn around, but Erya grabbed Lin Momo.

Erya could see clearly that those people belonged to Gu Yihan, and Ye Qian's people all knelt in front of Gu Yihan.

"Yes, Mr. Gu."

With that said, Erya couldn't help but Lin Momo refused, and walked towards Gu Yihan and his party.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Lin Momo asking worriedly, Gu Yihan grabbed Lin Momo and looked up and down her whole body, looking for any injuries.

Lin Momo pushed Gu Yihan's hand away with some embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Yihan... Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Gu Yihan didn't let go this time, but took a step forward, holding Lin Momo in his arms, no matter how much Lin Momo struggled, he didn't intend to let go.

"Come back, Momo, I really can't do without you!"

Gu Yihan held Lin Momo's head with both hands, looked into Lin Momo's eyes affectionately and said.

Lin Momo could not wait to answer Gu Yihan immediately, okay!
But can she?Her going back will only bring bigger problems to Gu Yihan.

However, Gu Yihan didn't come to give Lin Momo a chance to answer, he directly pulled Lin Momo into the car and went back to their villa.

Gu Yihan immediately took out everything he had prepared, and said to Lin Momo: "My mother, I have already made it clear, she won't mind the child's problems, this is a gift I prepared for you."

As he said that, Gu Yihan's body slowly stepped back, revealing the wooden box on the table behind him.

Lin Momo didn't speak, and walked towards the wooden box. After looking at it for a long time, she still lit the candle and looked at it.

After an unknown period of time, Lin Momo began to sob slowly, but Gu Yihan didn't speak again, but looked at Lin Momo affectionately.

After a while, Lin Momo stood up and walked to Gu Yihan's side, hugged Gu Yihan's waist, and began to kiss Gu Yihan slowly.

This is accepting me.

Gu Yihan sighed, it's good, it's good that Lin Momo is back.

Needless to say, the two of them naturally had a tumultuous night.

In the early morning of the next day, a ray of sunlight came in, Gu Yihan dimly opened his eyes, and moved his hands to the side, but found that there was no one around him.

Gu Yihan couldn't help sighing, he knew that Lin Momo couldn't let it go, but he didn't believe that it was only a matter of time before Lin Momo returned to him after this time.

In the next few days, Gu Yihan settled the matter of Lin Momo's biological mother. Both Ye Qian and An Kehui were brought to justice, and they were imprisoned for life.

As for Tang Yun, she was also sentenced to three years in prison. Gu Yihannian didn't deal too hard because of her final confession to herself.

Of course, Gu Yihan also pursued Lin Momo relentlessly. A few days later, Gu Yihan made a grand proposal to Lin Momo, begging Lin Momo to marry him again.

Lin Momo agreed tearfully, but suddenly fainted and found out she was pregnant...

(End of this chapter)

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