The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 883 Gu Wang Extra Story 1 An Unexpected Reunion

Chapter 883 Gu Wang Extra Story 1 An Unexpected Reunion

"Jingle Bell……"

A harsh alarm sound broke the originally quiet morning, and a few seconds later, a slender and clean hand stretched out from under the quilt and turned off the alarm clock.

A few minutes later, Zhao Yinuo rubbed his sleepy eyes, and began to get up, wash up, and eat breakfast step by step.

Speechless all the way.

Zhao Yinuo came to the company where she worked and started her daily work. Since she came to her cousin's company, she has been conscientious and hardworking. Although she didn't have any impressive performance, she didn't make any mistakes.

"Hello, this is Uno Design Company. May I help you?" The company's landline rang, and Zhao Yinuo skillfully answered the call.

"Hello, I'm Gu's Group..." After some conversations, Zhao Yinuo happily hung up the phone.

I finally received a big order, work hard, I will definitely do better and better, Zhao Yinuo thought happily.

After calming down her happy mood, she got up and prepared to rush to Gu's Group.She will immediately go to the person in charge of Gu's Group to discuss the specific matters of the list, so as to avoid any accidents.

After arriving at Gu's Group, Zhao Yinuo went directly from the elevator to the 33rd floor. Looking at the door plate with the words "Office" in front of her, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the room.

"Please come in." A deep and mellow voice came from the office.

Zhao Yinuo was taken aback when she heard the voice, the voice made her feel familiar for no reason, before she had time to think about it, Zhao Yinuo pushed the door open and entered.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Yinuo from Uno Design Company." She introduced herself as soon as she came in, but she didn't realize that the people at the desk who were lowering their heads to deal with business stopped their movements when they heard her name.

Zhao Yinuo, who hadn't noticed anything, was still talking to himself: "I'm here this time to discuss the details of this cooperation with you, may I ask you?"

Zhao Yinuo was stunned suddenly, because the person in front of her raised his head at this moment, and what imprinted in her eyes was a face that she had been thinking about and was deeply familiar with.

Gu Wang, the man she will never forget until she dies, the experience with him has already been deeply rooted in her bones, she loves him, but has to push him away, thinking of this, she suddenly felt that even breathing became difficult.

"Why, how could it be you?" Looking at the person in front of him, Zhao Yinuo murmured dreamily.

"Why can't it be me?" Gu Wang said, his voice was no longer gentle and mellow, but with a piercing edge, "Isn't this our Miss Zhao, I don't know what you can do in my company?"

"I, I'm here to talk to you about business." She stammered, her tone full of bewilderment.

"Talk about business? Do you know who the person with whom you are talking about business is?" Gu Wang said sarcastically, "Miss Zhao should still remember me. It doesn't matter if you don't remember, you usually only care about yourself, where do you go?" Take care of other people's lives."

Zhao Yinuo stood there blankly, with no trace of blood on his pretty face at this moment, staring at Gu Wang closely, his eyes full of complexity.

The more Gu Wang talked, the more excited he became. Seeing Zhao Yinuo's panic and helplessness, he felt a pleasure of revenge.

"By the way, Ms. Zhao, where's the person you like? Where's your boyfriend? It's been so long, there should be more than one person."

Gu Wang's words were like knives, piercing Zhao Yinuo's chest mercilessly. She had fantasized about reuniting with him countless times, but she never expected the result of the meeting to be like this. Tears of grievance filled her eyes, She quickly lowered her head, not wanting to let Gu Wang see her in a mess.

List is not important to her now, she just wants to leave now.Just as he was about to take action, the office door was slowly pushed open.

What came in was a coquettishly dressed woman with orange-red hair, bright lipstick, and a miniskirt.A very beautiful woman, but her eyebrows are slightly raised, showing that she is quite a scheming woman.

"Brother Gu Wang, there are guests in the office." Following the whining voice, the owner of the voice immediately stuck to Gu Wang's body.

"An old friend." Gu Wang's voice was not salty, but he hugged the woman into his arms and kissed her on the cheek like a demonstration.

The coquettish woman was full of elation, she didn't know why Gu Wang, who had been indifferent to her before, suddenly acted like this, and then she looked proudly at Zhao Yinuo who was still bowing her head, and she stretched out her hand and said sweetly: "You Okay, my name is Su Feifei, and I'm Gu Wang's girlfriend."

Sophie Fei?Is there really such a coincidence?Zhao Yinuo raised his head in astonishment, and met Su Feifei's equally surprised eyes.

"Enoch! It's you, what a coincidence. Why did you come here?" Su Feifei greeted warmly, with a look of disdain and arrogance in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

Sophie Fei, Zhao Yinuo's best girlfriend in college.Su Feifei's father is a well-known jeweler in M ​​City. Although the Su family is very rich, Su Feifei treats people warmly. When she is with anyone, she doesn't have the airs of a lady, especially for Zhao Yinuo.Of course, this is just Zhao Yinuo's wishful thinking.

"Feifei, I didn't expect to see you here. I'm here to talk to Mr. Gu about a business." Zhao Yinuo forced himself to hide his inner sadness and said with a smile.

"That's right! By the way, Enuo, this is my boyfriend. Brother Gu Wang is very talkative. If you have anything to say, you can talk about it." Su Feifei held Zhao Yinuo's hand, with a warm look on her face. laugh.

She is his girlfriend?That's right, for a man as good as him, only a beautiful, kind, and well-off girl like Feifei would be worthy of him.She thought silently, with a bitter smile.

"Thank you, Feifei. President Gu and I are almost done talking, so I won't bother you. Let's have a good chat another day. This time, I'll leave first." Seeing her best girlfriend in college, Zhao Yinuo didn't Feeling happy, but wanting to leave quickly like a guilty conscience.

"President Gu, here are some specific matters concerning our cooperation this time. Take a look. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can put forward them. We will have a dedicated person to contact you." As a company employee, the sense of responsibility surpasses With complicated emotions at this time, Zhao Yinuo bit the bullet and handed the contract in front of Gu Wang.

Gu Wang had no intention of accepting the contract at all, he just looked at Zhao Yinuo coldly, looking at this woman who had left him relentlessly in spite of his begging, his heart was not weaker than Zhao Yinuo complicated.

He should hate her, why did he feel a little distressed when he saw her helpless face.No!She abandoned him, why did he help her!Thinking of this, Gu Wang suddenly felt an unknown fire.

(End of this chapter)

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