The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 904 Gu Wang Extra 22 Interpretation of Reversing Black and White

Chapter 904 Gu Wang Extra 22 Interpretation of Reversing Black and White
Su Feifei returned home with a look of resentment, and just wanted to go upstairs to her room, but happened to meet Su Yongtian who had just come downstairs.

Su Feifei didn't want to have too much communication with her father, and wanted to avoid him in another direction, so she turned around silently to leave.


Seeing that Su Feifei wanted to hide, Su's father stopped her directly, "I have something to ask you when you come back."

Su Feifei knew that she couldn't escape, so she turned around, lowered her head and said softly, "Dad, what can you tell me?"

"Feifei, I heard that Gu's Group is holding a press conference. Does this matter have something to do with you?"

Su Yongtian just got the news that his daughter fabricated the facts out of thin air, and now he is in an embarrassing situation. Su Yongtian, who is eager to love his daughter, went downstairs in a hurry, wanting to find out the truth of the matter, but unexpectedly met Su Feifei.

"Dad, it's nothing serious, don't worry."

Su Feifei didn't want to tell Su's father the truth, and planned to hide it from him.

"Feifei, I've heard some rumors just now, you tell me the whole thing, if you are wronged in any way, Dad will definitely help you!"

Su Yongtian looked at Su Feifei's eyes full of doting, for his only only seedling, Su Yongtian was very precious, and he couldn't tolerate her being hurt in the slightest.

Father Su's words moved Su Feifei, and only her own family could care about her so much.

Thinking of this, she thought of Zhao Yinuo again, thinking of Gu Wang's caring appearance for her, her face was instantly full of ferocity.

But she restrained herself very quickly, with Su's father beside her, she couldn't express her emotions too clearly.

Seeing that her father had been waiting for her to speak, Su Feifei finally stopped hesitating. After organizing her words, she began to tell Father Su the specifics of what happened.

Su Feifei still cleverly avoided some plots, she just said that she really loved Gu Wang, but Gu Wang fell in love with Zhao Yinuo.

Because of jealousy, she said that Zhao Yinuo destroyed her relationship with Gu Wang, so she said that Zhao Yinuo was a mistress who destroyed her original relationship, and then was used by someone with a heart, and finally staged such a farce.

Su Feifei didn't reveal anything about what she did and did, and finally attributed it all to her own impulse.

"You mean, this matter is not the media and newspapers you notified?"

After listening to Su Feifei's description, Father Su said doubtfully.

"I really didn't notify the media and the newspaper. I just scolded Zhao Yinuo a few times because I was angry. I didn't expect things to develop like this!"

Su Feifei pretended to be very distressed, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't talked nonsense, such a thing would not have happened. It has brought a bad influence on the Su family, and even brought a bad influence on my good friend Enoch. A great injury has come. Daddy, you must scold me hard."

Seeing Su Feifei's self-blame and guilt, tears almost shed, Su's father was very distressed, and comforted him: "Feifei, although you were too impulsive in this matter, it is not all your fault, it is obvious that someone deliberately Then the fuss about this matter is to take the opportunity to suppress our Su family. In the future, you have to remember that everything should not be too impulsive, and you must think carefully before doing it. "

It has to be said that Su Yongtian really loved his daughter very much, not only completely believed Su Feifei's words, but also treated her as a victim to comfort her.

"I remember Dad, I won't do this again in the future!"

Su Feifei promised, and smiled sweetly at Father Su.

As long as my father still supports me, then I don't have to worry, Su Feifei thought proudly.

"Feifei, what happened to your face?"

Because Su Feifei raised her head, Father Su saw the clearly visible red mark on her face.

Coming back in such a hurry, Su Feifei didn't care about the fact that she still had marks on her face. Now that Su's father found out, she also hesitated and couldn't speak.

"Tell me the truth, who beat you?"

Su's father was obviously angry, "Even dare to beat my Su Yongtian's daughter, I think he is impatient."

With Su's father's support, Su Feifei gained confidence, but she still said aggrievedly: "It was Gu Wang's bodyguard who called, I wanted to go to the press conference to apologize to Enuo, but not only did he not let me in , called me a slut, and slapped me."

Sophie Fei said, tears were shed.

Regardless of whether Su Feifei was intentional or not, the tears successfully made Su Yongtian furious: "A small bodyguard dares to hit you! I'll call Gu Wang for an explanation!"

Su Yongtian angrily picked up the phone, but was stopped by Su Feifei.

"Father, don't call him anymore. If you make trouble, it will be our Su family who will suffer. For the benefit of our Su family, let's bear with it for the time being."

Su Feifei kept saying that it was for the sake of the family, but she was actually afraid that when the two confronted each other, Gu Wang would tell all the bad things.

In this way, the trust she gained from Su's father will disappear immediately, and it will become more difficult for her.

For her own long-term consideration, Su Feifei still decided to put up with this hatred.

Seeing such a "reasonable" daughter in front of him who knows how to put the interests of the family first, Su Yongtian smiled gratifiedly.

"My daughter has grown up, and I know that everyone has considered it. Then let's put up with this matter first. But don't worry, even if you don't break up with Gu Shi and hit my Su Yongtian's daughter, I will make him pay the price !” Su Yongtian gritted his teeth and said.

Then he dialed the phone: "Hello, I'm Su Yongtian, has the business we cooperated with Gu's Group started now? It's fine if not, you cancel the cooperation with Gu's immediately, we don't want this business Done! Lose money? If you lose money, you will lose money, I want them to know, the price of messing with our Su family!"

What Su Yongtian canceled was a big deal that he had talked with Gu's for a long time. Su's group's sudden repentance would definitely bring great losses to Gu's group, but for Su's, the price of ruining this business was Excruciating.

But now Su Yongtian didn't realize that he just wanted to vent his anger on his daughter, and he didn't think about other aspects carefully.

But when he realized the seriousness of the matter and tried to recover it, he found it was too late.

Su's company's vitality was greatly damaged by the decision made by him because of his momentary anger. Of course, this is a later story.

Su Feifei saw everything Su's father did for her. She was very moved. She stepped forward and put her arms around Su's neck, and kissed him on the face.

"Dad, you are so kind!" Sophie Fei said sweetly.

"If you're not nice to you, who else can dad be nice to!" Father Su smiled kindly.

Neither of them knew that this incident eventually became the fuse for the breakup between the father and daughter.

Of course, this is another story.

(End of this chapter)

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