The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 905 Gu Wang Extra 23 Do You Like Boys or Girls

Chapter 905 Gu Wang Extra 23 Do You Like Boys or Girls

After accepting Gu Wang's proposal, Zhao Yinuo became Gu Wang's fiancée.

Zhao Yinuo directly rented out the rented house and moved all the things to Gu Wang's villa, so that it would be convenient for the two of them to have some sweetness from time to time.

Upon waking up, Zhao Yinuo dazedly touched the position around him, and found that Gu Wang had already got up and left.

Zhao Yinuo got up yawning, wanting to see what Gu Wang was watching.

Finally, Zhao Yinuo saw Gu Wang's figure in the bedroom. Gu Wang was staring out of the window in a daze, unaware of Zhao Yinuo's arrival, holding a half-lit cigarette in his hand.

After Zhao Yinuo left him last time, he had already learned this way of relieving stress.

Over the years, it has become a habit.

He can still restrain himself when he is by Zhao Yinuo's side, and when he is not around Zhao Yinuo and encounters troubles, he will always light the cigarette unknowingly.

"Gu Wang."

Zhao Yinuo stood behind Gu Wang and shouted softly.

Hearing that it was Zhao Yinuo, Gu Wang quickly put out the cigarette in his hand, turned around and said to Zhao Yinuo with a smile, "You got up, why didn't you sleep a little longer?"

"Get up when you can't fall asleep."

Zhao Yinuo frowned slightly, "Gu Wang, why are you smoking again? Smoking is bad for your health."

"It's been a habit for years."

Gu Wang's voice was apologetic, "I'm sorry Enuo, I know you hate the smell of cigarettes the most."

Zhao Yinuo knew that Gu Wang got into the habit of smoking because she left for no reason at that time, and she felt a little guilty when she thought of this.

He said distressedly: "Gu Wang, I know you started smoking because of me, now that I'm back with you, let's quit smoking, okay? This will be good for you, me, and our unborn child. Good."

Looking at Zhao Yinuo's hopeful eyes, Gu Wang couldn't let her be sad, besides, Zhao Yinuo now has a child, he must quit smoking, if it affects the child, it will be too late to cry.

"Don't worry Enoch, from today onwards, I won't smoke anymore."

Gu Wang gently hugged Zhao Yinuo into his arms, with great determination in his tone.

Wrapped by Gu Wang's warm and generous chest, Zhao Yinuo's heart was filled with sweetness, "You have to keep your word, what if you lie to someone?"

"If you lie to someone, you can do whatever you want."

Gu Wang looked at her cute appearance and said with a smile.

"I know you won't lie to me, you can't set a bad example for our children."

Zhao Yinuo's big almond-like eyes turned into crescent moons when he smiled.

"I am such an excellent man, how can I say nothing."

Gu Wang's narcissism caused Zhao Yinuo to roll his eyes suddenly.

"If you want something to eat in the morning, I'll prepare it for you."

Thinking that neither of them had breakfast yet, Zhao Yinuo asked thoughtfully.

"Well, can you eat whatever you want?" Gu Wang smiled badly.

"Of course, I can prepare everything."

Zhao Yinuo didn't realize that he had fallen into Gu Wang's trap, so he still spoke seriously.

"I want to eat you!"

As Gu Wang said, he picked up Zhao Yinuo and walked into the bedroom.

Zhao Yinuo exclaimed, knowing Gu Wang's real intention, her face turned red instantly. "Let me down! Don't do this in the early morning!"

"It's best to do some exercise in the early morning, don't you think, madam?"

Gu Wang gently put Zhao Yinuo on the bed, and smiled wickedly.

Seeing Gu Wang's fiery eyes, Zhao Yinuo's heart jumped.

A little shy, but more anticipation.

Gu Wang slowly approached Zhao Yinuo, his eyes met, the two were so close that they could hear each other's breathing.

Zhao Yinuo's warm and rapid breath hit Gu Wang's face, causing him to feel restless.

Looking at Zhao Yinuo affectionately, Gu Wang crazily kissed Zhao Yinuo's fiery lips, the room was filled with the smell of hormones, and the air gradually became hotter.

An hour later, Zhao Yinuo was lying on Gu Wang's chest exhaustedly, panting slightly, and Gu Wang was also stroking her long black and soft hair contentedly.

"Gu Wang, what do you think we should name our child?"

Thinking of the future, Zhao Yinuo asked with longing.

"Fool, it's still early, don't rush to get the name, we need to discuss it carefully."

Gu Wang was playing with Zhao Yinuo's hair, after listening to what she said, he responded with a smile.

"Then do you like boys or girls?" Zhao Yinuo stared at Gu Wang seriously.

"I like them all, as long as they are our children."

Neither Gu Wang nor his parents have patriarchal thoughts, boys and girls are his darlings to him.

"If it's a boy, it must be as good as his father, if it's a girl..." Zhao Yinuo was stuck in the beautiful vision of the future and couldn't extricate himself.

"If it's a girl, it's as beautiful and kind as her mother, but her IQ must be inherited from her father."

After taking Zhao Yinuo's words, Gu Wang said.

Hearing Gu Wang's previous words, Zhao Yinuo was secretly delighted, but when the latter words came out.

"Hey, Gu Wang, what do you mean! Are you saying I'm stupid?" Zhao Yinuo asked dissatisfied.

"Stupid or not, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Gu Wang deliberately wanted to anger her, and looked at her with a smirk.

"I'll fight with you!" Zhao Yinuo threw himself on Gu Wang and said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, don't scratch me, don't scratch me!"

Zhao Yinuo shouted, "You despicable guy!"

"Haha, hahaha, I was wrong, I was wrong, stop!"

Zhao Yinuo couldn't stand it anymore and desperately begged for mercy.

If I had known this, I would not have been embarrassed, Zhao Yinuo was full of helplessness.

After some squabbling, Gu Wang finally got down to business.

"Enoch, pack up, let's go visit your parents, tell them about our marriage, and ask their elders for advice."

Although Enoch agreed to his marriage proposal, I haven't passed the test of Enoch's parents yet.

"Okay, let's go after breakfast."

Zhao Yinuo hoped that she could tell her parents the good news earlier.

"Aren't you afraid that your parents are dissatisfied with me and don't agree to our marriage?"

Looking at Zhao Yinuo's impatient look, Gu Wang was a little curious.

"Why should I be worried? I have great confidence in you! My boyfriend is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Zhao Yinuo had a blind admiration for Gu Wang, and said swearingly.

"But don't be proud. Although you can easily pass my mother's test, my father is not so easy to fool."

Confidence is confidence, Zhao Yinuo felt it was necessary to remind Gu Wang.

"Don't worry, as you said, I'm not an ordinary person, and the two elders will definitely be satisfied with me." Gu Wang seemed to be more confident than Zhao Yinuo.

"Tch, you said you were fat and you were still panting."

Zhao Yinuo rolled a blank look at Gu Wang, and said coquettishly.

Gu Wang smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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