The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 906 Gu Wang Extra 24 Meeting Father-in-law and Mother-in-Law

Chapter 906 Gu Wang Extra 24 Meeting Father-in-law and Mother-in-Law

When Zhao Yinuo went to see Gu Wang's parents, Gu Wang kept stopping her from shopping.

This time it was Gu Wang's turn to meet Zhao Yinuo's parents. Gu Wang was shopping like crazy in the mall, and Zhao Yinuo couldn't hold back.

"Okay, that's enough, don't buy any more!"

Zhao Yinuo tried hard to persuade Gu Wang, the bodyguard Shan Mao behind them had already delivered things to the car twice, and now his hands were full again.

"Hurry up, Bobcat, send these things back, we'll buy them for a while and it's almost done."

Faced with Zhao Yinuo's persuasion, Gu Wang was unmoved, and still concentrated on picking out gifts for Zhao Yinuo's parents.

Hearing Gu Wang's words, Shanmao couldn't help but his legs softened, and said with a bitter face: "Boss, this is enough, let's stop buying it."

"Huh? Bobcat, is it because I can't hold my knife anymore, or are you a little bit drifting?"

Gu Wang stared at Shan Mao coldly, "My words are not easy to use, right?"

"Don't dare, boss, what you say is what you say."

Shan Mao smiled obsequiously, who told you that you are the boss.


Gu Wang snorted coldly and continued to immerse himself in the ocean of gifts.

"That should be enough."

Gu Wang murmured uncertainly.

"Enough is enough."

Zhao Yinuo hurried forward to take Gu Wang's arm, "Let's go honey, these are enough."

"Okay then, I won't buy it for now." Gu Wang still said unsatisfactorily.

"Shanmao, go and swipe your card."

"I'll go to the boss right away."

Although the lynx was carrying big and small bags, he ran faster than the rabbit at the moment, because he was finally free.

After putting all the things in the car, Gu Wang realized that he bought a lot of things, not to mention the trunk was full, even the back seat of the car was full of gifts.

"Shanmao, just take a taxi and go back by yourself."

This time, I was going to see my old father-in-law and mother-in-law. It was definitely not possible to go with bodyguards, so Gu Wang asked Shan Mao to go back first.

"Okay boss, then I'll go first." Bobcat said respectfully.

Turning to look at Zhao Yinuo, also with a lot of respect, "Miss Boss, I'm leaving."

In his opinion, his boss is definitely not as good at speaking as this lady boss, so the lady boss must not be offended.

Zhao Yinuo was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't laugh or cry.

The title "Lady Boss" is really weird.

Gu Wang was very satisfied with this title, he waved his hand and said, "Get in the car, let's go back to my mother's house!"

Along the way, Zhao Yinuo kept looking at Gu Wang secretly, trying to see if he was nervous, but Zhao Yinuo was disappointed. Gu Wang was no different from usual, still stable and calm.

Gu Wang also noticed Zhao Yinuo's abnormality, and asked Zhao Yinuo, "What's wrong? Is my face so pretty?"

"Aren't you nervous?"

Zhao Yinuo expressed his doubts. When he went to Gu's house last time, he was almost nervous to death, but why is Gu Wang so calm.

"What's there to be nervous about, isn't it just meeting the parents." Gu Wang smiled smugly.

"You think everyone is as scared to death as you are."

Zhao Yinuo was too lazy to argue with him, so he ignored him with a small mouth, and focused on looking at the scenery outside.

Gu Wang imperceptibly forced a smile, it's a lie not to be nervous!

Although he is very confident in himself, who knows whether Zhao Yinuo's parents will be satisfied with him.

But as a man, he must be very relaxed, otherwise he would be laughed at by Enoch.

Since he had been to Zhao Yinuo's house last time, Gu Wang was quite familiar with it this time.

About two hours later, they arrived at Zhao Yinuo's parents' home.

"Mom, I'm back."

As usual, Zhao Yinuo notified his parents loudly as soon as he entered the house.

"Enoch is back."

It was Zhao Yinuo's mother who came out first, and a few seconds later, Zhao Yinuo's father also came out from the study.

Zhao Yinuo's mother looked at Enuo with a happy smile, and at the same time found Gu Wang standing next to Zhao Yinuo's voice.

"Enoch, why didn't you tell me in advance when there was a guest coming!" Mother Zhao blamed, "I have nothing prepared at home."

"It's okay, mom, he doesn't belong to an outsider, so don't bother." Zhao Yinuo smiled.

Not an outsider?Could it be, Enoch's boyfriend?
Thinking of this, Zhao's mother cheered up, and looked at Gu Wang more carefully.

good!Really good!The more Zhao's mother looked at it, the more satisfied she was. Gu Wang's tall and handsome appearance and his elegant and restrained temperament successfully won Zhao's mother's favor.

"Mom and Dad, let me introduce you, this is Gu Wang, my boyfriend."

Seeing that Zhao's father and Zhao's mother had come to him, Zhao Yinuo began to introduce Gu Wang by his side to them.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

Gu Wang also stepped forward at the right time, bowed slightly and said. "

Uncle, we met a while ago. "

Father Zhao smiled and nodded in response, he naturally remembered Gu Wang.

Enoch's boyfriend?I'd like to see if I'm worthy of my daughter.
The daughter is the father's close-fitting little padded jacket. This is true. Zhao's father loves his daughter more than Zhao's mother. At this time, he also began to silently investigate Gu Wang.

"Good good."

Zhao's mother didn't have as many worries as Zhao's father, but she just felt that the polite son-in-law in front of her was more pleasing to her eyes.

"Little Gu, come in and sit down, I'll make tea for you."

"Auntie, you don't need to trouble yourself."

Gu Wang smiled at Zhao's mother, and said to Zhao Yinuo who was beside him, "Yinuo, sit down first, and I'll bring in the gifts we gave to uncle and aunt."

"Well, you go." Zhao Yinuo smiled sweetly.

"Come here, what gifts do you bring?"

Zhao's mother couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

I have long hoped that my daughter can find a boyfriend and have a good home.

Today, my daughter finally brought back a boyfriend, and he is so good, how could Zhao's mother be unhappy!

Next, the family began to watch Gu Wang get things from the car to the room. At first Zhao's father and Zhao mother didn't feel anything, but when Gu Wang didn't finish taking them for 10 minutes, they were a little surprised.

"Enoch, how many things did you buy?" Mother Zhao asked.

"I told him not to let him buy so many, but he insisted."

Zhao Yinuo also said helplessly.

"It should be almost right?"

"Well, it's probably coming soon."

"Why haven't you finished it yet?"

"Wait a little longer, there must not be much left."

"Any more?"

"I, I don't know too well."

Under the shocked eyes of the family of three, Gu Wang finally brought in all the gifts.

Looking at the gifts piled up like a hill in the room, Zhao's mother asked with some uncertainty: "Could you have moved all the shopping malls here?"

(End of this chapter)

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